.DNABasesNColor <- function(){
c(A = "#ABD9E9",
T = "#2C7BB6",
G = "#D7191C",
C = "#FDAE61",
N = "#FFFFBF")
.DNABasesColor <- function(){
c(A = "#ABD9E9",
T = "#2C7BB6",
G = "#D7191C",
C = "#FDAE61")
.DNAAlphabetColor <- function(pal = c("BluetoDarkOrange.18",
pal <- match.arg(pal)
cols <- dscale(DNA_ALPHABET, dichromat_pal(pal))
names(cols) <- DNA_ALPHABET
.RNABasesNColor <- function(){
c(A = "#ABD9E9",
U = "#2C7BB6",
G = "#D7191C",
C = "#FDAE61",
N = "#FFFFBF")
.RNABasesColor <- function(){
c(A = "#ABD9E9",
U = "#2C7BB6",
G = "#D7191C",
C = "#FDAE61")
## blind.pal.info
.RNAAlphabetColor <- function(){
## pal <- match.arg(pal)
## cols <- dscale(RNA_ALPHABET, dichromat_pal(pal))
N <- length(RNA_ALPHABET)
cols <- colorBlindSafePal("Categorical.12")(N, repeatable = TRUE)
names(cols) <- RNA_ALPHABET
.IUPACCodeMapColor <- function(){
N <- length(IUPAC_CODE_MAP)
## cols <- dscale(IUPAC_CODE_MAP, dichromat_pal(pal))
cols <- colorBlindSafePal("Categorical.12")(N, repeatable = TRUE)
names(cols) <- names(IUPAC_CODE_MAP)
.strandColor <- function(){
c("+" = "#1B9E77",
"-" = "#7570B3",
"*" = "#D95F02")
## preset gpos1:100 and other widely used color
.cytobandColor <- function(){
.getCytobandColor(c("gneg", "gvar", "stalk", "acen", paste0("gpos", 1:100)))
## got these codes and hints from Florian Hahne, from Gviz
.getCytobandColor <- function(type){
type <- as.character(type)
ocols <- c(gneg = "grey100", gpos100 = "grey0", gvar = "grey100",
stalk = "brown3", acen = "brown4")
cols <- c(ocols[c("gneg", "stalk", "acen")],
gpos=unname(ocols["gpos100"]), gvar=unname(ocols["gpos100"]))
gpcols <- unique(grep("gpos", type, value=TRUE))
crmp <- colorRampPalette(c(cols["gneg"], cols["gpos"]))(100)
posCols <- setNames(crmp[as.integer(gsub("gpos", "", gpcols))], gpcols)
return(c(cols, posCols))
.AminoAcidCodeColor <- function(){
N <- length(AMINO_ACID_CODE)
cols <- colorBlindSafePal("Categorical.12")(N, repeatable = TRUE)
names(cols) <- names(AMINO_ACID_CODE)
.AAAlphabetColor <- function(){
N <- length(AA_ALPHABET)
cols <- colorBlindSafePal("Categorical.12")(N, repeatable = TRUE)
names(cols) <- AA_ALPHABET
getBioColor <- function(type = c("DNA_BASES_N",
source = c("option",
type <- match.arg(type)
source <- match.arg(source)
if(source == "default"){
cols <- switch(type,
DNA_BASES_N = .DNABasesNColor(),
DNA_BASES = .DNABasesColor(),
DNA_ALPHABET = .DNAAlphabetColor(),
RNA_BASES_N = .RNABasesNColor(),
RNA_BASES = .RNABasesColor(),
RNA_ALPHABET = .RNAAlphabetColor(),
AMINO_ACID_CODE = .AminoAcidCodeColor(),
AA_ALPHABET = .AAAlphabetColor(),
STRAND = .strandColor(),
CYTOBAND = .cytobandColor())
if(source == "option"){
colname <- switch(type,
DNA_BASES_N = "DNABasesNColor",
DNA_BASES = "DNABasesColor",
DNA_ALPHABET = "DNAAlphabetColor",
RNA_BASES_N = "RNABasesNColor",
RNA_BASES = "RNABasesColor",
RNA_ALPHABET = "RNAAlphabetColor",
AMINO_ACID_CODE = "AminoAcidCodeColor",
AA_ALPHABET = "AAAlphabetColor",
STRAND = "strandColor",
CYTOBAND = "cytobandColor")
cols <- getOption("biovizBase")[[colname]]
## res <- cols[base]
plotColorLegend <- function(colors, labels, title){
labels <- names(colors)
n <- length(colors)
plot(c(0, 1), c(1, -n), type = "n", xlab="", ylab="", axes = FALSE)
text(0.5, 1, title)
rect(0.5, -(1:n), 1, -(1:n)+0.5+0.25, col = colors)
text(0, -(1:n) + 0.5, labels)
## this should include as many as I cann
colorBlindSafePal <- function(palette){
namelist <- rownames(blind.pal.info)
if(is.numeric(palette) && (palette < nrow(blind.pal.info)))
name <- rownames(blind.pal.info)[palette]
if(is.character(palette) && (palette %in% namelist))
name <- palette
stop("Invalid palette name, please check colorBlindSafePal().")
pkg <- blind.pal.info[name,"pkg"]
maxcolors <- as.numeric(blind.pal.info[name,"maxcolors"])
getPalColor <- function(n, pal, pkg){
cols <- switch(pkg,
RColorBrewer = {
brewer.pal(n, pal)
dichromat = {
function(n, repeatable = FALSE){
if (n < 3) {
warning("minimal value for n is 3,
returning requested palette with 3 different levels\n")
cols <- getPalColor(3, name, pkg)
if (n > maxcolors) {
warning(paste("n too large, allowed maximum for palette",
name, "is", maxcolors,
"\nReturning the palette you asked for with that many colors\n"))
cols <- getPalColor(maxcolors, name, pkg)
## repeatable colors
rpt <- n %/% maxcolors
res <- n %% maxcolors
full.cols <- getPalColor(maxcolors, name, pkg)
cols <- c(rep(full.cols, rpt), full.cols[-maxcolors][1:res])
cols <- getPalColor(n, name, pkg)
genBrewerBlindPalInfo <- function(){
res <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info
idx.seq <- which(rownames(res)
%in% c("Blues","BuPu","GnBu","Greens",
idx.div <- which(rownames(res)
%in% c("PiYG","PRGn","PuOr","RdBu","RdYlBu"))
idx.qual <- which(rownames(res) %in% c("Dark2","Paired","Set2"))
res <- res[c(idx.seq, idx.div, idx.qual),]
res[rownames(res) %in% c("Dark2", "Set2"), 1] <- 3
res[rownames(res) %in% c("Paired"), 1] <- 4
res[, c("maxcolors", "category"), drop=FALSE]
## return current pallete which is color-blind safe, if missing n,
## return list of supported pal, if not, use index to return a set
## color. should have qual/div/seq
.colorschemes.num <-function(){
lst <- gregexpr("[0-9]",names(colorschemes))
unlist(lapply(1:length(lst), function(i){
pos <- lst[[i]]
if(length(pos) == 1)
pos <- c(pos, pos)
as.numeric(substr(names(colorschemes)[i], pos[1], pos[2]))
## make a similar color pal.info like brewer.pal.info
genDichromatPalInfo <- function(){
dichromat.pal.info <- data.frame(maxcolors = .colorschemes.num(),
category = "div", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(dichromat.pal.info) <- names(colorschemes)
idx.seq <- rownames(dichromat.pal.info) %in%
c("LightBluetoDarkBlue.10", "LightBluetoDarkBlue.7", "SteppedSequential.5")
idx.qual <- rownames(dichromat.pal.info) %in% "Categorical.12"
dichromat.pal.info[idx.seq, 2] <- "seq"
dichromat.pal.info[idx.qual, 2] <- "qual"
dichromat.pal.info <- dichromat.pal.info[order(dichromat.pal.info[,2]),]
genBlindPalInfo <- function(){
blind.pal.info <- rbind(brewer.pal.blind.info, dichromat.pal.blind.info)
id <- seq(nrow(blind.pal.info))
pkg <- c(rep("RColorBrewer", nrow(brewer.pal.blind.info)),
rep("dichromat", nrow(dichromat.pal.blind.info)))
blind.pal.info$pkg <- pkg
idx <- order(blind.pal.info$category, blind.pal.info$maxcolors)
blind.pal.info <- blind.pal.info[idx,]
blind.pal.info$pal.id <- id
brewer.pal.blind.info <- genBrewerBlindPalInfo()
dichromat.pal.blind.info <- genDichromatPalInfo()
blind.pal.info <- genBlindPalInfo()
## show color
show_col2 <- function(colours) {
n <- length(colours)
ncol <- ceiling(sqrt(n))
nrow <- ceiling(n / ncol)
colors <- c(colours, rep(NA, nrow * ncol - length(colours)))
colors <- matrix(colors, ncol = ncol, byrow = TRUE)
colours <- c(colours, rep(NA, nrow * ncol - length(colours)))
nms <- matrix(names(colours), ncol = ncol, byrow = TRUE)
old <- par(pty = "s", mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
size <- max(dim(colors))
plot(c(0, size), c(0, -size), type = "n", xlab="", ylab="", axes = FALSE)
rect(col(colors) - 1, -row(colors) + 1, col(colors), -row(colors),
col = colors)
text(col(colors) - 0.5, -row(colors) + 0.5, nms)
showColor <- function(colors, label = c("color", "name")){
label <- match.arg(label)
colfun <- switch(label,
color = scales::show_col,
name = show_col2)
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