#' @title Estimate Cyclic Trend For Several Genes Using Trendfiltering
#' @description For each gene, apply trend filtering as implemented in
#' the genlasso package to estimate cell cycle. For more details, see
#' \code{link{fit_trendfiltering}}.
#' @param Y A matrix (gene by sample) of gene expression values. The
#' expression values are assumed to have been normalized and
#' transformed to the standard normal distribution.
#' @param theta A vector of cell cycle phase (angles) for single-cell
#' samples.
#' @param polyorder Argument passed to \code{\link{fit_trendfilter}}
#' specifying the degree of the polynomials used in nonparametric
#' trend filtering.
#' @param ncores Argument passed to
#' \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}} specifying the number of
#' threads.
#' @return A list containing the following elements:
#' \item{predict.yy}{A matrix of predicted expression values at observed
#' cell cycle.}
#' \item{cellcycle_peco_ordered}{A vector of predicted cell
#' cycle. Values range between 0 to 2pi}
#' \item{cellcycle_function}{List of predicted cell cycle functions.}
#' \item{pve}{Vector of proportion of variance explained in each gene by
#' the predicted cell cycle.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{fit_trendfilter}}
#' @examples
#' library(SingleCellExperiment)
#' data(sce_top101genes)
#' # Select top 10 cyclic genes.
#' sce_top10 <- sce_top101genes[order(rowData(sce_top101genes)$pve_fucci,
#' decreasing=TRUE)[1:10],]
#' coldata <- colData(sce_top10)
#' # Get cell cycle phase based on FUCCI scores.
#' theta <- coldata$theta
#' names(theta) <- rownames(coldata)
#' # Normalize expression counts.
#' sce_top10 <- data_transform_quantile(sce_top10, ncores=2)
#' exprs_quant <- assay(sce_top10, "cpm_quantNormed")
#' # Order FUCCI phase and expression.
#' theta_ordered <- theta[order(theta)]
#' yy_ordered <- exprs_quant[, names(theta_ordered)]
#' fit <- fit_cyclical_many(Y=yy_ordered, theta=theta_ordered)
#' @author Joyce Hsiao
#' @seealso \code{\link{fit_trendfilter}} for fitting one gene
#' using trend filtering.
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @importFrom foreach foreach
#' @importFrom foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster
#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @export
fit_cyclical_many <- function(Y, theta, polyorder=2, ncores=2) {
if (is.null(ncores)) {
cl <- makeCluster(2)
message(paste("computing with",ncores,"threads"))
} else {
cl <- makeCluster(ncores)
message(paste("computing with",ncores,"threads"))
G <- nrow(Y)
N <- ncol(Y)
Y_ordered <- Y[,names(theta)]
ord <- order(theta)
theta_ordered <- theta[ord]
Y_ordered <- Y_ordered[,ord]
# For each gene, estimate the cyclical pattern of gene expression
# conditioned on the given cell times.
fit <- foreach(g=seq_len(G),
.export = c("trendfilter", "fit_trendfilter"),
.packages = c("genlasso", "peco")) %dopar% {
y_g <- Y_ordered[g,]
fit_g <- fit_trendfilter(yy=y_g, polyorder=polyorder)
fun_g <- approxfun(x=as.numeric(theta_ordered),
y=as.numeric(fit_g$trend.yy), rule=2)
mu_g <- fit_g$trend.yy
sigma_g <- sqrt(sum((y_g - mu_g)^2)/N)
predict.yy <- do.call(rbind,(lapply(fit, "[[", 1)))
colnames(predict.yy) <- colnames(Y_ordered)
rownames(predict.yy) <- rownames(Y_ordered)
sigma <- vapply(fit, function(x) x[[2]], double(1))
sigma <- as.data.frame(sigma)
colnames(sigma) <- "sigma"
rownames(sigma) <- rownames(Y_ordered)
pve <- vapply(fit, function(x) x[[4]], double(1))
pve <- as.data.frame(pve)
colnames(pve) <- "pve"
rownames(pve) <- rownames(Y_ordered)
cellcycle_function <- lapply(fit, "[[", 3)
names(cellcycle_function) <- rownames(Y_ordered)
out <- list(predict.yy=predict.yy,
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