inheritance <- function(test, sets, weights, ancestors, offspring, Shaffer, homogeneous=TRUE, trace) {
# input checking 1: sets
if (missing(sets) && is(test, "gt.object") && !is.null(test@subsets))
sets <- test@subsets
if (missing(sets)) stop("argument \"sets\" is missing with no default")
if (is.character(sets))
if (is(test, "gt.object") && !is.null(test@subsets)) {
test <- test[sets]
sets <- test@subsets
if(is(sets,"dendrogram")) {
sets <- dendro2sets(sets)
ancestors <- sets$ancestors
sets <- sets$sets
if (is.null(names(sets)))
stop("sets input has no names attribute.")
if (any(duplicated(sets))) {
sets <- sets[!duplicated(sets)]
warning('duplicated sets removed')
# input checking 2: ancestors and offspring
if (missing(ancestors) && is(test, "gt.object") && !is.null(test@structure$ancestors))
ancestors <- test@structure$ancestors
if (missing(offspring) && is(test, "gt.object") && !is.null(test@structure$offspring))
offspring <- test@structure$offspring
if (missing(ancestors) && missing(offspring)) { # Infer from sets
ancestors <- new.env(hash=TRUE)
offspring <- new.env(hash=TRUE)
for (i in 1:length(sets)) {
truenamei <- names(sets)[i]
namei <- as.character(i) # workaround: variable names in environments may not be over 256 characters
for (j in 1:length(sets)) {
truenamej <- names(sets)[j]
namej <- as.character(j)
if (i != j && length(sets[[i]]) <= length(sets[[j]]) && all(sets[[i]] %in% sets[[j]])) {
ancestors[[namei]] <- c(ancestors[[namei]], truenamej)
offspring[[namej]] <- c(offspring[[namej]], truenamei)
ancestors <- as.list(ancestors)
names(ancestors) <- names(sets)[as.numeric(names(ancestors))]
offspring <- as.list(offspring)
names(offspring) <- names(sets)[as.numeric(names(offspring))]
if ((!missing(ancestors)) && is.environment(ancestors))
ancestors <- as.list(ancestors)
if ((!missing(offspring)) && is.environment(offspring))
offspring <- as.list(offspring)
if (missing(ancestors))
ancestors <- turnListAround(offspring)
if (missing(offspring))
offspring <- turnListAround(ancestors)
# get parents and children from ancestors and offspring
parents <- ancestors2parents(ancestors)
children <- ancestors2parents(offspring)
leaves <- names(sets)[sapply(offspring[names(sets)], length) == 0]
# prevent confusion between "weights" method and argument
if (missing(weights)) weights <- NULL
if (is(weights, "gt.object") && is.list(test@weights) && length(test@weights) > 1)
stop("The inheritance method is not applicable with individually weighted sets")
# Check whether Shaffer may be used
if (is(test,"gt.object") && missing(Shaffer)) {
shaffer.node <- names(sets)[sapply(names(sets), function(st) (!(st %in% leaves)) && all(children[[st]] %in% leaves))]
Shaffer <- (length( setdiff(unlist(sets[shaffer.node]), unlist(sets[leaves])) ) == 0)
# Check default trace
if (missing(trace))
trace <- gt.options()$trace
# Perform test for sets
K <- length(sets)
digitsK <- trunc(log10(K))+1
if (is(test, "gt.object")) {
# find out which tests have already been performed
# sort subsets for quicker checking
# for some reason a double for-loop is much quicker than a double sapply here!
which.sort <- which(sapply(sets, length) %in% size(test))
sets[which.sort] <- lapply(sets[which.sort], sort)
test@subsets <- lapply(test@subsets, sort)
found <- rep(NA, length(test))
for (i in seq_along(test@subsets)) {
subs <- test@subsets[[i]]
for (j in seq_along(which.sort)) {
jj <- which.sort[j]
set <- sets[[which.sort[j]]]
if ((length(subs) == length(set)) && all(subs == set)) {
found[i] <- jj
which.sort <- which.sort[-j]
# get test weights if available
# NOTE: if inheritance was called from covariates(), test@weights is a list of length 1
# regardless of length(gt.object). We retrieve these test weigths and repair the object
# TODO: program this in a more elegant way
test.weights <- test@weights[[1]]
# update object
newgt <- test
where.found <- match(1:K, found)
progress <- sum(!
newgt@result <- matrix(0,K,5)
for (i in 1:K) {
if ([i])) {
if (trace) {
if (progress > 1)
cat(rep("\b", digitsK+trunc(log10(progress))+4), sep="")
progress <- progress +1
cat(progress, "/", K)
if (is.null(test.weights))
newgt@result[i,] <- test@functions$test(sets[[i]])
newgt@result[i,] <- test@functions$test(sets[[i]], test.weights[sets[[i]]])
} else {
newgt@result[i,] <- test@result[where.found[i],]
rownames(newgt@result)<- names(sets)
colnames(newgt@result) <- c("p-value", "Statistic", "Expected", "", "#Cov")
newgt@subsets <- sets
newgt@extra <- NULL
if (is.null(alias(test)) && (!all(names(newgt)[!] == names(test)[where.found[!]])))
alias(test) <- names(test)
if (!is.null(alias(test))) {
alias(newgt) <- rep("", length(newgt))
alias(newgt)[!] <- alias(test)[where.found[!]]
if (!is.null(test.weights))
newgt@weights <- sapply(sets, function(st) test.weights[st])
rawp <- p.value(newgt)
} else {
newgt <- NULL
rawp <- sapply(1:K, function(i) {
if (trace) {
if (i > 1) cat(rep("\b", digitsK+trunc(log10(i-1))+4), sep="")
cat(i, "/", K)
names(rawp) <- names(sets)
# Get weights for inheritance: 1) get leaf weights if missing
if (is.null(weights) && is(test, "gt.object")) {
# most likely case: single top: first check
tops <- which(sapply(ancestors[names(sets)], length) == 0)
if (length(tops) == 1)
weights <- weights(newgt[tops])
else {
temp <- test
temp@subsets <- list(unique(unlist(sets[tops])))
weights <- weights(temp)
# Get weights for inheritance: 2) get set weights
if (is.null(weights)) {
set.weights <- sapply(sets, length)
} else {
set.weights <- sapply(sets, function(st) sum(weights[st]))
#now call core function:
adjustedP <- .inherit(ps=rawp, parents=parents, children=children, offspring=offspring, weights=set.weights, Shaffer=Shaffer, homogeneous =homogeneous) # named vector
if (trace==1) cat("\n")
if (!is.null(newgt)) {
extra <- newgt@extra
extra[["inheritance"]] <- adjustedP
newgt@extra <-
rownames(newgt@extra) <- names(newgt)
newgt@structure <- list(ancestors=ancestors,offspring=offspring)
} else {
return(data.frame(raw.p = rawp, inheritance = adjustedP))
################################################# FORMAT CONVERTING FUNCTIONS, SOME OTHER USEFUL FUNCTIONS and the core function
dendro2sets <- function(hc){
#create set names from the dendrogram
do.sets <- function(x, parent.label, parent.branch, struct) {
for (i in 1:length(x)) {
parentnum <- as.character(which(struct$names == parent.label))
currentnum <- as.character(length(struct$names)+1)
newset <- labels(x[[i]])
newname <- paste(parent.label,"[",i,sep="")
if (is.leaf(x[[i]]))
newname <- paste(newname, labels(x[[i]]), sep=":")
newancestors <- c(struct$ancestors[[parentnum]], parent.label)
newbranch <- c(parent.branch, i)
struct$sets[[currentnum]] <- newset
struct$ancestors[[currentnum]] <- newancestors
struct$branch[[currentnum]] <- newbranch
struct$names <- c(struct$names, newname)
if (!is.leaf(x[[i]])) {
struct <- do.sets(x=x[[i]], parent.label=newname, parent.branch=newbranch, struct)
struct <- list()
struct$sets$"1" <- labels(hc)
struct$ancestors <- new.env(hash=TRUE)
struct$branch <- new.env(hash=TRUE)
struct$branch$"1" <- numeric(0)
struct$names <- "O"
if (!is.leaf(hc))
struct <- do.sets(hc, "O", numeric(0), struct)
struct$names <- paste(struct$names, labels(hc), sep=":")
#convert to lists
struct$sets <- as.list(struct$sets)
names(struct$sets) <- struct$names[as.numeric(names(struct$sets))]
struct$ancestors <- as.list(struct$ancestors)
names(struct$ancestors) <- struct$names[as.numeric(names(struct$ancestors))]
struct$branch <- as.list(struct$branch)
names(struct$branch) <- struct$names[as.numeric(names(struct$branch))]
# returns the parent of element id
# temp=sapply(structure$offspring[structure$ancestor[[id]]],length)
# structure$ancestor[[id]][temp == min(c(unlist(temp),Inf))]
# }
# outputs the leaves of the structure
leaf.list<-function(structure) setdiff(names(structure$ancestor),names(structure$offspring))
#test if each element of all.list is a leaf node in the structure
is.leaf.list<-function(structure,all.list) {
ans[intersect(leaf.list(structure) ,names(ans))]=TRUE
## here start the main function
.inherit <- function( ps, # named vector
weights, # named vector
parents, # named list
Shaffer = TRUE,
homogeneous = FALSE) {
# how many tests?
m <- length(ps)
nms <- names(ps)
weights <- weights[nms]
# find top and leaves
top <- sapply(parents[nms], length) == 0
names(top) <- nms
leaf <- sapply(children[nms], length) == 0
names(leaf) <- nms
# find parents of leaves
leaf.parents <- children[sapply(children, function(ch) any(ch %in% nms[leaf]))]
leaf.siblings <- lapply(leaf.parents, function(lp) {
nleaves <- sum(leaf[lp])
if (nleaves > 1) lp else lp[!leaf[lp]]
# initialize
basealpha <- rep(0,m)
names(basealpha) <- nms
basealpha[top] <- weights[top]/sum(weights[top]) # basealpha should add up to 1. Is multiplied by alpha later
shaffer <- rep(1, m)
rejected <- rep(FALSE, m)
names(rejected) <- nms
extinct <- weights == 0 # nodes with weight zero are never inherited to
names(extinct) <- nms
adjp <- rep(1, m)
names(adjp) <- nms
# a flag to do plain Meinshausen
Meinshausen <- FALSE
# start the procedure
alpha <- 0
ready <- FALSE
while (!ready) {
# phase 1: reject
testalpha <- basealpha * shaffer
newly.rejected <- (ps/testalpha <= alpha) & (!rejected)
newly.rejected[ps == 0 & testalpha == 0] <- FALSE # do not reject when 0/0
if (any(newly.rejected)) {
adjp[newly.rejected] <- alpha
rejected <- rejected | newly.rejected
# phase 2: recalculate extinctness
extinct[(!extinct) & rejected] <- sapply((1:m)[(!extinct) & rejected], function(i)
leaf[i] || all(rejected[offspring[[nms[i]]]]) || sum(weights[offspring[[nms[[i]]]]]) == 0)
# phase 3: recalculate Shaffer
if (Shaffer) {
shaffer <- rep(1, m)
names(shaffer) <- names(ps)
if (homogeneous) {
bottom <- setdiff(nms[rejected], unlist(parents[nms[rejected]]))
bottom <- setdiff(bottom, nms[leaf])
minweights <- unlist(lapply(bottom, function(bt) {
min(weights[intersect(offspring[[bt]], nms[leaf])])
sumweights <- sum(weights[leaf & !rejected])
if (sumweights > 0)
shaffer[1:m] <- sumweights / (sumweights - sum(minweights))
shaffer[1:m] <- 1
for (bt in bottom) {
if (length(children[[bt]]) > 1) {
mw <- unlist(lapply(children[[bt]], function(ch) {
min(weights[intersect(c(ch,offspring[[ch]]), nms[leaf])])
names(mw) <- children[[bt]]
smallest <- names(which.min(mw))
second <- min(mw[names(mw) != smallest])
shaffer[smallest] <- sumweights / (sumweights - sum(minweights) + mw[smallest] - second)
} else
shaffer[children[[bt]]] <- Inf
} else {
for (lp in names(leaf.parents)[rejected[names(leaf.parents)]]) {
desc <- leaf.parents[[lp]]
lsibs <- leaf.siblings[[lp]]
if (!any(rejected[desc])) {
lvs <- desc[leaf[desc]]
if (length(desc) == 1)
shaffer[desc] <- Inf
else {
smallest <- names(which.min(weights[lvs]))
shaffer[lsibs] <- sum(weights[desc]) / (sum(weights[desc]) - weights[smallest])
if (smallest %in% lsibs) {
second <- min(weights[setdiff(lvs, smallest)])
shaffer[smallest] <- sum(weights[desc]) / (sum(weights[desc]) - second)
# phase 4: inherit
while (any(rejected & (basealpha > 0))) {
for (i in 1:m) {
if (rejected[i] && basealpha[i] > 0) {
# find heirs
if (extinct[i])
if (top[i]) # whole tree is rejected
heirs <- nms[top & (!extinct)]
else # heirs of leaf nodes or nodes under which all leaves are rejected
if (Meinshausen)
heirs <- character(0)
else if (homogeneous) {
heirs <- nms[(basealpha > 0) & (1:m != i)]
heirs <- parents[[nms[i]]]
else { # heirs of internal nodes
heirs <- children[[nms[i]]]
heirs <- heirs[!extinct[heirs]]
# inherit basealpha to heirs
basealpha[heirs] <- basealpha[heirs] + basealpha[i] * weights[heirs]/sum(weights[heirs])
basealpha[i] <- 0
} else { # no new rejections: increase alpha
if (all(rejected))
ready <- TRUE
else {
next.rejection <- ps / (basealpha * shaffer)
next.rejection[ps == 0 & basealpha == 0] <- Inf
alpha <- min(next.rejection)
ready <- (alpha >= 1)
newalpha <- TRUE
adjp[!rejected] <- 1
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