# Step 3 - find synexpression groups
getCustomGenes <- function(vec.geneid, removeGenes=NULL){
pway.genes <- setdiff(vec.geneid, removeGenes)
getPwayGenes <- function(pathwayIds, myAttractorModuleSet, removeGenes=NULL){
# grab relevant parts out of the AttractorModuleSet, and remove the genes stored in removeGenes
incidence.matrix <- myAttractorModuleSet@incidenceMatrix
incidence.matrix <- incidence.matrix[,!colnames(incidence.matrix) %in% removeGenes]
pway.genes <- colnames(incidence.matrix)[incidence.matrix[rownames(incidence.matrix) %in% pathwayIds,] == 1]
#pway.genes <- setdiff(pway.genes, removeGenes) # pway genes that are not removed
findOnepwaySynexprs <- function(myIDs, myDataSet, cellTypeTag, min.clustersize=5, removeGenes=NULL, ...){
if (class(myDataSet) == "ExpressionSet") {
dat.fr <- exprs(myDataSet)
class.vector <- as.factor(pData(myDataSet)[,colnames(pData(myDataSet)) %in% cellTypeTag])
pway.genes <- getCustomGenes(myIDs, removeGenes)
if( length(pway.genes) <= min.clustersize ){
print("Insufficient number of genes in this pathway after removing flat genes.")
} else {
dat.fr <- exprs(myDataSet@eSet)
dat.fr <- dat.fr[!rownames(dat.fr) %in% removeGenes,]
class.vector <- as.factor(pData(myDataSet@eSet)[,colnames(pData(myDataSet@eSet)) %in% myDataSet@cellTypeTag])
pway.genes <- getPwayGenes(myIDs, myDataSet, removeGenes)
if( length(setdiff(pway.genes, removeGenes)) <= min.clustersize ){
print("Insufficient number of genes in this pathway after removing flat genes.")
exprs.pway <- dat.fr[rownames(dat.fr) %in% pway.genes,]
cor.pway <- cor(t(exprs.pway))
clust.pway <- agnes(as.dist(1-cor.pway), method="complete")
nc <- 1
while( nc > 0 ){ # maybe this should be when nc > 1. Because if nc is 1, then biggestc could become 0 resulting in an error
m <- min(table(cutree(clust.pway, k=nc)))
if( m <= min.clustersize ){
biggestc <- nc-1; nc <- -1
nc <- nc + 1
calc.mssvals <- function(jval, clust.pway, class.vector, exprs.pway){
pway.clj <- cutree(clust.pway, k=jval)
return(calcInform(exprs.pway, pway.clj, class.vector))
calc.rssvals <- function(jval, clust.pway, class.vector, exprs.pway){
pway.clj <- cutree(clust.pway, k=jval)
return(calcRss(exprs.pway, pway.clj, class.vector))
pway.mss.vals <- apply(cbind(1:biggestc), 1, calc.mssvals, clust.pway, class.vector, exprs.pway)
pway.rss.vals <- apply(cbind(1:biggestc), 1, calc.rssvals, clust.pway, class.vector, exprs.pway)
optic <- (1:biggestc)[pway.mss.vals == max(pway.mss.vals)]
pway.optic <- cutree(clust.pway, k=optic)
names(pway.optic) <- rownames(exprs.pway)
exprs.synexprs <- NULL ; mg.lst <- list()
calc.opticexprs <- function(jval, exprs.pway, pway.optic){
apply(exprs.pway[pway.optic==jval,], 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
exprs.synexprs <- t(apply(cbind(1:optic), 1, calc.opticexprs, exprs.pway, pway.optic)) # make sure this has the right dimensions!
calc.opticnames <- function(jval, pway.optic){
names(pway.optic)[pway.optic == jval]
mg.lst <- lapply(as.list(1:optic), calc.opticnames, pway.optic)
pway.out <- new("SynExpressionSet")
pway.out@groups <- mg.lst
pway.out@profiles <- exprs.synexprs
# myDataSet can be an AttractorModuleSet or an Eset)
# myIDs can be pathway IDs or geneIDs if you have a custom set
findSynexprs <- function(myIDs, myDataSet, cellTypeTag, removeGenes=NULL, min.clustersize=5, ...){
if( length(myIDs) == 1 || class(myDataSet) == "ExpressionSet") {
res <- findOnepwaySynexprs(myIDs, myDataSet, cellTypeTag, min.clustersize=min.clustersize, removeGenes=removeGenes)
res <- new.env()
do.onepway.synexprs <- function(onepway, myDataSet, cellTypeTag, min.clustersize, removeGenes, res){
out <- findOnepwaySynexprs(onepway, myDataSet, cellTypeTag, min.clustersize=min.clustersize, removeGenes=removeGenes)
assign(paste("pway", onepway, "synexprs", sep=""), out, res)
l <- lapply(as.list(myIDs), do.onepway.synexprs, myDataSet, cellTypeTag, min.clustersize, removeGenes, res)
calcInform <- function(exprs.dat, cl, class.vector)
n <- length(class.vector)
calc.onemss <- function(cluster.index, exprs.dat, cl, class.vector) {
m <- apply(exprs.dat[cl == cluster.index, ], 2, mean)
mss <- anova(lm(m ~ class.vector))[[3]][1]
avgmss <- mean(apply(cbind(unique(cl)), 1, calc.onemss, exprs.dat,
cl, class.vector))
calcRss <- function (exprs.dat, cl, class.vector)
n <- length(class.vector)
calc.onerss <- function(cluster.index, exprs.dat, cl, class.vector) {
m <- apply(exprs.dat[cl == cluster.index, ], 2, mean)
rss <- anova(lm(m ~ class.vector))[[3]][2]
avgrss <- mean(apply(cbind(unique(cl)), 1, calc.onerss, exprs.dat,
cl, class.vector))
calcModfstat <- function (exprs.dat, cl, class.vector)
n <- length(class.vector)
calc.onefstat <- function(cluster.index, exprs.dat, cl, class.vector) {
m <- apply(exprs.dat[cl == cluster.index, ], 2, mean)
fstat <- anova(lm(m ~ class.vector))[[4]][1]
avgfstat <- mean(apply(cbind(unique(cl)), 1, calc.onefstat, exprs.dat,
cl, class.vector))
plotsynexprs <- function(mySynExpressionSet, tickMarks, tickLabels, vertLines, index=1, ...){
if( is.numeric(index) ){
plot(mySynExpressionSet@profiles[index,], ylab="Log2(Expression)", axes=FALSE, xlab="Groups", type="l", lwd=4, ...)
axis(1, at=tickMarks, lab=tickLabels)
axis(2) ; box()
abline(v=vertLines, lwd=3, col="gray")
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