#' Calculate the weighted binding score
#' @description Use user predefined weight to get the weighted binding score
#' or use open score to weight the binding score.
#' The open score is calculated by the counts of proximal region divided by
#' the counts of distal region.
#' The binding score is calculated by the counts of proximal region divided by
#' the counts of binding region. This value is the measure of avoidance of
#' reads in the binding sites.
#' @param se An \link[SummarizedExperiment:RangedSummarizedExperiment-class]{RangedSummarizedExperiment}
#' object. Outputs of \link{countsNormalization}.
#' @param weight If NA, the weight will be calculated by the open score.
#' See \link{calWeights}.
#' User can define the weight by a matrix or numeric vector.
#' @param ... The parameters will be passed to \link{calWeights}.
#' @return A RangedSummarizedExperiment object with assays of
#' count matrix with bindingSites, proximalRegion and distalRegion as
#' column names and bindingSites GRanges object as rowRanges.
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment rowRanges
#' rowData assays<-
#' @export
#' @author Jianhong Ou
#' @examples
#' bam <- system.file("extdata",
#' "KD.shift.rep1.bam",
#' package="ATACseqTFEA")
#' bsl <- system.file("extdata", "bindingSites.rds",
#' package="ATACseqTFEA")
#' bindingSites <- readRDS(bsl)
#' ## get the count regions
#' bsEx <- expandBindingSites(bindingSites)
#' ## count reads by 5'ends
#' res <- count5ends(bam, positive=0L, negative=0L,
#' bindingSites=bindingSites,
#' bindingSitesWithGap=bsEx$bindingSitesWithGap,
#' bindingSitesWithProximal=bsEx$bindingSitesWithProximal,
#' bindingSitesWithProximalAndGap=
#' bsEx$bindingSitesWithProximalAndGap,
#' bindingSitesWithDistal=bsEx$bindingSitesWithDistal)
#' ## filter 0 counts in proximal
#' se <- eventsFilter(res, proximalRegion>0)
#' ## normalize counts by width of count region
#' se <- countsNormalization(se, proximal=40, distal=40)
#' ## get the weighted binding scores
#' getWeightedBindingScore(se)
getWeightedBindingScore <- function(se, weight=NA, ...){
stopifnot(is(se, "RangedSummarizedExperiment"))
if(is.na(weight) | is.null(weight)){
pre <- get("prefix", envir = .globalEnv)
cn <- colnames(rowData(se))
cn <- cn[grepl(pre, cn)]
if(length(cn)<1){## calculate weights
se <- calWeights(se, ...)
cn <- colnames(rowData(se))
cn <- cn[grepl(pre, cn)]
stop("Can not get the weights.")
weight <- as.matrix(rowData(se)[, cn, drop=FALSE])
colnames(weight) <- sub(pre, "", colnames(weight), fixed = TRUE)
rowData(se) <- rowData(se)[, !colnames(rowData(se)) %in% cn]
## binding score = proximal/binding
bindingscore <- getBindingScore(se)
stop("The length of 'weight' must equal to the length of inputs.")
weight <- rep(weight, length(se))
stop("The row number of 'weight' must equal to the length of inputs.")
stop("Then column number of 'weight'",
" must equeal to the length of assays.")
if(all(colnames(bindingscore) %in% colnames(weight))){
weight <- weight[, colnames(weight), drop=FALSE]
if(!identical(rownames(bindingscore), rownames(weight))){
rownames(weight) <- rownames(bindingscore)
## following gaussion distribution, should we use Skewness to value it?
adj.bindingscore <- bindingscore * weight
se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = list(bindingScore=adj.bindingscore),
rowRanges = rowRanges(se))
## remove zero sample variances
keep <- apply(adj.bindingscore, 1, unique)
keep <- lengths(keep)>1
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