context("Unit tests for functions in the grUtils.R file.")
describe( 'grNew()', {
it('creates a genomicRanges object if everything specified', {
start <- c( 101, 301, 511, 513, 813 )
end <- c( 200, 500, 511, 612, 822 )
chr <- 'chr1'
strand <- '+'
got <- grNew( start= start, end= end, chr=chr, strand= strand )
want <- GRanges(
ranges= IRanges( start= c( 101, 301, 511, 513, 813 ), end= c( 200, 500, 511, 612, 822 )),
seqnames= c( "chr1" ),
strand= c( "+" )
expect_is(got, 'GRanges')
expect_equal(got, want)
expect_equal( start(got), start )
expect_equal( end(got), end )
expect_equal( as.character( seqnames(got) ), rep( chr, length(start) ))
expect_equal( as.character( strand(got) ), rep( strand, length(start) ))
it( 'Can creates a one-exon genomicRanges object with correct default strand', {
start <- 101
end <- 200
chr <- 'chrX'
strand <- '*'
got <- grNew( start= start, end= end, chr=chr )
want <- GRanges(
ranges= IRanges( start= c( 101 ), end= c( 200 )),
seqnames= c( "chrX" ),
strand= c( "*" )
expect_is(got, 'GRanges')
expect_equal(got, want)
expect_equal( start(got), start )
expect_equal( end(got), end )
expect_equal( as.character( seqnames(got) ), rep( chr, length(start) ))
expect_equal( as.character( strand(got) ), rep( strand, length(start) ))
describe( 'grAddColumn()', {
it( 'Adds a columns as specified to a GRanges object', {
gr <- grNew(
start= c( 101, 301, 511, 513, 813 ),
end= c( 200, 500, 511, 612, 822 ),
chr= "chr1",
strand= "+"
exonFillColor <- c('red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue')
want <- GRanges(
ranges= IRanges( start= c( 101, 301, 511, 513, 813 ), end= c( 200, 500, 511, 612, 822 )),
seqnames= c( "chr1" ),
strand= c( "+" ),
exonFillColor= c('red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue')
got <- grAddColumn( gr, 'exonFillColor', exonFillColor);
# manual creation is the same as adding column
expect_identical(got, want);
# can recover the vector from the object
expect_equal(got$exonFillColor, exonFillColor);
# Not affecting the original, but creating a new copy.
it( 'can wrapp data columns if needed', {
gr <- grNew(
start= c( 101, 301, 511, 513, 813, 1000 ),
end= c( 200, 500, 511, 612, 822, 1100 ),
chr= "chr1",
strand= "+"
oneWrapped <- grAddColumn(gr, 'col_1', 1);
expect_equal( oneWrapped$col_1, rep(1,6) );
threeWrapped <- grAddColumn( gr, 'col_3', c('a', 'b', 'c') );
expect_equal( threeWrapped$col_3, rep( c('a', 'b', 'c'), 2 ));
describe( 'grFromElementString()', {
it( 'Creates correct gr from string using default delimiters', {
got <- grFromElementString( "1-100,200-300,400-500", 'chrX')
want <- grNew( start=c(1,200,400), end=c(100,300,500), chr='chrX', strand = '*');
it( 'Creates correct gr from string using default delimiters when string has spaces in it around the delimiters', {
got <- grFromElementString( "1 - 100 , 200 -300 ,400- 500, 600\t - \t\t 700", 'chrX')
want <- grNew( start=c(1,200,400,600), end=c(100,300,500,700), chr='chrX', strand = '*');
it( 'Creates correct gr from string with 1 exon only', {
got <- grFromElementString( "1-100", 'chr1', strand='-')
want <- grNew( start=c(1), end=c(100), chr='chr1', strand = '-');
it( 'Creates correct gr from string using alternate delimiters', {
got <- grFromElementString( "1..100; 200..300; 400..500", 'chr12', strand='+', fromDelim='\\.\\.', betweenDelim='; ')
want <- grNew( start=c(1,200,400), end=c(100,300,500), chr='chr12', strand = '+');
describe( 'grFromLocationString()', {
it('creates correct gr from string using default captureRE', {
got <- grFromLocationString( "chr1:1-100,200-300,400-500:*")
want <- grNew( start=c(1,200,400), end=c(100,300,500), chr='chr1', strand = '*');
it('creates correct gr from string using new captureRE', {
captureRE <- '(?<chr>chr.+?)\\s*\\(\\s*(?<strand>[-+*])\\s*\\)\\s*(?<elements>.+)'
got <- grFromLocationString( captureRE=captureRE, "chrM_rcs(+) 1-100, 200-300, 400-500" )
want <- grNew( start=c(1,200,400), end=c(100,300,500), chr='chrM_rcs', strand = '+');
it('creates correct gr from string if specifying new elementString parameters', {
got <- grFromLocationString( "chr1:1..100;200..300;400..500:-", betweenDelim=";", fromDelim='\\.\\.')
want <- grNew( start=c(1,200,400), end=c(100,300,500), chr='chr1', strand = '-');
describe("grToElementString()", {
it("it outputs an element string describing the GRanges object using default between delimiter ',' and from delimiter '-'", {
gr <- grNew( start=c(1,200,400), end=c(100,300,500), chr='chrM_rcs', strand = '+');
got <- grToElementString( gr )
expect_is( got, "character")
want <- "1-100,200-300,400-500"
expect_equal(got, want)
it("it dies if the GRanges object has more than one chromosome", {
gr1 <- grNew( start=c(1,200), end=c(100,300), chr='chr1', strand = '+');
gr2 <- grNew( start=c(1,200), end=c(100,300), chr='chr2', strand = '+');
gr <- suppressWarnings(c(gr1,gr2))
# ensure actually has two chromosomes - testing the test
expect_equal(length(unique(seqnames(gr))), 2)
wantErrorRE <- "GRange object has more than one chromosome."
expect_error( grToElementString( gr ), wantErrorRE )
it("it dies if the GRanges object has more than one strand", {
gr1 <- grNew( start=c(1,200), end=c(100,300), chr='chr1', strand = '+');
gr2 <- grNew( start=c(1,200), end=c(100,300), chr='chr1', strand = '-');
gr <- suppressWarnings(c(gr1,gr2))
# ensure actually has two strands - testing the test
expect_equal(length(unique(strand(gr))), 2)
wantErrorRE <- "GRange object has more than one strand."
expect_error( grToElementString( gr ), wantErrorRE)
it("it returns empty if the GRanges object has no elements", {
gr <- GRanges()
expect_equal( length(gr), 0)
want <- ""
got <- grToElementString( gr )
expect_equal(got, want)
it("allows between and from delimiters to be specified, including blanks", {
gr <- grNew( start=c(1,200,400), end=c(100,300,500), chr='chrM_rcs', strand = '+');
got <- grToElementString( gr, betweenDelim='; ', fromDelim=' ' )
want <- "1 100; 200 300; 400 500"
expect_equal(got, want)
describe("grToLocationString()", {
it("outputs a location string describing the GRanges object using the defaults", {
gr <- grNew( start=c(1,200,400), end=c(100,300,500), chr='chrM_rcs', strand = '+');
got <- grToLocationString( gr )
expect_is( got, "character")
want <- "chrM_rcs:1-100,200-300,400-500:+"
expect_equal(got, want)
it("dies if the GRanges object has more than one chromosome", {
gr1 <- grNew( start=c(1,200), end=c(100,300), chr='chr1', strand = '+');
gr2 <- grNew( start=c(1,200), end=c(100,300), chr='chr2', strand = '+');
gr <- suppressWarnings(c(gr1,gr2))
# ensure actually has two chromosomes - testing the test
expect_equal(length(unique(seqnames(gr))), 2)
wantErrorRE <- "GRange object has more than one chromosome."
expect_error( grToLocationString( gr ), wantErrorRE )
it("dies if the GRanges object has more than one strand", {
gr1 <- grNew( start=c(1,200), end=c(100,300), chr='chr1', strand = '+');
gr2 <- grNew( start=c(1,200), end=c(100,300), chr='chr1', strand = '-');
gr <- suppressWarnings(c(gr1,gr2))
# ensure actually has two strands - testing the test
expect_equal(length(unique(strand(gr))), 2)
wantErrorRE <- "GRange object has more than one strand."
expect_error( grToLocationString( gr ), wantErrorRE)
it("returns empty if the GRanges object has no elements", {
gr <- GRanges()
expect_equal( length(gr), 0)
want <- ""
got <- grToLocationString( gr )
expect_equal(got, want)
it("prints the chr string in place of the {{c}} format string element", {
gr <- grNew( start=c(1,200,400), end=c(100,300,500), chr='chrM_rcs', strand = '+');
expect_equal( grToLocationString( gr, format="{{c}}" ), 'chrM_rcs')
expect_equal( grToLocationString( gr, format="Before {{c}}" ), 'Before chrM_rcs')
expect_equal( grToLocationString( gr, format="Before{{c}}" ), 'BeforechrM_rcs')
expect_equal( grToLocationString( gr, format="{{c}} After" ), 'chrM_rcs After')
expect_equal( grToLocationString( gr, format="{{c}}After" ), 'chrM_rcsAfter')
expect_equal( grToLocationString( gr, format="In {{c}} side" ), 'In chrM_rcs side')
expect_equal( grToLocationString( gr, format="In{{c}}side" ), 'InchrM_rcsside')
it("prints the strand string in place of the {{s}} format string element", {
gr <- grNew( start=c(1,200,400), end=c(100,300,500), chr='chrM_rcs', strand = '+');
expect_equal( grToLocationString( gr, format="{{s}}" ), '+')
expect_equal( grToLocationString( gr, format="Before {{s}}" ), 'Before +')
expect_equal( grToLocationString( gr, format="Before{{s}}" ), 'Before+')
expect_equal( grToLocationString( gr, format="{{s}} After" ), '+ After')
expect_equal( grToLocationString( gr, format="{{s}}After" ), '+After')
expect_equal( grToLocationString( gr, format="In {{s}} side" ), 'In + side')
expect_equal( grToLocationString( gr, format="In{{s}}side" ), 'In+side')
it("prints the element string in place of the {{e}} format string element", {
gr <- grNew( start=c(1,200,400), end=c(100,300,500), chr='chrM_rcs', strand = '+');
expect_equal( grToLocationString( gr, format="{{e}}" ), '1-100,200-300,400-500')
expect_equal( grToLocationString( gr, format="Before {{e}}" ), 'Before 1-100,200-300,400-500')
expect_equal( grToLocationString( gr, format="Before{{e}}" ), 'Before1-100,200-300,400-500')
expect_equal( grToLocationString( gr, format="{{e}} After" ), '1-100,200-300,400-500 After')
expect_equal( grToLocationString( gr, format="{{e}}After" ), '1-100,200-300,400-500After')
expect_equal( grToLocationString( gr, format="In {{e}} side" ), 'In 1-100,200-300,400-500 side')
expect_equal( grToLocationString( gr, format="In{{e}}side" ), 'In1-100,200-300,400-500side')
it("allows using multiple format strings", {
gr <- grNew( start=c(1,200,400), end=c(100,300,500), chr='chrM_rcs', strand = '-');
expect_equal( grToLocationString( gr, format="{{c}}({{s}}){{e}}" ), 'chrM_rcs(-)1-100,200-300,400-500')
it("allows passing through the betweenDelim and the fromDelem to grToElementString", {
gr <- grNew( start=c(1,200,400), end=c(100,300,500), chr='chrM_rcs', strand = '+')
got <- grToLocationString( gr, format="{{e}}", fromDelim='.', betweenDelim = '|' )
want <- '1.100|200.300|400.500'
expect_equal( got, want )
got <- grToLocationString( gr, fromDelim='.', betweenDelim = '|' )
want <- 'chrM_rcs:1.100|200.300|400.500:+'
expect_equal( got, want )
got <- grToLocationString( gr, format="Ranges {{e}} on {{c}}, {{s}} strand.", fromDelim=' to ', betweenDelim = ' & ' )
want <- 'Ranges 1 to 100 & 200 to 300 & 400 to 500 on chrM_rcs, + strand.'
expect_equal( got, want )
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