#' Importing required packages and functions
#' @importFrom methods new slot slot<-
#' @importFrom stats binomial cor glm
#' @importFrom stats pchisq pgamma prcomp
#' @importFrom stats qbeta qchisq qgamma
#' @importFrom stats resid vcov var
#' @importFrom stats na.exclude na.omit
#' @importFrom stats prcomp
#' @importFrom stats coef predict
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @importFrom glmnet cv.glmnet glmnet
#' @importFrom ropls opls
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix
#' @importFrom CompQuadForm davies imhof liu
#' @importFrom metap wilkinsonp minimump sump
#' @importFrom metap sumlog meanp logitp
#' @importFrom metap votep wilkinsonp
#' @importFrom car vif
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay assays
#' @importFrom RUnit checkEqualsNumeric
#' @importFrom pls plsr cppls explvar selectNcomp
ridge_se <- function(xs,y,yhat,my_mod, verbose=FALSE){
# Note, you can't estimate an intercept here
n <- dim(xs)[1]
k <- dim(xs)[2]
sigma_sq <- sum((y - yhat)^2)/ (n-k)
lam <- my_mod$lambda.min
if(is.null(my_mod$lambda.min)) {
lam <- 0
i_lams <- Matrix(diag(x=1,nrow=k,ncol=k),sparse=TRUE)
xpx <- t(xs) %*% xs
xpxinvplam <- solve(xpx + lam*i_lams)
var_cov <- sigma_sq * (xpxinvplam %*% xpx %*% xpxinvplam)
se_bs <- sqrt(diag(var_cov))
print('NOTE: These standard errors are very biased.')
return(list(vcov=var_cov, se=se_bs))
#' vcov_ridge: returns variance-covariance
#' matrix and standard deviation
#' for ridge/LASSO regression object
#' @param x Genotype matrix
#' @param y Phenotype
#' @param rmod Ridge/LASSO regression object
#' @param verbose Indicates verbosing output,
#' Default: FALSE.
#' @return list(vcov, se).
#' vcov: variance-covariance matrix;
#' se: standard deviation
vcov_ridge <- function(x, y, rmod, verbose=FALSE) {
# Predictions
r_yhat <- predict(rmod,newx=x,s='lambda.min')
ro_yhat <- predict(rmod,newx=x)
# Variance-covariance matrix and Standard Erros
rmod_ses <- ridge_se(x,y,r_yhat,rmod,verbose=verbose)
#' Preprocess input data with Principal Component Analysis method (PCA)
#' @param data An input matrix with values of
#' independent variables (predictors).
#' @param pheno A phenotype - column-vector, needed for LASSO/ridge and
#' \code{NULL} by default.
#' @param method A dimensionality reduction method.
#' Default: \code{pca}.
#' @param reg.family A regression family.
#' Default: \code{"binomial"}.
#' @param scaleData A logical variable, indicates wheither or
#' not scaling should be performed. Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param cumvar.threshold A threshold value for explained variance.
#' Default: \code{75}
#' @param out.type An output (phenotype) type.
#' Default: \code{"D"}
#' @param penalty Value of penalty parameter for LASSO/ridge regression.
#' Default: \code{0.001}
#' @param verbose Indicates verbosing output. Default: FALSE.
#' @return A list of one: "S" - a data frame of predictor values.
preprocess <- function(data, pheno=NULL,
verbose=FALSE) {
return(preprocessPCA(data, scaleData, cumvar.threshold, verbose))
return(preprocessPLS(data, pheno, scaleData, cumvar.threshold, out.type))
return(preprocessLASSO(data, pheno, reg.family, penalty))
return(preprocessRidge(data, pheno, reg.family, penalty))
stop("Unknown method provided.")
#' Applies linear of logistic regregression to the data.
#' @param null.model A fitted null model
#' @param Z A genotype matrix
#' @param verbose Indicates verbosing output. Default: FALSE.
#' @return A list of two: "S" - a dataframe with predictors and "fit"
#' - an object returned by "glm" function.
simple.multvar.reg <- function(null.model, Z, verbose=FALSE) {
# Fit regression according to provided null model #
fit <- glm(null.model ~ ., data=data.frame(Z))
na.S <- which(is.na(coef(fit)[-1]) == TRUE)
if( length(na.S) > 0 & (dim(data.frame(Z))[2] > 1) ){
S <- as.matrix(Z[,-na.S])
fit <- glm(null.model ~ . ,data=data.frame(S))
} else {
S <- Z
return(list(S=S, fit=fit, na.S=na.S))
#' Applies linear of logistic regregression to the data.
#' @param y A vector with values of dependent variable (outcome).
#' @param x A data.frame of covariates.
#' @param reg.family A regression family.
#' Can be either "binomial" or "gaussian."
#' @param verbose Indicates verbosing output. Default: FALSE.
#' @return A list of two: "S" - a dataframe with predictors and "fit"
#' - an object returned by "glm" function.
build.null.model <- function(y, x, reg.family="binomial", verbose=FALSE) {
if(reg.family == "binomial") {
if(length(x) != 0) {
fit <- glm(y ~ ., data=data.frame(x),
family = binomial)
#family = binomial(link=logit)),TRUE)
} else {
fit <- glm(y ~ 1, na.action=na.exclude,
family = binomial)
#family = binomial(link=logit)),TRUE)
} else if(reg.family == "gaussian") {
if(length(x) != 0) {
fit <- glm(y ~ ., data=data.frame(x),
family = reg.family)
} else {
fit <- glm(y ~ 1,
family = reg.family)
} else {
stop(paste("Unknown reg.family:", reg.family))
preprocessPCA <- function(data, scaleData, cumvar.threshold, verbose) {
ct <- cumvar.threshold
res.pca <- prcomp(data, scale=scaleData)
# Eigenvalues
eig <- (res.pca$sdev)^2
# Variances in percentage
variance <- eig*100/sum(eig)
# Cumulative variances
cumvar <- cumsum(variance)
eig.table <- data.frame(eig = eig,
variance = variance,
cumvariance = cumvar)
######### Filtering by threshold ##############
if(length(eig.table$cumvar[eig.table$cumvar <= ct]) == 0) {
if(verbose) {
print("Warning: cumvar.threshold will be set to")
print(paste("the first component of cum. var.:",
cumvar.threshold <- eig.table$cumvar[1]
#S <- res.pca$x[,which(eig.decathlon2.active$cumvar <=
# cumvar.threshold)] %*%
#t(res.pca$rotation[,which(eig.decathlon2.active$cumvar <=
# cumvar.threshold)])
ct <- cumvar.threshold
S <- res.pca$x[,which(eig.table$cumvar <= ct)]
### And add the center (and re-scale) back to data ###
# S <- scale(S, center = FALSE , scale=1/res.pca$scale)
# S <- scale(S, center = -1 * res.pca$center, scale=FALSE)
indexes <- which(eig.table$cumvar <= ct)
return(list(S = S, indexes=indexes, model="PCA"))
preprocessPLS <- function(data, pheno, scaleData, cumvar.threshold, out.type) {
data.scaled <- scale(data, center = TRUE)
} else {
data.scaled <- data
n.snp <- dim(data.scaled)[2]
#if(!is.null(cumvar.threshold)) {
# ct <- cumvar.threshold/100
# npred <- round(n.snp*ct)
# numcomp <- ifelse(n.snp < 10, n.snp, npred)
if(out.type == "D") { # PLS-DA
stop("Sorry, PLS for dichotomous trait is not yet supported.")
## Uncomment the code below if you want to use ropls and PLS-DA ##
#model <- opls(x = data.scaled, y=as.factor(pheno),
# predI=numcomp,
# plotL = FALSE,
# log10L=FALSE,
# algoC = "nipals",
# silent = TRUE)
#if(inherits(model, "try-error")) {
# for(i in 2:6) {
# ct <- ct/i
# npred <- round(dim(data.scaled)[2]*ct)
# model <- opls(x = data.scaled, y=as.factor(pheno),
# predI=npred,
# plotL = FALSE,
# log10L=FALSE,
# algoC = "nipals",
# silent = TRUE)
# if(!inherits(model, "try-error")) {
# break
# }
# }
#S <- model@scoreMN #%*% t(model@loadingMN)
#Y <- model@uMN %*% t(model@cMN)
} else if(out.type == "C") { # PLS
#model <- opls(x = data.scaled, y=pheno,
# predI=numcomp,
# plotL = FALSE,
# log10L=FALSE,
# algoC = "nipals",
# silent = TRUE)
#if(inherits(model, "try-error")) {
# cumvar.threshold <- cumvar.threshold/2
# npred <- round(dim(data.scaled)[2]*ct)
# model <- opls(x = data.scaled, y=as.factor(pheno),
# predI=npred, plotL = FALSE,
# log10L=FALSE, algoC = "nipals",
# silent = TRUE)
dd <- cbind(pheno, data.scaled)
temp.model <- plsr(pheno ~ ., data=dd, validation = "CV")
if(is.null(cumvar.threshold)) {
numcomp <- selectNcomp(temp.model)
if(numcomp == 0) numcomp <- 1
} else {
ct <- cumvar.threshold/100
numcomp <- round(n.snp*ct)
#bbb <- sort(explvar(temp.model), decreasing = TRUE)
#tt <- bbb[1]
#if(tt >= cumvar.threshold) {
# numcomp = 1
#} else {
# for(i in 2:length(bbb)) {
# tt <- tt + bbb[i]
# if(tt >= cumvar.threshold) {
# numcomp <- i
# break
# }
# }
# numcomp <- i
if(numcomp == 1) numcomp <- 2
model <- plsr(pheno ~ ., numcomp, data=dd, validation = "none")
# X
nrow.scores <- dim(model[["scores"]])[1]
ncol.scores <- dim(model[["scores"]])[2]
nrow.loadings <- dim(model[["loadings"]])[1]
ncol.loadings <- dim(model[["loadings"]])[2]
# Y
nrow.yscores <- dim(model[["Yscores"]])[1]
ncol.yscores <- dim(model[["Yscores"]])[2]
nrow.yloadings <- dim(model[["Yloadings"]])[1]
ncol.yloadings <- dim(model[["Yloadings"]])[2]
# , byrow = TRUE
S <- matrix(model[["scores"]], nrow=nrow.scores, ncol=ncol.scores) #%*% t(matrix(model[["loadings"]], nrow=nrow.loadings, ncol=ncol.loadings))
Y <- matrix(model[["Yscores"]], nrow=nrow.yscores, ncol=ncol.yscores) %*% t(matrix(model[["Yloadings"]], nrow=nrow.yloadings, ncol=ncol.yloadings))
return(list(S = S, Y = Y, model=model))
preprocessLASSO <- function(data, pheno, reg.family, penalty=0.001) {
#### LASSO ####
if(reg.family == "binomial") {
pheno <- as.factor(pheno)
fit <- glmnet(x=as.matrix(data),
alpha=1, # LASSO
#fit <- cv.glmnet(x=as.matrix(data),
# alpha=1, # LASSO
# y=pheno,
# family=reg.family,
# nfolds=10)
}, error=function(e) {
S <- data[,which(coef(fit, s=penalty)[-1] != 0)]
return(list(S=S, fit=fit, model="LASSO"))
preprocessRidge <- function(data, pheno, reg.family, penalty=0.001) {
if(reg.family == "binomial") {
pheno <- as.factor(pheno)
fit <- glmnet(x=as.matrix(data),
alpha=0, # Ridge
}, error=function(e) {
S <- data[,which(coef(fit, s=penalty)[-1] != 0)]
return(list(S=S, fit=fit, model="ridge"))
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