#' @include BiclusterExperiment.R
#' @include BiclusterStrategy.R
#' @include helperFunctions.R
#### Abundance heatmap #########################################################
#' @importFrom pheatmap pheatmap
#' @rdname plot
#' @export
setMethod("plot", c(x = "BiclusterExperiment"),
function(x, logBase = 0, phenoLabels = c(), biclustLabels = c(),
ordering = c("input", "distance", "cluster"), strategy = "",
rowNames = FALSE, colNames = FALSE) {
data <- as.matrix(x)
if(logBase != 0) {
signs <- sign(data)
data <- log(abs(data), logBase) * signs
data[is.nan(data)] <- 0
# pheatmap throws cryptic error without rownames
if(is.null(row.names(data))) {
row.names(data) <- seq_len(nrow(data))
# Validate requested annotations and parse into a dataframe
annots <- createAnnots(x, type = "sample", strategy, phenoLabels,
ordering <- match.arg(ordering)
# FIXME prevent shuffling of annotation colors?
if (ordering == "input") {
cluster_cols <- FALSE
cdist <- NULL
} else if (ordering == "distance") {
cluster_cols <- TRUE
cdist <- dist(t(as.matrix(x)))
} else if(ordering == "cluster") {
cluster_cols <- TRUE
cdist <- dist(t(clusteredSamples(getStrat(x, strategy))),
method = "euclidean")
ph <- pheatmap::pheatmap(data, cluster_rows = FALSE,
clustering_distance_cols = cdist,
cluster_cols = cluster_cols,
show_rownames = rowNames,
show_colnames = colNames,
annotation_col = annots)
#### Distance heatmap #########################################################
#' @return a \code{\link[pheatmap]{pheatmap}-class} object
#' @export
setGeneric("plotDist", signature = "bce", function(
bce, type, ordering = c("input", "distance", "cluster"),
distType = c("euclidean", "pearson"), ...) {
#' Distance heatmap
#' Plot a heatmap of sample distance or feature distance calculated from the raw
#' data in a \code{\link{BiclusterExperiment-class}} object. Default is
#' Euclidean distance between samples.
#' @param bce A \code{BiclusterExperiment} object
#' @param type "sample" or "feature"
#' @param ordering The default \code{ordering = "input"} preserves the order
#' of samples or features from \code{bce@@assayData}. \code{"distance"}
#' reorders based on the distance calculated from \code{distType}.
#' \code{"cluster"} reorders based on bicluster membership.
#' @param distType The formula to use for distance
#' @param ... Optional parameters \code{phenoLabels}, \code{biclustLabels},
#' \code{strategy}, and \code{rowColNames}, described below:
#' @param phenoLabels an optional character vector of labels to annotate. If
#' \code{type = "feature"}, \code{phenoLabels} should be column names of
#' \code{Biobase::phenoData(bce)}
#' @param biclustLabels an optional character vector of labels to annotate.
#' Should be elements of \code{bcNames(bcs)}. Both \code{phenoLabels} and
#' \code{biclustLabels} may be specified.
#' @param strategy The name or index of an object in \code{bce@@strategies} from
#' which to obtain bicluster annotations, or a
#' \code{\link{BiclusterStrategy-class}} object.
#' @param rowColNames Should feature/sample names be printed
#' @examples
#' bce <- BiclusterExperiment(cancer_benchmark[[1]]$data)
#' plotDist(bce, type = "sample", ordering = "distance", rowColNames = TRUE)
#' plotDist(bce, type = "feature", distType = "pearson", ordering = "distance")
#' @importFrom pheatmap pheatmap
#' @rdname plotDist
#' @aliases plotDist
"plotDist", signature(bce = "BiclusterExperiment"),
function(bce, type = c("sample", "feature"),
ordering = c("input", "distance", "cluster"),
distType = c("euclidean", "pearson"),
phenoLabels = c(),
biclustLabels = c(), strategy = "", rowColNames = FALSE) {
type <- match.arg(type)
ordering <- match.arg(ordering)
distType <- match.arg(distType)
m <- as.matrix(bce) # get data
m <- if((distType == "euclidean") == (distType == "sample")) {
} else {
t(m) # transpose if necessary
if(distType == "euclidean") {
dObj <- dist(m)
data <- as.matrix(dObj)
} else if(distType == "pearson") {
data <- 1 - cor(m)
# Sometimes this results in redundant t() calls
if(ordering == "distance") dObj <- dist(t(m))
# pheatmap throws cryptic error without rownames
row.names(data) <- seq_len(nrow(data))
# Validate requested annotations and parse into a dataframe
annots <- createAnnots(bce, type = "score", strategy, phenoLabels,
if (ordering == "input") {
ph <- pheatmap::pheatmap(data, cluster_rows = FALSE,
cluster_cols = FALSE,
show_rownames = rowColNames,
show_colnames = rowColNames,
annotation_row = annots)
} else if (ordering == "distance") {
clust <- hclust(dObj)
ph <- pheatmap::pheatmap(data, cluster_rows = clust,
cluster_cols = clust,
show_rownames = rowColNames,
show_colnames = rowColNames,
annotation_row = annots)
} else if(ordering == "cluster") {
clusFunction <- if(type == "sample") {
} else {
clus <- hclust(dist(clusFunction(getStrat(bce, strategy)),
method = "euclidean"))
ph <- pheatmap::pheatmap(data, cluster_rows = clus,
cluster_cols = clus,
show_rownames = rowColNames,
show_colnames = rowColNames,
annotation_row = annots)
#### Factor matrix heatmap ###################################################
#' Plot a heatmap showing bicluster membership of samples or features
#' Reads data from \code{BiclusterStrategy@@factors} to create a heatmap of
#' bicluster membership across all samples or features.
#' @param bce A BiclusterExperiment object
#' @param bcs The name or index of a BiclusterStrategy contained by \code{bce},
#' or the BiclusterStrategy object itself
#' @param type either "feature" for feature-bicluster membership or "sample" for
#' sample-bicluster membership
#' @param ... Optional arguments \code{phenoLabels}, \code{biclustLabels},
#' \code{ordering}, and \code{colNames}, described below:
#' @param phenoLabels an optional character vector of labels to annotate. If
#' \code{type = "feature"}, \code{phenoLabels} should be column names of
#' \code{Biobase::phenoData(bce)}
#' @param biclustLabels an optional character vector of labels to annotate.
#' Should be elements of \code{bcNames(bcs)}. Both \code{phenoLabels} and
#' \code{biclustLabels} may be specified.
#' @param ordering The default \code{ordering = "input"} preserves the order
#' of samples or features from \code{bce@@assayData}. \code{"distance"}
#' reorders based on Euclidean distance calculated from \code{bce@@assayData}.
#' \code{"cluster"} reorders based on bicluster membership.
#' @param colNames if \code{TRUE}, labels the samples/features
#' @return a \code{\link[pheatmap]{pheatmap}-class} object
#' @examples
#' bce <- BiclusterExperiment(yeast_benchmark[[1]])
#' bce <- addStrat(bce, k = 2, method = "als-nmf")
#' bcs <- getStrat(bce, 1)
#' factorHeatmap(bce, bcs, type = "sample")
#' @importFrom pheatmap pheatmap
#' @export
setGeneric("factorHeatmap", signature = c("bce", "bcs"),
function(bce, bcs, type, ordering = "input", ...)
#' @describeIn factorHeatmap Plots a matrix factor from the
#' \code{\link{BiclusterStrategy-class}} object named \code{bcs} in
#' \code{bce@@strategies}.
setMethod("factorHeatmap", c(bce = "BiclusterExperiment", bcs = "character"),
function(bce, bcs, type, ...) {
factorHeatmap(bce, getStrat(bce, bcs), type, ordering, ...)
#' @describeIn factorHeatmap Plots a matrix factor from the
#' \code{\link{BiclusterStrategy-class}} object at the index specified by
#' \code{bcs}
setMethod("factorHeatmap", c(bce = "BiclusterExperiment", bcs = "numeric"),
function(bce, bcs, type, ...) {
factorHeatmap(bce, getStrat(bce, bcs), type, ordering, ...)
#' @describeIn factorHeatmap Plots a matrix factor from \code{bcs}.
"factorHeatmap", c(bce = "BiclusterExperiment", bcs = "BiclusterStrategy"),
function(bce, bcs, type = c("feature", "sample"),
ordering = c("input", "distance", "cluster"), phenoLabels = c(),
biclustLabels = c(), colNames = FALSE) {
type <- match.arg(type)
if(type == "feature") {
data <- t(logicalMatrix2Numeric(featureFactor(bcs)))
# Validate requested annotations and parse into a dataframe
annots <- createAnnots(bce, type = type, bcs, phenoLabels, biclustLabels)
} else {
data <- logicalMatrix2Numeric(sampleFactor(bcs))
annots <- createAnnots(bce, type = type, bcs, phenoLabels, biclustLabels)
if (is.null(rownames(data))) {
stop("Please ensure all biclusters in the provided BiclusterStrategy are named.")
if(is.null(colnames(data))) {
colnames(data) <- seq_len(ncol(data))
ordering <- match.arg(ordering)
silent = TRUE
if (ordering == "input") {
ph <- pheatmap::pheatmap(data, cluster_rows = FALSE,
cluster_cols = FALSE,
show_colnames = colNames,
annotation_col = annots, silent = silent)
} else if (ordering == "distance") {
distance <- dist(t(as.matrix(bce)), method = "euclidean")
ph <- pheatmap::pheatmap(data, cluster_rows = FALSE,
clustering_distance_cols = distance,
show_colnames = colNames,
annotation_col = annots, silent = silent)
} else { # cluster reordering
clusFunction <- if(type == "sample") {
function(x) t(clusteredSamples(x))
} else {
clusterDist <- dist(clusFunction(bcs), method = "euclidean")
ph <- pheatmap::pheatmap(data, cluster_rows = FALSE,
clustering_distance_cols = clusterDist,
show_colnames = colNames,
annotation_col = annots, silent = silent)
#' Quickly preview a matrix as a heatmap
#' Uses R's \code{image()} function to visualize a matrix.
#' @param m A numeric matrix
#' @return Invisibly returns NULL
#' @examples
#' matrixHeatmap(yeast_benchmark[[1]])
#' @export
matrixHeatmap <- function(m) {
old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
image(t(apply(m, 2, rev)), useRaster = TRUE, axes = FALSE, col = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "BuPu"))
legend(grconvertX(0.5, "device"), grconvertY(1, "device"),
c(min(m), round(max(m), digits = 3)),
fill = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "BuPu")[c(1, 9)])
#### Threshold plot ################################################################
#' Threshold plot
#' Plot cluster membership values and thresholding
#' @param bce A BiclusterExperiment
#' @param bcs A BiclusterStrategy object, or the name or index of one of the
#' BiclusterStrategy objects in \code{bce@@strategies}
#' @param type Specifies whether to show thresholding for features or samples
#' @param bicluster The character name of a bicluster in \code{bcs}. See
#' \code{\link{bcNames}}.
#' @param ... Optional arguments \code{thresholds}, \code{ordering}, and
#' \code{xlabs}, described below.
#' @param thresholds If not NULL, must be a numeric vector of theshold(s) to
#' replace the algorithmically chosen thresholds contained in \code{bcs}.
#' @param ordering Specifies the ordering of features or samples along the
#' x-axis. If "input", the input ordering is used. If "distance", ordering is
#' based on Euclidean distance calculated from \code{bce@@assayData}. If
#' "cluster", ordering is based on the bicluster membership of the samples or
#' features.
#' @param xlabs Should sample or feature labels be displayed?
#' @examples
#' bce <- BiclusterExperiment(yeast_benchmark[[1]])
#' bce <- addStrat(bce, k = 2, method = "als-nmf")
#' bcs <- getStrat(bce, 1)
#' bcNames(bcs)
#' plotThreshold(bce, bcs, type = "sample", bicluster = "Bicluster.1")
#' @return Invisibly returns NULL
#' @export
setGeneric("plotThreshold", signature = c("bce", "bcs"),
function(bce, bcs, type, bicluster, ...) {
#' @describeIn plotThreshold Plots thresholding performed in the
#' \code{\link{BiclusterStrategy-class}} object named \code{bcs} in
#' \code{bce@@strategies}.
signature(bce = "BiclusterExperiment", bcs = "character"),
function(bce, bcs, type, bicluster, ...) {
plotThreshold(bce = bce, bcs = getStrat(bce, bcs), type, bicluster, ...)
#' @describeIn plotThreshold Plots thresholding performed in the
#' \code{\link{BiclusterStrategy-class}} object at the index specified by
#' \code{bcs}
signature(bce = "BiclusterExperiment", bcs = "numeric"),
function(bce, bcs, type, bicluster, ...) {
plotThreshold(bce, getStrat(bce, bcs), type, bicluster, ...)
#' @describeIn plotThreshold Plots thresholding performed in \code{bcs}.
"plotThreshold", signature(bce = "BiclusterExperiment", bcs = "BiclusterStrategy"),
function(bce, bcs, type = c("feature", "sample"), bicluster = "Bicluster.1",
thresholds = NULL, ordering = c("input", "distance", "cluster"),
xlabs = FALSE) {
bicluster <- validateBiclustNames(biclustNames = bicluster, bcs = bcs)
if(length(bicluster) != 1) {
stop("Argument \"bicluster\" was not valid.")
# User is allowed to provide custom threshold when this function is called outside GUI
if (is.null(thresholds)) {
thresholds <- get(paste0(type, "Thresh"))(bcs)[bicluster]
names(thresholds) <- threshAlgo(bcs)
} else if (inherits(thresholds, "numeric")) {
names(thresholds) <- as.character(thresholds)
} else {
stop(paste("Argument \"thresholds\" must be numeric or NULL Use this",
"argument only if you want to replce mfBiclust thresholds",
"with your own."))
# Define colors
cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(
if (length(thresholds) < 3) {3}
else {length(thresholds)},
data <- if(type == "feature") {
logicalMatrix2Numeric(featureFactor(bcs, allBc = TRUE))
} else {
t(logicalMatrix2Numeric(sampleFactor(bcs, allBc = TRUE)))
data <- data[, bicluster, drop = TRUE]
ordering <- match.arg(ordering)
# Plot
xs <- seq_along(data)
xlab <- type
ylab = "value"
if(ordering == "input") {
ord <- xs
} else if (ordering == "distance") {
m <- if(type == "sample") as.matrix(bce) else t(as.matrix(bce))
ord <- hclust(dist(m))$order
} else if (ordering == "cluster") {
clusFunction <- if(type == "sample") {
function(bcs) t(clusteredSamples(bcs))
} else {
function(bcs) clusteredFeatures(bcs)
ord <- hclust(dist(clusFunction(bcs)))$order
plot(xs, data[ord], xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xaxt = "n", main = bicluster)
axis(1, at = xs, labels = if(xlabs) {
} else {
rep("", length(xs))
mapply(function(y, color) {abline(h = y, col = color, lwd = 2)},
y = thresholds, color = cols[seq_along(thresholds)]
legend("topright", legend = capitalize(names(thresholds)), col = cols[seq_along(names(thresholds))], lty = 1,
lwd = 2, cex = 0.8
#### PCA Plot ##################################################################
setGeneric("pca", signature = "bce", function(bce) {
setMethod("pca", signature(bce = "BiclusterExperiment"), function(bce) {
pcaStrats <- unlist(lapply(strategies(bce), function(strat) {
(method(strat) == "nipals-pca" || method(strat) == "svd-pca")
if(any(pcaStrats)) {
# PCA has already been performed
strat <- getStrat(bce, min(which(pcaStrats))) # A PCA-encapsulating strategy
var <- ncol(as.matrix(bce))
xs <- strat@factors@fit@H[1, ]
var1 <- round(sd(xs) ^ 2 / var, 1)
ys <- strat@factors@fit@H[2, ]
var2 <- round(sd(ys) ^ 2 / var, 1)
} else {
m <- t(as.matrix(bce)) # pca on columns
prcmp <- prcomp(m)
xs <- prcmp$x[, 1]
var1 <- round(prcmp$sdev[1]^2 / sum(prcmp$sdev^2) * 100, 1)
ys <- prcmp$x[, 2]
var2 <- round(prcmp$sdev[2]^2 / sum(prcmp$sdev^2) * 100, 1)
plot(xs, ys, pch = 16,
xlab = paste0("PC1: ",
"% variance"),
ylab = paste0("PC2: ",
"% variance"))
# Create annotations dataframe for heatmaps
# Checks phenoLabels and biclustLabels for validity and then joins the
# corresponding data extracted from the provided BiclusterExperiment.
# Annotation tracks are converted to named dataframe columns.
# @param x a BiclusterExperiment
# @param names the names of entities annotated- required
# @param strategy index or name of a strategy in x. Required whenever
# length(biclustLabels) > 0
# @param phenoLabels any phenotype labels in x
# @param biclustLabels any bicluster labels in x
createAnnots <-
function(x, type = c("sample", "feature"),
strategy = "",
phenoLabels = c(),
biclustLabels = c()) {
annots <- NA
# Process phenotype labels if type = samples
if(type == "sample") {
phenoLabels <- validatePhenoNames(phenoLabels, x)
if (length(phenoLabels) > 0) {
phData <-
as.data.frame(Biobase::pData(Biobase::phenoData(x))[, phenoLabels])
colnames(phData) <- phenoLabels
rownames(phData) <- rownames(Biobase::phenoData(x))
# Process bicluster labels
if (length(strategy) > 0 && length(biclustLabels) == 0) {
} else if (length(biclustLabels) > 0) {
if(!inherits(strategy, "BiclusterStrategy")) {
if(nchar(strategy) == 0) {
stop("Argument 'strategy' missing", call. = FALSE)
strategy <- getStrat(x, strategy) # get BiclusterStrategy
biclustLabels <- validateBiclustNames(biclustLabels, strategy)
predData <- as.data.frame(
if(type == "sample") {
clusteredSamples(strategy)[biclustLabels, ]
} else {
clusteredFeatures(strategy)[, biclustLabels]
# bicluster annotations should be discrete
predData[] <- as.data.frame(lapply(predData, as.factor))
colnames(predData) <- biclustLabels
# Concatenate phenotype and bicluster labels if both requested
annots <-
if (length(phenoLabels) > 0 && length(biclustLabels) > 0) {
cbind(phData, predData)
} else if (length(phenoLabels) > 0) {
else if (length(biclustLabels) > 0) {
# pheatmap throws cryptic error without rownames
if(inherits(annots, "data.frame")) {
row.names(annots) <- if(type == "sample") {
} else {
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