#' Add a custom coloring or grouping scheme.
#' Add a custom coloring or grouping scheme for ungrouped or grouped amino acids
#' as desired.
#' @param color A named vector of character. This vector specifies
#' different colors for visualizing the different amino acids or amino acid groups.
#' @param symbol A named vector of character. This vector specifies the
#' different symbols for visualizing the different amino acids or amino acid groups.
#' @param group A list or NULL. If only coloring amino acids of similar property is
#' desired, set \code{group} to NULL; otherwise \code{group} should be a list with
#' same names as those of \code{color} and \code{symbol}.
#' @return Add the custom coloring or grouping scheme to the environment
#' \code{cacheEnv}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Add a grouping scheme based on the BLOSUM50 level 3
#' color = c(LVIMC = "#33FF00", AGSTP = "#CCFF00",
#' FYW = '#00FF66', EDNQKRH = "#FF0066")
#' symbol = c(LVIMC = "L", AGSTP = "A", FYW = "F", EDNQKRH = "E")
#' group = list(
#' LVIMC = c("L", "V", "I", "M", "C"),
#' AGSTP = c("A", "G", "S", "T", "P"),
#' FYW = c("F", "Y", "W"),
#' EDNQKRH = c("E", "D", "N", "Q", "K", "R", "H"))
#' addScheme(color = color, symbol = symbol, group = group)
addScheme <- function(color = vector("character"),
symbol = vector("character"),
group = NULL)
if (length(color) < 1 || length(symbol) < 1 || length(group) < 1)
stop("Too few groups!")
if (length(color) != length(symbol) || length(color) != length(group) ||
length(symbol) != length(group))
stop("Wrong grouping specification:",
"The length of color, symbol and group should be the same!")
if(any(names(color) != names(symbol)) || any(names(color) != names(group)) ||
any(names(symbol) != names(group)))
stop("The names of color, symbol and group should be the same!")
custom_group <- list(color = color, symbol = symbol, group = group)
assign("custom_group", custom_group, envir = cachedEnv)
} else {
if (length(color) != 20 || length(symbol) != 20 )
stop("The length of colors and symbols should be 20.")
custom <- list(color = color, symbol = symbol, group = NULL)
assign("custom", custom, envir = cachedEnv)
#' Differential usage test of amino acids or amino acid groups.
#' Test differential usage of amino acids with or without grouping between
#' experimental sets and background sets.
#' @param dagPeptides An object of Class \code{\link{dagPeptides-class}}.
#' @param dagBackground An object of Class \code{\link{dagBackground-class}}.
#' @param groupingScheme A character vector of length 1. Available choices are
#' "no","bulkiness_Zimmerman","hydrophobicity_KD", "hydrophobicity_HW",
#' "isoelectric_point_Zimmerman", "contact_potential_Maiorov",
#' "chemistry_property_Mahler", "consensus_similarity_SF",
#' "volume_Bigelow", "structure_alignments_Mirny", "polarity_Grantham",
#' "sequence_alignment_Dayhoff", "bulkiness_Zimmerman_group", "hydrophobicity_KD_group",
#' "hydrophobicity_HW_group", "charge_group", "contact_potential_Maiorov_group",
#' "chemistry_property_Mahler_group", "consensus_similarity_SF_group",
#' "volume_Bigelow_group", "structure_alignments_Mirny_group", "polarity_Grantham_group",
#' "sequence_alignment_Dayhoff_group", "custom" and "custom_group". If "custom" or
#' "custom_group" are used, users must define a grouping scheme using a list
#' containing sublist named as "color", and "symbol" using the function
#' addScheme, with group set as "NULL" or a list with same names as those of color
#' and symbol. No grouping was applied for the first 12 schemes. It is used to
#' color AAs based on similarities or group amino acids into groups of similarities.
#' @param bgNoise A numeric vector of length 1 if not NA. It should be in
#' the interval of (0, 1) when not NA.
#' @param method A character vector of length 1, specifying the method
#' used for p-value adjustment to correct for multiple testing. it can be
#' "holm", "hochberg", "hommel","bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", or "none".
#' For more details, see \code{\link[stats:p.adjust]{p.adjust.methods}} and
#' \code{\link[stats]{p.adjust}}.
#' @return An object of Class \code{\link{testDAUresults-class}}.
#' @importFrom stats pnorm rgamma sd fisher.test p.adjust p.adjust.methods
#' @import methods
#' @export
#' @author Jianhong Ou, Haibo Liu
#' @examples
#' dat <- unlist(read.delim(system.file(
#' "extdata", "grB.txt", package = "dagLogo"),
#' header = FALSE, as.is = TRUE))
#' ##prepare an object of Proteome Class from a fasta file
#' proteome <- prepareProteome(fasta = system.file("extdata",
#' "HUMAN.fasta",
#' package = "dagLogo"),
#' species = "Homo sapiens")
#' ##prepare an object of dagPeptides Class
#' seq <- formatSequence(seq = dat, proteome = proteome, upstreamOffset = 14,
#' downstreamOffset = 15)
#' bg_fisher <- buildBackgroundModel(seq, background = "wholeProteome",
#' proteome = proteome, testType = "fisher")
#' bg_ztest <- buildBackgroundModel(seq, background = "wholeProteome",
#' proteome = proteome, testType = "ztest")
#' ## no grouping and distinct coloring scheme, adjust p-values using the
#' ## "BH" method.
#' t0 <- testDAU(seq, dagBackground = bg_ztest, method = "BY")
#' ## grouped by polarity index (Granthm, 1974)
#' t1 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq, dagBackground = bg_ztest,
#' groupingScheme = "polarity_Grantham_group")
#' ## grouped by charge.
#' t2 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq, dagBackground = bg_ztest,
#' groupingScheme = "charge_group")
#' ## grouped on the basis of the chemical property of side chains.
#' t3 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq, dagBackground = bg_ztest,
#' groupingScheme = "chemistry_property_Mahler_group")
#' ## grouped on the basis of hydrophobicity (Kyte and Doolittle, 1982)
#' t4 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq, dagBackground = bg_ztest,
#' groupingScheme = "hydrophobicity_KD_group")
testDAU <- function(dagPeptides,
groupingScheme = ls(envir = cachedEnv),
bgNoise = NA,
method = "none")
if (missing(dagPeptides) || class(dagPeptides) != "dagPeptides")
stop("dagPeptides should be an object of dagPeptides class.\n
Please try ?fetchSequence to get help.",
call. = FALSE)
if (missing(dagBackground) || class(dagBackground) != "dagBackground")
stop("dagBackground should be an object of dagBackground class .\n
Please try ?buildBackgroundModel to get help.",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.na(bgNoise))
if (bgNoise < 0 || bgNoise > 1)
stop("The background noise is a number in the range of 0 to 1",
call. = FALSE)
pmethod <- match.arg(method, p.adjust.methods, several.ok = FALSE)
exp <- dagPeptides@peptides
bg <- dagBackground@background
groupingScheme <- match.arg(groupingScheme)
if (!groupingScheme %in% ls(envir = cachedEnv))
stop("Unknown grouping scheme used!")
group <- get(groupingScheme, envir = cachedEnv)$group
if (is.null(group))
AA <- get(groupingScheme, envir = cachedEnv)$symbol
coln <- as.character(AA)
} else
coln <- names(get(groupingScheme, envir = cachedEnv)$group)
## helper function used to group AAs based on groupingScheme
convert <- function(x, gtype)
d <- dim(x)
x <- as.character(x)
for (i in 1:length(gtype))
id <- x %in% gtype[[i]]
name <- names(gtype)[i]
x[id] <- name
matrix(x, nrow = d[1], ncol = d[2])
groupAA <- function(dat, group)
if (grepl("group", group))
dat <- convert(dat, get(group, envir = cachedEnv)$group)
bg <- lapply(bg, function(.bg) groupAA(.bg, groupingScheme))
exp <- groupAA(exp, groupingScheme)
if (ncol(exp) != ncol(bg[[1]]))
stop("The length of background is different from inputs", call. = FALSE)
## get counts for each amino acid at each position if Fisher's exact test
## otherwise get proportions
testType <- dagBackground@testType
counts <- function(mat, coln, testType)
num <- apply(mat, 2, function(.ele) {
cnt <- table(.ele)[coln]
## just in case not all coln in the dataset
names(cnt) <- coln
cnt[is.na(cnt)] <- 0
total <- sum(cnt)
list(freq = cnt, percent = cnt / total)})
## a list of list
bg <- lapply(bg, counts, coln, testType = testType)
## a list
exp <- counts(exp, coln, testType = testType)
## get frequency of each amino acid at each position
exp_freq <- do.call(cbind, lapply(exp, function(.ele){
exp_freq[is.na(exp_freq)] <- 0
## get percentage of each amino acid at each position
exp_percent <- do.call(cbind, lapply(exp, function(.ele){
exp_percent[is.na(exp_percent)] <- 0
rownames(exp_freq) <- rownames(exp_percent ) <- coln
## Add background noise to the background model
if(testType == "z-test")
per_sample_bg_percent <- lapply(bg, function(.bg) {
do.call(cbind, lapply(.bg, function(.ele){
per_position_bg_percent <- lapply(1:ncol(exp_percent),function(i) {
do.call(cbind, lapply(per_sample_bg_percent, function(.ele){
.ele[, i]
if (!is.na(bgNoise))
rdirichlet <- function (n, alpha) {
l <- length(alpha)
x <-matrix(rgamma(l * n, alpha),
ncol = n,
byrow = TRUE)
sm <- x %*% rep(1, n)
t(x / as.vector(sm))
bg_percent <- lapply(per_position_bg_percent, function(col_pct) {
(1 - bgNoise) * col_pct + bgNoise *
rdirichlet(nrow(col_pct), rep(1, ncol(col_pct)))
## get mean proportion of each amino acid at each position
mu_percent <- do.call(cbind, lapply(bg_percent, function(.bg) {
apply(.bg, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
diff_percent <- exp_percent - mu_percent
diff_percent[is.na(diff_percent)] <- 0
n <- dagBackground@numSubsamples
std_percent <- sqrt(mu_percent*(1-mu_percent)/n)
statistics <- diff_percent / std_percent
pvalue <- 2 * pnorm(-abs(statistics))
} else
bg <- bg[[1]]
bg_freq <- do.call(cbind, lapply(bg, function(.ele){
mu_percent <- do.call(cbind, lapply(bg, function(.ele){
diff_percent <- exp_percent - mu_percent
## Fisher exact test
non_bg_freq <- -sweep(x= bg_freq, MARGIN= 2, STATS = colSums(bg_freq), FUN = "-")
non_exp_freq <- -sweep(x= exp_freq, MARGIN= 2, STATS = colSums(exp_freq), FUN = "-")
testResults <- mapply(function(x, X, y, Y){
fisher <- fisher.test(matrix(c(x, X, y, Y), nrow =2, byrow =TRUE),
alternative = "two.sided")
c(pvalues=fisher$p.value, statistics = fisher$estimate)
}, exp_freq, non_exp_freq, bg_freq, non_bg_freq, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
testOut <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, testResults))
colnames(testOut) <- c("pvalues", "statistics")
pvalue <- matrix(testOut$pvalues, nrow = nrow(exp_percent), byrow =FALSE)
statistics <- matrix(testOut$statistics, nrow = nrow(exp_percent), byrow =FALSE)
rownames(diff_percent) <- rownames(pvalue) <- rownames(statistics) <- coln
coln <- c()
if (dagPeptides@upstreamOffset > 0)
coln <- paste("AA", -1 * (dagPeptides@upstreamOffset:1), sep = "")
coln <- c(coln, "AA0")
if (dagPeptides@downstreamOffset > 0)
coln <- c(coln,
paste("AA", 1:dagPeptides@downstreamOffset, sep = ""))
if (length(coln) == ncol(diff_percent))
colnames(diff_percent) <- colnames(statistics) <- colnames(pvalue) <- coln
} else
coln <- paste("AA", 1:ncol(diff_percent), sep = "")
colnames(diff_percent) <- colnames(statistics) <- colnames(pvalue) <- coln
## adjust p-values
if (pmethod != "none")
pvalue[] <- do.call("cbind",
p.adjust(p = .x, method = pmethod)}))
## return the test results as an object of testDAUresults Class
group = groupingScheme,
difference = diff_percent,
statistics = statistics,
pvalue = pvalue,
background = mu_percent,
motif = exp_percent,
testType = dagBackground@testType,
upstreamOffset = dagPeptides@upstreamOffset,
downstreamOffset = dagPeptides@downstreamOffset)
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