#' @name MmapprParam
#' @param refFasta The path to the fasta file genome, which will be referenced
#' in reading the BAM files.
#' @param wtFiles Character vector,
#' \code{\link[Rsamtools]{BamFile}}, or
#' \code{\link[Rsamtools]{BamFileList}} containing
#' BAM files for the wild-type pool to be analyzed.
#' @param mutFiles Character vector,
#' \code{\link[Rsamtools]{BamFile}}, or
#' \code{\link[Rsamtools]{BamFileList}} containing
#' BAM files for the mutant pool to be analyzed.
#' @param species Length-one character vector of name of species under
#' analysis. Used only in generating default
#' \code{\link[ensemblVEP]{VEPFlags}} object.
#' @param vepFlags Optional \code{\link[ensemblVEP]{VEPFlags}}
#' object containing runtime options for Ensembl's Variant Effect Predictor.
#' See vignette for details. Generated by default.
#' @param refGenome \code{\link[gmapR]{GmapGenome}}
#' object storing reference genome to be used in variant calling.
#' Make sure it is the same genome aligned to and used installed with VEP.
#' Generated by default.
#' @param outputFolder Length-one character vector specifying where to save
#' output, including a \code{\linkS4class{MmapprData}} stored as
#' \code{mmappr_data.RDS}, \code{mmappr2.log}, a \code{.tsv} file
#' for each peak chromosome containing candidate mutations, and PDF plots
#' of both the entire genome and peak chromosomes. Defaults to an
#' automatically generated \code{mmappr2_<timestamp>}.
#' @param distancePower Length-one numeric vector determing to what power
#' Euclidean distance values are raised before fitting. Higher powers tend
#' to increase high values and decrease low values, exaggerating the
#' variation in the data. Default of 4.
#' @param peakIntervalWidth Length-one numeric vector between \code{0} and
#' \code{1} specifying desired width of linkage region(s). The default value
#' of \code{0.95}, for example, yields peak regions defined as including the
#' top 95\% of SNPs in the peak region, as determined by the peak
#' resampling distribution.
#' @param minDepth Length-one integer vector determining minimum depth
#' required for a position to
#' be considered in the analysis. Defaults to 10.
#' @param homozygoteCutoff Length-one numeric vector between \code{0} and
#' \code{1} specifying threshold for throwing out base pairs on account
#' of homozygosity. Positions with high major allele frequency in the
#' wild-type pool are unlikely to exhibit polymorphism and are thus thrown
#' out when they exceed this cutoff. Defaults to \code{0.95}.
#' @param minBaseQuality Length-one numeric vector indicating minimum base
#' call quality to consider in analysis. Read positions with qualities
#' below this score will be thrown out. Defaults to 20.
#' @param minMapQuality Length-one numeric vector indicating minimum read
#' mapping quality to consider in analysis. Reads with qualities below
#' this score will be thrown out. Defaults to 30.
#' @param loessOptResolution Length-one numeric vector between \code{0} and
#' \code{1} specifying
#' desired resolution for Loess fit optimization. The default of \code{0.001},
#' for example, indicates that the span ultimately chosen will perform better
#' than its neighbor values at \code{+-0.001}.
#' @param loessOptCutFactor Length-one numeric vector between \code{0} and
#' \code{1} specifying how aggressively the Loess
#' optimization algorithm proceeds. For example, with a default of \code{0.1}
#' different spans at intervals of \code{0.001} would be evaluated after
#' intervals of \code{0.01}.
#' @param naCutoff Integer specifying the most NAs to accept at a given
#' position--that is, the number of files without data for that position.
#' Defaults to 0.
#' @param fileAggregation A length-one character vector determining strategy
#' for aggregating base calls when multiple wild-type or multiple mutant
#' files are provided.
#' When 'sum', average base call proportions are computed using
#' the read counts from each file, effectively weighting files
#' with higher counts at a given position. When equal to 'mean', the
#' base call proportions as well as read depths, rather than the absolute count,
#' are averaged across files, which is useful when you want to weight each
#' replicate evenly without regards to differing depth.
#' @return A \code{MmapprParam} object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace('MMAPPR2data', quietly=TRUE)
#' & all(Sys.which(c("samtools", "vep")) != "")) {
#' mmappr_param <- MmapprParam(refFasta = MMAPPR2data::goldenFasta(),
#' wtFiles = MMAPPR2data::exampleWTbam(),
#' mutFiles = MMAPPR2data::exampleMutBam(),
#' species = "danio_rerio",
#' outputFolder = tempOutputFolder())
#' }
MmapprParam <- function(refFasta, wtFiles, mutFiles, species, vepFlags=NULL,
refGenome=NULL, outputFolder=NULL, distancePower=4,
peakIntervalWidth=0.95, minDepth=10,
homozygoteCutoff=0.95, minBaseQuality=20,
minMapQuality=30, loessOptResolution=0.001,
loessOptCutFactor=0.1, naCutoff=0,
fileAggregation=c('sum', 'mean')) {
wtFiles <- Rsamtools::BamFileList(wtFiles)
mutFiles <- Rsamtools::BamFileList(mutFiles)
if (is.null(vepFlags))
vepFlags <- ensemblVEP::VEPFlags(flags = list(
format = 'vcf', # <-- this is necessary
vcf = FALSE, # <-- as well as this
species = species,
database = FALSE,
cache = TRUE,
filter_common = TRUE,
coding_only = TRUE # assuming RNA-seq data
if (is.null(refGenome))
refGenome <- gmapR::GmapGenome(refFasta, name=species, create=TRUE)
if (is.null(outputFolder)) outputFolder <- 'DEFAULT'
param <- new("MmapprParam", refFasta=refFasta, wtFiles=wtFiles,
mutFiles=mutFiles, species=species, vepFlags=vepFlags,
refGenome=refGenome, distancePower=distancePower,
loessOptCutFactor=loessOptCutFactor, naCutoff=naCutoff,
validity <- .validMmapprParam(param)
if (typeof(validity) == "logical") param
else stop(paste(validity, collapse='\n '))
.validMmapprParam <- function(param) {
errors <- character()
.validityErrors <- function(fxn, value, errors) {
result <- fxn(value)
if (typeof(result) != 'logical')
return(c(errors, result))
errors <- .validityErrors(.validFastaFile, refFasta(param), errors)
errors <- .validityErrors(.validBamFiles, wtFiles(param), errors)
errors <- .validityErrors(.validBamFiles, mutFiles(param), errors)
errors <- .validityErrors(.validVepFlags, vepFlags(param), errors)
if (length(errors) == 0) TRUE else errors
.validFastaFile <- function(filepath) {
errors <- c()
if (!file.exists(filepath))
errors <- c(errors, paste(filepath, "does not exist"))
if (length(errors) == 0) TRUE else errors
.validBamFiles <- function(files) {
errors <- c()
if (!is(files, 'BamFileList'))
errors <- c(errors, paste0(files, " is not a BamFileList object"))
for (i in seq_along(files)) {
file <- files[[i]]
if (!file.exists(file$path)) {
errors <- c(errors, paste0(file$path, " does not exist"))
if (length(errors) == 0) TRUE else errors
.validVepFlags <- function(vepFlags) {
vepFormat <- ensemblVEP::flags(vepFlags)$format
# makes next conditional statement work:
if (is.null(vepFormat)) vepFormat <- ""
if (vepFormat != 'vcf'){
return(paste0("VEPFlags format flag must be 'vcf'\n",
" e.g., flags(vepFlags)$format <- 'vcf'"))
setMethod("show", "MmapprParam", function(object) {
margin <- " "
cat("MmapprParam object with following values:\n")
cat("Reference fasta file:\n", sep="")
cat(paste0(margin, object@refFasta, '\n'))
cat("wtFiles:\n", sep="")
.customPrint(object@wtFiles, margin)
cat("mutFiles:\n", sep="")
.customPrint(object@mutFiles, margin)
cat("vepFlags:\n", sep="")
.customPrint(object@vepFlags, margin)
.customPrint(object@refGenome, margin)
cat("Other parameters:\n")
slotNames <- slotNames("MmapprParam")[7:length(slotNames("MmapprParam"))]
slotNames <- c('species', slotNames)
slotValues <- vapply(slotNames,
function(name) as.character(slot(object, name)),
names(slotValues) <- slotNames
print(slotValues, quote=FALSE)
setMethod("show", "MmapprData", function(object) {
margin <- " "
cat("MmapprData object with following slots:\n")
.customPrint(object@param, margin)
classes <- vapply(object@distance, class, character(1))
successes <- classes == "list"
cat(margin, sprintf(
"Contains Euclidian distance data for %i sequence(s)\n",
sum(successes)), sep="")
loessFits <- 0
try({loessFits <- sum(vapply(object@distance[successes],
FUN=function(seq) {
if (!is.null(seq$loess)) return(TRUE)
else return(FALSE)
}, silent=TRUE
cat(margin, sprintf(
"and Loess regression data for %i of those\n", loessFits
), sep="")
distanceSize <- object.size(object@distance)
cat(margin, sprintf("Memory usage = %.0f MB\n",
distanceSize/1000000), sep="")
for (peak in object@peaks){
cat(margin, sprintf('%s: ', peak$seqname), sep='')
# this will fail and skip if start and end aren't calculated
cat(sprintf('start = %.0f, end = %.0f',
peak$start, peak$end), sep="")
if (!is.null(peak$densityFunction))
cat(margin, margin, "Density function calculated\n", sep="")
for (i in seq_along(object@candidates))
.customPrint(object@candidates[i], margin, lineMax=5)
.customPrint <- function(obj, margin=" ", lineMax=getOption("max.print")) {
lines <- capture.output(obj)
lines <- strsplit(lines, split="\n")
lines <- vapply(lines, function(x) paste0(margin, x), character(1))
if (lineMax > length(lines)) lineMax=length(lines)
cat(lines[seq_len(lineMax)], sep="\n")
#' MmapprParam Getters and Setters
#' Access and assign slots of \code{\link{MmapprParam}} object.
#' @name MmapprParam-functions
#' @aliases
#' refFasta refFasta<-
#' wtFiles wtFiles<-
#' mutFiles mutFiles<-
#' species species<-
#' vepFlags vepFlags<-
#' refGenome refGenome<-
#' homozygoteCutoff homozygoteCutoff<-
#' distancePower distancePower<-
#' peakIntervalWidth peakIntervalWidth<-
#' minDepth minDepth<-
#' minBaseQuality minBaseQuality<-
#' minMapQuality minMapQuality<-
#' loessOptResolution loessOptResolution<-
#' loessOptCutFactor loessOptCutFactor<-
#' naCutoff naCutoff<-
#' outputFolder outputFolder<-
#' fileAggregation fileAggregation<-
#' @param obj Desired \code{\link{MmapprParam}} object.
#' @param value Value to replace desired attribute.
#' @return The desired \code{\link{MmapprParam}} attribute.
#' @seealso \code{\link{MmapprParam}}
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace('MMAPPR2data', quietly=TRUE)
#' & all(Sys.which(c("samtools", "vep")) != "")) {
#' mmappr_param <- MmapprParam(refFasta = MMAPPR2data::goldenFasta(),
#' wtFiles = MMAPPR2data::exampleWTbam(),
#' mutFiles = MMAPPR2data::exampleMutBam(),
#' species = "danio_rerio")
#' outputFolder(mmappr_param) <- 'mmappr2_test_1'
#' minBaseQuality(mmappr_param) <- 25
#' vepFlags(mmappr_param)
#' }
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("refFasta", "MmapprParam", function(obj) obj@refFasta)
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("wtFiles", "MmapprParam", function(obj) obj@wtFiles)
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("mutFiles", "MmapprParam", function(obj) obj@mutFiles)
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("species", "MmapprParam", function(obj) obj@species)
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("vepFlags", "MmapprParam", function(obj) obj@vepFlags)
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("refGenome", "MmapprParam", function(obj) obj@refGenome)
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("homozygoteCutoff", "MmapprParam", function(obj) obj@homozygoteCutoff)
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("distancePower", "MmapprParam", function(obj) obj@distancePower)
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("peakIntervalWidth", "MmapprParam", function(obj) obj@peakIntervalWidth)
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("minDepth", "MmapprParam", function(obj) obj@minDepth)
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("minBaseQuality", "MmapprParam", function(obj) obj@minBaseQuality)
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("minMapQuality", "MmapprParam", function(obj) obj@minMapQuality)
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("loessOptResolution", "MmapprParam", function(obj) obj@loessOptResolution)
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("loessOptCutFactor", "MmapprParam", function(obj) obj@loessOptCutFactor)
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("naCutoff", "MmapprParam", function(obj) obj@naCutoff)
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("outputFolder", "MmapprParam", function(obj) obj@outputFolder)
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("fileAggregation", "MmapprParam", function(obj) obj@fileAggregation)
#' MmapprData Getters
#' Access slots of \code{\linkS4class{MmapprData}} object.
#' @param obj Desired \code{\linkS4class{MmapprData}} object.
#' @return Desired attribute.
#' @name MmapprData-getters
#' @aliases param distance peaks candidates
#' @seealso \code{\linkS4class{MmapprData}}
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace('MMAPPR2data', quietly=TRUE)
#' & all(Sys.which(c("samtools", "vep")) != "")) {
#' mmappr_param <- MmapprParam(refFasta = MMAPPR2data::goldenFasta(),
#' wtFiles = MMAPPR2data::exampleWTbam(),
#' mutFiles = MMAPPR2data::exampleMutBam(),
#' species = "danio_rerio",
#' outputFolder = tempOutputFolder())
#' md <- new('MmapprData', param = mmappr_param)
#' param(md)
#' distance(md)
#' peaks(md)
#' candidates(md)
#' }
#' @rdname MmapprData-getters
#' @export
setMethod("param", "MmapprData", function(obj) obj@param)
#' @rdname MmapprData-getters
#' @export
setMethod("distance", "MmapprData", function(obj) obj@distance)
#' @rdname MmapprData-getters
#' @export
setMethod("peaks", "MmapprData", function(obj) obj@peaks)
#' @rdname MmapprData-getters
#' @export
setMethod("candidates", "MmapprData", function(obj) obj@candidates)
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("refFasta<-", "MmapprParam",
function(obj, value) {
obj@refFasta <- value
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("wtFiles<-", "MmapprParam",
function(obj, value) {
obj@wtFiles <- Rsamtools::BamFileList(value)
v <- .validBamFiles(obj@wtFiles)
if (typeof(v) == 'logical') obj else stop(v)
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("mutFiles<-", "MmapprParam",
function(obj, value) {
obj@mutFiles <- Rsamtools::BamFileList(value)
v <- .validBamFiles(obj@wtFiles)
if (typeof(v) == 'logical') obj else stop(v)
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("vepFlags<-", "MmapprParam",
function(obj, value) {
obj@vepFlags <- value
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("refGenome<-", "MmapprParam",
function(obj, value) {
obj@refGenome <- value
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("species<-", "MmapprParam",
function(obj, value) {
obj@species <- value
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("homozygoteCutoff<-", "MmapprParam",
function(obj, value) {
obj@homozygoteCutoff <- value
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("distancePower<-", "MmapprParam",
function(obj, value) {
obj@distancePower <- value
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("peakIntervalWidth<-", "MmapprParam",
function(obj, value) {
obj@peakIntervalWidth <- value
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("minDepth<-", "MmapprParam",
function(obj, value) {
obj@minDepth <- value
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("minBaseQuality<-", "MmapprParam",
function(obj, value) {
obj@minBaseQuality <- value
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("loessOptResolution<-", "MmapprParam",
function(obj, value) {
obj@loessOptResolution <- value
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("loessOptCutFactor<-", "MmapprParam",
function(obj, value) {
obj@loessOptCutFactor <- value
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("naCutoff<-", "MmapprParam",
function(obj, value) {
obj@naCutoff <- value
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("outputFolder<-", "MmapprParam",
function(obj, value) {
obj@outputFolder <- value
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("minMapQuality<-", "MmapprParam",
function(obj, value) {
obj@minMapQuality <- value
#' @rdname MmapprParam-functions
#' @export
setMethod("fileAggregation<-", "MmapprParam",
function(obj, value) {
obj@fileAggregation <- value
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