Defines functions getPvalues logEVcdf getEnrichScore zVarCalc sumVarMeanCalc countProbSum countHygeVarMean getRankings filterInputs voomLimaRank mGszEbayes

setGeneric(name = "MGSZ", def = function(params, M, fit_options, genesets) {

# params <- gseaParams(igsaInput); M <- exprData(igsaInput);
# genesets <- merged_gene_sets;
#' @importFrom GSEABase GeneSetCollection setIdentifier setName
#' @include FitOptions.R
#' @include GenesetRes.R
#' @include Genesets.R
#' @include GSEAparams.R
#' @include GSEAres.R
#' @include IGSAinput.R
  f = "MGSZ",
  signature = c("GSEAparams", "ExprData", "FitOptions", "GeneSetCollection"),
  definition = function(params, M, fit_options, genesets) {
    # mGSZ uses the gene sets as a list
    mgsz.gene.sets <- asList(genesets)

    # check the ranking function depending if we use voom or not
    if (is(M, "DGEList")) {
      rankFunc <- voomLimaRank
    } else {
      rankFunc <- mGszEbayes

    # run faster version of mGSZ
    mgszRes <- MIGSA_mGSZ(M, fit_options, mgsz.gene.sets, rankFunc, params)

    # convert mGSZ results (data.frame) to GenesetRes
    mgszRes <- lapply(genesets, function(actGset) {
      mgszGSres <- mgszRes[mgszRes$gene.sets == setName(actGset), ]
      if (nrow(mgszGSres) == 0) {
        pval <- as.numeric(NA)
        actScore <- as.numeric(NA)
        actImpGenes <- ""
      } else {
        pval <- mgszGSres$pvalue
        actScore <- mgszGSres$mGszScore
        actImpGenes <- as.character(mgszGSres$impGenes)
        # todo: put better genes separator
        actImpGenes <- strsplit(actImpGenes, ", ")[[1]]

      # We put name as setIdentifier and id as setName because we
      # disagree with GSEABase's usage as they use Names as unique, and
      # identifiers not.
      actRes <- GenesetRes(
        id = setName(actGset),
        name = setIdentifier(actGset), score = actScore,
        pvalue = pval, genes = geneIds(actGset),
        enriching_genes = actImpGenes

    # this is a GSEAres
    gseaRes <- GSEAres(gene_sets_res = mgszRes)


  name = "MIGSA_mGSZ",
  def = function(exprData, fitOptions, gSets, rankFunction, params) {

# gene.sets <- mgsz.gene.sets; rankFunction <- rankFunc
# M <- igsaInput@expr_data; fit_options <- igsaInput@fit_options;
#' @importClassesFrom edgeR DGEList
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply bpparam
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom edgeR [.DGEList
#' @importFrom futile.logger flog.debug flog.info
#' @importFrom ismev gum.fit
#' @importFrom matrixStats colSds rowMedians colVars
#' @include FitOptions.R
#' @include GSEAparams.R
#' @include IGSAinput.R
  f = "MIGSA_mGSZ",
  signature = c("ExprData", "FitOptions", "list", "function", "GSEAparams"),
  definition = function(exprData, fitOptions, gSets, rankFunction, params) {
    if (is(exprData, "DGEList")) {
      stopifnot(all(rownames(exprData$samples) ==

    # filtering inputs, as required
    filteredInputs <- filterInputs(exprData, gSets, minSz(params))
    exprData <- filteredInputs$exprData
    gSets <- filteredInputs$gSets

    # get gene rankings (also for permuted data)
    nPerm <- perm_number(params)
    preVar <- pv(params)
    wgt2 <- w2(params)
    varConstant <- vc(params)

    rankings <- getRankings(exprData, fitOptions, nPerm, rankFunction)
    rownames(rankings) <- rownames(exprData)

    # calculate normalizing values
    setSizes <- unlist(lapply(gSets, length))
    uniqSizes <- unique(setSizes)
    normValues <- countHygeVarMean(nrow(rankings), uniqSizes)
    normMean <- normValues$mean
    colnames(normMean) <- uniqSizes
    normVar <- normValues$var
    colnames(normVar) <- uniqSizes

    probSum <- do.call(cbind, lapply(seq_along(uniqSizes), function(j) {
      countProbSum(nrow(rankings), normMean[, j], normVar[, j])
    colnames(probSum) <- uniqSizes
    normFactors <- list(
      normMean = normMean, normVar = normVar,
      probSum = probSum

    # get extra info for real data
    realRank <- rankings[, 1]
    realRank <- sort(realRank, decreasing = !FALSE)
    sVMC_dec <- sumVarMeanCalc(realRank, preVar, normFactors)
    sVMC_inc <- sumVarMeanCalc(rev(realRank), preVar, normFactors)
    zVars_dec <- zVarCalc(sVMC_dec$Z_vars, wgt2, varConstant)
    zVars_inc <- zVarCalc(sVMC_inc$Z_vars, wgt2, varConstant)

    enrichScores <- do.call(c, bplapply(uniqSizes, function(actSize) {
      actGsets <- gSets[setSizes == actSize]
      actSize_c <- as.character(actSize)

      zM_d <- sVMC_dec$Z_means[, actSize_c]
      zM_i <- sVMC_inc$Z_means[, actSize_c]
      zV_d <- zVars_dec[, actSize_c]
      zV_i <- zVars_inc[, actSize_c]

      actESs <- lapply(actGsets, function(actGset) {
        diffScores <- getEnrichScore_c(
          realRank, actGset,
          zM_d, zM_i, zV_d, zV_i
        # real data
        maxI <- which.max(abs(diffScores))
        rawES <- diffScores[[maxI]]
        nGenes <- length(realRank)

        if (maxI > nGenes) {
          impGenes <- names(diffScores)[(nGenes + 1):maxI]
        } else {
          impGenes <- names(diffScores)[1:maxI]
        impGenes <- intersect(impGenes, actGset)
        actES <- abs(rawES)

        return(list(actES = actES, rawES = rawES, impGenes = impGenes))
      names(actESs) <- names(actGsets)

    realESs <- do.call(c, lapply(enrichScores, function(x) x$actES))
    rawESs <- do.call(c, lapply(enrichScores, function(x) x$rawES))
    impGenes <- do.call(c, lapply(enrichScores, function(x) {
      paste(x$impGenes, collapse = ", ")

    permESs <- do.call(cbind, bplapply(
      seq_len(ncol(rankings) - 1) + 1,
      function(i) {
        ranking <- rankings[, i]
        ranking <- sort(ranking, decreasing = !FALSE)
        sVMC_dec <- sumVarMeanCalc(ranking, preVar, normFactors)
        sVMC_inc <- sumVarMeanCalc(rev(ranking), preVar, normFactors)

        zVars_dec <- zVarCalc(sVMC_dec$Z_vars, wgt2, varConstant)
        zVars_inc <- zVarCalc(sVMC_inc$Z_vars, wgt2, varConstant)

        # as norm factors are separated by gene set sizes, then in order to
        # consume less ram, lets separate by sizes.
        # In some cases it will not use the best of cores, but its for ram!
        enrichScores <- do.call(c, lapply(uniqSizes,
          function(actSize, sVMC_dec, sVMC_inc, zVars_dec, zVars_inc) {
            actGsets <- gSets[setSizes == actSize]
            actSize_c <- as.character(actSize)

            act_z_means_dec <- sVMC_dec$Z_means[, actSize_c]
            act_z_means_inc <- sVMC_inc$Z_means[, actSize_c]
            act_zVars_dec <- zVars_dec[, actSize_c]
            act_zVars_inc <- zVars_inc[, actSize_c]

            actESs <- do.call(c, lapply(actGsets,
              function(actGset, zM_d, zM_i, zV_d, zV_i) {
                actES <- max(abs(getEnrichScore_c(
                  ranking, actGset,
                  zM_d, zM_i, zV_d, zV_i
              zM_d = act_z_means_dec, zM_i = act_z_means_inc,
              zV_d = act_zVars_dec, zV_i = act_zVars_inc
            names(actESs) <- names(actGsets)
          sVMC_dec = sVMC_dec, sVMC_inc = sVMC_inc,
          zVars_dec = zVars_dec, zVars_inc = zVars_inc

    stopifnot(all(names(realESs) == rownames(permESs)))
    pvals <- getPvalues(realESs, t(permESs))
    names(pvals) <- names(realESs)

    result <- data.frame(
      gene.sets = names(pvals), pvalue = pvals,
      mGszScore = rawESs, impGenes = impGenes
    result <- result[order(pvals), ]


#' @importFrom limma treat contrasts.fit lmFit
#' @include FitOptions.R
mGszEbayes <- function(exprMatrix, fit_options) {
  #     flog.info("Using ebayes");
  design <- designMatrix(fit_options)
  contrast <- contrast(fit_options)
  fit1 <- lmFit(exprMatrix, design)
  fit2 <- treat(contrasts.fit(fit1, contrast))

  res <- fit2$t

## voom + limma
#' @importFrom limma treat contrasts.fit lmFit voom
#' @include FitOptions.R
voomLimaRank <- function(exprMatrix, fit_options) {
  #     flog.info("Using voom+limma");
  design <- designMatrix(fit_options)
  contrast <- contrast(fit_options)
  newExpr <- voom(exprMatrix, design)

  # Adjust the model
  fit1 <- lmFit(newExpr, design)
  fit2 <- treat(contrasts.fit(fit1, contrast))

  res <- fit2$t

filterInputs <- function(exprData, gSets, minGsetSize) {
  # keep only genes in exprData and gene sets
  exprDataGenes <- rownames(exprData)
  geneSetsGenes <- do.call(c, gSets)
  commonGenes <- intersect(exprDataGenes, geneSetsGenes)

  exprData <- exprData[commonGenes, ]
  gSets <- lapply(gSets, intersect, commonGenes)

  # remove gene sets with less than minSz genes (detected in the experiment)
  gSets <- gSets[lapply(gSets, length) > minGsetSize]
  return(list(exprData = exprData, gSets = gSets))

getRankings <- function(exprData, fitOptions, nPerm, rankFunction) {
  # generate permutations
  perms <- matrix()
  while (nrow(perms) < 2) {
    # we need at least 2 perms
    perms <- replicate(nPerm, sample(1:ncol(exprData), replace = FALSE))
    conds <- col_data(fitOptions)
    permsConds <- do.call(cbind, lapply(seq_len(ncol(perms)), function(i) {
      as.character(conds[perms[, i], ])
    perms <- t(perms[, !duplicated(t(permsConds))])

  nPerm <- nrow(perms)
  flog.info(paste("Number of unique permutations:", nPerm))

  rankings <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(exprData), ncol = nPerm + 1)
  # gene scores for real data
  rankings[, 1] <- rankFunction(exprData, fitOptions)

  flog.info(paste("Getting ranking at cores:", bpparam()$workers))

  # gene scores for permuted data
  # I am passing MIGSA's not exported functions to bplapply to avoid
  # SnowParam environment errors
  rankings[, -1] <- do.call(
    bplapply(seq_len(nPerm), function(i, designMatrix) {
      # modify the design matrix using the order given by the permutation
      permDesign <- designMatrix(fitOptions)[perms[i, ], ]
      newFitOptions <- fitOptions
      newFitOptions@design_matrix <- permDesign

      actRank <- rankFunction(exprData, newFitOptions)
    }, designMatrix = designMatrix)

  # todo: maybe the best alternative would be delete the gene from
  # everywhere
  rankings[is.na(rankings)] <- mean(rankings, na.rm = TRUE)
  # genes which are NA are given the mean value of all genes,
  # so they dont contribute to enrichment score.


countHygeVarMean <- function(M, K) {
  N <- matrix(rep(seq_len(M), length(K)), ncol = length(K))
  K <- matrix(rep(K, M), byrow = TRUE, ncol = length(K))
  mean <- N * K / M
  var <- N * (K * (M - K) / M^2) * ((M - N) / (M - 1))
  return(list(mean = mean, var = var))

countProbSum <- function(M, hyge.mean, hyge.var) {
  tulos <- matrix(0, nrow = length(hyge.mean))
  N_tab <- matrix(c(2:M), byrow = FALSE)
  tulos[1] <- hyge.mean[1]
  tulos[2:M] <- N_tab / (N_tab - 1) * hyge.mean[2:M] - (hyge.mean[2:M]^2 +
    hyge.var[2:M]) / (N_tab - 1)

sumVarMeanCalc <- function(ranking, preVar, normFactors) {
  #     preVar <- pv(params);
  divider <- seq_along(ranking)
  mean_table <- cumsum(ranking) / divider
  mean_table_sq <- mean_table^2

  # not sure if it is +2*preVar or just +preVar , in mGSZ it does +preVar
  # and again +preVar
  var_table <- cumsum(ranking^2) / divider - (mean_table)^2 + 2 * preVar

  z_means <- do.call(cbind, lapply(
    function(j) {
      mean_table * (2 * normFactors$normMean[, j] - divider)
  colnames(z_means) <- colnames(normFactors$normMean)

  z_vars <- do.call(cbind, lapply(
    function(j) {
      4 * (var_table * normFactors$probSum[, j] + mean_table_sq *
        normFactors$normVar[, j])
  colnames(z_vars) <- colnames(normFactors$normVar)

  return(list(Z_means = z_means, Z_vars = z_vars))

zVarCalc <- function(z_vars, wgt2, varConstant) {
  medianPart <- matrix(matrixStats::rowMedians(t(z_vars)) *
    wgt2, nrow = nrow(z_vars), ncol = ncol(z_vars), byrow = !FALSE)
  z_var <- (z_vars + medianPart + varConstant)^0.5

getEnrichScore <- function(ranking, actGset, zM_d, zM_i, zV_d, zV_i) {
  startVal <- 5 # hard coded
  nMG <- !names(ranking) %in% actGset
  ranking[nMG] <- -ranking[nMG]

  es_dec <- cumsum(ranking) - zM_d
  es_inc <- cumsum(rev(ranking)) - zM_i

  es_dec[1:startVal] <- 0
  es_inc[1:startVal] <- 0

  es_dec <- es_dec / zV_d
  es_inc <- es_inc / zV_i

  return(c(es_dec, es_inc))
  #     return(max(abs(c(es_dec, es_inc))));

#' @importFrom compiler cmpfun
getEnrichScore_c <- cmpfun(getEnrichScore)
logEVcdf <- function(x, fitParams) {
  mu <- fitParams[[1]]
  sigma <- fitParams[[2]]
  x <- (mu - x) / sigma
  out <- rep(0, length(x))
  if (!(is.vector(x))) {
    out <- matrix(out, nrow(x), ncol(x))
  po1 <- which(x < 5)
  out[po1] <- -log(1 - exp(-exp(x[po1])))
  x <- x[-po1]
  out[-po1] <- -x + exp(x) / 2 - exp(2 * x) / 24 + exp(4 * x) / 2880
  out <- out / log(10)
  out <- 10^(-out)

# realES <- allESs[,1]; permESs <- t(allESs[,-1])
getPvalues <- function(realES, permESs) {
  #     pos.data <- realES; perm.data <- permESs;
  # some normalization
  mean.prof <- colMeans(permESs)
  std.prof <- matrixStats::colSds(permESs)
  std.prof[std.prof == 0] <- 0.1
  realES <- (realES - mean.prof) / std.prof
  permESs <- do.call(cbind, lapply(seq_len(ncol(permESs)), function(k) {
    (permESs[, k] - mean.prof[k]) / std.prof[k]

  col.ind <- colVars(permESs) > 0
  permESs <- permESs[, col.ind]
  realES <- realES[col.ind]
  ev.p.val.class <- rep(0, length(realES))

  pvals <- do.call(c, lapply(seq_along(realES), function(k) {
    ev.param.class <- ismev::gum.fit(as.vector(permESs[, k]),
      show = FALSE
    logEVcdf(realES[[k]], ev.param.class)
jcrodriguez1989/MIGSA documentation built on Nov. 1, 2020, 8:04 a.m.