#' Gene ontology enrichment analysis
#' @description GO enrichment analysis for nodes
#' @param node_regions GRanges object represent regions interacted with nodes.
#' The object must be annotated by \link{annotateNodes}
#' with comp_id and gene_id in the metadata.
#' @param orgDb An object of \link[AnnotationDbi:AnnotationDb-class]{OrgDb}
#' to extract gene symbols.
#' @param onto Ontology category.
#' @param evidence The acceptable evidence code.
#' @param minGeneNum An integer(1) value indicating the minimal number of gene
#' to start the enrichment analysis. If total gene counts is smaller than
#' the `minGeneNum`, the NULL will be returned.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return A list with element enriched and enriched_in_compound.
#' Or NULL if total counts of gene is smaller than `minGeneNum`.
#' @export
#' @importClassesFrom AnnotationDbi OrgDb
#' @importClassesFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importMethodsFrom AnnotationDbi mappedkeys select
#' @importFrom stats phyper
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @import GO.db
#' @examples
#' library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene) ## for human hg19
#' library(org.Hs.eg.db) ## used to convert gene_id to gene_symbol
#' library(GO.db)
#' set.seed(123)
#' node_regions <- createRandomNodes(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene)
#' node_regions <-
#' annotateNodes(node_regions,
#' TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene,
#' org.Hs.eg.db)
#' enr <- enrichmentAnalysis(node_regions, org.Hs.eg.db, onto="BP")
enrichmentAnalysis <- function(node_regions, orgDb, onto=c("BP", "CC", "MF"),
c("EXP", "IDA", "IPI", "IMP", "IGI",
"IEP", "HTP", "HDA", "HMP", "HGI",
c("IBA", "IBD", "IKR", "IRD"),
c("ISS", "ISO", "ISA", "ISM", "IGC",
c("TAS", "NAS"),
c("IC", "ND"),
stopifnot(is(orgDb, "OrgDb"))
onto <- match.arg(onto, choices = c("BP", "CC", "MF"), several.ok = TRUE)
all_gene_id <- unlist(node_regions$gene_id)
all_gene_id <- unique(all_gene_id[!is.na(all_gene_id)])
ti <- termInfo(orgDb, onto=onto, evidence=evidence)
##term info(ti) is a list, named as onto, with dataframe
### for all nodes
enrich_all <- lapply(ti, hyperGT, gene_id=all_gene_id, orgDb=orgDb)
### for each node compound
comp_gene_id <- split(node_regions$gene_id, node_regions$comp_id)
comp_gene_id <- lapply(comp_gene_id, function(.ele){
.ele <- unique(unlist(.ele))
comp_gene_id <- comp_gene_id[lengths(comp_gene_id)>=minGeneNum]
enrich_comp <- lapply(ti, function(df_all){
lapply(comp_gene_id, hyperGT, df_all=df_all, orgDb=orgDb)
## enrichment analysis help functions
check_node_region <- function(node_regions, check_col=c("comp_id", "gene_id")){
stopifnot(is(node_regions, "GRanges"))
for(j in check_col){
if(length(node_regions)!=length(mcols(node_regions)[, j])){
stop("node_regions does not contain metadata",
## add ancestors
addAncestors <- function(go_eg, onto){
onto <- match.arg(onto, choices = c("BP", "CC", "MF"), several.ok = FALSE)
GOIDs <- go_eg$GO
GOIDs <- unique(GOIDs)
env <- get(paste0("GO", onto, "ANCESTOR"), envir = GO.db)
Ancestors <- AnnotationDbi::mget(GOIDs, envir = env, ifnotfound = NA)
Ancestors <- data.frame(GO=rep(names(Ancestors), lengths(Ancestors)),
Ancestors <- Ancestors[!is.na(Ancestors$ANCESTORS), , drop=FALSE]
Ancestors <- Ancestors[Ancestors$ANCESTORS!="all", , drop=FALSE]
Ancestors <- merge(Ancestors, go_eg, by="GO")
Ancestors <- Ancestors[, c("ANCESTORS", "ENTREZID")]
colnames(Ancestors) <- colnames(go_eg)
rownames(Ancestors) <- NULL
go_eg <- rbind(go_eg, Ancestors)
go_eg <- unique(go_eg)
go_eg[order(go_eg$ENTREZID), , drop=FALSE]
## get term information
# Evidence code:
# Experimental evidence codes
# Inferred from Experiment (EXP)
# Inferred from Direct Assay (IDA)
# Inferred from Physical Interaction (IPI)
# Inferred from Mutant Phenotype (IMP)
# Inferred from Genetic Interaction (IGI)
# Inferred from Expression Pattern (IEP)
# Inferred from High Throughput Experiment (HTP)
# Inferred from High Throughput Direct Assay (HDA)
# Inferred from High Throughput Mutant Phenotype (HMP)
# Inferred from High Throughput Genetic Interaction (HGI)
# Inferred from High Throughput Expression Pattern (HEP)
# Phylogenetically-inferred annotations
# Inferred from Biological aspect of Ancestor (IBA)
# Inferred from Biological aspect of Descendant (IBD)
# Inferred from Key Residues (IKR)
# Inferred from Rapid Divergence (IRD)
# Computational analysis evidence codes
# Inferred from Sequence or structural Similarity (ISS)
# Inferred from Sequence Orthology (ISO)
# Inferred from Sequence Alignment (ISA)
# Inferred from Sequence Model (ISM)
# Inferred from Genomic Context (IGC)
# Inferred from Reviewed Computational Analysis (RCA)
# Author statement evidence codes
# Traceable Author Statement (TAS)
# Non-traceable Author Statement (NAS)
# Curator statement evidence codes
# Inferred by Curator (IC)
# No biological Data available (ND)
# Electronic annotation evidence code
# Inferred from Electronic Annotation (IEA)
termInfo <-
function(orgDb, onto,
evidence=list("Experimental evidence codes"=
c("EXP", "IDA", "IPI", "IMP", "IGI", "IEP",
"HTP", "HDA", "HMP", "HGI", "HEP"),
"Phylogenetically-inferred annotations"=
c("IBA", "IBD", "IKR", "IRD"),
"Computational analysis evidence codes"=
c("ISS", "ISO", "ISA", "ISM", "IGC", "RCA"),
"Author statement evidence codes"=
c("TAS", "NAS"),
"Curator statement evidence codes"=
c("IC", "ND"),
"Electronic annotation evidence code"=
stopifnot(is(orgDb, "OrgDb"))
stopifnot("The 'GO.db' package is required"=
requireNamespace("GO.db", quietly = TRUE))
onto <- match.arg(onto, choices = c("BP", "CC", "MF"), several.ok = TRUE)
goAnn <- get(sub(".db", "GO", orgDb$packageName))
mapped_genes <- mappedkeys(goAnn)
totalN.genes <- length(unique(mapped_genes))
message("Using `select()` to retreive the GO terms.")
all.GO <- select(x=orgDb, keys = mapped_genes,
columns = c("GO", "ONTOLOGY"),
keytype = "ENTREZID")
all.GO <- all.GO[all.GO$EVIDENCE %in% unlist(evidence),
all.GO <- unique(all.GO)## in case of duplicated items in database
## add Ancestor
all.GO <- split(all.GO[, c("GO", "ENTREZID")], all.GO$ONTOLOGY)
onto <- onto[onto %in% names(all.GO)]
all.GO <- all.GO[onto]
all.GO <- mapply(FUN=addAncestors,
all.GO, names(all.GO),
## hypergeometric distribution test
hyperGT <- function(df_all, gene_id, orgDb){
stopifnot(all(c("GO", "ENTREZID") %in% colnames(df_all)))
df_sub <- df_all[df_all$ENTREZID %in% gene_id, , drop=FALSE]
total_gene_count <- length(unique(df_all$ENTREZID))
this_gene_count <- length(unique(df_sub$ENTREZID))
each_term_gene_count <- table(df_all$GO)
each_term_hits <- split(df_sub$ENTREZID, df_sub$GO)
each_term_hits_count <- lengths(each_term_hits)
GO <- names(each_term_hits)
each_term_gene_count <- as.numeric(each_term_gene_count[GO])
each_term_hits_symbol <- lapply(each_term_hits, FUN=eg2symbol, orgDb=orgDb)
pvalue <- phyper(q=each_term_hits_count-1,
lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE)
fdr=p.adjust(pvalue, method = "BH"),
totalGeneInDataset=rep(this_gene_count, length(GO)),
totalGeneInGenome=rep(total_gene_count, length(GO)),
FUN = paste,
FUN.VALUE = character(1),
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