# == title
# Plot general statistics for the annotations to genes
# == param
# -cr_reduced significant correlated regions which have been reduced by `cr_reduce`
# -txdb the transcriptome annotation which is same as the one used in `correlated_regions`
# == details
# There are five plots:
# - mean methylation difference for negative/positive CRs in promoters/gene body/intergenic regions
# - length of negative/positive CRs in promoters/gene body/intergenic regions
# - number of genes for which promoters/gene body/intergenic regions are affected by negative/positive CRs
# - sum of length of negative/positive CRs in promoters/gene body/intergenic regions
# - Number of CpG per 1kb window for negative/positive CRs in promoters/gene body/intergenic regions
# Here the promoter is defined as (-1000, 2000) of TSS.
# == value
# No value is returned
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
cr_genic_stat = function(cr_reduced, txdb) {
gm = genes(txdb)
gl = width(gm)
names(gl) = names(gm)
cr2 = cr_reduced
l_neg = cr2$corr < 0
l_pos = cr2$corr > 0
l_promoter = cr2$gene_tss_dist > -1000 & cr2$gene_tss_dist < 2000
l_gene = cr2$gene_tss_dist > 2000 & cr2$gene_tss_dist < gl[cr2$gene_id]
l_intergenic = cr2$gene_tss_dist < -1000 | cr2$gene_tss_dist > gl[cr2$gene_id]
meth_diff_list = list()
meth_diff_list[["promoter_neg"]] = cr2$meth_diameter[l_promoter & l_neg]
meth_diff_list[["promoter_pos"]] = cr2$meth_diameter[l_promoter & l_pos]
meth_diff_list[["gene_neg"]] = cr2$meth_diameter[l_gene & l_neg]
meth_diff_list[["gene_pos"]] = cr2$meth_diameter[l_gene & l_pos]
meth_diff_list[["intergenic_neg"]] = cr2$meth_diameter[l_intergenic & l_neg]
meth_diff_list[["intergenic_pos"]] = cr2$meth_diameter[l_intergenic & l_pos]
l_promoter = cr2$gene_tss_dist > -1000 & cr2$gene_tss_dist < 2000
l_gene = cr2$gene_tss_dist > 2000 & cr2$gene_tss_dist < gl[cr2$gene_id]
l_intergenic = cr2$gene_tss_dist < -1000 | cr2$gene_tss_dist > gl[cr2$gene_id]
length_list = list()
length_list[["promoter_neg"]] = width(cr2[l_promoter & l_neg])
length_list[["promoter_pos"]] = width(cr2[l_promoter & l_pos])
length_list[["gene_neg"]] = width(cr2[l_gene & l_neg])
length_list[["gene_pos"]] = width(cr2[l_gene & l_pos])
length_list[["intergenic_neg"]] = width(cr2[l_intergenic & l_neg])
length_list[["intergenic_pos"]] = width(cr2[l_intergenic & l_pos])
affected_genes = list()
affected_genes[["promoter_neg"]] = length(unique(cr2[l_promoter & l_neg]$gene_id))
affected_genes[["promoter_pos"]] = length(unique(cr2[l_promoter & l_pos]$gene_id))
affected_genes[["gene_neg"]] = length(unique(cr2[l_gene & l_neg]$gene_id))
affected_genes[["gene_pos"]] = length(unique(cr2[l_gene & l_pos]$gene_id))
affected_genes[["intergenic_neg"]] = length(unique(cr2[l_intergenic & l_neg]$gene_id))
affected_genes[["intergenic_pos"]] = length(unique(cr2[l_intergenic & l_pos]$gene_id))
cpg_density_list = list()
cpg_density_list[["promoter_neg"]] = cr2[l_promoter & l_neg]$ncpg/width(cr2[l_promoter & l_neg])*1000
cpg_density_list[["promoter_pos"]] = cr2[l_promoter & l_pos]$ncpg/width(cr2[l_promoter & l_pos])*1000
cpg_density_list[["gene_neg"]] = cr2[l_gene & l_neg]$ncpg/width(cr2[l_gene & l_neg])*1000
cpg_density_list[["gene_pos"]] = cr2[l_gene & l_pos]$ncpg/width(cr2[l_gene & l_pos])*1000
cpg_density_list[["intergenic_neg"]] = cr2[l_intergenic & l_neg]$ncpg/width(cr2[l_intergenic & l_neg])*1000
cpg_density_list[["intergenic_pos"]] = cr2[l_intergenic & l_pos]$ncpg/width(cr2[l_intergenic & l_pos])*1000
par(mfrow = c(1, 5), mar = c(7, 4, 4, 2))
boxplot(meth_diff_list, outline = FALSE, col = c("darkgreen", "red"), ylab = "meth mean diff", names = rep("", 6), main = "meth mean diff")
par(las = 3); axis(side = 1, at = 1:6, labels = names(meth_diff_list)); par(las = 0)
boxplot(length_list, outline = FALSE, col = c("darkgreen", "red"), ylab = "bp", names = rep("", 6), main = "length")
par(las = 3); axis(side = 1, at = 1:6, labels = names(length_list)); par(las = 0)
foo = barplot(unlist(affected_genes), col = c("darkgreen", "red"), ylab = "#gene", names = rep("", 6), main = "affected_genes")
par(las = 3); axis(side = 1, at = foo, labels = names(affected_genes)); par(las = 0)
foo = barplot(sapply(length_list, sum)/1000, col = c("darkgreen", "red"), ylab = "kb", names = rep("", 6), main = "sum(length)")
par(las = 3); axis(side = 1, at = foo, labels = names(length_list)); par(las = 0)
boxplot(cpg_density_list, outline = FALSE, col = c("darkgreen", "red"), ylab = "cpg/kb", names = rep("", 6), main = "#cpg per kb")
par(las = 3); axis(side = 1, at = 1:6, labels = names(cpg_density_list)); par(las = 0)
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