#' Normalize restriction fragment biases
#' Perform normalization to remove restriction fragment biases.
#' @param object A RangedSummarizedExperiment object.
#' @param group A factor specifying Dam and Dam-fusion groups.
#' @return A \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment]{RangedSummarizedExperiment}} object.
normalizeBias <- function(object, group) {
# Check argument missing
if (missing(object)) {
stop("`object` is missing, with no default.", call. = FALSE)
if (missing(group)) {
stop("`group` is missing, with no default.", call. = FALSE)
# Check argument class
if (!is(object, "RangedSummarizedExperiment")) {
stop("`object` must be a RangedSummarizedExperiment object.", call. = FALSE)
if (!is(group, "factor")) {
stop("`group` must be a factor.", call. = FALSE)
# Check argument value
if (ncol(object) != length(group)) {
stop("Incompatible lengths between `object` and `group`", call. = FALSE)
if (!setequal(levels(group), c("0", "1"))) {
stop("`group` factor must have levels '0' and '1' only.", call. = FALSE)
# Check accessor missing
if (!"countsData" %in% assayNames(object)) {
stop("Matrix `countsData` must exist in assays slot of `object`.", call. = FALSE)
if (!("digestBySize" %in% names(rowData(object)))) {
stop("Column `digestBySize` must exist in rowData of `object`.", call. = FALSE)
if (!("digestByProb" %in% names(rowData(object)))) {
stop("Column `digestByProb` must exist in rowData of `object`.", call. = FALSE)
# Check accessor class
if (!(is.numeric(rowData(object)$digestBySize))) {
stop("Column `digestBySize` must be a numeric vector.", call. = FALSE)
if (!(is.numeric(rowData(object)$digestByProb))) {
stop("Column `digestByProb` must be a numeric vector.", call. = FALSE)
# Dispatch relevant method
UseMethod("normalizeBias", object)
normalizeBias.RangedSummarizedExperiment <- function(object, group) {
# Conditional quantile normalisation
cqNorm <- cqn::cqn(assay(object, "countsData"), mcols(object)$digestByProb, mcols(object)$digestBySize, sqn = FALSE)
cqData <- 2^(cqNorm$y + cqNorm$offset)
# Counts from abundance transformation
ctSums <- colSums(assay(object, "countsData")) / colSums(cqData)
ctNorm <- round(sweep(cqData, 2, ctSums, FUN = "*"))
# Add sample groups factor to object
groupFactor <- as.factor(group)
colData(object)$groupFactor <- group
# Normalise to log2 counts per million
ctSize <- colSums(ctNorm) * edgeR::calcNormFactors(ctNorm, method = "TMM", doWeighting = FALSE)
ctData <- t(log2(t(ctNorm + 0.5)/(ctSize + 1) * 1e6))
# Smooth quantile normalisation
qsNorm <- qsmooth::qsmooth(ctData, groupFactor)
qsData <- qsmooth::qsmoothData(qsNorm)
# Store filter genes by fragment length
keepSize <- filterBySize(rowRanges(object), min = 100, max = 100000)
rowData(object)$filterBySize <- keepSize
# Store filter genes by expression level
keepExpr <- edgeR::filterByExpr(ctNorm, group = groupFactor, lib.size = ctSize, min.total.count = 50)
rowData(object)$filterByExpr <- keepExpr
# Add qsmooth assay data
colnames(qsData) <- colnames(object)
rownames(qsData) <- rownames(object)
assay(object, "qsmoothData") <- qsData
# Compute base enrichment
rowData <- rowData(object)
rowData$baseMean <- rowMeans(qsData)
rowData$baseMean0 <- rowMeans(qsData[, groupFactor == 0, drop = FALSE])
rowData$baseMean1 <- rowMeans(qsData[, groupFactor == 1, drop = FALSE])
# Compute fold enrichment
rowData$log2FoldChange <- rowData$baseMean1 - rowData$baseMean0
# Replace range data
rowData(object) <- as(rowData, "DataFrame")
# Return class object
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