## crunchWHOCC
## Extract the ATC data directly from the WHOCC web page by recursively
## querying the web page.
## The function returns 3 data.frames: atc, ddd and metadata (these are the 3
## tables on which we can build the database).
crunchWHOCC <- function(codes,
baseurl = "https://www.whocc.no/atc_ddd_index/?code=",
encoding = "utf-8") {
## That's the vector we're using to define what to read...
toquery <- codes
toquery <- c("A", "B", "C", "D", "G", "H", "J", "L", "M", "N", "P", "R",
"S", "V")
message("Crunch ", baseurl, ".")
message(" Start with ", length(toquery), " ATC codes.")
## That's to keep track of what we did already...
alreadyQ <- character()
## That's the vector of stuff we don't want.
excludeByName <- c("New search", "Show text", "List of")
atcCodes <- character()
atcNames <- character()
## The ddd table
dddatc <- character()
ddds <- numeric()
admR <- character()
units <- character()
notes <- character()
while(length(toquery) > 0){
currentAtc <- toquery[1]
## Record that we did already query that one.
alreadyQ <- c(alreadyQ, currentAtc)
lines <- readLines(paste0(baseurl, currentAtc), encoding = encoding)
h1 <- grep("<header>", lines)
h2 <- grep("</header>", lines)
if (length(h1) && length(h2))
lines <- lines[-(h1[1L]:h2[1L])]
doc <- htmlParse(lines, encoding = encoding)
## doc <- htmlParse(paste0(baseurl, currentAtc), encoding=encoding)
## Extract the links from the content div.
as <- getNodeSet(doc, "//div[@id='content']//a")
if(length(as) == 0)
stop("Something went wrong! Did not get the expected data.")
res <- .extractFromA(as)
torem <- unlist(lapply(excludeByName, function(y){
return(grep(res[, 2], pattern=y))
if(length(torem) > 0)
res <- res[-torem, , drop=FALSE]
## Eventually skip all atcCodes that have a level <= the level of the currentAtc.
## currentAtcLevel <- levelFromAtc(currentAtc)
## gotAtcLevels <- levelFromAtc(atcCodes)
atcCodes <- c(atcCodes, res[, 1])
atcNames <- c(atcNames, res[, 2])
## Parse the html table:
theTable <- readHTMLTable(doc)
theTable <- theTable[lengths(theTable) > 0]
keep <- which(vapply(theTable, function(z) {
if (is.data.frame(z) &&
length(colnames(z)) > 0 &&
grepl("ATC code", colnames(z)[1]))
else FALSE
}, logical(1)))
if (length(keep) > 1)
stop("More than one table with concentrations found for ATC ",
currentAtc, ".")
if (length(keep) == 1)
theTable <- theTable[[keep]]
else theTable <- NULL
if (length(theTable)) {
colnames(theTable) <- trimws(colnames(theTable),
whitespace = "[\\h\\v]")
theTable <- as.data.frame(
lapply(theTable, trimws, whitespace = "[\\h\\v]"),
check.names = FALSE)
if( !all(c("ATC code", "DDD", "U", "Adm.R", "Note") %in%
colnames(theTable))) {
warning("The extracted table is not in the expected ",
"format for ATC: ", currentAtc)
} else {
theTable <- theTable[theTable[, "DDD"] != "", , drop=FALSE]
if(nrow(theTable) > 0){
dddatc <- c(dddatc, as.character(theTable[, "ATC code"]))
ddds <- c(ddds, as.numeric(as.character(theTable[, "DDD"])))
admR <- c(admR, as.character(theTable[, "Adm.R"]))
units <- c(units, as.character(theTable[, "U"]))
notes <- c(notes, as.character(theTable[, "Note"]))
## Next we want to add the entries.
if(ceiling(length(alreadyQ)/100) == floor(length(alreadyQ)/100))
message(" Already queried ", length(alreadyQ), " codes.")
## Determine which of the ids we should query...
qids <- res[, 1]
## We don't want to query ATC codes from level 5, they should already
## have been returned by a query to their level 4 id.
qids <- qids[nchar(qids) < 7]
if(length(qids) > 0)
toquery <- unique(c(toquery, qids))
## Remove all that we did already query!
toquery <- toquery[!toquery %in% alreadyQ]
atc <- cbind(key=atcCodes, name=atcNames)
atc <- unique(atc)
atc <- atc[!grepl("^Hide", atc[, "name"]), , drop = FALSE]
ddd <- data.frame(key=dddatc, ddd=ddds, unit=units, administration_route=admR,
note=notes, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
## Add ATC codes for "" rows
idx <- which(ddd[, 1] == "")
while(length(idx) > 0){
ddd[idx, 1] <- ddd[idx-1, 1]
idx <- which(ddd[, 1] == "")
ddd <- unique(ddd)
## Now add the "level" column to atc:
atc <- data.frame(atc, level=levelFromAtc(as.character(atc[, "key"])),
## Define the metadata.
met <- data.frame(name=c("Db type",
"Supporting package",
"Db created by",
"Creation time",
paste0(toquery, collapse=","),
"1.0"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
return(list(atc=atc, ddd=ddd, metadata=met))
## x should be an XMLNodeSet
.extractFromA <- function(x){
if(!is(x, "XMLNodeSet"))
stop("Don't know what to do with x, should be an XMLNodeSet...")
Values <- unlist(lapply(x, xmlValue))
Attrs <- lapply(x, xmlAttrs)
atcC <- unlist(lapply(Attrs, function(z){
if(!any(names(z) == "href"))
z <- z["href"]
## Now split on &
spl <- unlist(strsplit(z, split="&"))
at <- gsub(spl[1], pattern="./?code=", replacement="", fixed=TRUE)
}), use.names=FALSE)
return(cbind(key=atcC, name=Values))
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