# js code to enable/disable tabs.
.utils.js <- function() {
out <- "
shinyjs.disableTab = function(name) {
var tab = $('.nav.navbar-nav li a[data-value=\"' + name + '\"]');
tab.bind('click.tab', function(e) {
return false;
shinyjs.enableTab = function(name) {
var tab = $('.nav.navbar-nav li a[data-value=\"' + name + '\"]');
#' Parse gene summary data for easier plotting and display
#' @param df data.frame of gene summary data. Gene IDs should be in the first column.
#' @param sig.thresh Numeric scalar for significance threshold to consider a gene a hit.
#' @param es.thresh Numeric scalar for absolute log fold change threshold to consider a gene a hit.
#' @param es.col Character scalar for the column name of the effect size value.
#' @param sig.col Character scalar for the column name of the significance value.
#' @param positive.ctrl.genes Character vector of gene identifiers to label as positive controls.
#' @param essential.genes Character vector of gene identifiers to label as essential genes.
#' @param depmap.genes data.frame of DepMap gene summary data.
#' @return A data.frame of gene summary with additional, easier to plot, columns added.
#' @author Jared Andrews
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(CRISPRball)
#' d1.genes <- read.delim(system.file("extdata", "esc1.gene_summary.txt",
#' package = "CRISPRball"
#' ), check.names = FALSE)
#' out.df <- gene_ingress(d1.genes, 0.05, 0.5, es.col = "LFC", sig.col = "fdr")
gene_ingress <- function(df, sig.thresh, es.thresh, es.col, sig.col, positive.ctrl.genes = NULL,
essential.genes = NULL, depmap.genes = NULL) {
if ("neg|score" %in% colnames(df)) {
# These handle initial load where UI has not populated the sig.col and es.col values yet.
if (is.null(es.col)) {
es.col <- "LFC"
if (is.null(sig.col)) {
sig.col <- "fdr"
df <- .rra_ingress(df, sig.thresh, es.thresh, es.col = es.col, sig.col = sig.col)
} else if (any(grepl("beta", colnames(df)))) {
# These handle initial load where UI has not populated the sig.col and es.col values yet.
if (is.null(es.col)) {
es.col <- "beta"
if (is.null(sig.col)) {
sig.col <- "fdr"
df <- .mle_ingress(df, sig.thresh, es.thresh, es.col = es.col, sig.col = sig.col)
} else {
stop("Unknown gene summary format.")
if (!is.null(essential.genes)) {
df$essential <- df[[1]] %in% essential.genes
if (!is.null(positive.ctrl.genes)) {
df$Positive_Control <- df[[1]] %in% positive.ctrl.genes
if (!is.null(depmap.genes)) {
df$DepMap_CRISPR_Essential <- df[[1]] %in%
depmap.genes$gene_name[depmap.genes$dataset %in%
c("Chronos_Combined", "Chronos_Score", "Chronos_Achilles") &
depmap.genes$common_essential == TRUE]
df$DepMap_CRISPR_Selective <- df[[1]] %in%
depmap.genes$gene_name[depmap.genes$dataset %in%
c("Chronos_Combined", "Chronos_Score", "Chronos_Achilles") &
depmap.genes$strongly_selective == TRUE]
df$DepMap_RNAi_Essential <- df[[1]] %in% depmap.genes$gene_name[depmap.genes$dataset == "RNAi_merged" &
depmap.genes$common_essential == TRUE]
df$DepMap_RNAi_Selective <- df[[1]] %in% depmap.genes$gene_name[depmap.genes$dataset == "RNAi_merged" &
depmap.genes$strongly_selective == TRUE]
#' Read and parse MAGeCK MLE output gene summary file
#' This function reads the gene summary file output by \code{mageck mle} and
#' parses it into a list of data.frames, one for each sample. The sample names
#' are extracted from the column names of the input file and used as the names
#' of the list elements.
#' @param filepath Path to the gene summary file output by \code{mageck mle}.
#' @return A named list of data.frames containing MAGeCK MLE output,
#' one for each sample contained in the file.
#' @author Jared Andrews
#' @importFrom utils read.delim
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(CRISPRball)
#' mle_gene_summary <- file.path(system.file("extdata", "beta_leukemia.gene_summary.txt",
#' package = "CRISPRball"
#' ))
#' gene_data <- read_mle_gene_summary(mle_gene_summary)
read_mle_gene_summary <- function(filepath) {
# Read the table
data <- read.delim(filepath, check.names = FALSE)
# Get the sample names
samples <- unique(gsub("\\|.*", "", names(data)[-(seq_len(2))]))
dataframes <- lapply(samples, function(sample) {
# Find the column names containing this sample name
sample_cols <- grep(paste0("^", sample, "\\|"), names(data))
# Add the 'Gene' and 'sgRNA' columns
sample_cols <- c(1, 2, sample_cols)
# Extract the data for this sample
df <- data[, sample_cols]
# Remove the sample name from the header
names(df) <- gsub(paste0("^", sample, "\\|"), "", names(df))
# Fix the column names to not use '-'
names(df) <- gsub("-", ".", names(df))
# Associate the samples names with their corresponding data frames
names(dataframes) <- samples
#' Rename columns and add additional columns to gene summary data
#' @param df data.frame of gene summary data
#' @param sig.thresh Numeric scalar for significance threshold to consider a gene a hit.
#' @param es.thresh Numeric scalar for absolute effect size threshold to consider a gene a hit.
#' @param sig.col Character string for the column name of the significance value.
#' Should be one of "fdr" or "pval".
#' @param es.col Character string for the column name of the effect size value.
#' @return data.frame of gene summary data with renamed columns.
#' @author Jared Andrews
#' @rdname INTERNAL_rra_ingress
.rra_ingress <- function(df, sig.thresh, es.thresh, sig.col = "fdr", es.col = "LFC") {
df$LFC <- as.numeric(df$`neg|lfc`)
df$RRAscore <- apply(df, 1, function(x) {
x <- split(unname(x), names(x))
as.numeric(ifelse(as.numeric(x$`neg|score`) < as.numeric(x$`pos|score`), x$`neg|score`, x$`pos|score`))
# Ease of use for plotting RRAscore as rank and interpreting directionality
df$signed_log10_RRAscore <- apply(df, 1, function(x) {
x <- split(unname(x), names(x))
as.numeric(ifelse(as.numeric(x$`neg|score`) < as.numeric(x$`pos|score`),
-(-log10(as.numeric(x$`neg|score`))), -log10(as.numeric(x$`pos|score`))
df$fdr <- apply(df, 1, function(x) {
x <- split(unname(x), names(x))
as.numeric(ifelse(as.numeric(x$`neg|fdr`) < as.numeric(x$`pos|fdr`), x$`neg|fdr`, x$`pos|fdr`))
df$pval <- apply(df, 1, function(x) {
x <- split(unname(x), names(x))
as.numeric(ifelse(as.numeric(x$`neg|p-value`) < as.numeric(x$`pos|p-value`),
x$`neg|p-value`, x$`pos|p-value`
if (!sig.col %in% colnames(df)) {
mess <- paste0("Column '", sig.col, "' not found in data. Using 'fdr' instead.")
sig.col <- "fdr"
if (!es.col %in% colnames(df)) {
mess <- paste0("Column '", es.col, "' not found in data. Using 'LFC' instead.")
es.col <- "LFC"
df$hit_type <- apply(df, 1, function(x) {
x <- split(unname(x), names(x))
ifelse(as.numeric(x[[sig.col]]) < sig.thresh & as.numeric(x[[es.col]]) < -as.numeric(es.thresh), "neg",
ifelse(as.numeric(x[[sig.col]]) < sig.thresh & as.numeric(x[[es.col]]) > as.numeric(es.thresh), "pos", NA)
df$goodsgrna <- apply(df, 1, function(x) {
x <- split(unname(x), names(x))
as.integer(ifelse(as.numeric(x$`neg|score`) < as.numeric(x$`pos|score`),
x$`neg|goodsgrna`, x$`pos|goodsgrna`
df$Rank <- rank(df[[es.col]])
df$RandomIndex <- sample(seq_len(nrow(df)), nrow(df))
#' Rename columns and add additional columns to gene summary data from MAGeCK mle
#' @param df data.frame of gene summary data.
#' @param sig.thresh Numeric scalar for significance threshold to consider a gene a hit.
#' @param es.thresh Numeric scalar for effect size threshold to consider a gene a hit.
#' @param sig.col Column name for significance values in \code{df}. Should be one of
#' "fdr", "p.value", "wald.p.value", or "wald.fdr".
#' @param es.col Column name for effect size values in \code{df}. Should be one of
#' "beta" or "z".
#' @return data.frame of gene summary data from MAGeCK mle with renamed columns.
#' @author Jared Andrews
#' @rdname INTERNAL_mle_ingress
.mle_ingress <- function(df, sig.thresh, es.thresh, sig.col = "fdr", es.col = "beta") {
if (!sig.col %in% colnames(df)) {
mess <- paste0("Column '", sig.col, "' not found in data. Using 'fdr' instead.")
sig.col <- "fdr"
if (!es.col %in% colnames(df)) {
mess <- paste0("Column '", es.col, "' not found in data. Using 'beta' instead.")
es.col <- "beta"
# To match RRA output.
df$id <- df$Gene
df$hit_type <- apply(df, 1, function(x) {
x <- split(unname(x), names(x))
ifelse(as.numeric(x[[sig.col]]) < sig.thresh & as.numeric(x[[es.col]]) < -as.numeric(es.thresh), "neg",
ifelse(as.numeric(x[[sig.col]]) < sig.thresh & as.numeric(x[[es.col]]) > as.numeric(es.thresh), "pos", NA)
df$Rank <- rank(df[[es.col]])
df$RandomIndex <- sample(seq_len(nrow(df)), nrow(df))
#' Read user-uploaded gene summary files and assign sample names
#' @param fileList A list of gene summary files uploaded by the user.
#' MAGeCK mle format will be autodetected.
#' @importFrom utils read.delim
#' @return A named list of data.frames read from gene summary files uploaded by the user.
#' @author Jared Andrews
#' @rdname INTERNAL_gene_summ_ingress
.gene_summ_ingress <- function(fileList) {
checker <- read.delim(fileList$datapath[[1]], check.names = FALSE)
if ("neg|score" %in% colnames(checker)) {
out <- lapply(fileList$datapath, read.delim, check.names = FALSE)
names(out) <- vapply(fileList$name, FUN = function(x) {
pattern = ".gene_summary.txt",
replacement = "", x, fixed = TRUE
}, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
} else if (any(grepl("beta", colnames(checker)))) {
out <- read_mle_gene_summary(fileList$datapath[[1]])
} else {
stop("Unknown gene summary format.")
#' Read user-uploaded sgrna summary files and assign sample names
#' @param fileList A list of sgrna summary files uploaded by the user.
#' @return A named list of data.frames read from sgrna summary files uploaded by the user.
#' @importFrom utils read.delim
#' @author Jared Andrews
#' @rdname INTERNAL_sgrna_summ_ingress
.sgrna_summ_ingress <- function(fileList) {
out <- lapply(fileList$datapath, read.delim, check.names = FALSE)
names(out) <- vapply(fileList$name, FUN = function(x) {
pattern = ".sgrna_summary.txt",
replacement = "", x, fixed = TRUE
}, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
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