#' Transcription factor enrichment analysis
#' @description Transcription factor enrichment analysis for the filtered
#' output of \link{DBscore}
#' @param se An \link[SummarizedExperiment:RangedSummarizedExperiment-class]{RangedSummarizedExperiment}
#' object. Filtered outputs of \link{DBscore}.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @importFrom pracma erf
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics start end width start<- end<-
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowRanges
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix rowSums
#' @return A \link{TFEAresults} object.
#' @export
#' @author Jianhong Ou
#' @examples
#' bamExp <- system.file("extdata",
#' c("KD.shift.rep1.bam",
#' "KD.shift.rep2.bam"),
#' package="ATACseqTFEA")
#' bamCtl <- system.file("extdata",
#' c("WT.shift.rep1.bam",
#' "WT.shift.rep2.bam"),
#' package="ATACseqTFEA")
#' bsl <- system.file("extdata", "bindingSites.rds",
#' package="ATACseqTFEA")
#' bindingSites <- readRDS(bsl)
#' ## get the count regions
#' bsEx <- expandBindingSites(bindingSites)
#' ## count reads by 5'ends
#' res <- count5ends(c(bamExp, bamCtl),
#' positive=0L, negative=0L,
#' bindingSites=bindingSites,
#' bindingSitesWithGap=bsEx$bindingSitesWithGap,
#' bindingSitesWithProximal=bsEx$bindingSitesWithProximal,
#' bindingSitesWithProximalAndGap=
#' bsEx$bindingSitesWithProximalAndGap,
#' bindingSitesWithDistal=bsEx$bindingSitesWithDistal)
#' ## filter 0 counts in proximal
#' se <- eventsFilter(res, proximalRegion>0)
#' ## normalize counts by width of count region
#' se <- countsNormalization(se, proximal=40, distal=40)
#' ## get the weighted binding scores
#' se <- getWeightedBindingScore(se)
#' design <- cbind(CTL=1, EXPvsCTL=c(1, 1, 0, 0))
#' rownames(design) <- colnames(se)
#' counts <- DBscore(se, design=design, coef="EXPvsCTL")
#' doTFEA(counts)
doTFEA <- function(se, ...){
stopifnot(is(se, "RangedSummarizedExperiment"))
bindingSites <- rowRanges(se)
stopifnot("Columne 'motif' and 't' is not in rowRanges of inputs"=
all(c("motif", "t") %in% colnames(mcols(bindingSites))))
## sort the bindingSites matrix by t value
bindingSites <- bindingSites[order(bindingSites$t, decreasing = TRUE)]
## Calculate enrichment
## walk down the list L,
## incrementing the running sum statistic by sqrt((N-Nh)/Nh)
## when we encounter a gene in S and decrementing by sqrt(Nh/(N-Nh))
## if the gene is not in S, where N is the number of genes in the list L,
## and Nh is the number of gene in the gene set S.
## create a motif matrix.
motifs <- unique(unlist(bindingSites$motif))
hits <- Matrix(0, nrow = length(motifs), ncol = length(bindingSites))
rownames(hits) <- motifs
motifID <- data.frame(i=rep(seq_along(bindingSites),
motifID <- split(motifID$i, motifID$j)
for(id in names(motifID)){
hits[id, motifID[[id]]] <- 1
cal_ES <- function(hits, N, Nh){
miss <- t(apply(hits==0, 1, cumsum))
hits <- t(apply(hits, 1, cumsum))
hits <- hits/Nh
miss <- miss/(N-Nh)
ES <- hits - miss
N <- ncol(hits)
Nh <- rowSums(hits)
ES <- cal_ES(hits, N, Nh)
n <- (N-Nh)*Nh/N
k <- seq(from=1, to=10, by = 1) ## 10 is enough.
ESmax <- apply(ES, 1, max, na.rm=TRUE)
ESmin <- apply(ES, 1, min, na.rm=TRUE)
ESm <- ifelse(abs(ESmax)>abs(ESmin), ESmax, ESmin)
p <- mapply(ESm, n, FUN = function(.esm, .n){
## expect ES
k <- seq(1, 10000)
EES <- vapply(n, FUN = function(.n){
8*sum((-1)^(k+1)*(exp(-2*k^2*.n)/4 -
}, FUN.VALUE = 0.0)
## normalized ES = ES/EES
NES <- ESm/abs(EES)
res <- data.frame(TF = names(ESm),
p_value = p,
adjPval = p.adjust(p, method = "BH"))
bindingSites = bindingSites,
motifID = motifID,
resultsTable = res)
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