## Testing MSslice
detach("package:xcmsExtensions", unload=TRUE)
xset <- faahko
xraw <- getXcmsRaw(xset, 1)
globalMzr <- c(300, 320)
globalRtr <- c(2500, 2700)
pd <- phenoData(xset)
globalMss <- msSlice(xset, mzrange=globalMzr, rtrange=globalRtr)
mssFull <- msSlice(xset)
test_names <- function(){
mss <- globalMss
checkEquals(names(mss), NULL)
checkException(names(mss) <- c("a", "b"))
names(mss) <- rev(1:12)
checkEquals(names(mss), as.character(rev(1:12)))
test_phenoData <- function(){
## Checking phenoData, assayData and pData.
mss <- MSslice()
checkEquals(unname(nrow(phenoData(mss))), 0)
checkTrue(is(pData(mss), "data.frame"))
checkException(phenoData(mss) <- pd)
mss <- globalMss
checkEquals(nrow(pData(mss)), length(assayData(mss)))
phenoData(mss) <- AnnotatedDataFrame(pd)
checkEquals(nrow(pData(mss)), length(assayData(mss)))
checkException(assayData(mss) <- list())
checkEquals(length(mss$class), length(assayData(mss)))
mss <- MSslice()
assayData(mss) <- list()
test_MSslice <- function(){
## Generate one from a simple subset.
rtrange <- c(2600, 2670)
mzrange <- c(300, 400)
datmat <- getData(xraw, rtrange=rtrange, mzrange=mzrange)
msd <- MSdata(mz=datmat[, "mz"], intensity=datmat[, "intensity"],
rtime=datmat[, "time"])
## Convert that into an MSslice.
mss <- msSlice(msd)
mss2 <- msSlice(list(msd))
checkEquals(mss, mss2)
checkEquals(rtrange(mss2), rtrange(msd))
checkEquals(mzrange(mss2), mzrange(msd))
test_bracketSubset <- function(){
mss <- globalMss
checkException(mss[3, 4])
msss <- mss[c(1, 2, 5)]
checkEquals(length(assayData(msss)), 3)
checkEquals(assayData(msss)[[1]], assayData(mss)[[1]])
checkEquals(assayData(msss)[[3]], assayData(mss)[[5]])
## Repeating several idxs...
msss <- mss[c(1, 1, 1)]
checkEquals(assayData(msss)[[1]], assayData(mss)[[1]])
checkEquals(assayData(msss)[[2]], assayData(mss)[[1]])
## What with the phenoData?
## Subsetting by name.
checkException(mss[c("first", "second")])
names(mss) <- sampnames(xset)
msss <- mss[c("ko18", "ko22", "wt16")]
checkEquals(length(msss), 3)
msss2 <- mss[c(3, 6, 8)]
checkEquals(msss, msss2)
## Use logical vector to subset.
lv <- rep(FALSE, length(mss))
lv[c(3, 8, 9)] <- TRUE
msss <- mss[lv]
checkEquals(msss, mss[c(3, 8, 9)])
## [[
checkException(mss[[c(1, 2)]])
checkException(mss[[1, 2]])
## OK, now something that works...
msss <- mss[["ko16"]]
checkEquals(msss, assayData(mss)[[2]])
msss <- mss[[12]]
checkEquals(msss, assayData(mss)[[12]])
## test_plotChromatogram <- function(){
## mzr <- c(302, 302.5)
## rtr <- c(2500, 2700)
## mss <- msSlice(xset, mzrange=mzr, rtrange=rtr)
## }
test_getChromatogram <- function(){
do.plot <- FALSE
mzr <- globalMzr
rtr <- globalRtr
mss <- globalMss
## mzr <- c(302, 302.5)
## rtr <- c(2500, 2700)
## suppressWarnings(
## mss <- msSlice(xset, mzrange=mzr, rtrange=rtr)
## )
Test <- lapply(msData(mss), getChromatogram)
Test <- xcmsExtensions:::.getChromList(mss)
Test <- xcmsExtensions:::.getChromList(mss, nbin=20)
checkEquals(unique(unlist(lapply(Test, nrow))), 20)
Test2 <- xcmsExtensions:::.getChromList(mss, nbin=20, FUN=sum)
checkTrue(all(Test[[1]][, 2] < Test2[[1]][, 2]))
## In that case also the rtime has to be identical!
rtimes <- unique(unlist(lapply(Test, function(z)z[, 1])))
checkEquals(length(rtimes), 20)
## getChromatogram for an MSslice is supposed to return a matrix with ncol
## being the number of samples, nrow the number of distinct scan times (across
## all samples) or number of bins (preferred way).
## Getting the full chromatogram.
chrM <- getChromatogram(mss)
checkEquals(ncol(chrM), length(mss))
## Do the binning in rt-space; bin it into 100 bins.
chrM <- getChromatogram(mss, nbin=100)
checkEquals(nrow(chrM), 100)
## Just visually checking...
plotChromatogram(msData(mss)[[1]], type="l")
points(as.numeric(rownames(chrM)), chrM[, 1], col="blue", type="l")
## Wonderful!!!
for(i in 1:ncol(chrM)){
points(as.numeric(rownames(chrM)), chrM[, i], col="grey", type="l")
## Check if we want to get rt spacing of 1 (sec?)
chrM <- getChromatogram(mss, binSize=1)
## Minimal spacing between rts is 1. Can not assume that all spacings are 1, since we
## might have rts without measurements.
checkTrue(min(diff(as.numeric(rownames(chrM)))) == 1)
test_getSpectrum <- function(){
do.plot <- FALSE
mzr <- globalMzr
rtr <- globalRtr
mss <- globalMss
## mzr <- c(300, 303)
## rtr <- c(2500, 2700)
## suppressWarnings(
## mss <- msSlice(xset, mzrange=mzr, rtrange=rtr)
## )
spcM <- getSpectrum(mss)
Test <- getSpectrum(msData(getXcmsRaw(xset, 3), mzrange=mzr, rtrange=rtr))
rownames(Test) <- Test[, "mz"]
checkEquals(spcM[!is.na(spcM[, 3]), 3], Test[, "intensity"])
plotSpectrum(mss, type="h", col="#00000020")
## Has to be increasingly.
checkEquals(order(as.numeric(rownames(spcM))), 1:nrow(spcM))
test_binMz <- function(){
do.plot <- FALSE
mzr <- globalMzr
rtr <- globalRtr
mss <- globalMss
## Test the binning and also evaluate the @call
bins <- xcmsExtensions:::.getBins(mzrange(mss), nbin=10)
msd <- msData(xraw, rtrange=rtr, mzrange=mzr)
msdBinned <- binMz(msd, bins=bins)
mssBinned <- binMz(mss, nbin=10)
checkEquals(mzrange(msdBinned), mzrange(mssBinned))
## Check if the binned data is the same...
checkEquals(as.matrix(msdBinned), as.matrix(msData(mssBinned)[[1]]))
test_binRtime <- function(){
do.plot <- FALSE
mzr <- globalMzr
rtr <- globalRtr
mss <- globalMss
## Test the binning and also evaluate the @call
bins <- xcmsExtensions:::.getBins(rtrange(mss), binSize=5)
msd <- msData(xraw, rtrange=rtr, mzrange=mzr)
msdBinned <- binRtime(msd, bins=bins)
mssBinned <- binRtime(mss, binSize=5)
checkEquals(mzrange(msdBinned), mzrange(mssBinned))
checkEquals(rtrange(msdBinned), rtrange(mssBinned))
## Check if the binned data is the same...
checkEquals(as.matrix(msdBinned), as.matrix(msData(mssBinned)[[1]]))
test_binMzRtime <- function(){
do.plot <- FALSE
mzr <- globalMzr
rtr <- globalRtr
mss <- globalMss
mzB <- binMz(mss, nbin=10)
mzRtB <- binRtime(mzB, binSize=5)
mssB <- binMzRtime(mss, mzNbin=10, rtBinSize=5)
checkEquals(as.matrix(msData(mzRtB)[[1]]), as.matrix(msData(mssB)[[1]]))
test_subset <- function(){
## Get the full Data.
checkEquals(globalMss, subset(globalMss))
## Subset by rt range
x1 <- subset(mssFull, rtrange=globalRtr)
x2 <- msSlice(xset, rtrange=globalRtr)
checkEquals(x1, x2)
## Subset by mz range
x1 <- subset(mssFull, mzrange=globalMzr)
x2 <- msSlice(xset, mzrange=globalMzr)
checkEquals(x1, x2)
## Subset by both
x1 <- subset(mssFull, mzrange=globalMzr, rtrange=globalRtr)
x2 <- msSlice(xset, mzrange=globalMzr, rtrange=globalRtr)
checkEquals(x1, x2)
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