manipulateData <- function(y, x, colname, norm.method = "mean", ref.var = NULL,
ref.val = NULL, long = FALSE, = NULL,
keep.ref = TRUE) {
y <- y[, match(x[, colname], colnames(y), nomatch = 0)]
x <- x[match(colnames(y), x[, colname], nomatch = 0), ]
if (!is.null(ref.var) & !is.null(ref.val)) {
if (!long) {
y.norm <- y - apply(y[, x[, ref.var] == ref.val], 1, norm.method,
na.rm = TRUE)
x.norm <- x
if (!keep.ref) {
y.norm <- y.norm[, x[, ref.var] != ref.val]
x.norm <- x[match(colnames(y.norm), x[, colname], nomatch = 0), ]
if (long) {
if (!is.null( {
subjects.ref <- as.character(
unique(x[,][x[, ref.var] == ref.val])
subjects.not.ref <- as.character(
unique(x[,][x[, ref.var] != ref.val])
subjects <- intersect(subjects.ref, subjects.not.ref)
y.norm <- list()
for (i in 1:length(subjects)) {
index <- x[,] %in% subjects[i]
index.ref <- index & x[, ref.var] == ref.val
y.norm[[i]] <- y[, index] - y[, index.ref]
y.norm <- data.frame("cbind", y.norm))
x.norm <- x[match(colnames(y.norm), x[, colname], nomatch = 0), ]
if (!keep.ref) {
y.norm <- y.norm[, x.norm[, ref.var] != ref.val]
x.norm <- x[match(colnames(y.norm), x[, colname], nomatch = 0), ]
if (is.null( {
warning("Must specify when long = TRUE")
} else {
y.norm <- y - apply(y, 1, norm.method, na.rm = TRUE)
x.norm <- x
normData <- list(exprs.norm = y.norm, design.norm = x.norm)
#' Data Normalization
#' Perform various normalizations of expression data
#' @param meta list returned by \code{metaData}
#' @param norm.method String denoting whether to normalize to the mean or median
#' of all samples or a control group specified in \code{meta}. Default is
#' norm.method = "mean".
#' @details This function performs various normalizations of the expression
#' data, depending on the study design and the parameters defined in
#' \code{\link{metaData}}. For all study designs, the data is normalized to
#' the mean (or median) of all the samples. For cross-sectional studies with
#' controls, an additional normalization to the mean (or median) of the
#' controls is performed. For longitudinal designs, baseline normalization (
#' subtract out each subject's baseline) and normalization to the mean (or
#' median) of controls (if present) is performed. In addition, separate
#' normalizations on baseline samples is performed.
#' @return \code{y1b} data frame of baseline samples normalized according to
#' \code{norm.method}. NULL if baseline samples are not specified in
#' \code{meta}.
#' @return \code{y2b} data frame of baseline samples normalized to controls
#' according to \code{norm.method}. NULL if control samples are not specified
#' in \code{meta}.
#' @return \code{y1} data frame of all samples normalized according to
#' \code{norm.method}.
#' @return \code{y2} data frame of all samples normalized to controls according
#' to \code{norm.method}. NULL if control samples are not specified in
#' \code{meta}.
#' @return \code{y3} data frame of all samples normalized to their baseline.
#' NULL if study is not longitudinal or if baseline samples are not specified
#' in \code{meta}.
#' @return \code{norm.method} string describing normalization method used.
#' @examples
#' # Example data
#' data(tb.expr)
#' data(
#' # Use first 100 probes to demonstrate
#' dat <- tb.expr[1:100,]
#' # Create desInfo object
#' <- metaData(y = dat, design =, data.type = "microarray",
#' columnname = "columnname", long = TRUE, = "sample_id",
#' = "monkey_id", time.var = "timepoint",
#' baseline.var = "timepoint", baseline.val = 0)
#' # Normalize and cluster data
#' data.norm <- normalizeData(meta =
#' @importFrom stats as.dendrogram dist qt sd
#' @export
normalizeData <- function(meta, norm.method = "mean") {
long <- meta$long <- meta$
baseline.var <- meta$baseline.var
baseline.val <- meta$baseline.val
control.var <- meta$control.var
control.val <- meta$control.val
design <- meta$design
exprs <- meta$y
y1 <- y2 <- y1b <- y2b <- y3 <- NULL
y1 <- manipulateData(y = exprs, x = design, colname = "columnname",
norm.method = norm.method)$exprs.norm
if (!is.null(control.var)) {
y2 <- manipulateData(y = exprs, x = design, colname = "columnname",
ref.var = control.var, ref.val = control.val,
long = FALSE, keep.ref = TRUE)$exprs.norm
desCase <- design[design[, control.var] != control.val, ]
expCase <- exprs[, match(desCase$columnname, colnames(exprs), nomatch = 0)]
if (long) {
if (!is.null(baseline.var) & !is.null(baseline.val)) {
desBase <- desCase[desCase[, baseline.var] == baseline.val, ]
expBase <- exprs[, match(desBase$columnname, colnames(exprs),
nomatch = 0)]
y1b <- manipulateData(y = expBase, x = desBase,
colname = "columnname")$exprs.norm
desBaseCtrl <- design[design[, baseline.var] == baseline.val |
design[, control.var] == control.val, ]
expBaseCtrl <- exprs[, match(desBaseCtrl$columnname, colnames(exprs),
nomatch = 0)]
y2b <- manipulateData(y = expBaseCtrl, x = desBaseCtrl,
colname = "columnname", ref.var = control.var,
ref.val = control.val, long = FALSE,
keep.ref = TRUE)$exprs.norm
if (is.null( {
message(" is not defined. Cannot produce baseline normalized
} else {
y3 <- manipulateData(y = expCase, x = desCase, colname = "columnname",
ref.var = baseline.var, ref.val = baseline.val,
long = TRUE, =,
keep.ref = FALSE)$exprs.norm
} else {
message("baseline.var and/or baseline.val is unspecified. Cannot produce
baseline ", norm.method, " normalized, baseline healthy normalized, or all
samples baseline normalized data.")
if (is.null(control.var)) {
if (long) {
if (!is.null(baseline.var) & !is.null(baseline.val)) {
desBase <- design[design[, baseline.var] == baseline.val, ]
expBase <- exprs[, match(desBase$columnname, colnames(exprs),
nomatch = 0)]
y1b <- manipulateData(y = expBase, x = desBase,
colname = "columnname")$exprs.norm
if (is.null( {
message(" is not defined. Cannot produce baseline normalized
} else {
y3 <- manipulateData(y = exprs, x = design, colname = "columnname",
ref.var = baseline.var, ref.val = baseline.val,
long = TRUE, =,
keep.ref = FALSE)$exprs.norm
} else {
message("baseline.var and/or baseline.val is unspecified. Cannot produce
baseline ",norm.method, " normalized or all samples baseline normalized data.")
y <- list(y1b = y1b, y2b = y2b, y1 = y1, y2 = y2, y3 = y3, norm.method =
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