GOID="character", # a single string (mono-valued)
Term="character", # a single string (mono-valued)
Ontology="character", # a single string (mono-valued)
Definition="character", # a single string (mono-valued)
Synonym="character", # any length including 0 (multi-valued)
Secondary="character" # any length including 0 (multi-valued)
### The mono-valued slots are also the mandatory slots.
.GONODE_MONOVALUED_SLOTS <- c("GOID", "Term", "Ontology", "Definition")
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Initialization.
setMethod("initialize", "GOTerms",
function(.Object, ...)
args <- list(...)
argnames <- names(args)
if (is.null(argnames) || any(argnames == ""))
stop("all arguments must be named")
argnames <- match.arg(argnames, slotNames(.Object), several.ok=TRUE)
if (!(all(.GONODE_MONOVALUED_SLOTS %in% argnames))) {
s <- paste(.GONODE_MONOVALUED_SLOTS, collapse=", ")
stop("arguments ", s, " are mandatory")
for (i in seq_len(length(args))) {
argname <- argnames[i]
value <- args[[i]]
if ((argname %in% .GONODE_MONOVALUED_SLOTS)) {
if (length(value) != 1)
stop("can't assign ", length(value),
" values to mono-valued slot ", argname)
} else {
value <- value[!(value %in% c(NA, ""))]
slot(.Object, argname) <- value
GOTerms <- function(GOId, term, ontology, synonym = "", secondary = "",
definition = ""){
return(new("GOTerms", GOID = GOId, Term = term,
Synonym = synonym, Secondary = secondary,
Definition = definition, Ontology = ontology))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### The "GOID", "Term", "Ontology", "Definition", "Synonym" and "Secondary"
### generics (accessor methods).
setMethod("GOID", "GOTerms", function(object) object@GOID)
setMethod("Term", "GOTerms", function(object) object@Term)
setMethod("Ontology", "GOTerms", function(object) object@Ontology)
setMethod("Definition", "GOTerms", function(object) object@Definition)
setMethod("Synonym", "GOTerms", function(object) object@Synonym)
setMethod("Secondary", "GOTerms", function(object) object@Secondary)
##.GOid2go_termField() retrieves ids of type field from go_term
.GOid2go_termField <- function(ids, field){
## message(cat("Before SQL \n")) ##test
sql <- sprintf("SELECT go_id, %s
FROM go_term
WHERE go_id IN ('%s')",
paste(ids, collapse="','"))
res <- dbGetQuery(GO.db::GO_dbconn(), sql)
if(dim(res)[1]==0 && dim(res)[2]==0){
stop("None of your IDs match IDs from GO. Are you sure you have valid IDs?")
ans <- res[[2]]
names(ans) <- res[[1]]
return(ans[ids]) ##This only works because each GO ID is unique (and therefore a decent index ID)
setMethod("GOID", "GOTermsAnnDbBimap",function(object) .GOid2go_termField(keys(object),"go_id") )
setMethod("GOID", "character",function(object) .GOid2go_termField(object,"go_id") )
setMethod("Term", "GOTermsAnnDbBimap",function(object) .GOid2go_termField(keys(object),"term") )
setMethod("Term", "character",function(object) .GOid2go_termField(object,"term") )
setMethod("Ontology", "GOTermsAnnDbBimap",function(object) .GOid2go_termField(keys(object),"ontology") )
setMethod("Ontology", "character",function(object) .GOid2go_termField(object,"ontology") )
setMethod("Definition", "GOTermsAnnDbBimap",function(object) .GOid2go_termField(keys(object),"definition") )
setMethod("Definition", "character",function(object) .GOid2go_termField(object,"definition") )
##.GOid2go_synonymField() retrieves ids of type field from go_synonym
.GOid2go_synonymField <- function(ids, field){
sql <- paste0("SELECT gt.go_id, gs.",field,"
FROM go_term AS gt, go_synonym AS gs
WHERE gt._id=gs._id AND go_id IN ('",paste(ids, collapse="','"),"')")
res <- dbGetQuery(GO.db::GO_dbconn(), sql)
if(dim(res)[1]==0 && dim(res)[2]==0){
stop("None of your IDs match IDs from GO. Are you sure you have valid IDs?")
ans = split(res[,2],res[,1])
return(ans[ids])##once again (this time in list context), we are indexing with unique IDs.
setMethod("Synonym", "GOTermsAnnDbBimap",function(object) .GOid2go_synonymField(keys(object),"synonym") )
setMethod("Synonym", "character",function(object) .GOid2go_synonymField(object,"synonym") )
setMethod("Secondary", "GOTermsAnnDbBimap",function(object) .GOid2go_synonymField(keys(object),"secondary") )
setMethod("Secondary", "character",function(object) .GOid2go_synonymField(object,"secondary") )
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### The "show" methods.
setMethod("show", "GOTerms",
s <- character(0)
for (slotname in slotNames(object)) {
x <- slot(object, slotname)
if ((slotname %in% .GONODE_MONOVALUED_SLOTS) && length(x) != 1) {
warning("mono-valued slot ", slotname,
" contains ", length(x), " values")
} else {
if (length(x) == 0)
s <- c(s, paste0(slotname, ": ", x))
cat(strwrap(s, exdent=4), sep="\n")
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### The methods to construct a GOFrame or a GOAllFrame
.attachGO <- function(con){
GOLoc = system.file("extdata", "GO.sqlite", package="GO.db")
attachSQL = paste0("ATTACH '", GOLoc, "' AS go;")
dbAttach(con, attachSQL)
.testGOFrame <- function(x, organism=""){
drv <- dbDriver("SQLite")
con <- dbConnect(drv)
##Test that some GOIDs are real and that the evidence codes are legit.
GOIDs = x[,1]
eviCodes = x[,2]
realGOIDs = as.character(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT go_id FROM go_term;")[,1])
##Test that the data.frame has some rows of data in it
stop("There are no rows of data in the data.frame supplied to make a GOFrame.")
## TODO, Add evidence codes to GO.sqlite so that we can test this properly
## without any hard coding
realEviCodes = c(
"EXP", "IDA", "IPI", "IMP", "IGI", "IEP",
"HTP", "HDA", "HMP", "HGI", "HEP",
"ISS", "ISO", "ISA", "ISM", "IGC", "IBA", "IBD", "IKR", "IRD", "RCA",
"TAS", "NAS",
"IC", "ND",
if( %in% realGOIDs)["TRUE"])){
stop("None of elements in the 1st column of your data.frame object are legitimate GO IDs.")
if (any(bad <- !eviCodes %in% realEviCodes)) {
msg <- sprintf("invalid GO Evidence codes: '%s'",
paste(unique(eviCodes[bad]), collapse="' '"))
if(length(x[,1]) != length(x[,2]) || length(x[,1]) != length(x[,3])){
stop("You need to have evidence codes and genes for all your GO IDs.")
new("GOFrame", data = x, organism = organism)
}else{new("GOFrame", data = x)}
setMethod("GOFrame", signature=signature(x="data.frame", organism="character"), function(x, organism){.testGOFrame(x, organism)})
setMethod("GOFrame", signature=signature(x="data.frame", organism="missing"), function(x){.testGOFrame(x)})
## Helper method for converting GOFrame type data.frames into GOAllFrame objects
.convertGOtoGO2ALL = function(frame, type = c("BP","CC","MF")){
drv <- dbDriver("SQLite")
con <- dbConnect(drv)
##require type to be legit
type <- match.arg(type)
##Now Make a table
dbExecute(con, "CREATE TABLE data (go_id VARCHAR(10), evidence VARCHAR(3), gene_id INTEGER)")
##populate it with the stuff in frame:
clnVals = frame
sqlIns <- "INSERT INTO data (go_id, evidence, gene_id) VALUES (?,?,?)"
res <- dbSendQuery(con,sqlIns, params=unclass(unname(clnVals)))
##Now I have to make a 'go_data' table from 'data' that to INSURE that all
##the GO IDs are also in GO.db...
go_dataSQL = paste0( "CREATE TABLE go_data as
SELECT t.go_id AS go_id, g.evidence as evidence, g.gene_id AS gene_id
FROM data AS g, go.go_term AS t
WHERE g.go_id=t.go_id AND t.ontology='",toupper(type),"'")
dbExecute(con,"CREATE INDEX gdgo on go_data(go_id)")
##Now I have to make the literal table from GO
offspringSQL <- paste0("CREATE TABLE go_offspring_literal as
SELECT t1.go_id AS go_id, t2.go_id AS offspring_id
FROM go.go_",tolower(type),"_offspring as o, go.go_term as t1, go.go_term as t2
WHERE o._id = t1._id AND o._offspring_id = t2._id")
dbExecute(con, offspringSQL)
dbExecute(con,"CREATE INDEX literalo on go_offspring_literal(offspring_id)")
dbExecute(con,"CREATE INDEX literalgo on go_offspring_literal(go_id)")
##Now I need to make the final table:
finalSQL = paste0("CREATE TABLE go_all_data as
SELECT t.go_id as go_id, g.evidence AS evidence,
g.gene_id as gene_id
FROM go_data as g CROSS JOIN
go_offspring_literal as o CROSS JOIN
go.go_term as t
WHERE o.go_id=t.go_id and o.offspring_id=g.go_id and
SELECT go_id, evidence, gene_id
FROM go_data")
##And return
res = dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM go_all_data")
## Method to make GOAllFrame objects from GOFrame objects
setMethod("GOAllFrame", "GOFrame", function(x){
bp = .convertGOtoGO2ALL(x@data,"BP")
mf = .convertGOtoGO2ALL(x@data,"MF")
cc = .convertGOtoGO2ALL(x@data,"CC")
res = rbind(bp,mf,cc)
new("GOAllFrame", data = res, organism = x@organism)
## Method to access the data in a GOFrame object
setMethod("getGOFrameData", "GOFrame", function(x){x@data})
setMethod("getGOFrameData", "GOAllFrame", function(x){x@data})
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Methods to construct a KEGGFrame
.testKEGGFrame <- function(x, organism=""){
##Test that some KEGGIDs are real and that the evidence codes are legit.
KEGGIDs <- x[,1]
kegg_query <- data.frame(keggList("pathway"))
realKEGGIDs <- substr(rownames(kegg_query), 9, 13)
##Test that the data.frame has some rows of data in it
stop("There are no rows of data in the data.frame supplied to make a KEGGFrame.")
if( %in% realKEGGIDs)["TRUE"])){
stop("None of elements in the 1st column of your data.frame object are legitimate KEGG IDs.")
if(length(x[,1]) != length(x[,2])){ ## TODO, I don't think that this is going to test this effectively... I probbaly need a different test.
stop("You need to have genes for all your KEGG IDs.")
new("KEGGFrame", data = x, organism = organism)
}else{new("KEGGFrame", data = x)}
setMethod("KEGGFrame", c(x="data.frame", organism="character"), .testKEGGFrame)
setMethod("KEGGFrame", c(x="data.frame", organism="missing"), .testKEGGFrame)
## Method to access the data in a KEGGFrame object
setMethod("getKEGGFrameData", "KEGGFrame", function(x){x@data})
organismKEGGFrame <- function() {
org <- data.frame(keggList("organism")[,c("species", "organism")])
org$species <- gsub("\\s*\\([^\\)]+\\)", "", org$species)
## Now add a convenience method to just represent the GO as a graph.
## This method should take arg for which ontology the user wants, and
## return a graph.
## users who want less can just use subgraph.
## weight of graph edges will always be 1 for each edge
makeGOGraph <- function(ont = c("bp","mf","cc")){
df <- switch(ont,
"bp"= toTable(GO.db::GOBPPARENTS),
"mf"= toTable(GO.db::GOMFPARENTS),
"cc"= toTable(GO.db::GOCCPARENTS)
graph::ftM2graphNEL(as.matrix(df[, 1:2]), W=rep(1,dim(df)[1]))
## f = makeGOGraph("bp")
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