make.hist = function (data, v, basedir, res=300, type="histogram", sizevar="cw", weightvar="sa.weight", bandwidth = 0.2, xrange, yrange, nsets) {
message("\n Deprecated. Use bio.snowcrab::size_distributions() instead.\n")
outdir = file.path(type, basedir)
dir.create(outdir, recursive=T)
yr = unique(data$yr)
if (dim(data)[1]>1) {
for (vs in v) {
z = data[filter.class(data, vs), c(sizevar, weightvar)]
size = expand.weights (x=z[,sizevar], w=z[,weightvar])
o = length(size)
n = o / nsets
rm (z)
if (o > 1) {
rootname = paste(vs, yr, sep="")
outfile.png = file.path(outdir, paste(rootname, ".png", sep=""))
outfile.pdf = file.path(outdir, paste(rootname, ".pdf", sep=""))
print(paste(outfile, n))
if (type=="density") {
plot(density(size, bw=bandwidth, kernel="gaussian"), xlim=xrange, main=paste(vs, yr), lwd=4, cex=5)
if (type=="histogram") {
breaks = seq(0, 190, bandwidth)
hi = hist(size, breaks=breaks)
hi$counts = hi$counts / nsets
plot(hi, xlim=xrange, ylim=yrange, main=rootname, lwd=4, cex=5, col="blue3")
Pr(dev="pdf", fname=outfile.pdf, width=6, height=3) (outfile.pdf, outfile.png )
# mtext(signif(n,3), line=-4, side=3, font=1, col="blue", cex=1.5, adj=1)
rm (size)
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