# examine egg colour using a binomial GLM
require (effects) # for "effect" for adjusted means
require(car) # for "Anova"
workdir = file.path( project.datadirectory( "bio.snowcrab"), "output" ) # linux
p = bio.snowcrab::load.environment()
# recreate the data files, only if the data needs to be refreshed
# eggdata( data.loc=workdir, redo.data=T )
# load the data
# sc = eggdata( data.loc=workdir, data.file="sc" )
sdt = eggdata( data.loc=workdir, data.file="sdt" )
# choose the time variable resolution
time.resolution = "weekly"
sdt$timevalue = recode.time.maturity( sdt$julianday, time.resolution )
yearoffset = recode.time.maturity( 365, time.resolution ) # used when adding another year to the time value (see below)
end.of.year = recode.time.maturity( 365*c(0,1,2,3), time.resolution )
predictions.time = recode.time.maturity( c(1:730), time.resolution )
predictions.eggpr = c(0,1,2,3,4)
predictions.temperature = round( quantile(sdt$t, probs=c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), na.rm=T ), 2)
# ID various categories; p = primiparous; m = multiparous
p12 = which( sdt$sex==2 & sdt$mat==1 & sdt$shell<=2 & sdt$eggcol %in% c(1,2) ) # n= 10,830
p23 = which( sdt$sex==2 & sdt$mat==1 & sdt$shell<=2 & sdt$eggcol %in% c(2,3) )
p34 = which( sdt$sex==2 & sdt$mat==1 & sdt$shell<=2 & sdt$eggcol %in% c(3,4) )
m123 = which( sdt$sex==2 & sdt$mat==1 & sdt$shell>=3 & sdt$cw<100 ) # There were 3 outliers, cw>100 not likely!!
m12 = which( sdt$sex==2 & sdt$mat==1 & sdt$shell>=3 & sdt$cw<100 & sdt$eggcol %in% c(1,2) ) # n=32,803
m23 = which( sdt$sex==2 & sdt$mat==1 & sdt$shell>=3 & sdt$cw<100 & sdt$eggcol %in% c(2,3) ) # n=19,898
m34 = which( sdt$sex==2 & sdt$mat==1 & sdt$shell>=3 & sdt$cw<100 & sdt$eggcol %in% c(3,4) ) # were only 2 females with eggcol=4
#################### Analysis finally begins ...
# compare primi vs multi
primi = sdt[ c(p12), ]
primi$egg = 0
primi$egg[ which(primi$eggcol==1)] = 1
primi.binned = compute.proportions( primi, var="egg" )
# compare primi vs multi
multi = sdt[ c(m12), ]
multi$egg = 0
multi$egg[ which(multi$eggcol==1)] = 1
multi.binned = compute.proportions( multi, var="egg" )
# prim and mult 1-2:
primi$stage = "P"
multi$stage = "M"
x=rbind( primi,multi)
#Create a binary variable with shell condition, 0's for all other conditions, the basis for using the logit model
x$egg = 0
x$egg[ which(x$eggcol==1)] = 1
model1 = glm( egg ~ timevalue + stage + timevalue:stage , data=x, family=binomial() )
Anova(model1) # Get chi-sq and significance
# ------------------
# Primiparous: Egg 1 to 2 transition
x = sdt[ p12 , ]
#Create a binary variable with shell condition, 0's for all other conditions, the basis for using the logit model
x$egg = 0
x$egg[ which(x$eggcol==1)] = 1
model1 = glm( egg ~ timevalue + t + timevalue:t , data=x, family=binomial() )
Anova(model1) # Get chi-sq and significance
res = all.effects( model1, xlevels=list(t=predictions.temperature, timevalue=predictions.time), type="response" )
plot(res, multiline=T, rescale.axis=F)
# plot( res, "timevalue:t", type="response", multiline=T, rescale.axis=F, xlab="Days", ylab="Proportion: light orange vs. dark orange", main="", xlim=range(predictions.time))
# plot( res, "timevalue:eggPr", type="response", multiline=T, rescale.axis=F, xlab="Days", ylab="Proportion: light orange vs. dark orange", main="", xlim=range(predictions.time))
# plot( res, "t:eggPr", type="response", multiline=T, rescale.axis=F, xlab="Egg fullness", ylab="Proportion: light orange vs. dark orange", main="", xlim=range(predictions.eggpr) )
to.plot = effects.data.export( res[["timevalue:t"]] )
to.plot = effects.data.export( res[["timevalue:eggPr"]] )
to.plot = effects.data.export( res[["t:eggPr"]] )
binned.data = compute.proportions(x, var="egg")
plot(to.plot$timevalue, to.plot$predictedPr, col="blue", pch=".")
points(binned.data$timevalue, binned.data$fraction, col="red", pch=20)
abline( v=end.of.year )
export.to.clipboard( to.plot)
export.to.clipboard( binned.data )
# julian day at 50% transition of egg stage
covariates = list( temp=predictions.temperature, eggpr=predictions.eggpr ) # associated with values of the other main effects where predictions are to be made
tr = LDx( model1, p=0.5, error.method="2main.1interaction", covariates=covariates )
# ---------------------------
# Primiparous: Egg 2 to 3 transition
x = sdt[ p23 , ]
# ... the following is not needed as there are no cases ... but kept to remind that it is conducted with multiparous females
# move #3's btwn day 0-181 to the 'next year'
# i = which( x$julianday <= 181 & x$julianday >= 0 & x$egg==0 )
# x$timevalue[i] = x$timevalue[i] + yearoffset
#Create a binary variable with shell condition, 0's for all other conditions, the basis for using the logit model
x$egg = 0
x$egg[ which(x$eggcol==3)] = 1
i = which( x$julianday <= 181 & x$julianday >= 0 & x$eggcol ==3 )
x$timevalue[i] = x$timevalue[i] + yearoffset
model1 = glm( egg ~ timevalue + t + timevalue:t, data=x, family=binomial() )
Anova(model1) # Get chi-sq and significance
res = all.effects( model1, xlevels=list(t=predictions.temperature, timevalue=predictions.time), type="response" )
plot(res, multiline=T, rescale.axis=F)
# plot( res, "timevalue", type="response", multiline=T, rescale.axis=F, xlab="Days", ylab="Proportion: light orange vs. dark orange", main="", xlim=range(predictions.time) )
# plot( res, "eggPr:t", type="response", multiline=T, rescale.axis=F, xlab="Days", ylab="Proportion: light orange vs. dark orange", main="", xlim=range(predictions.eggpr) )
to.plot = effects.data.export( res[["timevalue:t"]] )
to.plot = effects.data.export( res[["eggPr"]] )
binned.data = compute.proportions(x, var="egg")
plot(to.plot$timevalue, to.plot$predictedPr, col="blue", pch=".")
points(binned.data$timevalue, binned.data$fraction, col="red", pch=20)
abline( v=end.of.year )
export.to.clipboard( to.plot)
export.to.clipboard( binned.data)
# julian day at 50% transition of egg stage
covariates = list( temp=predictions.temperature, eggpr=predictions.eggpr ) # associated with values of the other main effects where predictions are to be made
tr = LDx( model1, p=0.5, error.method="3main.1interaction", covariates=covariates )
# ----------------------
# Multiparous: Egg 1 to 2 transition
x = sdt[ m12 , ]
#Create a binary variable with shell condition, 0's for all other conditions, the basis for using the logit model
x$egg = 0
x$egg[ which(x$eggcol==1)] = 1
model1 = glm( egg ~ timevalue + t + timevalue:t , data=x, family=binomial() )
Anova(model1) # Get chi-sq and significance
res = all.effects( model1, xlevels=list(t=predictions.temperature, timevalue=predictions.time, eggPr=predictions.eggpr), type="response" )
plot(res, multiline=T, rescale.axis=F)
# plot( res, "timevalue:t", type="response", multiline=T, rescale.axis=F, xlab="Days", ylab="Proportion: light orange vs. dark orange", main="", xlim=range(predictions.time))
# plot( res, "timevalue:eggPr", type="response", multiline=T, rescale.axis=F, xlab="Egg fullness", ylab="Proportion: light orange vs. dark orange", main="", xlim=range(predictions.time))
# plot( res, "t:eggPr", type="response", multiline=T, rescale.axis=F, xlab="Days", ylab="Proportion: light orange vs. dark orange", main="", xlim=range(predictions.temperature) )
to.plot = effects.data.export( res[["timevalue"]] )
to.plot = effects.data.export( res[["t"]] )
to.plot = effects.data.export( res[["eggPr"]] )
binned.data = compute.proportions(x, var="egg")
plot(to.plot$timevalue, to.plot$predictedPr, col="blue", pch=".")
points(binned.data$timevalue, binned.data$fraction, col="red", pch=20)
abline( v=end.of.year )
export.to.clipboard( to.plot)
export.to.clipboard( binned.data)
# julian day at 50% transition of egg stage
covariates = list( temp=predictions.temperature, eggpr=predictions.eggpr ) # associated with values of the other main effects where predictions are to be made
tr = LDx( model1, p=0.5, error.method="2main.1interaction", covariates=covariates )
# ------------------------
# Multiparous: Egg 2 to 3 transition
x = sdt[ m23 , ]
# Create a binary variable with shell condition, 0's for all other conditions, the basis for using the logit model
x$egg = 0
x$egg[ which(x$eggcol==3)] = 1
# 212 end of July, no BL eggs in Aug.
i = which( x$julianday <= 181 & x$julianday >= 0 & x$eggcol==3 )
x$timevalue[i] = x$timevalue[i] + yearoffset
model1 = glm( egg ~ timevalue + t , data=x, family=binomial() )
Anova(model1) # Get chi-sq and significance
res = all.effects( model1, xlevels=list(t=predictions.temperature, timevalue=predictions.time), type="response" )
plot(res, multiline=T, rescale.axis=F)
# plot( res, "timevalue", type="response", multiline=T, rescale.axis=F, xlab="Days", ylab="Proportion: dark orange vs black", main="", xlim=range(predictions.time) )
# plot( res, "eggPr", type="response", multiline=T, rescale.axis=F, xlab="Egg fullness", ylab="Proportion: light orange vs. dark orange", main="", xlim=range(predictions.eggpr))
# plot( res, "t", type="response", multiline=T, rescale.axis=F, xlab="Days", ylab="Proportion: light orange vs. dark orange", main="", xlim=range(predictions.temperature) )
to.plot = effects.data.export( res[["timevalue"]] )
to.plot = effects.data.export( res[["t"]] )
to.plot = effects.data.export( res[["eggPr"]] )
binned.data = compute.proportions(x, var="egg")
plot(to.plot$timevalue, to.plot$predictedPr, col="blue", pch=".")
points(binned.data$timevalue, binned.data$fraction, col="red", pch=20)
abline( v=end.of.year )
export.to.clipboard( to.plot)
export.to.clipboard( binned.data)
# julian day at 50% transition of egg stage
covariates = list( temp=predictions.temperature, eggpr=predictions.eggpr ) # associated with values of the other main effects where predictions are to be made
tr = LDx( model1, p=0.5, error.method="2main.0interaction", covariates=covariates )
# ---------------------------------------------
# Multiparous: Egg 3 to 4 transition
x = sdt[ m34 , ]
#Create a binary variable with shell condition, 0's for all other conditions, the basis for using the logit model
x$egg = 0
x$egg[ which(x$eggcol==4)] = 1
# ? needs more work here ... ?
# i = which( x$julianday <= 270 & x$julianday >= 0 & x$egg==0 ??? )
# x$timevalue[i] = x$timevalue[i] + yearoffset
model1 = glm( egg ~ timevalue + t + eggPr + timevalue:t + t:eggPr , data=x, family=binomial() )
Anova(model1) # Get chi-sq and significance
res = all.effects( model1, xlevels=list(t=predictions.temperature, timevalue=predictions.time, eggPr=predictions.eggpr), type="response" )
plot(res, multiline=T, rescale.axis=F)
# plot( res, "timevalue:t", type="response", multiline=T, rescale.axis=F, xlab="Days", ylab="Proportion: black vs coccoon", main="", xlim=range(predictions.time))
to.plot = effects.data.export( res[["timevalue"]] )
to.plot = effects.data.export( res[["t"]] )
to.plot = effects.data.export( res[["eggPr"]] )
binned.data = compute.proportions(x, var="egg")
plot(to.plot$timevalue, to.plot$predictedPr, col="blue", pch=".")
points(binned.data$timevalue, binned.data$fraction, col="red", pch=20)
abline( v=end.of.year )
export.to.clipboard( to.plot)
export.to.clipboard( binned.data)
# julian day at 50% transition of egg stage
covariates = list( temp=predictions.temperature, eggpr=predictions.eggpr ) # associated with values of the other main effects where predictions are to be made
tr = LDx( model1, p=0.5, error.method="3main.2interaction.12.23", covariates=covariates )
# -------------------------------------
# Analysis of female maturity schedules
x = sdt
x$maturity = NA
x$maturity[ which(x$mat=="2") ] = 0 # immature
x$maturity[ which(x$mat=="1") ] = 1 # mature
x = x[ is.finite( x$maturity) & x$sex==2, ]
x$maturity = as.factor(x$maturity)
newlymoulted.mature = which( x$maturity==1 & x$shell %in% c(1) )
immature = which( x$maturity == 0 )
p = sort( unique( c( immature, newlymoulted.mature ) ) )
x = x[ p,]
time.res = "daily"
predictions.time = recode.time.maturity( c(-100:365), time.res )
x$timevalue = recode.time.maturity( x$julianday, time.res )
i = which( x$julianday > 180 )
x$timevalue[i] = x$timevalue[i] - recode.time.maturity( 365, time.res )
model1 = glm( maturity ~ timevalue + t + timevalue:t, data=x, family=binomial() )
Anova(model1) # Get chi-sq and significance
res = all.effects( model1, xlevels=list( t=predictions.temperature, timevalue=predictions.time ), type="response" )
plot( res, "timevalue:t", type="response", multiline=T, rescale.axis=F, xlab="Days", ylab="Proportion: immature vs. mature", main="", xlim=range(predictions.time) )
to.plot = effects.data.export( res[["timevalue:t"]] )
to.plot = effects.data.export( res[["t"]] )
binned.data = compute.proportions(x, var="maturity")
plot(to.plot$timevalue, to.plot$predictedPr, col="blue", pch=".")
points(binned.data$timevalue, binned.data$fraction, col="red", pch=20)
abline( v=end.of.year )
export.to.clipboard( to.plot)
export.to.clipboard( binned.data )
# julian day at 50% transition of egg stage
tr = NULL
for (temps in predictions.temperature ) {
tr = rbind( tr, LDx( model1, p=0.5, error.method="2main.1interaction", covariates=temps ) ) # ######## must choose correct method depending on model specification
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