### =========================================================================
### keys() and keytype() - related functions for gene-centric Dbs
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Three helpers for deprecating keytypes
## One to just list the bum keytypes
.listDeprecatedKeytypes <- function(){
c('CHR','CHRLOC','CHRLOCEND') ## Uncomment after the release
## Another for keytypes to remove unwanted keytypes
.filterDeprecatedKeytypes <- function(keytypes){
keytypes[!(keytypes %in% .listDeprecatedKeytypes())]
## this is a 'standard' warning for people who try to use keys or cols
## that are no longer valid due to being deprecated
.deprecatedColsMessage <- function(){
depCols <- paste(.listDeprecatedKeytypes(), collapse="','")
warning(wmsg(paste0("Accessing gene location information via '",
depCols,"' is deprecated. Please use a range ",
"based accessor like genes(), or select() with ",
"columns values like TXCHROM and TXSTART ",
"on a TxDb or OrganismDb object instead.\n")))
## And one for keys and select to warn if the user tries to use them
.checkForDeprecatedKeytype <- function(keytype){
if(any(.listDeprecatedKeytypes() %in% keytype )){
## Need an accessor for getting the central ID for a DB (when appropriate)
.getCentralID <- function(x){
"SELECT value FROM metadata WHERE name='CENTRALID'"))
## Sometimes we need to translate a centralID into a central keytype.
chooseCentralOrgPkgSymbol <- function(x){
centralID <- .getCentralID(x)
keytype <- switch(EXPR = centralID,
"TAIR" = "TAIR",
"ORF" = "ORF",
"GID" = "GID")
## keys methods return the possible primary keys. So for EG based packages,
## this will be the viable entrez gene IDs.
## Must use SELECT DISTINCT for now because some packages like ag.db
## (Arabidopsis) have repeated probe ids in the probes table (those are the
## probe ids that hit multiple genes).
## TODO: When 'x' has the new slot containing the package name, use
## dbUniqueVals() (defined in SQL.R) and pass pkgname:::datacache to it.
## dbUniqueVals() is what's used behind the scene by the Lkeys/Rkeys/keys
## methods for AnnDbBimap objects so the "keys" methods below will give a
## consistent answer (and will take advantage of the cache).
## helper to get keys
.queryForKeys <- function(x, keytype){
x <- .getOrgPkg(x)
table <- .getDBLocs(x, keytype)
field <- .getDBLocs(x, keytype, value="field")
sql <- paste("SELECT DISTINCT",field,"FROM",table)
res <- dbQuery(dbconn(x), sql)
.legacyKeys <- function(x, keytype){
## have to swap keytype
## keytype <- .swapSymbolExceptions(x, keytype)
keytype <- .simplifyCols(x, keytype)
## Some org packages may have entrez genes in weird places...
centralID <- .getCentralID(x)
EGgeneTable <- character()
if(centralID == "EG" || centralID == "ORF"){
EGgeneTable <- "genes"
}else if(centralID == "TAIR"){
EGgeneTable <- "entrez_genes"
## now decide
if(class(x) == "OrgDb" && species(x) != "Plasmodium falciparum"){
res <- switch(EXPR = keytype,
"ENTREZID" = dbQuery(dbconn(x),
paste("SELECT gene_id FROM", EGgeneTable), 1L),
"TAIR" = dbQuery(dbconn(x),
"SELECT gene_id FROM genes", 1L),
"ORF" = dbQuery(dbconn(x),
"SELECT systematic_name FROM sgd", 1L),
stop("PROBEID is not supported for Organism packages"),
.queryForKeys(x, keytype))
if(class(x) == "OrgDb" && species(x) == "Plasmodium falciparum"){
res <- switch(EXPR = keytype,
"ORF" = dbQuery(dbconn(x),
paste("SELECT gene_id FROM", EGgeneTable), 1L),
.queryForKeys(x, keytype))
if(class(x) == "ChipDb"){
res <- switch(EXPR = keytype,
"ENTREZID" = dbQuery(dbconn(x),
"SELECT gene_id FROM probes", 1L),
"PROBEID" = dbQuery(dbconn(x),
"SELECT DISTINCT probe_id FROM probes", 1L),
.queryForKeys(x, keytype))
if(class(x) == "GODb"){
res <- switch(EXPR = keytype,
"GOID" = dbQuery(dbconn(x),
"SELECT DISTINCT go_id FROM go_term", 1L),
.queryForKeys(x, keytype))
## special functions for newer NOSCHEMA_DB's
.deriveTableNameFromField <- function(field, x){
y <- x ## Switcheroo
x <- .getOrgPkg(x)
try(.attachDB(x,y), silent=TRUE) ## not a disaster if we fail
con <- dbconn(x)
tables <- .getDataTables(con)
if(exists("y", inherits=FALSE)){
tables <- c("c.probes", tables)
colTabs <- sapply(tables, FUN=dbListFields, con=con, simplify = FALSE)
colTabs <- colTabs[grep("go_[mcb].+", names(colTabs), invert = TRUE)]
m <- unlist2(sapply(colTabs, match, field, simplify = FALSE)) ## cannot ever be repeated
tab <- names(m)[!is.na(m)]
if(length(tab)!=1){stop("Two fields in the source DB have the same name.")}
.noSchemaKeys <- function(x, keytype){
tab <- .deriveTableNameFromField(field=keytype, x)
## So now we know table name (tab) and field (keytype)
y <- x ## Switcheroo
x <- .getOrgPkg(x)
try(.attachDB(x,y), silent=TRUE) ## not a disaster if we fail
sql <- paste("SELECT",keytype,"FROM",tab)
res <- dbQuery(dbconn(x), sql, 1L)
## general keys function
.keys <- function(x, keytype){
testForValidKeytype(x, keytype)
schema <- metadata(x)[metadata(x)$name=="DBSCHEMA",]$value
if(schema=="NOSCHEMA_DB" || schema=="NOCHIPSCHEMA_DB"){
.noSchemaKeys(x, keytype)
.legacyKeys(x, keytype)
## So the new idea is that each place where I want to "enhance" keys,
## I should just be able to use a helper to wrap up the actual keys
## method...
## And we need a master helper to tie it all together
smartKeys <-
function(x, keytype, ..., pattern, column, fuzzy=FALSE, FUN)
## check args, then...
## FUN is the base keys method
.keys <- FUN
## So 1st we need helpers for other "keys" situations
## keys0 is for when we have a pattern we want to match in the keys
.keys0 <- function(x, keytype, ..., pattern, fuzzy=FALSE)
{ ## assumes 'pattern' present
FUN <- if (fuzzy) agrep else grep
FUN(pattern, .keys(x, keytype), value=TRUE, ...)
## keys1 is for when we have a column but no pattern
## so we want to filter by column
.keys1 <- function(x, keytype, ..., column)
{ ## column acts as filter
k <- suppressWarnings(select(x, as.character(.keys(x, keytype)),
column, keytype))
k[[keytype]][ !is.na(k[[column]]) ]
## keys2 is for when we have a column, and a pattern to match on that
## column, and we want all the keys of a particular keytype that match
## that column.
.keys2 <- function(x, keytype, ..., pattern, column, fuzzy=FALSE)
{ ## assumes 'pattern', 'column' present
FUN <- if (fuzzy) agrep else grep
k <- suppressWarnings(select(x, as.character(.keys(x, keytype)),
column, keytype))
k[[keytype]][ FUN(pattern, k[[column]], ...) ]
## Now decide which function to call...
if (missing(pattern) && missing(column))
k <- .keys(x, keytype)
else if (missing(column))
k <- .keys0(x, keytype, ..., pattern=pattern, fuzzy=fuzzy)
else if (missing(pattern))
k <- .keys1(x, keytype, ..., column=column)
k <- .keys2(x, keytype, ..., pattern=pattern, column=column,
## TODO: don't fail to document all the new arguments (pattern, column and fuzzy)
setMethod("keys", "OrgDb",
function(x, keytype, ...){
keytype <- chooseCentralOrgPkgSymbol(x)
smartKeys(x=x, keytype=keytype, ..., FUN=.keys)
setMethod("keys", "ChipDb",
function(x, keytype, ...){
if(missing(keytype)) keytype <- "PROBEID"
smartKeys(x=x, keytype=keytype, ..., FUN=.keys)
setMethod("keys", "GODb",
function(x, keytype, ...){
if(missing(keytype)) keytype <- "GOID"
smartKeys(x=x, keytype=keytype, ..., FUN=.keys)
setMethod("keys", "OrthologyDb",
function(x, keytype, ...)
.ontoKeys(x, keytype, ...)
## new uses for keys:
## now TERM is a real key? (TODO: someone tell the keytypes)
## head(keys(GO.db, keytype="TERM"))
## get TERM keys that match a particular pattern
## head(keys(GO.db, keytype="TERM", pattern="mitochondrion"))
## get GOIDs where a TERM exists.
## head(keys(GO.db, keytype="GOID", column="TERM"))
## get keys of type GOID that go with a pattern match in TERM
## head(keys(GO.db, keytype="GOID", pattern="mitochondrion", column="TERM"))
## select(GO.db, keys =head(keys(GO.db, keytype="GOID", pattern="mitochondrion", column="TERM")), cols=c("GOID","TERM"))
## do the above but use fuzzy matching
## head(keys(GO.db, keytype="GOID", pattern="mitochondrion", column="TERM", fuzzy=TRUE))
## select(GO.db, keys = head(keys(GO.db, keytype="GOID", pattern="mitochondrion", column="TERM", fuzzy=TRUE)), cols=c("GOID","TERM"))
## Can just get keys (straight up)
## head(keys(org.Hs.eg.db, keytype="SYMBOL"))
## keys1 situation works fine (and smartKeys is called twice.)
## Can filter by column (only return keys where there is a value for "PATH"
## length(keys(org.Hs.eg.db, keytype="ENTREZID", column="PATH"))
## is shorter than:
## length(keys(org.Hs.eg.db, keytype="ENTREZID"))
## debug(AnnotationDbi:::smartKeys)
## Can just get keys that match a pattern
## keys(org.Hs.eg.db, keytype="SYMBOL", pattern="BRCA")
## Can get a key that matches a pattern on some other column
## head(keys(org.Hs.eg.db,keytype="ENTREZID",pattern="MSX",column="SYMBOL"))
## keytypes method is to allow the user to specify what kind of keytype is
## passed in to either keys or the select methods.
## temporarily:this method will be VERY unsophisticated.
## TODO: would like to find a way to restore these blacklisted types to being
## able to be used, but I need a way around the lack of an Rkeys() method etc.
## keytypesBlackList <- c("CHRLOCEND","CHRLOC","PFAM","PROSITE",
## .filterKeytypes <- function(x, baseType, keytypesBlackList){
## res <- .cols(x, baseType=baseType)
## res <- res[!res %in% keytypesBlackList]
## ## append the centralID (if not already present)
## centralID <- .getCentralID(x)
## if(centralID == "EG"){ centralID <- "ENTREZID" }
## res <- c(res, centralID)
## unique(res)
## }
setMethod("keytypes", "OrgDb",
## function(x) .filterKeytypes(x, baseType="ENTREZID", keytypesBlackList)
kts <- .cols(x, baseType="ENTREZID")
setMethod("keytypes", "ChipDb",
## function(x) .filterKeytypes(x, baseType="PROBEID", keytypesBlackList)
kts <- .cols(x, baseType="ENTREZID")
setMethod("keytypes", "GODb",
function(x) return(c("GOID","TERM","ONTOLOGY","DEFINITION")) ## only one type makes sense
setMethod("keytypes", "OrthologyDb",
.justFirstUpper(dbGetQuery(dbconn(x), "select name from names;")[,1])
## Marc's TODO:
##X .5) make keytype so that it uses the mapping names instead of internal stuff
##X 1) make keytypes so that it returns all possible keytypes
##X 2) make keys() so that it gets correct keys for correct keytypes
##X 3) make select() so that it is more efficient (pre-filter)
##X 4) make select() so that it uses keytypes to initially map in to the correct thing and then call internal funcs.
## 4.5) Make sure this thing is sorting correctly!
## 5) document all this stuff.
## library(org.Hs.eg.db)
## ls(2)
## con = AnnotationDbi:::dbconn(org.Hs.eg.db)
## keys = head(keys(org.Hs.egCHR))
## debug(AnnotationDbi:::.queryForKeys)
## debug(AnnotationDbi:::.keys)
## example of keys that uses keytype
## keys = keys(org.Hs.eg.db, keytype="ALIAS2EG")[1:4]
## example of keys that does not use keytype
## keys = keys(org.Hs.eg.db)[1:5]
## default keytype example
## keys = keys(org.Hs.eg.db)[1:5]
## cols = c("SYMBOL", "UNIPROT")
## select(org.Hs.eg.db, keys, cols)
## idType = "gene_id"
## debug(AnnotationDbi:::resort_base)
## debug(AnnotationDbi:::.mergeBimaps)
## debug(AnnotationDbi:::.select)
## keytype example
## library(hgu95av2.db); columns(hgu95av2.db); columns(org.Hs.eg.db); head(keys(org.Hs.eg.db, "ALIAS")); keys(org.Hs.eg.db, keytype="PROBEID")## should be an error
## library(org.Hs.eg.db); keys2 = head(keys(org.Hs.eg.db, "ALIAS"));cols = c("SYMBOL", "GO");res <- select(org.Hs.eg.db, keys2, cols, keytype="ALIAS"); head(res); dim(res)
## debug(AnnotationDbi:::.select)
## library(hgu95av2.db); keys2 = head(keys(hgu95av2.db, "ALIAS"));cols = c("SYMBOL", "GO");res <- select(hgu95av2.db, keys2, cols, keytype="ALIAS"); head(res); dim(res)
## works now
## library(org.Hs.eg.db);keys2 = head(Rkeys(org.Hs.egALIAS2EG));cols = c("SYMBOL","ENTREZID", "GO");res <- select(org.Hs.eg.db, keys2, cols, keytype="ALIAS")
## works now
## keys = head(keys(org.Hs.eg.db)); cols = c("SYMBOL","ENTREZID", "GO");res <- select(org.Hs.eg.db, keys, cols, keytype="ENTREZID")
## also works now
## library(hgu95av2.db); keys = head(keys(hgu95av2.db)); cols = c("SYMBOL","ENTREZID", "GO", "PROBEID"); res <- select(hgu95av2.db, keys, cols, keytype="PROBEID"); head(res)
## This shouldn't work - wrong keytype):
## keys = head(keys(hgu95av2.db)); cols = c("SYMBOL","ENTREZID", "GO"); res <- select(hgu95av2.db, keys, cols, keytype="ENTREZID")
## This does work (and should):
## library(hgu95av2.db); keys = head(keys(hgu95av2.db)); cols = c("SYMBOL","ENTREZID", "GO"); res <- select(hgu95av2.db, keys, cols, keytype="PROBEID"); head(res)
## library(GO.db); select(GO.db, keys(GO.db)[1:4], c("TERM","SYNONYM"))
## library(hgu95av2.db); okeys = keys(hgu95av2.db,keytype="OMIM")[1:4]; cols = c("SYMBOL", "UNIPROT", "PATH"); select(hgu95av2.db, okeys, cols, keytype="OMIM")
## TODO Bugs/refinements:
## TODO: this one should produce an output... - FIXED
## keys = head(keys(hgu95av2.db, "ENTREZID")); cols = c("PROBEID","SYMBOL","ENTREZID", "GO"); res <- select(hgu95av2.db, keys, cols, keytype="ENTREZID"); head(res)
## 3) Add a NEWS page with info. about these changes.
## strange bug: - killed
## 4) Putting "ENTREZID" in for keytype and then giving probe IDs as keys should NOT work for hgu95av2.db: but it does... (it only seems to allow this with the one kind of key)
## also need to roll back the removal of the keytype from the columns.
## library(org.Hs.eg.db);keys2 = head(Rkeys(org.Hs.egALIAS2EG));cols = c("SYMBOL","ENTREZID", "GO");res <- select(org.Hs.eg.db, keys2, cols, keytype="ALIAS");
## Strange bug:
## the following all work:
## foo = select(org.Hs.eg.db, keys=head(keys(org.Hs.eg.db),n=2),cols="REFSEQ"); head(foo)
## foo = select(org.Hs.eg.db, keys=head(keys(org.Hs.eg.db),n=2),cols=c("REFSEQ","ACCNUM")); head(foo)
## foo = select(org.Hs.eg.db, keys=head(keys(org.Hs.eg.db),n=2),cols=c("ACCNUM")); head(foo)
## But this does NOT work (fixed):
## foo = select(org.Hs.eg.db, keys=head(keys(org.Hs.eg.db),n=2),cols=head(columns(org.Hs.eg.db))); head(foo); head(columns(org.Hs.eg.db))
## debug(AnnotationDbi:::.nameExceptions)
## debug(AnnotationDbi:::.addNAsInPlace)
## Requirements for having a select method that works and plays well with
## others:
## 1) Use the same arguments for the method (obvious)
## 2) remove dulicated columns.
## Martins slow select example. It takes advantage of the fact that for
## simple cases, like the one below, our select method has to gather each
## piece and then merge them together which costs a lot of time (both to merge
## and also because we don't pre-subset).
## Also our code is doing more post-processing (returning prettier results in
## particular order etc.)
## Also because our code is blind to what the user wants out, we move ALL of
## each bimap through memory and don't pare them down till we merge them
## together and this is ultimately inefficient.
## If the code knew (as Martin did in this case) the relationships between
## these different elements (perhaps it could learn that graph from the DB),
## then it could make smarter decisions about how to query.
## library(org.Hs.eg.db)
## sym <- "ITGA7"
## system.time(res0 <- toTable(org.Hs.egPFAM[ org.Hs.egALIAS2EG[[sym]] ]))
## system.time(res1 <- select(org.Hs.eg.db, sym, "PFAM", "ALIAS"))
## system.time(res3 <- toTable(org.Hs.egGO[ org.Hs.egALIAS2EG[[sym]] ]))
## system.time(res4 <- select(org.Hs.eg.db, sym, "GO", "ALIAS"))
## ALSO: there is something to be said for the notion that we need a general
## solution to this problem that does NOT involve a Bimap. Bimaps are nice,
## but we don't normally have them for a new resource and we might want a
## faster way to handle these sorts of manipulations when we don't have them.
## Basically, I think that I want to use a graph here, but not require one
## from the user, I need to 1) be able to infer the graph from SQL, 2) be able
## to path-find through the graph such that all the keys requested are
## hit. and 3) be able to construct a sensible query from that graph. Tall
## order, but a fun problem.
## Reasons for generalizing this: 1) I need to be able to do this in ALL
## databases (not just bimap ones). and 2) We are moving away from bimaps and
## 3) I want to be able to add mappings to existing bimap based data resources
## that are actually not available as a bimap (reactome) and 4) I would really
## like to be able to transparently pull data from another resource and just
## have it appear to be in one place. Sort of like we currently do for
## microRNAs with TxDbs
## Really radical thoughts:
## What if discovery functions just reported based on which databases were
## installed (instead of just what was in a package?).
## What if select searched across all of these databases to make joins on the
## fly as appropriate by already knowing how to connect the dots?
## What if we could have select work out how things connect based on the type
## of package, and some internal information about how those would be joined?
## THE R CMD build bug:
## For AnnotationDbi:
## R --vanilla
## utils::Sweave("IntroToAnnotationPackages.Rnw") ## runs no problem
## BUT:
## R --vanilla
## utils::Sweave("AnnotationDbi.Rnw")
## utils::Sweave("IntroToAnnotationPackages.Rnw") ## FAILBOAT
## This failure is happening because the values that are left littered in the
## global namespace are allowed to leak down into the scope of the functions
## being called...
## Bug was able to happen this way:
## y = "foo"
## source("AnnotationDbi/inst/doc/IntroToAnnotationPackages.R")
## was caused by overly grabby exists() calls combined with the sloppy way
## that R CMD check leaves variables all over the place when it runs R CMD
## check. exists() calls are no longer grabby.
## ALSO, lexical scoping meant that the exists() call being falsely tripped
## led to a call of species(y) actually being executed when I should never
## have been
## fieldNames <- c("gene_id","accession","accession")
## expectedCols <- c("ENTREZID","ACCNUM","REFSEQ")
## type <-
## the na bug
## sym <- "ITGA7"
## select(org.Hs.eg.db,sym,"PFAM",keytype="ALIAS");
## Problem: our code that filters rows needs to drop the keytype column before filtering NAs
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