######## radial style stack
#' plot sequence logo stacks with a radial phylogenic tree
#' plot sequence logo stacks with a radial phylogenic tree
#' @param phylog an object of class phylog
#' @param pfms a list of objects of class pfm
#' @param circle a size coefficient for the outer circle of the labels. Please
#' note this is the position of inner.label.cirle.
#' @param circle.motif a size coefficient for the motif circle
#' @param cleaves a character size for plotting the points that represent the
#' leaves, used with par("cex")*cleaves. If zero, no points are drawn
#' @param cnodes a character size for plotting the points that represent the
#' nodes, used with par("cex")*cnodes. If zero, no points are drawn
#' @param labels.leaves a vector of strings of characters for the leaves labels
#' @param clabel.leaves a character size for the leaves labels, used with
#' par("cex")*clabel.leaves
#' @param labels.nodes a vector of strings of characters for the nodes labels
#' @param clabel.nodes a character size for the nodes labels, used with
#' par("cex")*clabel.nodes. If zero, no nodes labels are drawn
#' @param draw.box if TRUE draws a box around the current plot with the
#' function box()
#' @param col.leaves a vector of colors for leaves labels
#' @param col.leaves.bg a vector of colors for background of leaves labels
#' @param col.leaves.bg.alpha alpha value [0, 1] for the colors of backgroud of
#' leaves labels
#' @param col.bg a vector of colors for tree background
#' @param col.bg.alpha a alpha value [0, 1] of colors for tree background
#' @param col.inner.label.circle a vector of colors for inner cirlce of pfms
#' @param inner.label.circle.width width for inner circle of pfms
#' @param col.outer.label.circle a vector of colors for outer circle of pfms
#' @param outer.label.circle.width width for outer circle of pfms
#' @param clockwise a logical value indicating if slices are drawn clockwise or
#' counter clockwise
#' @param init.angle number specifying the starting angle (in degrees) for the
#' slices. Defaults to 0 (i.e., `3 o'clock`) unless clockwise is true where
#' init.angle defaults to 90 (degrees), (i.e., `12 o'clock`)
#' @param angle number specifying the angle (in degrees) for phylogenic tree.
#' Defaults 360
#' @param pfmNameSpliter spliter when name of pfms contain multiple node of
#' labels.leaves
#' @param rcpostfix the postfix for reverse complements
#' @param motifScale the scale of logo size
#' @param ic.scale logical. If TRUE, the height of each column is proportional
#' to its information content. Otherwise, all columns have the same height.
#' @param plotIndex logical. If TRUE, will plot index number in the motifLogo
#' which can help user to describe the motifLogo
#' @param IndexCol The color of the index number when plotIndex is TRUE.
#' @param IndexCex The cex of the index number when plotIndex is TRUE.
#' @param groupDistance show groupDistance on the draw
#' @param groupDistanceLineCol groupDistance line color, default: red
#' @param plotAxis logical. If TRUE, will plot distance axis.
#' @param font font of logo
#' @param ... not used.
#' @return none
#' @seealso \link[ade4:plot.phylog]{plot.phylog}
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics par plot.default strwidth polygon text segments
#' points lines symbols box
#' @importFrom grDevices grey dev.size
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom grid pushViewport viewport popViewport grid.text gpar grid.xaxis
#' @examples
#' if(interactive() || Sys.getenv("USER")=="jianhongou"){
#' library("MotifDb")
#' matrix.fly <- query(MotifDb, "Dmelanogaster")
#' motifs <- as.list(matrix.fly)
#' motifs <- motifs[grepl("Dmelanogaster-FlyFactorSurvey-",
#' names(motifs), fixed=TRUE)]
#' names(motifs) <- gsub("Dmelanogaster_FlyFactorSurvey_", "",
#' gsub("_FBgn[0-9]+$", "",
#' gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9]","_",
#' gsub("(_[0-9]+)+$", "", names(motifs)))))
#' motifs <- motifs[unique(names(motifs))]
#' pfms <- sample(motifs, 50)
#' hc <- clusterMotifs(pfms)
#' library(ade4)
#' phylog <- ade4::hclust2phylog(hc)
#' leaves <- names(phylog$leaves)
#' pfms <- pfms[leaves]
#' pfms <- mapply(pfms, names(pfms), FUN=function(.ele, .name){
#' new("pfm",mat=.ele, name=.name)})
#' pfms <- DNAmotifAlignment(pfms, minimalConsensus=3)
#' library(RColorBrewer)
#' color <- brewer.pal(12, "Set3")
#' plotMotifStackWithRadialPhylog(phylog, pfms, circle=0.9,
#' cleaves = 0.5, clabel.leaves = 0.7,
#' col.bg=rep(color, each=5), col.leaves=rep(color, each=5))
#' }
plotMotifStackWithRadialPhylog <-
function (phylog, pfms=NULL,
circle=.75, circle.motif=NA, cleaves=1, cnodes=0,
labels.leaves=names(phylog$leaves), clabel.leaves=1,
labels.nodes=names(phylog$nodes), clabel.nodes=0,
col.leaves=rep("black", length(labels.leaves)),
col.leaves.bg=NULL, col.leaves.bg.alpha=1,
col.bg=NULL, col.bg.alpha=1,
col.inner.label.circle=NULL, inner.label.circle.width="default",
col.outer.label.circle=NULL, outer.label.circle.width="default",
clockwise =FALSE, init.angle=if(clockwise) 90 else 0,
angle=360, pfmNameSpliter=";", rcpostfix="(RC)",
motifScale=c("linear","logarithmic"), ic.scale=TRUE,
plotIndex=FALSE, IndexCol="black", IndexCex=.8,
groupDistance=NA, groupDistanceLineCol="red",
plotAxis=FALSE, font="sans",
if (!inherits(phylog, "phylog"))
stop("Non convenient data")
if(all(sapply(pfms, function(.ele) is(.ele, "pcm")))) {
pfms <- lapply(pfms, pcm2pfm)
leaves.number <- length(phylog$leaves)
checkLength <- function(tobechecked){
checkNA <- function(tobechecked){
if(is.null(tobechecked)) return(FALSE)
for(tobechecked in c("col.leaves", "col.leaves.bg", "col.bg", "col.inner.label.circle", "col.outer.label.circle")){
if(checkLength(eval(as.symbol(tobechecked)))) stop(paste("the length of", tobechecked, "should be same as the length of leaves"))
if(checkNA(eval(as.symbol(tobechecked)))) stop(paste("contain NA in", tobechecked))
motifScale <- match.arg(motifScale)
leaves.names <- names(phylog$leaves)
nodes.number <- length(phylog$nodes)
nodes.names <- names(phylog$nodes)
if (length(labels.leaves) != leaves.number)
labels.leaves <- names(phylog$leaves)
if (length(labels.nodes) != nodes.number)
labels.nodes <- names(phylog$nodes)
if (circle < 0)
stop("'circle': non convenient value")
leaves.car <- gsub("[_]", " ", labels.leaves)
nodes.car <- gsub("[_]", " ", labels.nodes)
opar <- par(mar = par("mar"), srt = par("srt"))
par(mar = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1), mfrow=c(1,1))
dis <- phylog$droot
max_Dis <- max(dis)
axis_pos <- circle
groupDistance <- (max_Dis - groupDistance) * circle / max_Dis
dis <- dis/max_Dis
rayon <- circle
dis <- dis * rayon
dist.leaves <- dis[leaves.names]
dist.nodes <- dis[nodes.names]
asp <- c(1, 1)
plot.default(0, 0, type = "n", asp = 1, xlab = "", ylab = "",
xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlim = c(-2, 2), ylim = c(-2, 2),
xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", frame.plot = FALSE)
pin <- dev.size("in") #pin <- par("pin")
if (pin[1L] > pin[2L]) asp <- c(pin[2L]/pin[1L], 1)
else asp <- c(1, pin[1L]/pin[2L])
plot.default(0, 0, type = "n", asp=1, xlab = "", ylab = "",
xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlim = c(-2.5, 2.5), ylim = c(-2.5, 2.5),
xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", frame.plot = FALSE)
d.rayon <- rayon/(nodes.number - 1)
twopi <- if (clockwise) -2 * pi else 2 * pi
alpha <- twopi * angle * (1:leaves.number)/leaves.number/360 + init.angle * pi/180
names(alpha) <- leaves.names
x <- dist.leaves * cos(alpha)
y <- dist.leaves * sin(alpha)
xcar <- (rayon + d.rayon) * cos(alpha)
ycar <- (rayon + d.rayon) * sin(alpha)
rayonWidth <- max(unlist(lapply(leaves.names, strwidth, units="user", cex=clabel.leaves)))
circle.motif <- ifelse(is.na(circle.motif), rayon + d.rayon + rayonWidth, circle.motif)
##for logos position
maxvpwidth <- 0
beta <- alpha * 180 / pi
vpheight <- 2 * pi * angle * circle.motif / 360 / leaves.number / 5
vpheight <- vpheight * asp[2L]
xm <- circle.motif * cos(alpha) * asp[1L] / 5 + 0.5
ym <- circle.motif * sin(alpha) * asp[2L] / 5 + 0.5
pfmNamesLen <- sapply(pfms, function(.ele)
length(strsplit(.ele@name, pfmNameSpliter)[[1]]))
vph <- 2.5*vpheight*pfmNamesLen
else vph <- 2.5*vpheight*(1+log2(pfmNamesLen+0.0001))
maxvpwidth <- max(mapply(function(.ele, f) ncol(.ele@mat)*f, pfms, vph))
if(inner.label.circle.width=="default") inner.label.circle.width <- rayonWidth/10
if(outer.label.circle.width=="default") outer.label.circle.width <- rayonWidth/10
ratio <- if(!is.null(pfms)) 2.5/(circle.motif+maxvpwidth+outer.label.circle.width) else 1
if(ratio < 1){
x <- x * ratio
y <- y * ratio
xcar <- xcar * ratio
ycar <- ycar * ratio
dis <- dis * ratio
groupDistance <- groupDistance * ratio
xm <- (xm-.5) * ratio + .5
ym <- (ym-.5) * ratio + .5
vpheight <- vpheight * ratio
axis_pos <- axis_pos * ratio
##for plot background
if(!is.null(col.bg)) col.bg <- highlightCol(col.bg, col.bg.alpha)
if(!is.null(col.leaves.bg)) col.leaves.bg <- highlightCol(col.leaves.bg, col.leaves.bg.alpha)
gamma <- twopi * angle * ((1:(leaves.number+1))-0.5)/leaves.number/360 + init.angle * pi/180
n <- max(2, floor(200*360/leaves.number))
plotBgArc <- function(r,bgcol,inr){
if(ratio < 1){
r <- r*ratio
inr <- inr*ratio
t2xy <- function(rx,t) list(x=rx*cos(t), y=rx*sin(t))
oldcol <- bgcol[1]
start <- 1
icnt <- 1
for(i in 1:leaves.number){
oldcol <- bgcol[i]
if(i==leaves.number || bgcol[i+1]!=oldcol){
P <- t2xy(r, seq.int(gamma[start], gamma[start+icnt], length.out=n*icnt))
polygon(c(P$x, 0), c(P$y, 0), border=bgcol[i], col=bgcol[i])
start <- i+1
icnt <- 1
} else {
icnt <- icnt + 1
P <- t2xy(inr, seq.int(0, twopi, length.out=n*leaves.number))
polygon(c(P$x, 0), c(P$y, 0), border="white", col="white")
if (clabel.leaves > 0) {
if(!is.null(col.outer.label.circle)) ##plot outer.label.circle
plotBgArc(circle.motif+maxvpwidth+outer.label.circle.width, col.outer.label.circle, circle.motif+maxvpwidth)
if(!is.null(col.inner.label.circle)) #plot inner.label.circle
plotBgArc(circle.motif, col.inner.label.circle, circle.motif - inner.label.circle.width)
if(!is.null(col.leaves.bg)) ##plot leaves bg
plotBgArc(circle.motif - inner.label.circle.width, col.leaves.bg, rayon+d.rayon)
if(!is.null(col.bg)) ##plot center bg
plotBgArc(ifelse(mean(dist.leaves)/max(dis) > .9, mean(dist.leaves), max(dis)-d.rayon), col.bg, 0)##plotBgArc(mean(dist.leaves), col.bg, 0)
for(i in 1:leaves.number) {
par(srt = alpha[i] * 180/pi)
text(xcar[i], ycar[i], leaves.car[i], adj = 0, col=col.leaves[i], cex = par("cex") *
segments(xcar[i], ycar[i], x[i], y[i], col = grey(0.7))
assign("tmp_motifStack_symbolsCache", list(), envir=.globals)
##extract names
for(metaChar in c("\\","$","*","+",".","?","[","]","^","{","}","|","(",")"))
rcpostfix <- gsub(metaChar,paste("\\",metaChar,sep=""),rcpostfix,fixed=TRUE)
pfmNames <- lapply(pfms, function(.ele) .ele@name)
for(i in 1:length(pfmNames)){
pfmname <- unlist(strsplit(pfmNames[[i]], pfmNameSpliter))
pfmname <- gsub(paste(rcpostfix,"$",sep=""),"",pfmname)
pfmIdx <- which(makeLeaveNames(labels.leaves) %in% makeLeaveNames(pfmname))
pfmIdx <- which(makeLeaveNames(names(phylog$leaves))
%in% makeLeaveNames(pfmname))
vph <- ifelse(motifScale=="linear",
vpw <- vph * ncol(pfms[[i]]@mat) / 2
vpd <- sqrt(vph*vph+vpw*vpw) / 2
angle <- median(beta[pfmIdx])
this.pfmIdx <- which(beta[pfmIdx] == angle)[1]
vpx <- xm[pfmIdx[this.pfmIdx]] + vpd * cos(alpha[pfmIdx[this.pfmIdx]]) * asp[1L]
vpy <- ym[pfmIdx[this.pfmIdx]] + vpd * sin(alpha[pfmIdx[this.pfmIdx]]) * asp[2L]
vpx1 <- xm[pfmIdx[this.pfmIdx]] - inner.label.circle.width * cos(alpha[pfmIdx[this.pfmIdx]]) * asp[1L] *1.1/5
vpy1 <- ym[pfmIdx[this.pfmIdx]] - inner.label.circle.width * sin(alpha[pfmIdx[this.pfmIdx]]) * asp[2L] *1.1/5
this.pfmIdx <- order(abs(beta[pfmIdx] - angle))[1:2]
vpx <- median(xm[pfmIdx[this.pfmIdx]]) + vpd * cos(median(alpha[pfmIdx[this.pfmIdx]])) * asp[1L]
vpy <- median(ym[pfmIdx[this.pfmIdx]]) + vpd * sin(median(alpha[pfmIdx[this.pfmIdx]])) * asp[2L]
vpx1 <- median(xm[pfmIdx[this.pfmIdx]]) - inner.label.circle.width * cos(median(alpha[pfmIdx[this.pfmIdx]])) * asp[1L] *1.1/5
vpy1 <- median(ym[pfmIdx[this.pfmIdx]]) - inner.label.circle.width * sin(median(alpha[pfmIdx[this.pfmIdx]])) * asp[2L] *1.1/5
pushViewport(viewport(x=vpx, y=vpy, width=vpw, height=vph, angle=angle))
if(!is(pfms[[i]], "psam")){
plotMotifLogoA(pfms[[i]], font=font, ic.scale=ic.scale)
plotAffinityLogo(pfms[[i]], font=font, newpage=FALSE)
if(plotIndex) {
grid.text(label=i, x=vpx1,
gp=gpar(col=IndexCol, cex=IndexCex), rot=angle, just="right")
warning(paste("No leave named as ", paste(pfmname, collapse=", ")), sep="")
rm(list="tmp_motifStack_symbolsCache", envir=.globals)
if (cleaves > 0) {
for (i in 1:leaves.number) points(x[i], y[i], pch = 21, col=col.leaves[i],
bg = col.leaves[i], cex = par("cex") * cleaves)
ang <- rep(0, length(dist.nodes))
names(ang) <- names(dist.nodes)
ang <- c(alpha, ang)
for (i in 1:length(phylog$parts)) {
w <- phylog$parts[[i]]
but <- names(phylog$parts)[i]
ang[but] <- mean(ang[w])
b <- range(ang[w])
a.seq <- c(seq(b[1], b[2], by = pi/180), b[2])
lines(dis[but] * cos(a.seq), dis[but] * sin(a.seq), col="#222222", lwd=par("cex") * clabel.leaves)
x1 <- dis[w] * cos(ang[w])
y1 <- dis[w] * sin(ang[w])
x2 <- dis[but] * cos(ang[w])
y2 <- dis[but] * sin(ang[w])
segments(x1, y1, x2, y2, col="#222222", lwd=par("cex") * clabel.leaves)
groupDistanceLineCol <- rep(groupDistanceLineCol, ceiling(length(groupDistance)/length(groupDistanceLineCol)))[1:length(groupDistance)]
for(i in 1:length(groupDistance)){
symbols(x=0, y=0, circles=groupDistance[i], fg=groupDistanceLineCol[i], lty=2, inches=FALSE, add=TRUE)
if (cnodes > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(phylog$parts)) {
w <- phylog$parts[[i]]
but <- names(phylog$parts)[i]
ang[but] <- mean(ang[w])
points(dis[but] * cos(ang[but]), dis[but] * sin(ang[but]),
pch = 21, bg = "white", cex = par("cex") * cnodes)
## draw distance indix
wd <- if(!is.null(pfms)) 5 else 4
vp <- viewport(x=0.5, y=0.5, width=axis_pos/wd, height=.1,
xscale=c(0, max_Dis), angle=init.angle, just=c(0, 0))
grid.xaxis(gp=gpar(cex = par("cex") * clabel.leaves, col="lightgray"),
vp <- viewport(x=0.5, y=0.5, width=axis_pos/wd, height=.1,
xscale=c(0, max_Dis), angle=init.angle, just=c(0, 1))
grid.xaxis(gp=gpar(cex = par("cex") * clabel.leaves, col="lightgray"),
points(0, 0, pch = 21, cex = par("cex") * 2 * clabel.leaves, bg = "red")
if (clabel.nodes > 0) {
delta <- strwidth(as.character(length(dist.nodes)), cex = par("cex") *
for (j in 1:length(dist.nodes)) {
i <- names(dist.nodes)[j]
par(srt = (ang[i] * 360/2/pi + 90))
x1 <- dis[i] * cos(ang[i])
y1 <- dis[i] * sin(ang[i])
symbols(x1, y1, delta, bg = "white", add = TRUE,
inches = FALSE)
text(x1, y1, nodes.car[j], adj = 0.5, cex = par("cex") *
if (draw.box)
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