
Defines functions addArrowMark

Documented in addArrowMark

#' Add arrow mark to the figure at a given position
#' @description A function to add arrow mark for emphasizing peaks 
#' @param pos A unit object representing the location of arrow mark to be placed 
#' at current viewport. Default is the value of grid.locator, which will get the 
#' location of the mouse click.
#' @param label A character or expression vector.
#' @param angle A parameter passed into grid::arrow function. The angle of arrow 
#' head in degrees (smaller numbers produce narrower, pointier arrows). Essentially 
#' describes the width of the arrow head.
#' @param length A parameter passed into grid::arrow function. Aunit specifying
#' the length of the arrow head.
#' @param col color of the arrow
#' @param cex Multiplier applied to fontsize
#' @param quadrant the direction of arrow, 1: to bottomleft, 2: to bottomright,
#' 3: to topright, 4: to topleft
#' @param type A parameter passed into grid::arrow function. One of "open" or "closed"
#' indicating whether the arrow head should be a closed triangle.
#' @param vp A Grid viewport object. It must be output of \code{\link{viewTracks}}
#' @return invisible x, y position value.
#' @import grid
#' @export
#' @seealso See Also as \code{\link{addGuideLine}}, \code{\link[grid:arrow]{arrow}}
#' @examples 
#' grid.newpage()
#' addArrowMark(list(x=unit(.5, "npc"), 
#'                y=unit(.5, "npc")), 
#'                label="label1",
#'                col="blue")
#' ##  how to get the position by mouse click
#' if(interactive()){
#' pos <- addArrowMark(label="byClick")
#' addArrowMark(pos, label="samePosAsAbove")
#' }
addArrowMark <- function(pos=grid.locator(), label=NULL, angle=15, 
                         length=unit(.25, "inches"), col="red", cex=1, quadrant=4,
                         type="closed", vp=NULL){
    x <- pos$x
    y <- pos$y
    if(!inherits(x, c("numeric", "integer", "unit")) |
           length(x) < 1)
        stop("x is required as a numeric vector of x-coordinates of genome")
    if(!inherits(y, c("numeric", "integer", "unit")) |
           length(y) < 1)
        stop("y is required as a numeric vector of y-coordinates")
        stop("The length of x and y is not identical.")
    if(!quadrant %in% 1:4)
        stop("quadrant must be a integer in 1, 2, 3, 4")
        stopifnot(is(vp, "viewport"))
        if(is(vp, "vpTree")){
           stop("NOT ready for breaked axis.")
    len <- length(x)
    lastTrackViewer <- getOption("LastTrackViewer")
    lastTrackViewerXscale <- c(0, 1)
    if(length(lastTrackViewer)>0) {
        lastTrackViewerXscale <- sort(lastTrackViewer$xscale)
    if(all(inherits(y, c("numeric", "integer")))){
        if(all(floor(y)==y &ceiling(y)==y)){
            xy <- lastTrackViewer$xy
            yHeights <- c(0, lastTrackViewer$yHeights)
            yHeights <- cumsum(yHeights)
            yscales <- lastTrackViewer$yscales
            xscale <- lastTrackViewer$xscale
    trimLen <- function(obj, len){
            obj <- rep(obj, len)[1:len]
    col <- trimLen(col, len)
    angle <- trimLen(angle, len)
    length <- trimLen(length, len)
    type <- trimLen(type, len)
    cex <- trimLen(cex, len)
    for(i in 1:len){
        if(inherits(x[i], c("numeric", "integer"))){
            if(findInterval(x[i], c(0, 1))==1){
                xi <- unit(x[i], "npc")
                #if(!is.null(vp)) {
                    #r <- sort(vp$xscale)
                    #if(findInterval(x[i], r)==1){
                        xi <- unit(x[i], "native")
            if(!is(xi, "unit")) stop("'pos$x' argument must be a unit object.")
            xi <- x[i]
        if(inherits(y[i], c("numeric", "integer"))){
            if(findInterval(y[i], c(0, 1))==1){
                yi <- unit(y[i], "npc")
                #if(!is.null(vp)) {
                    #r <- vp$yscale
                    #if(y[i]<=r[2] && y[i]>=r[1]){
                        yi <- unit(y[i], "native")
                 if(length(lastTrackViewer)>0 && findInterval(as.numeric(xi), lastTrackViewerXscale)){
                     curViewStyle <- lastTrackViewer$viewerStyle
                     yvp <- list(vp1=viewport(x=0, y=yHeights[y[i]], 
                                 vp2=viewport(x=0, y=lastTrackViewer$yHeightBottom[y[i]], 
                                              height=1 - lastTrackViewer$yHeightTop[y[i]] - 
                     yi <- xy[[y[i]]]
                     yi <- yi$y[c(0, yi$x[-length(yi$x)])<=x[i] & c(yi$x[-1], .Machine$integer.max)>=x[i]]
                         yi <- yi[1]
                         yi <- 0
                     yi <- unit(yi, "native")
            if(!is(yi, "unit")) stop("'pos$y' argument must be a unit object.")
            yi <- y[i]
        ar <- arrow(angle=angle[i], length=length[i], ends="first", type=type[i])
        hjust <- switch(quadrant, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)
            popv <- FALSE
            if(length(lastTrackViewer)>0 && findInterval(as.numeric(xi), lastTrackViewerXscale) && 
               (inherits(y[i], c("numeric", "integer"))) & findInterval(y[i], c(0, 1))!=1){
                popv <- TRUE
            xi <- as.numeric(convertUnit(xi, "native", axisFrom="x"))
            yi <- as.numeric(convertUnit(yi, "native", axisFrom="y"))
                xi1 <- switch(quadrant,
                              xi + as.numeric(convertUnit(length[i], "native", axisFrom="x")) - xscale[1],
                              xi - as.numeric(convertUnit(length[i], "native", axisFrom="x")) + xscale[1],
                              xi - as.numeric(convertUnit(length[i], "native", axisFrom="x")) + xscale[1],
                              xi + as.numeric(convertUnit(length[i], "native", axisFrom="x")) - xscale[1],
                              xi + as.numeric(convertUnit(length[i], "native", axisFrom="x")) - xscale[1])
                yi1 <- switch(quadrant,
                              yi + as.numeric(convertUnit(length[i], "native", axisFrom="y")) - yscales[[y[i]]][1],
                              yi + as.numeric(convertUnit(length[i], "native", axisFrom="y")) - yscales[[y[i]]][1],
                              yi - as.numeric(convertUnit(length[i], "native", axisFrom="y")) + yscales[[y[i]]][1],
                              yi - as.numeric(convertUnit(length[i], "native", axisFrom="y")) + yscales[[y[i]]][1],
                              yi - as.numeric(convertUnit(length[i], "native", axisFrom="y")) + yscales[[y[i]]][1])
                xi1 <- switch(quadrant,
                              xi + as.numeric(convertUnit(length[i], "native", axisFrom="x")) - vp$xscale[1],
                              xi - as.numeric(convertUnit(length[i], "native", axisFrom="x")) + vp$xscale[1],
                              xi - as.numeric(convertUnit(length[i], "native", axisFrom="x")) + vp$xscale[1],
                              xi + as.numeric(convertUnit(length[i], "native", axisFrom="x")) - vp$xscale[1],
                              xi + as.numeric(convertUnit(length[i], "native", axisFrom="x")) - vp$xscale[1])
                yi1 <- switch(quadrant,
                              yi + as.numeric(convertUnit(length[i], "native", axisFrom="y")) - vp$yscale[1],
                              yi + as.numeric(convertUnit(length[i], "native", axisFrom="y")) - vp$yscale[1],
                              yi - as.numeric(convertUnit(length[i], "native", axisFrom="y")) + vp$yscale[1],
                              yi - as.numeric(convertUnit(length[i], "native", axisFrom="y")) + vp$yscale[1],
                              yi - as.numeric(convertUnit(length[i], "native", axisFrom="y")) + vp$yscale[1])
            grid.lines(x=c(xi, xi1), y=c(yi, yi1), 
                       gp=gpar(col=col[i], fill=col[i]), arrow=ar,
            if(!is.null(label[i])) grid.text(label=label[i], x = xi1, y = yi1, hjust = hjust,
                                          default.units = "native", gp = gpar(col=col[i], cex=cex[i]))
            xi <- as.numeric(convertUnit(xi, "native", axisFrom="x"))
            yi <- as.numeric(convertUnit(yi, "native", axisFrom="y"))
            l <- min(as.numeric(convertUnit(length[i], "native", axisFrom="x")),
                     as.numeric(convertUnit(length[i], "native", axisFrom="y")))
            xi1 <- switch(quadrant,
                          xi + l,
                          xi - l,
                          xi - l,
                          xi + l,
                          xi + l)
            yi1 <- switch(quadrant,
                          yi - l,
                          yi - l,
                          yi + l,
                          yi + l,
                          yi - l)
            grid.lines(x=c(xi, xi1), y=c(yi, yi1), 
                       gp=gpar(col=col[i], fill=col[i]), arrow=ar,
            if(!is.null(label[i])) grid.text(label=label[i], x = xi1, y = yi1, hjust = hjust, 
                                          default.units = "native", 
                                          gp = gpar(col=col[i], cex=cex[i]))
jianhong/trackViewer documentation built on Jan. 3, 2025, 10:33 p.m.