#' @title Expression distance matrix generated from a \code{taxaExp} object
#' @name expdist
#' @description Generate an expression distance matrix from an object of \code{taxaExp} class
#' using a specified distance method
#' @param objects a vector of objects of class \code{taxonExp} or an object of class \code{taxaExp}
#' @param taxa one single character or a vector of characters specifying main taxa selected for
#' calculating expression distance.
#' If one single character "all" is given,
#' all the taxa included in the \code{taxaExp} will be matched and selected ("all" by default).
#' @param subtaxa one single character or a vector of characters sepcifying sub taxa selected for
#' calculating expression distance.
#' If one singke character "all" is given,
#' all the subtaxa included in the \code{taxaExp} will be matched and selected ("all" by default).
#' @param rowindex a vector of numbers corresponded to indices of selecting rows
#' @param method specifying which distance method to be used
#' to estimate expression phylogeny in bootstrapping.
#' @param logrithm a logical specifying whether to apply expression value log2 tranformation (TRUE by default).
#' @return returns an expression distance matrix
#' @examples
#' data(tetraExp)
#' library('ape')
#' dismat <- expdist(tetraExp, taxa = "all",
#' subtaxa = "Brain",
#' method = "pea")
#' tr <- root(NJ(dismat), "Chicken_Brain")
#' plot(tr)
#' @export
expdist = function (objects = NULL, taxa = "all", subtaxa = "all", rowindex = NULL,
method = c( "sou", "sou_v","pea", "spe","euc", "cos", "jsd",
"tani", "jac"), logrithm = TRUE)
if (is.null(objects) || !is(objects) == "taxaExp") {
stop(paste0(date(), ": no valid taxaExp objects input!"))
flag1 <- TRUE
flag2 <- TRUE
if (any(grepl("all",taxa, ignore.case = TRUE))) {flag1 = FALSE}
else { taxa <- gsub("\\s+","",taxa)}
if (any(grepl("all",subtaxa, ignore.case = TRUE))) {flag2 = FALSE}
else { subtaxa <- gsub("\\s+","",subtaxa)}
objects_n <- length(objects)
objects_new_n <- 0
if ( flag1 || flag2)
for (i in 1:objects_n)
if (flag1 && flag2) {
if (any(grepl(objects[[i]]$taxon_name,taxa, ignore.case=TRUE))
&& any(grepl(objects[[i]]$subTaxon_name, subtaxa, ignore.case=TRUE)))
{objects_new_n <- objects_new_n + 1}
} else {
if (any(grepl(objects[[i]]$taxon_name,taxa,ignore.case=TRUE))
|| any(grepl(objects[[i]]$subTaxon_name, subtaxa, ignore.case=TRUE)))
{objects_new_n <- objects_new_n + 1}
objects_new <- vector("list",length = objects_new_n)
counter <- 1
for (i in 1:objects_n)
if (flag1 && flag2) {
if (any(grepl(objects[[i]]$taxon_name,taxa,ignore.case=TRUE))
&& any(grepl(objects[[i]]$subTaxon_name, subtaxa, ignore.case=TRUE)))
objects_new[[counter]] <- objects[[i]]
counter <- counter + 1
} else {
if (any(grepl(objects[[i]]$taxon_name,taxa,ignore.case=TRUE))
|| any(grepl(objects[[i]]$subTaxon_name, subtaxa, ignore.case=TRUE)))
objects_new[[counter]] <- objects[[i]]
counter <- counter + 1
class(objects_new) <- "taxaExp"
objects <- objects_new
} else {
objects_new <- vector("list", length = objects_new_n)
counter <- 1
for (i in 1:objects_n) {
objects_new[[counter]] <- objects[[i]]
counter <- counter + 1
if (length(objects_new) == 0) {
stop(paste0(date(),": taxa and subtaxa name not found."))
message(paste0(date(), ": using ", method, " to calculate pair-wise distance"))
object_n <- length(objects)
gene_n <- objects[[1]]$gene_num
message(paste0(date(),": input ",object_n, " taxa"))
message(paste0(date(),": total ", gene_n, " genes"))
expVal <- matrix(0, nrow = gene_n, ncol = object_n)
taxon_names <- vector("character", length = object_n)
for (i in 1:object_n) {
taxon_names[i] = paste0(objects[[i]]$taxon_name, "_", objects[[i]]$subTaxon_name)
expVal[,i] = apply(objects[[i]]$exp_value,1,median)
if (!is.null(rowindex)) {
expVal <- expVal[rowindex,]
if (logrithm) {
expVal <- apply(expVal, c(1,2), function (x) log2(x+1))
colnames(expVal) <- taxon_names
dis.mat <- switch (method,
sou = {dist.sou(expVal)},
pea = {dist.pea(expVal)},
spe = {dist.spe(expVal)},
euc = {dist.euc(expVal)},
cos = {dist.cos(expVal)},
jsd = {dist.jsd(expVal)},
tani = {dist.tani(expVal)},
jac = {dist.jac(expVal)},
ced = {dist.ced(expVal)},
sou_v = {dist.sou_v(expVal)}
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