#' @include DataTrack-class.R
#' @include ReferenceTrack-class.R
#' @include StackedTrack-class.R
#' @include SequenceTrack-class.R
setClassUnion("SequenceTrackOrNULL", c("SequenceTrack", "NULL"))
## AlignmentsTrack Class -----------------------------------------------------
#' AlignmentsTrack class and methods
#' A class to represent short sequences that have been aligned to a reference
#' genome as they are typically generated in next generation sequencing
#' experiments.
#' @name AlignmentsTrack-class
#' @param range An optional meta argument to handle the different input types.
#' If the \code{range} argument is missing, all the relevant information to
#' create the object has to be provided as individual function arguments
#' (see below).
#' The different input options for \code{range} are:
#' \describe{
#' \item{A \code{character} string:}{ the path to a \code{BAM} file containing
#' the read alignments. To be precise, this will result in the instantiation of
#' a \code{ReferenceAlignmentsTrack} object, but for the user this
#' implementation detail should be of no concern.}
#' \item{A \code{GRanges} object:}{ the genomic ranges of the individual reads
#' as well as the optional additional metadata columns \code{id}, \code{cigar},
#' \code{mapq}, \code{flag}, \code{isize}, \code{groupid}, \code{status},
#' \code{md} and \code{seqs} (see description of the individual function
#' parameters below for details). Calling the constructor on a \code{GRanges}
#' object without further arguments, e.g. \code{AlignmentsTrack(range=obj)} is
#' equivalent to calling the coerce method \code{as(obj, "AlignmentsTrack")}.}
#' \item{An \code{\linkS4class{IRanges}} object:}{ almost identical to the
#' \code{GRanges} case, except that the chromosome and strand information as
#' well as all additional metadata has to be provided in the separate
#' \code{chromosome}, \code{strand}, \code{feature}, \code{group} or \code{id}
#' arguments, because it can not be directly encoded in an \code{IRanges}
#' object. Note that none of those inputs are mandatory, and if not provided
#' explicitely the more or less reasonable default values \code{chromosome=NA}
#' and \code{strand="*"} are used. }
#' \item{A \code{data.frame} object:}{ the \code{data.frame} needs to contain
#' at least the two mandatory columns \code{start} and \code{end} with the
#' range coordinates. It may also contain a \code{chromosome} and a
#' \code{strand} column with the chromosome and strand information for each
#' range. If missing it will be drawn from the separate \code{chromosome} or
#' \code{strand} arguments. In addition, the \code{id}, \code{cigar},
#' \code{mapq}, \code{flag}, \code{isize}, \code{groupid}, \code{status},
#' \code{md} and \code{seqs} data can be provided as additional columns. The
#' above comments about potential default values also apply here.}
#' }
#' @template AlignmentsTrack-class_param
#' @return
#' The return value of the constructor function is a new object of class
#' \code{AlignmentsTrack} or \code{ReferenceAlignmentsTrack}.
#' @section Objects from the Class:
#' Objects can be created using the constructor function
#' \code{AlignmentsTrack}.
#' @author Florian Hahne
#' @inherit GdObject-class seealso
#' @examples
#' ## Creating objects
#' afrom <- 2960000
#' ato <- 3160000
#' alTrack <- AlignmentsTrack(system.file(
#' package = "Gviz", "extdata",
#' "gapped.bam"
#' ), isPaired = TRUE)
#' plotTracks(alTrack, from = afrom, to = ato, chromosome = "chr12")
#' ## Omit the coverage or the pile-ups part
#' plotTracks(alTrack,
#' from = afrom, to = ato, chromosome = "chr12",
#' type = "coverage"
#' )
#' plotTracks(alTrack,
#' from = afrom, to = ato, chromosome = "chr12",
#' type = "pileup"
#' )
#' ## Including sequence information with the constructor
#' if (require(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)) {
#' strack <- SequenceTrack(Hsapiens, chromosome = "chr21")
#' afrom <- 44945200
#' ato <- 44947200
#' alTrack <- AlignmentsTrack(system.file(
#' package = "Gviz", "extdata",
#' "snps.bam"
#' ), isPaired = TRUE, referenceSequence = strack)
#' plotTracks(alTrack, chromosome = "chr21", from = afrom, to = ato)
#' ## Including sequence information in the track list
#' alTrack <- AlignmentsTrack(system.file(
#' package = "Gviz", "extdata",
#' "snps.bam"
#' ), isPaired = TRUE)
#' plotTracks(c(alTrack, strack),
#' chromosome = "chr21", from = 44946590,
#' to = 44946660
#' )
#' }
#' @importFrom Rsamtools scanBamFlag scanBamHeader scanBam ScanBamParam scanFaIndex scanFa BamFile scanBamWhat bamWhich
#' @exportClass AlignmentsTrack
representation = representation(
stackRanges = "GRanges",
sequences = "DNAStringSet",
referenceSequence = "SequenceTrackOrNULL"
contains = "StackedTrack",
prototype = prototype(
stacking = "squish",
name = "AlignmentsTrack",
coverageOnly = FALSE,
stackRanges = GRanges(),
sequences = Biostrings::DNAStringSet(),
referenceSequence = NULL,
dp = DisplayPars(
alpha.reads = 0.5,
alpha.mismatch = 1,
cex = 0.7,
cex.mismatch = NULL,
col.coverage = NULL,
col.deletion = "#000000",
col.insertion = "#984EA3",
col.mismatch = .DEFAULT_SHADED_COL,
col.reads = NULL,
col.sashimi = NULL,
collapse = FALSE,
coverageHeight = 0.1,
fill.coverage = NULL,
fill.reads = NULL,
fill = "#BABABA",
fontface.mismatch = 2,
lty.coverage = NULL,
lty.gap = NULL,
lty.mates = NULL,
lty.deletion = NULL,
lty.insertion = NULL,
lty.mismatch = NULL,
lty.reads = NULL,
lty = 1,
lwd.coverage = NULL,
lwd.gap = NULL,
lwd.mates = NULL,
lwd.deletion = NULL,
lwd.insertion = NULL,
lwd.mismatch = NULL,
lwd.reads = NULL,
lwd.sashimiMax = 10,
lwd = 1,
max.height = 10,
min.height = 5,
minCoverageHeight = 50,
minSashimiHeight = 50,
noLetters = FALSE,
sashimiFilter = NULL,
sashimiFilterTolerance = 0L,
sashimiHeight = 0.1,
sashimiScore = 1,
sashimiStrand = "*",
sashimiTransformation = NULL,
showIndels = FALSE,
showMismatches = TRUE,
size = NULL,
transformation = NULL,
type = c("coverage", "pileup")
## Initialize ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn AlignmentsTrack-class Initialize.
#' @export
setMethod("initialize", "AlignmentsTrack", function(.Object, stackRanges = GRanges(), stacks = numeric(), sequences = DNAStringSet(),
referenceSequence = NULL, ...) {
## the diplay parameter defaults
.Object <- .updatePars(.Object, "AlignmentsTrack")
.Object@stackRanges <- stackRanges
.Object <- callNextMethod(.Object, ...)
.Object@stacks <- stacks
.Object@sequences <- sequences
.Object@referenceSequence <- referenceSequence
## ReferenceAlignmentsTrack Class --------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn AlignmentsTrack-class The file-based version of the `AlignmentsTrack-class`.
#' @exportClass ReferenceAlignmentsTrack
setClass("ReferenceAlignmentsTrack", contains = c("AlignmentsTrack", "ReferenceTrack"))
## Initialize ----------------------------------------------------------------
## This just needs to set the appropriate slots that are being inherited
## from ReferenceTrack because the multiple inheritance has some strange
## features with regards to method selection
#' @importClassesFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet
#' @describeIn AlignmentsTrack-class Initialize.
#' @export
setMethod("initialize", "ReferenceAlignmentsTrack", function(.Object, stream, reference, mapping = list(),
args = list(), defaults = list(), stacks = numeric(),
stackRanges = GRanges(), sequences = Biostrings::DNAStringSet(),
referenceSequence = NULL, ...) {
.Object <- selectMethod("initialize", "ReferenceTrack")(.Object = .Object, reference = reference, stream = stream,
mapping = mapping, args = args, defaults = defaults)
.Object <- callNextMethod(.Object, ...)
.Object@referenceSequence <- referenceSequence
## Constructor ---------------------------------------------------------------
## Constructor
#' @describeIn AlignmentsTrack-class Constructor for `AlignmentsTrack-class`.
#' @export
AlignmentsTrack <- function(range = NULL, start = NULL, end = NULL, width = NULL, strand, chromosome, genome,
stacking = "squish", id, cigar, mapq, flag = scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery = FALSE), isize, groupid, status, md, seqs,
name = "AlignmentsTrack", isPaired = TRUE, importFunction, referenceSequence, ...) {
## Some defaults
if (missing(importFunction)) {
importFunction <- .import.bam.alignments
covars <- .getCovars(range)
isStream <- FALSE
if (!is.character(range)) {
n <- max(c(length(start), length(end), length(width)), nrow(covars))
id <- .covDefault(id, covars[["id"]], paste("read", seq_len(n), sep = "_"))
cigar <- .covDefault(cigar, covars[["cigar"]], paste(if (is(range, "GRangesOrIRanges")) width(range) else width, "M", sep = ""))
mapq <- .covDefault(mapq, covars[["mapq"]], rep(as.integer(NA), n))
flag <- .covDefault(flag, covars[["flag"]], rep(as.integer(NA), n))
isize <- .covDefault(isize, covars[["isize"]], rep(as.integer(NA), n))
groupid <- .covDefault(groupid, covars[["groupid"]], seq_len(n))
md <- .covDefault(md, covars[["md"]], rep(as.character(NA), n))
status <- .covDefault(status, covars[["status"]], ifelse(groupid %in% groupid[duplicated(groupid)], "mated", "unmated"))
## Build a GRanges object from the inputs
"strand", "chromosome", "importFunction", "genome", "id", "cigar", "mapq", "flag", "isize", "groupid", "status",
"md", "seqs", "referenceSequence"
args <- list(
id = id, cigar = cigar, mapq = mapq, flag = flag, isize = isize, groupid = groupid, status = status, strand = strand, md = md,
chromosome = chromosome, genome = genome
defs <- list(
strand = "*", chromosome = "chrNA", genome = NA, id = as.character(NA), cigar = as.character(NA), mapq = as.integer(NA),
flag = as.integer(NA), isize = as.integer(NA), groupid = as.character(NA), status = as.character(NA), md = as.character(NA)
range <- .buildRange(
range = range, start = start, end = end, width = width,
args = args, defaults = defs, chromosome = chromosome, trackType = "AlignmentsTrack",
importFun = importFunction, stream = TRUE, autodetect = TRUE
## This is going to be a list if we have to stream data from a file, otherwise we can compute some additional values
if (is.list(range)) {
isStream <- TRUE
slist <- range
range <- GRanges()
stackRanges <- GRanges()
stacks <- NULL
seqs <- DNAStringSet()
} else {
if (is.null(seqs)) {
seqs <- DNAStringSet(vapply(width(range), function(x) paste(rep("N", x), collapse = ""), character(1)))
addArgs <- list(...)
if ("showIndels" %in% names(addArgs)) {
showIndels <- addArgs$showIndels
} else {
showIndels <- FALSE
tmp <- .computeAlignments(range, drop.D.ranges = showIndels)
range <- tmp$range
stackRanges <- tmp$stackRange
stacks <- tmp$stacks
## If no chromosome was explicitly asked for we just take the first one in the GRanges object
if (missing(chromosome) || is.null(chromosome)) {
chromosome <- if (length(range) > 0) .chrName(as.character(seqnames(range)[1])) else "chrNA"
## And finally the object instantiation
genome <- .getGenomeFromGRange(range, ifelse(is.null(genome), character(), genome[1]))
if (!isStream) {
chromosome = chromosome[1], range = range, stacks = stacks,
name = name, genome = genome, stacking = stacking, stackRanges = stackRanges, sequences = seqs,
referenceSequence = referenceSequence, ...
} else {
## A bit hackish but for some functions we may want to know which track type we need but at the
## same time we do not want to enforce this as an additional argument
e <- new.env()
e[["._trackType"]] <- "AlignmentsTrack"
e[["._isPaired"]] <- isPaired
e[["._flag"]] <- flag
environment(slist[["stream"]]) <- e
chromosome = chromosome[1], range = range, stackRanges = stackRanges,
name = name, genome = genome, stacking = stacking, stream = slist[["stream"]], reference = slist[["reference"]],
mapping = slist[["mapping"]], args = args, defaults = defs, stacks = stacks, referenceSequence = referenceSequence, ...
## General accessors ---------------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn AlignmentsTrack-class Return all additional annotation
#' information except for the genomic coordinates for the track items as
#' a `data.frame`.
#' @export
setMethod("values", "AlignmentsTrack", function(x) .dpOrDefault(x, ".__coverage"))
#' @describeIn AlignmentsTrack-class replace the value of the track's chromosome.
#' This has to be a valid UCSC chromosome identifier or an integer or character
#' scalar that can be reasonably coerced into one.
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("chromosome", "AlignmentsTrack", function(GdObject, value) {
GdObject <- callNextMethod()
if (!is.null(GdObject@referenceSequence)) {
chromosome(GdObject@referenceSequence) <- value[1]
## Annotation Accessors ------------------------------------------------------
## Stacking ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn AlignmentsTrack-class return the stack indices for each track item.
#' @export
"stacks", "AlignmentsTrack",
function(GdObject) if (length(GdObject)) ranges(GdObject)$stack else 0
#' @describeIn AlignmentsTrack-class recompute the stacks based on the available
#' space and on the object's track items and stacking settings.
#' @export
setMethod("setStacks", "AlignmentsTrack", function(GdObject, ...) {
if (length(GdObject)) {
bins <- if (!.needsStacking(GdObject)) rep(1, length(GdObject)) else disjointBins(GdObject@stackRanges)
GdObject@stacks <- bins
ranges(GdObject)$stack <- bins[match(ranges(GdObject)$groupid, names(GdObject@stackRanges))]
## Consolidate ---------------------------------------------------------------
## Collapse -----------------------------------------------------------------
## Subset --------------------------------------------------------------------
## AlignmentTracks can be subset by using the information in the stackRanges slot, but for the actual reads we need to make sure that
## we keep all the bits that belong to a given group. We still want to record the requested ranges in the internal '.__plottingRange'
## display parameter.
#' @describeIn AlignmentsTrack-class Subset a `AlignmentsTrack` by coordinates
#' and sort if necessary.
#' @export
setMethod("subset", signature(x = "AlignmentsTrack"), function(x, from = NULL, to = NULL, stacks = FALSE, use.defaults = TRUE, ...) {
## Subset to a single chromosome first
lx <- length(x)
csel <- seqnames(x) != chromosome(x)
if (any(csel)) {
x <- x[!csel]
if (length(x)) {
## Nothing to do if everything is within the range, otherwise we subset the stackRanges and keep all group items
ranges <- if (use.defaults) {
.defaultRange(x, from = from, to = to)
} else {
from = ifelse(is.null(from), min(start(x@stackRanges)) - 1, from),
to = ifelse(is.null(to), max(end(x@stackRanges)) + 1, to)
displayPars(x) <- list(".__plottingRange" = ranges)
sr <- subsetByOverlaps(x@stackRanges, GRanges(seqnames = chromosome(x)[1], ranges = IRanges(start = ranges["from"], end = ranges["to"])))
if (length(sr) < length(x@stackRanges)) {
x@stackRanges <- sr
x@range <- x@range[x@range$groupid %in% names(sr)]
if (stacks) {
x <- setStacks(x)
## ReferenceAlignmentsTracks need to stream the data from file and then pass the results on to the next method
#' @describeIn AlignmentsTrack-class Subset a `ReferenceAlignmentsTrack` by coordinates
#' and sort if necessary.
#' @export
setMethod("subset", signature(x = "ReferenceAlignmentsTrack"), function(x, from, to, chromosome, ...) {
## We only need to reach out into the referenced file once if the range is already contained in the object
if (missing(from) || is.null(from) || missing(to) || is.null(to)) {
stop("Need both start and end location to subset a ReferenceAnnotationTrack")
if (missing(chromosome) || is.null(chromosome)) {
chromosome <- Gviz::chromosome(x)
} else {
chromosome <- .chrName(chromosome)
subRegion <- GRanges(seqnames = chromosome[1], ranges = IRanges(start = from, end = to))
oldRange <- .dpOrDefault(x, ".__plottingRange")
isIn <- length(ranges(x)) != 0 && !is.null(oldRange) && ranges(subRegion) %within% IRanges(oldRange["from"], oldRange["to"])
if (!isIn) {
cMap <- .resolveColMapping(x@stream(x@reference, subRegion), x@args, x@mapping)
seqs <- cMap$data$seq
cMap$data$seq <- NULL
range <- .computeAlignments(.buildRange(cMap$data, args = cMap$args, defaults = x@defaults, trackType = "AnnotationTrack"), drop.D.ranges = .dpOrDefault(x, "showIndels", FALSE))
ranges(x) <- range$range
x@stackRanges <- range$stackRanges
x@stacks <- range$stacks
x@sequences <- seqs
} else {
x@sequences <- subseq(x@sequences, start = from - (oldRange["from"] - 1), width = to - from + 1)
chromosome(x) <- chromosome[1]
return(callNextMethod(x = x, from = from, to = to, drop = FALSE, ...))
## Position ------------------------------------------------------------------
## DrawGrid ------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod("drawGrid", signature(GdObject = "AlignmentsTrack"), function(GdObject, from, to) {
if (.dpOrDefault(GdObject, "grid", FALSE)) {
yvals <- values(GdObject)
ylim <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "ylim", if (!is.null(yvals) && length(yvals)) {
range(yvals, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE)
} else {
c(-1, 1)
if (diff(ylim) == 0) {
ylim <- ylim + c(-1, 1)
yscale <- c(if (is.null(.dpOrDefault(GdObject, "transformation"))) 0 else min(ylim), max(ylim) + diff(range(ylim)) * 0.05)
covHeight <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, ".__coverageHeight", 0)
pushViewport(viewport(y = 1 - covHeight["npc"], height = covHeight["npc"], just = c(0.5, 0), yscale = yscale, clip = TRUE))
v = 0, h = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "h", -1),
col = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "col.grid", "#e6e6e6"), lty = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "lty.grid", 1),
lwd = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "lwd.grid", 1)
## DrawAxis ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn AlignmentsTrack-class add a y-axis to the title panel of a track.
#' @export
setMethod("drawAxis", signature(GdObject = "AlignmentsTrack"), function(GdObject, ...) {
type <- match.arg(.dpOrDefault(GdObject, "type", .ALIGNMENT_TYPES), .ALIGNMENT_TYPES, several.ok = TRUE)
if ("coverage" %in% type) {
yvals <- values(GdObject)
ylim <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "ylim", if (!is.null(yvals) && length(yvals)) {
range(yvals, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE)
} else {
c(-1, 1)
if (diff(ylim) == 0) {
ylim <- ylim + c(-1, 1)
hSpaceAvail <- vpLocation()$isize["width"] / 6
yscale <- c(if (is.null(.dpOrDefault(GdObject, "transformation"))) 0 else min(ylim), max(ylim) + diff(range(ylim)) * 0.05)
col <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "col.axis", "white")
acex <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "cex.axis")
acol <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "col.axis", "white")
at <- pretty(yscale)
at <- at[at >= sort(ylim)[1] & at <= sort(ylim)[2]]
covHeight <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, ".__coverageHeight", c(npc = 0, points = 0))
covSpace <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, ".__coverageSpace", 0)
pushViewport(viewport(y = 1 - (covHeight["npc"] + covSpace), height = covHeight["npc"], just = c(0.5, 0)))
if (is.null(acex)) {
vSpaceNeeded <- max(as.numeric(convertWidth(stringHeight(at), "inches"))) * length(at) * 1.5
hSpaceNeeded <- max(as.numeric(convertWidth(stringWidth(at), "inches")))
vSpaceAvail <- abs(diff(range(at))) / abs(diff(yscale)) * vpLocation()$isize["height"]
acex <- max(0.6, min(vSpaceAvail / vSpaceNeeded, hSpaceAvail / hSpaceNeeded))
vpTitleAxis <- viewport(x = 0.95, width = 0.2, yscale = yscale, just = 0)
suppressWarnings(grid.yaxis(gp = gpar(col = acol, cex = acex), at = at))
grid.lines(x = c(0, 0), y = ylim, gp = gpar(col = acol), default.units = "native")
} else {
covHeight <- c(npc = 0, points = 0)
covSpace <- 0
if ("sashimi" %in% type) {
sash <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, ".__sashimi", list(x = numeric(), y = numeric(), id = integer(), score = numeric()))
yscale <- if (length(sash$y)) c(-(max(sash$y) + diff(range(sash$y)) * 0.05), 0) else c(-1, 0)
ylim <- if (length(sash$y)) c(-max(sash$y), yscale[1] + max(sash$y)) else c(-1, 0)
hSpaceAvail <- vpLocation()$isize["width"] / 6
col <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "col.axis", "white")
acex <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "cex.axis")
acol <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "col.axis", "white")
labs <- if (length(sash$score)) pretty(c(1, sash$score)) else pretty(c(1, .dpOrDefault(GdObject, ".__sashimiScore", 10)))
at <- seq(ylim[1], ylim[2], length.out = length(labs))
sashHeight <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, ".__sashimiHeight", c(npc = 0, points = 0))
sashSpace <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, ".__sashimiSpace", 0)
y = 1 - (sashHeight["npc"] + sashSpace + covHeight["npc"] + covSpace),
height = sashHeight["npc"], just = c(0.5, 0)
if (is.null(acex)) {
vSpaceNeeded <- max(as.numeric(convertWidth(stringHeight(labs), "inches"))) * length(at) * 1.5
hSpaceNeeded <- max(as.numeric(convertWidth(stringWidth(labs), "inches")))
vSpaceAvail <- abs(diff(range(at))) / abs(diff(yscale)) * vpLocation()$isize["height"]
acex <- max(0.6, min(vSpaceAvail / vSpaceNeeded, hSpaceAvail / hSpaceNeeded))
vpTitleAxis <- viewport(x = 0.75, width = 0.2, yscale = yscale, just = 0)
suppressWarnings(grid.yaxis(gp = gpar(col = acol, cex = acex), at = at, label = labs))
grid.polygon(x = c(0, 0, 1), y = c(ylim[1], ylim[2], ylim[2]), default.units = "native", gp = gpar(col = acol, fill = acol))
if (.dpOrDefault(GdObject, ".__isCropped", FALSE)) {
vspacing <- as.numeric(convertHeight(unit(2, "points"), "npc"))
vsize <- as.numeric(convertHeight(unit(4, "points"), "npc"))
pushViewport(viewport(height = vsize, y = vspacing, just = c(0.5, 0)))
.moreInd(direction = "down", lwd = 2)
## DrawGD --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn AlignmentsTrack-class plot the object to a graphics device.
#' The return value of this method is the input object, potentially updated
#' during the plotting operation. Internally, there are two modes in which the
#' method can be called. Either in 'prepare' mode, in which case no plotting is
#' done but the object is preprocessed based on the available space, or in
#' 'plotting' mode, in which case the actual graphical output is created.
#' Since subsetting of the object can be potentially costly, this can be
#' switched off in case subsetting has already been performed before or
#' is not necessary.
#' @importFrom GenomicAlignments cigarRangesAlongReferenceSpace
#' @export
setMethod("drawGD", signature("AlignmentsTrack"), function(GdObject, minBase, maxBase, prepare = FALSE, subset = TRUE, ...) {
debug <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "debug", FALSE)
imageMap(GdObject) <- NULL
if (!length(GdObject)) {
rev <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "reverseStrand", FALSE)
revs <- !.dpOrDefault(GdObject, "reverseStacking", FALSE)
vSpacing <- as.numeric(convertHeight(unit(3, "points"), "npc"))
type <- match.arg(.dpOrDefault(GdObject, "type", .ALIGNMENT_TYPES), .ALIGNMENT_TYPES, several.ok = TRUE)
ylim <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "ylim")
## In prepare mode we need to make sure that the stacking information is updated from the optional display parameter (by calling
## the StackedTrack drawGD method), and compute the coverage vector which will be needed for the axis
if (prepare) {
if ((is.logical(debug) && debug) || "prepare" %in% debug) {
GdObject <- callNextMethod(GdObject, ...)
## The mismatched bases need to be extracted from the read sequences and the reference sequence
if (.dpOrDefault(GdObject, "showMismatches", TRUE) && !is.null(GdObject@referenceSequence)) {
mm <- .findMismatches(GdObject)
if (nrow(mm)) {
displayPars(GdObject) <- list(".__mismatches" = mm)
## The coverage calculation and the height of the coverage section
if ("coverage" %in% type) {
covSpace <- as.numeric(convertHeight(unit(5, "points"), "npc"))
if ("pileup" %in% type) {
covHeight <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "coverageHeight", 0.1)
if (covHeight > 0 && covHeight < 1) {
covHeight <- as.numeric(convertHeight(unit(covHeight, "npc"), "points"))
covHeight <- max(.dpOrDefault(GdObject, "minCoverageHeight", 50), covHeight)
covHeight <- c(points = covHeight, npc = as.numeric(convertHeight(unit(covHeight, "points"), "npc")))
} else if ("sashimi" %in% type) {
covHeight <- c(npc = 0.5 - (covSpace * 2), points = 1)
} else {
covHeight <- c(npc = 1 - (covSpace * 2), points = 1)
coverage <- coverage(range(GdObject), width = maxBase)
## apply data transformation if one is set up
trans <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "transformation")
if (is.list(trans)) {
trans <- trans[[1]]
if (!is.null(trans)) {
if (!is.function(trans) || length(formals(trans)) != 1L) {
stop("Display parameter 'transformation' must be a function with a single argument")
test <- trans(coverage)
if (!is(test, "Rle") || length(test) != length(coverage)) {
"The function in display parameter 'transformation' results in invalid output.\n",
"It has to return a numeric matrix with the same dimensions as the input data."
coverage <- test
displayPars(GdObject) <- list(
".__coverage" = coverage,
".__coverageHeight" = covHeight,
".__coverageSpace" = covSpace
} else {
covHeight <- c(npc = 0, points = 0)
covSpace <- 0
## The sashimi calculation and the height of the sashimi section
if ("sashimi" %in% type) {
sashSpace <- as.numeric(convertHeight(unit(5, "points"), "npc"))
if ("pileup" %in% type) {
sashHeight <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "sashimiHeight", 0.1)
if (sashHeight > 0 && sashHeight < 1) {
sashHeight <- as.numeric(convertHeight(unit(sashHeight, "npc"), "points"))
sashHeight <- max(.dpOrDefault(GdObject, "minSashimiHeight", 50), sashHeight)
sashHeight <- c(points = sashHeight, npc = as.numeric(convertHeight(unit(sashHeight, "points"), "npc")))
} else if ("coverage" %in% type) {
sashHeight <- c(npc = 0.5 - (sashSpace * 2), points = 1)
} else {
sashHeight <- c(npc = 1 - (sashSpace * 2), points = 1)
sashScore <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "sashimiScore", 1L)
sashLwdMax <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "lwd.sashimiMax", 10)
sashStrand <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "sashimiStrand", "*")
sashFilter <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "sashimiFilter", NULL)
sashFilterTolerance <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "sashimiFilterTolerance", 0L)
sashNumbers <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "sashimiNumbers", FALSE)
sash <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "sashimiJunctions", NULL)
if (is.null(sash)) {
sash <- .create.summarizedJunctions.for.sashimi.junctions(ranges(GdObject))
} else {
if (!is(sash, "GRanges")) {
stop("\"sashimiJunctions\" object must be of \"GRanges\" class!")
sashMcolName <- if (sashStrand == "+") "plus_score" else if (sashStrand == "-") "minus_score" else "score"
if (sum(colnames(mcols(sash)) == sashMcolName) != 1) {
stop(sprintf("\"mcols\" of \"sashimiJunctions\" object must contain column named \"%s\",\n which matches the specified (%s) \"sashimiStrand\"!", sashMcolName, sashStrand))
sashTransform <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("sashimiTransformation", "transformation"))
sash <- .convert.summarizedJunctions.to.sashimi.junctions(
juns = sash,
score = sashScore,
lwd.max = sashLwdMax,
strand = sashStrand,
filter = sashFilter,
filterTolerance = sashFilterTolerance,
trans = sashTransform
displayPars(GdObject) <- list(
".__sashimi" = sash,
".__sashimiHeight" = sashHeight,
".__sashimiSpace" = sashSpace,
".__sashimiNumbers" = sashNumbers
} else {
sashHeight <- c(npc = 0, points = 0)
sashSpace <- 0
if ("pileup" %in% type) {
## If there are more bins than we can plot we reduce the number until they fit
pushViewport(viewport(height = 1 - (covHeight["npc"] + covSpace + sashHeight["npc"] + sashSpace) - vSpacing * 2, y = vSpacing, just = c(0.5, 0)))
bins <- ranges(GdObject)$stack
curVp <- vpLocation()
mih <- min(curVp$size["height"], .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("min.height", "max.height"), 3))
mah <- min(curVp$size["height"], max(mih, .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("max.height", "min.height"), 8)))
bins <- stacks(GdObject)
if (curVp$size["height"] / max(bins) < mih) {
maxStack <- curVp$size["height"] %/% mih
sel <- if (revs) bins <= maxStack else bins > max(bins) - maxStack
ranges(GdObject) <- ranges(GdObject)[sel]
displayPars(GdObject) <- list(".__isCropped" = TRUE)
bins <- stacks(GdObject)
yrange <- range(bins) + c(-0.5, 0.5)
add <- max(0, (curVp$size["height"] %/% mah) - max(bins))
yrange <- if (revs) c(yrange[1], yrange[2] + add) else c(yrange[1] - add, yrange[2])
displayPars(GdObject) <- list(".__yrange" = yrange)
if ((is.logical(debug) && debug) || "draw" %in% debug) {
mm <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, ".__mismatches")
## The coverage plot first
xscale <- if (!rev) c(minBase, maxBase) else c(maxBase, minBase)
readInfo <- ranges(GdObject)
covHeight <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, ".__coverageHeight", c(npc = 0, points = 0))
covSpace <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, ".__coverageSpace", 0)
if ("coverage" %in% type) {
cov <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, ".__coverage", Rle(lengths = maxBase, values = as.integer(0)))
yscale <- c(if (is.null(.dpOrDefault(GdObject, "transformation"))) 0 else min(cov), max(cov) + diff(range(cov)) * 0.05)
if (!is.null(ylim)) {
yscale <- ylim
vp <- viewport(
height = covHeight["npc"], y = 1 - (covHeight["npc"] + covSpace), just = c(0.5, 0), xscale = xscale,
yscale = yscale, clip = TRUE
res <- .pxResolution(coord = "x")
gp <- gpar(
col = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("col.coverage", "col"), .DEFAULT_SHADED_COL),
fill = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("fill.coverage", "fill"), "#BABABA"),
lwd = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("lwd.coverage", "lwd"), 1),
lty = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("lty.coverage", "lty"), 1),
alpha = .alpha(GdObject)
## We can compact this if the resolution is not sufficient to speed up the drawing.
mminBase <- max(1, minBase)
if (res > 2) {
brks <- ceiling((maxBase - mminBase) / res)
x <- seq(mminBase, maxBase, len = brks)
y <- tapply(as.integer(cov[mminBase:maxBase]), cut(mminBase:maxBase, breaks = brks), mean)
} else {
x <- mminBase:maxBase
y <- as.integer(cov[x])
grid.polygon(c(minBase - max(1, res), 0, x, maxBase + max(1, res)), c(0, 0, y, 0), default.units = "native", gp = gp)
grid.lines(y = c(0, 0), gp = gpar(col = gp$col, alpha = gp$alpha))
if (!is.null(mm)) {
fcol <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject@referenceSequence, "fontcolor", getBioColor("DNA_BASES_N"))
vpos <- tapply(as.character(mm$base[mm$base != "."]), mm$position[mm$base != "."], table, simplify = FALSE)
x <- rep(as.integer(names(vpos)), listLen(vpos))
y <- unlist(lapply(vpos, cumsum), use.names = FALSE)
col <- fcol[unlist(lapply(vpos, names), use.names = FALSE)]
x = x, y = y, height = unlist(vpos, use.names = FALSE), width = 1, default.units = "native", just = c(0, 1),
gp = gpar(col = "transparent", fill = col)
twoPx <- 2 * as.numeric(convertHeight(unit(1, "points"), "npc"))
vp <- viewport(height = twoPx, y = 1 - (covHeight["npc"] + covSpace + twoPx), just = c(0.5, 0))
grid.rect(gp = gpar(
fill = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "background.title"), col = "transparent",
alpha = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "alpha.title")
), width = 2)
## The sashimi plot as second
xscale <- if (!rev) c(minBase, maxBase) else c(maxBase, minBase)
sashHeight <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, ".__sashimiHeight", c(npc = 0, points = 0))
sashSpace <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, ".__sashimiSpace", 0)
if ("sashimi" %in% type) {
sash <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, ".__sashimi", list(x = numeric(), y = numeric(), id = integer(), score = numeric(), scaled = numeric()))
sashNumbers <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, ".__sashimiNumbers", FALSE)
yscale <- if (length(sash$y)) c(-(max(sash$y) + diff(range(sash$y)) * 0.15), 0) else c(-1, 0) # changed from 0.05 to 0.15 to make sure that numbers fit in the viewport
vp <- viewport(
height = sashHeight["npc"], y = 1 - (covHeight["npc"] + covSpace + sashHeight["npc"] + sashSpace), just = c(0.5, 0),
xscale = xscale, yscale = yscale, clip = TRUE
gp <- gpar(
col = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("col.sashimi", "col"), .DEFAULT_SHADED_COL),
fill = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("fill.sashimi", "fill"), "#FFFFFF"),
lwd = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("lwd.sashimi", "lwd"), 1),
lty = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("lty.sashimi", "lty"), 1),
alpha = .alpha(GdObject)
if (length(sash$x)) {
grid.xspline(sash$x, -sash$y,
id = sash$id, shape = -1, open = TRUE,
default.units = "native", gp = gpar(col = gp$col, lwd = sash$scaled)
## print the number of reads together with the connecting lines (currently no scaling/resolution)
if (sashNumbers) {
grid.rect(sash$x[c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)], -sash$y[c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)],
width = convertUnit(stringWidth(sash$score) * 1.5, "inches"),
height = convertUnit(stringHeight(sash$score) * 1.5, "inches"),
default.units = "native", gp = gpar(col = gp$col, fill = gp$fill)
label = sash$score, sash$x[c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)], -sash$y[c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)],
default.units = "native", gp = gpar(col = gp$col)
## Now the pileups
if ("pileup" %in% type) {
cex <- max(0.3, .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("cex.mismatch", "cex"), 0.7))
height = 1 - (covHeight["npc"] + covSpace + sashHeight["npc"] + sashSpace) - vSpacing * 4, y = vSpacing, just = c(0.5, 0),
gp = .fontGp(GdObject, "mismatch", cex = cex)
bins <- stacks(GdObject)
stacks <- max(bins)
yscale <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, ".__yrange")
if (revs) {
yscale <- rev(yscale)
pushViewport(dataViewport(xscale = xscale, extension = 0, yscale = yscale, clip = TRUE))
## Figuring out resolution and the necessary plotting details
res <- .pxResolution(coord = "x")
ylim <- c(0, 1)
h <- diff(ylim)
middle <- mean(ylim)
sh <- max(0, min(h, .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "stackHeight", 0.75))) / 2
boxOnly <- res > 10
if (boxOnly) {
x <- c(start(readInfo), rep(end(readInfo) + 1, 2), start(readInfo))
y <- c(rep(readInfo$stack + sh, 2), rep(readInfo$stack - sh, 2))
id <- rep(readInfo$uid, 4)
} else {
## We first precompute the coordinates for all the arrow polygons
uid2strand <- setNames(as.character(readInfo$readStrand), as.character(readInfo$uid))
arrowMap <- unlist(setNames(lapply(split(as.character(readInfo$uid), readInfo$entityId), function(x) {
str <- uid2strand[x][1]
setNames(str, if (str == "+") tail(x, 1) else head(x, 1))
}), NULL))
readInfo$arrow <- as.character(NA)
readInfo$arrow[match(names(arrowMap), readInfo$uid)] <- arrowMap
## The parts that don't need arrow heads
sel <- is.na(readInfo$arrow) | readInfo$arrow == "*"
x <- c(start(readInfo)[sel], rep(end(readInfo)[sel] + 1, 2), start(readInfo)[sel])
y <- c(rep(readInfo$stack[sel] + sh, 2), rep(readInfo$stack[sel] - sh, 2))
id <- rep(readInfo$uid[sel], 4)
## The arrow heads facing right
w <- Gviz:::.pxResolution(coord = "x", 5)
sel <- readInfo$arrow == "+"
ah <- pmax(start(readInfo)[sel], end(readInfo)[sel] + 1 - w)
x <- c(x, start(readInfo)[sel], ah, end(readInfo)[sel] + 1, ah, start(readInfo)[sel])
y <- c(y, rep(readInfo$stack[sel] + sh, 2), readInfo$stack[sel], rep(readInfo$stack[sel] - sh, 2))
id <- c(id, rep(readInfo$uid[sel], 5))
## The arrow heads facing left
sel <- readInfo$arrow == "-"
ah <- pmin(end(readInfo)[sel], start(readInfo)[sel] + w)
x <- c(x, start(readInfo)[sel], ah, rep(end(readInfo)[sel] + 1, 2), ah)
y <- c(y, readInfo$stack[sel], rep(readInfo$stack[sel] + sh, 2), rep(readInfo$stack[sel] - sh, 2))
id <- c(id, rep(readInfo$uid[sel], 5))
nn <- length(unique(readInfo$uid))
gps <- data.frame(
col = rep(.dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("col.reads", "col"), .DEFAULT_SHADED_COL), nn),
fill = rep(.dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("fill.reads", "fill"), .DEFAULT_BRIGHT_SHADED_COL), nn),
lwd = rep(.dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("lwd.reads", "lwd"), 1), nn),
lty = rep(.dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("lty.reads", "lty"), 1), nn),
alpha = rep(.alpha(GdObject, "reads"), nn), stringsAsFactors = FALSE
## Finally we draw reads (we need to draw in two steps because of the different alpha levels, reads vs. mismatches)
grid.polygon(x = x, y = y, id = id, default.units = "native", gp = gpar(col = gps$col, fill = gps$fill, lwd = gps$lwd, lty = gps$lty, alpha = unique(gps$alpha))) # fix for Sys.setenv(`_R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_CONDITION_`="true"); Sys.setenv(`_R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_LOGIC2_`="true")
## Now the coordinates for the connecting lines
lineCoords <- NULL
if (anyDuplicated(readInfo$entityId) != 0) {
stTmp <- split(readInfo, readInfo$entityId)
mateRanges <- unlist(range(stTmp))
mateGaps <- gaps(GRanges(ranges = ranges(readInfo), seqnames = readInfo$entityId))
rmap <- mateRanges[as.character(seqnames(mateGaps))]
mateGaps <- mateGaps[start(rmap) <= start(mateGaps) & end(rmap) >= end(mateGaps)]
gy <- readInfo$stack[match(as.character(seqnames(mateGaps)), readInfo$entityId)]
lineCoords <- data.frame(
x1 = start(mateGaps), y1 = gy, x2 = end(mateGaps) + 1, y2 = gy,
col = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("col.gap", "col"), .DEFAULT_SHADED_COL),
lwd = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("lwd.gap", "lwd"), 1),
lty = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("lty.gap", "lty"), 1),
alpha = .alpha(GdObject, "gap"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE
lineCoords <- lineCoords[!duplicated(lineCoords), ]
} else {
mateRanges <- setNames(readInfo, readInfo$entityId)
if (any(readInfo$status != "unmated") && anyDuplicated(readInfo$groupid) != 0) {
pairGaps <- gaps(GRanges(ranges = ranges(mateRanges), seqnames = readInfo$groupid[match(names(mateRanges), readInfo$entityId)]))
rmap <- GdObject@stackRanges[as.character(seqnames(pairGaps))]
pairGaps <- pairGaps[start(rmap) <= start(pairGaps) & end(rmap) >= end(pairGaps)]
gy <- readInfo$stack[match(as.character(seqnames(pairGaps)), readInfo$groupid)]
if (length(pairGaps)) {
pairsCoords <- data.frame(
x1 = start(pairGaps) - 1, y1 = gy, x2 = end(pairGaps) + 1, y2 = gy,
col = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("col.mates", "col"), .DEFAULT_BRIGHT_SHADED_COL),
lwd = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("lwd.mates", "lwd"), 1),
lty = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("lty.mates", "lty"), 1),
alpha = .alpha(GdObject, "mates"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE
} else {
pairsCoords <- NULL
lineCoords <- rbind(lineCoords, pairsCoords[!duplicated(pairsCoords), ])
## Consider the indels if needed
## - deletion as lines
## - insertions as vertical bars
showIndels <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "showIndels", FALSE)
delCoords <- NULL
insCoords <- NULL
if (showIndels) {
cigarTmp <- DataFrame(cigar = readInfo$cigar, start = start(readInfo), entityId = readInfo$entityId, groupId = readInfo$groupid)
cigarTmp <- cigarTmp[order(cigarTmp$entityId, cigarTmp$start), ]
cigarTmp <- cigarTmp[!duplicated(cigarTmp$entityId), ]
delGaps <- unlist(cigarRangesAlongReferenceSpace(cigarTmp$cigar, pos = cigarTmp$start, ops = "D", f = as.factor(cigarTmp$entityId)))
gy <- readInfo$stack[match(names(delGaps), readInfo$entityId)]
if (length(delGaps)) {
delCoords <- data.frame(
x1 = start(delGaps) + 1, y1 = gy, x2 = end(delGaps) + 1, y2 = gy,
col = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("col.deletion", "col"), .DEFAULT_BRIGHT_SHADED_COL),
lwd = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("lwd.deletion", "lwd"), 1),
lty = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("lty.deletion", "lty"), 1),
alpha = .alpha(GdObject, "deletions"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE
lineCoords <- rbind(delCoords, lineCoords)
lineCoords <- lineCoords[!duplicated(lineCoords[, c("x1", "y1", "x2", "y2")]), ]
insGaps <- unlist(cigarRangesAlongReferenceSpace(cigarTmp$cigar, pos = cigarTmp$start, ops = "I", f = as.factor(cigarTmp$entityId)))
gy <- readInfo$stack[match(names(insGaps), readInfo$entityId)]
if (length(insGaps)) {
## should both x coordinates be equal to start
insCoords <- data.frame(
x1 = start(insGaps), y1 = gy - sh, x2 = start(insGaps), y2 = gy + sh,
col = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("col.insertion", "col"), .DEFAULT_BRIGHT_SHADED_COL),
lwd = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("lwd.insertion", "lwd"), 1),
lty = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, c("lty.insertion", "lty"), 1),
alpha = .alpha(GdObject, "insertions"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE
## The mismatch information on the reads if needed
mmLetters <- NULL
if (!is.null(mm)) {
fcol <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject@referenceSequence, "fontcolor", getBioColor("DNA_BASES_N"))
ccol <- ifelse(rgb2hsv(col2rgb(fcol))["s", ] < 0.5, "black", "white")
vpl <- vpLocation()
lwidth <- max(as.numeric(convertUnit(stringWidth(DNA_ALPHABET), "inches"))) * 0.9337632
lheight <- max(as.numeric(convertUnit(stringHeight(DNA_ALPHABET), "inches")))
perLetterW <- vpl$isize["width"] / (maxBase - minBase + 1)
perLetterH <- vpl$isize["height"] / abs(diff(current.viewport()$yscale))
res <- .pxResolution(coord = "x")
mw <- res * .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "min.width", 1)
mwy <- max(1, mw)
if (nrow(mm)) {
x <- c(mm$position + rep(c(0, mwy, mwy, 0), each = nrow(mm)))
y <- c(rep(mm$stack - sh, 2), rep(mm$stack + sh, 2))
id <- c(rep(seq(max(id, na.rm = TRUE) + 1, len = nrow(mm)), 4))
gps <- data.frame(
col = rep(if (!(lwidth < perLetterW && lheight < perLetterH)) {
} else {
.dpOrDefault(GdObject, "col.mismatch", .DEFAULT_SHADED_COL)
}, nrow(mm)),
fill = rep(fcol[as.character(mm$base)]),
lwd = rep(.dpOrDefault(GdObject, "lwd.mismatch", 1), nrow(mm)),
lty = rep(.dpOrDefault(GdObject, "lty.mismatch", 1), nrow(mm)),
alpha = rep(.dpOrDefault(GdObject, "alpha.mismatch", 1), nrow(mm)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
## Finally we draw mm (we need to draw in two steps because of the different alpha levels, reads vs. mismatches)
grid.polygon(x = x, y = y, id = id, default.units = "native", gp = gpar(col = gps$col, fill = gps$fill, lwd = gps$lwd, lty = gps$lty, alpha = unique(gps$alpha))) # fix for Sys.setenv(`_R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_CONDITION_`="true"); Sys.setenv(`_R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_LOGIC2_`="true")
if (!.dpOrDefault(GdObject, "noLetters", FALSE) && lwidth < perLetterW && lheight < perLetterH) {
mmLetters <- data.frame(x = mm$position + 0.5, y = mm$stack, label = mm$base, col = ccol[mm$base], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (!is.null(lineCoords)) {
grid.segments(lineCoords$x1, lineCoords$y1, lineCoords$x2, lineCoords$y2,
gp = gpar(
col = lineCoords$col, alpha = unique(lineCoords$alpha),
lwd = lineCoords$lwd, lty = lineCoords$lty
default.units = "native"
if (!is.null(insCoords)) {
grid.segments(insCoords$x1, insCoords$y1, insCoords$x2, insCoords$y2,
gp = gpar(
col = insCoords$col, alpha = unique(insCoords$alpha),
lwd = insCoords$lwd, lty = insCoords$lty
default.units = "native"
if (!is.null(mmLetters)) {
x = mmLetters$x, y = mmLetters$y, label = mmLetters$label,
gp = gpar(col = mmLetters$col), default.units = "native"
## Eventually we set up the image map
## imageMap(GdObject) <- im
## SetAs ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Show ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn AlignmentsTrack-class Show method.
#' @export
"show", signature(object = "AlignmentsTrack"),
function(object) {
paste("AlignmentsTrack track '%s' \n",
"| genome: %s\n",
"| active chromosome: %s\n",
"| containing %i read%s\n",
sep = ""
names(object), genome(object),
gsub("^chr", "", chromosome(object)),
ifelse(length(object) == 1, "", "s")
#' @describeIn AlignmentsTrack-class Show method.
#' @export
setMethod("show", signature(object = "ReferenceAlignmentsTrack"), function(object) {
.referenceTrackInfo(object, "ReferenceAlignmentsTrack")
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