#' @include RangeTrack-class.R
## NumericTrack-class --------------------------------------------------------
#' NumericTrack class and methods
#' The virtual parent class for all track items in the Gviz package designed to
#' contain numeric data. This class merely exists for dispatching purpose.
#' @template GdObject-class_slot
#' @template RangeTrack-class_slot
#' @template NumericTrack_param
#' @name NumericTrack-class
#' @return A virtual class: No objects may be created from it.
#' @author Florian Hahne
#' @inherit GdObject-class seealso
#' @exportClass NumericTrack
representation = representation("VIRTUAL"),
prototype = prototype(
name = "NumericTrack",
dp = DisplayPars()
contains = "RangeTrack"
## NumericTrack Methods drawAxis ---------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn NumericTrack-class add a y-axis to the title panel of a track.
#' @importFrom grDevices extendrange colorRampPalette
#' @export
setMethod("drawAxis", signature(GdObject = "NumericTrack"), function(GdObject, from, to, ...) {
type <- match.arg(.dpOrDefault(GdObject, "type", "p"), .PLOT_TYPES, several.ok = TRUE)
yvals <- values(GdObject)
ylim <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "ylim", if (!is.null(yvals) && length(yvals)) {
range(yvals, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE)
} else {
c(-1, 1)
if (diff(ylim) == 0) {
ylim <- ylim + c(-1, 1)
hSpaceAvail <- vpLocation()$isize["width"] / 6
yscale <- extendrange(r = ylim, f = 0.05)
col <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "col.axis", "white")
acex <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "cex.axis")
acol <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "col.axis", "white")
at <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "yTicksAt", pretty(yscale))
at <- at[which(at >= sort(ylim)[1] & at <= sort(ylim)[2])]
if (!length(at)) {
at <- sort(ylim)[c(1, 2)]
if (is.null(acex)) {
vSpaceNeeded <- max(as.numeric(convertWidth(stringHeight(at), "inches"))) * length(at) * 1.5
hSpaceNeeded <- max(as.numeric(convertWidth(stringWidth(at), "inches")))
vSpaceAvail <- abs(diff(range(at))) / abs(diff(yscale)) * vpLocation()$isize["height"]
acex <- max(0.6, min(vSpaceAvail / vSpaceNeeded, hSpaceAvail / hSpaceNeeded))
nlevs <- max(1, nlevels(factor(.dpOrDefault(GdObject, "groups"))))
if (any(type %in% c("heatmap", "horizon")) && .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "showSampleNames", FALSE)) {
groups <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "groups")
sn <- if (is.null(groups)) rownames(values(GdObject)) else rev(unlist(split(rownames(values(GdObject)), factor(groups))))
cex.sn <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "cex.sampleNames", acex)
col.cn <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "col.sampleNames", "white")
wd <- max(as.numeric(convertWidth(stringWidth(sn) + unit(10, "points"), "npc"))) * cex.sn
samNames <- viewport(x = 1, width = wd, just = 1, yscale = c(-0.05, 1.05))
nr <- nrow(values(GdObject))
if (nr > 1) {
yy <- head(seq(0.05, 0.95, len = nr + 1), -1)
yy <- yy + diff(yy)[[1]] / 2
} else {
yy <- 0.5
grid.text(x = rep(0.5, nr), y = yy, label = rev(sn), just = 0.5, gp = gpar(cex = cex.sn, col = col.cn))
samAxis <- viewport(x = 1 - wd, width = 1 - wd, just = 1)
## if any of the types are gradient or heatmap we want the gradient scale
if (any(type %in% c("gradient", "heatmap")) && .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "showColorBar", TRUE)) {
## viewport to hold the color strip
shift <- ifelse(all(type %in% c("gradient", "heatmap")), 1, 0)
pcols <- .getPlottingFeatures(GdObject)
ncolor <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "ncolor", 100)
vpAxisCont <- viewport(x = unit(1, "npc") - unit(2 - shift, "points"), width = unit(1, "npc") - unit(2 - shift, "points"), just = 1)
for (i in seq_len(nlevs)) {
## create color palette
cr <- c("white", pcols$col[i])
if (nlevs < 2) {
cr <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "gradient", cr)
palette <- colorRampPalette(cr)(ncolor + 5)[-seq_len(5)]
pshift <- ifelse(i == nlevs, 1 - shift, 0)
vpTitleAxis <- viewport(
x = unit(1, "npc") - unit(4 * (i - 1), "points"), width = unit(4 + pshift, "points"),
yscale = yscale, just = 1
## draw a rectangle for each color
if (all(type %in% c("gradient", "heatmap"))) {
if (i == nlevs) {
suppressWarnings(grid.yaxis(gp = gpar(col = acol, cex = acex), at = at))
y = unit(seq(ylim[1], ylim[2], length.out = ncolor + 1), "native")[-(ncolor + 1)], x = unit(0, "npc") - unit(1, "points"),
width = 1, height = 1 / ncolor, gp = gpar(fill = palette, lty = 0), just = c("left", "bottom")
} else {
y = unit(seq(ylim[1], ylim[2], length.out = ncolor + 1), "native")[-(ncolor + 1)], x = 0,
width = 1, height = 1 / ncolor, gp = gpar(fill = palette, lty = 0), just = c("left", "bottom")
if (i == nlevs) {
suppressWarnings(grid.yaxis(gp = gpar(col = acol, cex = acex), at = at))
grid.lines(x = c(0, 0), y = ylim, gp = gpar(col = acol), default.units = "native")
} else {
vpTitleAxis <- viewport(x = 0.95, width = 0.2, yscale = yscale, just = 0)
suppressWarnings(grid.yaxis(gp = gpar(col = acol, cex = acex), at = at))
grid.lines(x = c(0, 0), y = ylim, gp = gpar(col = acol), default.units = "native")
## NumericTrack Methods drawGrid ---------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn NumericTrack-class superpose a grid on top of a track.
setMethod("drawGrid", signature(GdObject = "NumericTrack"), function(GdObject, from, to) {
if (.dpOrDefault(GdObject, "grid", FALSE)) {
vals <- score(GdObject)
ylim <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "ylim", range(vals, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE))
if (diff(ylim)) {
pushViewport(dataViewport(xData = c(from, to), yData = ylim, extension = c(0, 0.1), clip = TRUE))
h = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "h", -1), v = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "v", -1),
col = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "col.grid", "#e6e6e6"), lty = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "lty.grid", 1),
lwd = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "lwd.grid", 1)
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