#' export list of GAlignments into bam files
#' @description wraper for \link[BiocIO:export]{export} to export list of
#' GAlignment into bam files.
#' @param objs A list of \link[GenomicAlignments:GAlignments-class]{GAlignments}.
#' @param outPath character(1). Output file path.
#' @return status of export.
#' @export
#' @importFrom Rsamtools asBam
#' @author Jianhong Ou
#' @examples
#' library(GenomicAlignments)
#' gal1 <- GAlignments(seqnames=Rle("chr1"), pos=1L, cigar="10M",
#' strand=Rle(strand(c("+"))), names="a", score=1)
#' galist <- GAlignmentsList(a=gal1)
#' writeListOfGAlignments(galist)
writeListOfGAlignments <- function(objs, outPath="."){
stopifnot(inherits(objs, c("list", "GAlignmentsList")))
null <- sapply(objs, function(.ele){
if(!is(.ele, "GAlignments")){
stop("All elements in objs must be GAlignments.")
stop("invalid outPath.")
dir.create(outPath, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
mapply(function(data, n){
exportBamFile(data, file.path(outPath, paste0(n, ".bam")))
meta <- metadata(data)
if("file" %in% names(meta)){
file.copy(from = meta$file, to = file.path(outPath, paste0(n, ".bam")))
file.copy(from = paste0(meta$file, ".bai"),
to = file.path(outPath, paste0(n, ".bam.bai")))
}, objs, names(objs))
possibleTag <-
list("integer"=c("AM", "AS", "CM", "CP", "FI", "H0", "H1", "H2",
"HI", "IH", "MQ", "NH", "NM", "OP", "PQ", "SM",
"TC", "UQ"),
"character"=c("BC", "BQ", "BZ", "CB", "CC", "CO", "CQ", "CR",
"CS", "CT", "CY", "E2", "FS", "LB", "MC", "MD",
"MI", "OA", "OC", "OQ", "OX", "PG", "PT", "PU",
"Q2", "QT", "QX", "R2", "RG", "RX", "SA", "TS",
"Metadata"=c("RG", "LB", "PG", "PU", "CO"))
fillColumn <- function(x, filler) {
if (is.null(x))
else if (anyNA(x))
ifelse(is.na(x), filler, x)
else x
formatInt <- function(x){# handle format 1e5
sub('^\\s', '', formatC(x, format = 'd'))
exportBamFile <- function(object, con){
stopifnot(is(object, "GAlignments"))
sam_path <- sub("bam$", "sam", con, ignore.case = TRUE)
sam_path <- paste0(con, ".sam")
sam_con <- file(sam_path, "w")
si <- seqinfo(object)
has_info <-
seqlevels(si)[!is.na(seqlevels(si)) & !is.na(seqlengths(si))]
si <- si[has_info]
if (length(si)) {
header <- paste0("@SQ",
"\tSN:", seqlevels(si),
"\tLN:", seqlengths(si))
has_genome <- !is.na(genome(si))
header[has_genome] <- paste0(header[has_genome], "\tAS:",
custom <- mcols(object)[nchar(names(mcols(object))) == 2L]
if (length(custom) > 0L && nrow(custom)>0) {
type.map <- c(integer = "i", numeric = "f", character = "Z",
factor = "Z")
custom.class <- vapply(custom, function(.ele) class(.ele)[1],
FUN.VALUE = "character")
custom.type <- type.map[custom.class]
custom.type[names(custom) %in% possibleTag$integer] <- "i"
custom.type[names(custom) %in% possibleTag$character] <- "Z"
unknown.class <- custom.class[is.na(custom.type)]
if (length(unknown.class) > 0L) {
warning("these classes are not yet valid for BAM tag export: ",
paste(unknown.class, collapse=", "))
custom <- custom[!is.na(custom.type)]
custom.type <- custom.type[!is.na(custom.type)]
customMD <- custom[names(custom) %in% possibleTag$Metadata]
tag_ids <- lapply(customMD, unique)
tag_ids <- lapply(tag_ids, function(.ele) .ele[!is.na(.ele)])
tag_ids <- paste0("@", rep(names(tag_ids), lengths(tag_ids)),
"\tID:", unlist(tag_ids))
header <- c(header, tag_ids)
if(length(metadata(object)$header)) header <- metadata(object)$header
writeLines(header, sam_con)
chunk <- 100000
for(i in seq.int(ceiling(length(object)/chunk))){
idx <- seq.int(chunk)+(i-1)*chunk
thisObj <- object[idx[idx<=length(object)]]
thisCustom <- custom[idx[idx<=length(object)], , drop=FALSE]
emd <- mcols(thisObj)
aln <- paste(fillColumn(names(thisObj), "*"),# QNAME String
ifelse(strand(thisObj) == "-",
16, 0))), # FLAG Int
seqnames(thisObj),# RNAME String
formatInt(start(thisObj)),# POS Int
formatInt(fillColumn(emd[["mapq"]], 255)),# MAPQ Int
cigar(thisObj), # CIGAR String
fillColumn(emd[["mrnm"]], "*"), # RNEXT String
formatInt(fillColumn(emd[["mpos"]], 0)), # PNEXT Int
formatInt(fillColumn(emd[["isize"]], 0)), # TLEN Int
if (is(thisObj, "GappedReads")) thisObj@qseq
else fillColumn(emd[["seq"]], "*"), # SEQ String
fillColumn(emd[["qual"]], "*"), # QUAL String
sep = "\t")
if (length(thisCustom) > 0L && nrow(thisCustom)>0) {
tags <- mapply(paste0, names(thisCustom), ":", custom.type, ":",
as.list(thisCustom), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
tags <- do.call(paste, c(tags, sep = "\t"))
## remove the NA values
tags <- sub("\\t$", "",
sub("..:[ifZ]:NA$", "",
gsub("..:[ifZ]:NA\\t", "", tags)))
aln <- paste(aln, tags, sep = "\t")
writeLines(aln, sam_con)
rm(aln, tags, thisObj, thisCustom)
gc(verbose = FALSE)
on.exit() ## redefine on.exit
bam <- asBam(sam_path, sub(".bam$", "", con, ignore.case = TRUE),
overwrite = TRUE, indexDestination = FALSE)
bam <- asBam(sam_path, sub(".bam$", "", con, ignore.case = TRUE),
overwrite = TRUE, indexDestination = TRUE)
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