# ratioSVD: function to calulate SVD for the raw coverage
# used to identify genes with similar coverage pattern
# across all samples (minimal degradation)
# input: coverage matrix (f) with rows representing samples
# output: DI scores (rho)
.ratioSVD <- function(f){
model.svd = svd(f, nv = 1, nu = 1)
fitted = model.svd$d[1] * model.svd$u %*% t(model.svd$v)
fitted[fitted < f] = f[fitted < f]
# degnorm: function to perform degradation normalization
# input:
# - coverage: list of gene coverages, each row stands for one sample;
# - counts: read count matrix with gene ordered same as the coverage list;
# - iterations: number of iterations for DegNorm (default to be 5);
# - loop: number of iterations for NMF-OA (default to be 100).
# - down_sampling: 1 for yes and 0 or no. If yes, coverage score is averaged
# on an interval of size specificed by grid_size. The
# size-reduced coverage matrix is fed for baseline selection
# for efficiency consideration
# - grid_size: the bin size for average coverage score
# - cores: number of cores to use. Default is maximum number cores -1
# output: a list containing the following
# - DI: Degradation Index matrix;
# - counts_normed: DegNorm normalized counts;
# - convergence: convergence status indicating whether baseline is found.
# - envelop: envelop curve which stands for the estimated commons
# shape before degradation.
degnorm <- function(read_coverage, counts, iteration=5, loop=100,
down_sampling=1, grid_size=10,cores=1){
# filtering out genes with low expressions
if(length(read_coverage)!=nrow(counts)) stop("Error: number of genes from
coverage list is inconsistent with the counts matrix!")
if((down_sampling %in% c(0,1))==FALSE) stop("Error: down_sampling should be
1 (down-sampling) or 0 (not down-sampling)!")
if(grid_size %% 1!=0||grid_size<0) {
stop("Error: grid_size must be a positive integer.")}
# filtering out genes with low expressions
message("Filtering out genes with low read counts (x<5)..")
n = dim(counts)[2]
filter = apply(counts, 1, function(x) length(x[x>5])>=floor(n/2))
counts = counts[filter,]; m = dim(counts)[1]
read_coverage = read_coverage[which(filter=="TRUE")]
# Estimating library sizes / scaling factors from SVD
message("Initial estimation of count normalization factors...")
norm.factor = colSums(counts)/median(colSums(counts))
# Register multiple nodes
max.cores=detectCores(logical = FALSE)
if(max.cores-1 < cores) cores <- max.cores-1
cl <- makeCluster(cores); registerDoParallel(cl)
message("Initial degradation normalization without base-line selection...")
rho = NULL
rho = foreach(i = seq_len(m),.combine = "rbind",
.export = ".ratioSVD") %dopar% {
.ratioSVD(f = read_coverage[[i]])}
norm.factor = colSums(counts[apply(rho,1,max) < 0.10,])
norm.factor = norm.factor/stats::median(norm.factor)
scale = norm.factor
counts.weighted = sweep(counts, 2, norm.factor, FUN = "/")
message("DegNorm core algorithm starts...")
# Calculating Degradation Index
output=.degnorm_baseline(read_coverage, counts, iteration, loop,
down_sampling, grid_size,scale,counts.weighted,
cores, baseline)
message("DegNorm core algorithm done!")
##degnorm baseline selection algorithm
.degnorm_baseline=function(read_coverage, counts, iteration, loop,
down_sampling, grid_size,scale,counts.weighted,cores,
for(i in seq_len(iteration)){
cat(paste0(" DegNorm iteration ",i), "\n")
#cores <- detectCores(logical = FALSE) #utilize multiple cores
cl <- makeCluster(cores)
#cl <- makeCluster(cores-1)
res = NULL;j=1;m=dim(counts)[1];n=dim(counts)[2]
res = foreach(j = seq_len(m), .multicombine = TRUE,
.export = c(".optiNMFCPP",".NMFCPP",".bin_drop")) %dopar%{
.optiNMFCPP(read_coverage[[j]], scale, loop, baseline)}
}else if (down_sampling==1){
res = foreach(j = seq_len(m), .multicombine = TRUE,
.export = c(".optiNMFCPP_grid",".NMFCPP",".bin_drop")) %dopar%{
.optiNMFCPP_grid(read_coverage[[j]], scale, loop, grid_size)}
stop("Error:down_sampling argument should either 0 or 1!")
rho = t(do.call(cbind, lapply(res, function(x) x$rho)))
# in case rho contains NA, replace entire row by 0
rho[apply(rho,1,function(x) sum(is.na(x))>0),]=0
K = t(do.call(cbind, lapply(res, function(x) x$K)))
convergence = vapply(res, function(x) x$convergence,numeric(1))
envelop= lapply(res, function(x) x$envelop)
names(convergence)=row.names(counts); names(envelop)=row.names(counts)
# Capping the DI scores at 0.9 to adjust for over-inflation
rho[rho > 0.9] = 0.9; rho[rho < 0] = 0
# Getting iterative DegNorm normalized counts
counts_normed = counts.weighted / (1 - rho)
# Applying sample-wise overall DI scores to low counts genes
# which did not go through NMF
rho[apply(rho,1,max)==0,] =
sum(apply(rho,1,max)==0)),byrow = TRUE, ncol = n)
# Updating sequencing depth scale
norm.factor = colSums(counts_normed)
norm.factor = norm.factor / median(norm.factor)
counts.weighted = sweep(counts.weighted, 2, norm.factor, FUN = "/")
scale = scale * norm.factor
output = list("counts"=counts,"counts_normed"=round(counts_normed),
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