load.netmind.rawdata = function(fn, f, set) {
header = readLines(fn, n=20)
outfmt = c(dates="year-m-d", times="h:m:s")
if (length(header) < 20 ) return( out )
localtime = netmindDate( header=header, outvalue="localtime" )
tmpfile = "tmp.netmind"
# remove "*" -- hard to do internally without fileswapping out and reloading
tmp = readLines(fn)
tmp = gsub("[*]", "", tmp )
write( tmp, file=tmpfile )
# skip 16 because first few records are sometimes incomplete
netmind = read.table( file=tmpfile, sep="", as.is=T, colClasses="character", header=F, skip=16)
nr0 = nrow(netmind)
if (nr0 < 30 ) return(out)
nc0 = ncol(netmind)
if ( nc0 < 12 ) return ( out ) # no net metrics stored ( only position and speed ) -- ignored
if ( nc0 > 14 ) stop( fn) # should not be the case unless new data streams start
if ( nc0 == 12) {
# older files do not have depths, add a dummy column
# more modern data have 13 columns 2000 +
netmind$depth= NA
#Temperature now available on Marport Sensors
yr = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(fn, "/"))[grep("archive", unlist(strsplit(fn, "/")))+1])
if(nc0 == 14 & yr>2020){
temperature = netmind[,13]
if ( nc0 == 14 & as.numeric(netmind[1,1])<130000) {
# a few files have wing spread as well
# more modern data have 13 columns 2000 +
netmind[,13] = NULL
if(ncol(netmind) == 13){
netmind[14] = NA
### NOTE:: doorspread is actually wingspread ..
### the logging software calls it doorspread but it is actually wingspread.
colnames(netmind) = c("ndate", "ntime", "lat.deg", "lat.min", "lat.orient",
"lon.deg", "lon.min", "lon.orient", "speed", "primary", "secondary", "doorspread", "depth", "temperature" )
numbers = c("lat.deg", "lat.min", "lon.deg", "lon.min", "speed", "primary", "secondary", "doorspread", "depth", "temperature")
netmind = factor2number(netmind, numbers)
netmind$tinc = 1:nrow(netmind)
# determine deepest point if possible, using a smoothed depth as variability due to incorrect pings are frequent
deepest.point = NULL
if (nc0 %in% c( 13, 14 ) ) {
z.gam = try ( gam( depth ~ s(tinc, k=5, bs="ts"), data=netmind, optimizer=c("outer", "nlm") ), silent=T )
if ( ! "try-error" %in% class( z.gam )) {
netmind$depth.smoothed = predict( z.gam, newdata=netmind, newdata.guaranteed=T )
deepest.point = which.max ( netmind$depth.smoothed)
if ( nc0==12 | length(deepest.point) == 0 ) deepest.point = round( nrow(netmind) / 2 )
netmind$lon = - (netmind$lon.deg + (netmind$lon.min / 60) )
netmind$lat = netmind$lat.deg + (netmind$lat.min / 60)
netmind = netmind[, c("ndate", "ntime", "lat", "lon", "speed", "primary", "secondary", "doorspread", "depth", "temperature")]
netmind$ndate = paste(substring(netmind$ndate,1,2), substring(netmind$ndate,3,4), substring(netmind$ndate,5,6), sep="-")
netmind$ntime = paste(substring(netmind$ntime,1,2), substring(netmind$ntime,3,4), substring(netmind$ntime,5,6), sep=":")
netmind$timestamp = lubridate::ymd_hms( paste( netmind$ndate, netmind$ntime), tz="UTC" )
# netmind data stored in GMT/UTC from GPS; the offset varies depending upon season due to daylight savings time (3 or 4 hrs)
# obtain time offset in hours
time.offset = netmindDate( header=header, outvalue="timeoffset" ) # rounded to hours of fractional days
netmind$timestamp = netmind$timestamp + lubridate::hours(time.offset) # now in local time (America/Halifax)
netmind.timestamprange = netmind$timestamp
netmind.timestamp = netmind$timestamp[ deepest.point ]
yr = lubridate::ymd_hms(netmind.timestamp)
yr = lubridate::year(yr )
if(months(netmind.timestamp) %in% c("January")){
yr = lubridate::year( netmind.timestamp ) -1
line.localtime = grep("Local Time:", header, ignore.case=T )
line.ship = grep("Ship:", header, ignore.case=T )
line.comments = grep("Comments:", header, ignore.case=T )
trip = gsub( "^.*Trip:", "", header[ line.ship ] )
trip = gsub( "Tow:.*$", "", trip )
trip = gsub( "[[:space:]]", "", trip )
if ( ! grepl( "^S[[:digit:]]{8}$", trip, ignore.case=T ) ) { # not a standard code
dy = paste( "00", as.character( days(netmind.timestamp) ), sep="")
dy = substring( dy, nchar(dy)-1, nchar(dy) )
mn = paste( "00", as.character( as.numeric(months(netmind.timestamp))), sep="")
mn = substring( mn, nchar(mn)-1, nchar(mn) )
yr = paste( "00", as.character( years(netmind.timestamp) ), sep="")
yr = substring( yr, nchar(yr)-3, nchar(yr) )
trip=paste("S", dy, mn, yr, sep="" )
setno = gsub( "^.*Tow:", "", header[ line.ship ] )
setno = gsub( "[[:space:]]", "", setno )
setno = as.numeric( setno )
station = unlist(strsplit( header[[1]], "\\", fixed=TRUE ))
station = station[ length(station) ]
station = gsub( "[[:alpha:]]", "", station)
station = gsub( "[[:punct:]]", "", station)
station = unlist(strsplit( header[[1]], "/", fixed=TRUE ))
station = station[ length(station) ]
station = gsub( "[[:alpha:]]", "", station)
station = gsub( "[[:punct:]]", "", station)
station = as.numeric( station )
setxi = NULL
if (is.null ( setxi ) ) {
# check time first
netmind.date.range = range( netmind.timestamprange )
sets.in.date.range = which( set$timestamp >= netmind.date.range[1] & set$timestamp <= netmind.date.range[2] )
if ( length( sets.in.date.range ) == 1 ) setxi= sets.in.date.range
if (is.null ( setxi ) ) {
# check time first
netmind.date.range = range( netmind.timestamprange )
sets.in.date.range = which( set$timestamp >= netmind.date.range[1] & set$timestamp <= netmind.date.range[2]
& set$set==setno )
if ( length( sets.in.date.range ) == 1 ) setxi= sets.in.date.range
if (is.null ( setxi ) ) {
# check time and station
netmind.date.range = range( netmind.timestamprange )
sets.in.date.range = which( set$timestamp >= netmind.date.range[1] & set$timestamp <= netmind.date.range[2]
& set$trip==trip & set$station==station & set$set==setno )
if ( length( sets.in.date.range ) == 1 ) setxi= sets.in.date.range
if (is.null ( setxi ) ) {
# check time and station
netmind.date.range = range( netmind.timestamprange )
sets.in.date.range = which( set$timestamp >= netmind.date.range[1] & set$timestamp <= netmind.date.range[2]
& set$station==station )
if ( length( sets.in.date.range ) == 1 ) setxi= sets.in.date.range
if (is.null ( setxi ) ) {
# check distances
ni = floor( nrow(netmind) / 2 )
dx = abs( set$lon - netmind$lon[ni] )
dy = abs( set$lat - netmind$lat[ni] )
sets.in.spatial.range = which( dx < 5/60 & dy < 5/60
& set$yr==yr ) # less than 5 minutes away
if ( length( sets.in.spatial.range ) == 1 ) setxi= sets.in.spatial.range
if (is.null ( setxi ) ) {
# check distances
ni = floor( nrow(netmind) / 2 )
dx = abs( set$lon1 - netmind$lon[ni] )
dy = abs( set$lat1 - netmind$lat[ni] )
sets.in.spatial.range = which( dx < 5/60 & dy < 5/60
& set$yr==yr ) # less than 5 minutes away
if ( length( sets.in.spatial.range ) == 1 ) setxi= sets.in.spatial.range
if (is.null ( setxi ) ) {
# check distances
ni = floor( nrow(netmind) / 2 )
dx = abs( set$lon - netmind$lon[ni] )
dy = abs( set$lat - netmind$lat[ni] )
sets.in.spatial.range = which( dx < 5/60 & dy < 5/60
& set$trip==trip ) # less than 5 minutes away
if ( length( sets.in.spatial.range ) == 1 ) setxi= sets.in.spatial.range
if (is.null ( setxi ) ) {
# check staion, distance, and time
ni = floor( nrow(netmind) / 2 )
dx = abs( set$lon - netmind$lon[ni] )
dy = abs( set$lat - netmind$lat[ni] )
sets.in.spatial.range = which( dx < 5/60 & dy < 5/60
& set$station==station & set$trip==trip & set$set==setno ) # less than 10 minutes away
if ( length( sets.in.spatial.range ) == 1 ) setxi= sets.in.spatial.range
if (is.null ( setxi ) ) {
# check staion, distance, and time
ni = floor( nrow(netmind) / 2 )
dx = abs( set$lon - netmind$lon[ni] )
dy = abs( set$lat - netmind$lat[ni] )
sets.in.spatial.range = which( dx < 5/60 & dy < 5/60
& set$station==station & set$trip==trip ) # less than 10 minutes away
if ( length( sets.in.spatial.range ) == 1 ) setxi= sets.in.spatial.range
if (is.null ( setxi ) ) return (NULL) # no matching data -- break
setx = set[ setxi , ] # matching trip/set/station
netmind_uid = paste( "netmind", setx$trip, setx$set, setx$station, lubridate::hour(netmind.timestamp), lubridate::minute(netmind.timestamp), f, sep=".")
filename = basename(fn)
line.ship = grep("Ship:", header, ignore.case=T )
line.comments = grep("Comments:", header, ignore.case=T )
comments = gsub("^Comments: ", "", header[ line.comments] )
netmind$netmind_uid = netmind_uid
metadata = data.frame( filename, netmind_uid, yr, netmind.timestamp, setx$trip, setx$set, setx$station, setx$Zx, setx$timestamp, comments, stringsAsFactors =FALSE )
names( metadata ) = c("filename", "netmind_uid", "yr", "netmind_timestamp", "trip", "set", "station", "setZx", "set_timestamp", "comments" )
metadata$yr = as.numeric( as.character( metadata$yr ))
basedata = netmind[ which( !is.na( netmind$netmind_uid) ) ,]
out = list( metadata=metadata, basedata=basedata )
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