#' @title Annotate the DMR resulting from epimutacions package
#' @description This function annotates a differentially
#' methylated region
#' @param data DataFrame-like object.
#' @param db a character string specifying the
#' Database to use for annotation.
#' E.g: \code{'IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b2.hg19'}.
#' @param split a character string containing the separator for CpG ids.
#' Default \code{','}.
#' @param epi_col CpG ids, should be row names in the data base.
#' @param gene_col column name from where to extract gene names.
#' Default: \code{'GencodeBasicV12_NAME'}.
#' @param feat_col column name from where to extract CpG feature groups.
#' Default: \code{'Regulatory_Feature_Group'}.
#' @param relat_col column name from where
#' to extract relation to island info.
#' Default: \code{'Relation_to_Island'}.
#' @param build The build for bioMart. Default \code{'37'}.
#' @param omim a boolean, if TRUE will annotate OMIMs as well.
#' Takes a bit longer. Default TRUE.
#' @return The function returns a
#' DataFrame-like object annotated.
#' @importFrom minfi getAnnotation
#' @importFrom biomaRt useEnsembl getBM
annotate_cpg <- function(data, db, split = ',',
# illumina annotation parameters
epi_col = 'cpg_ids', gene_col = 'GencodeBasicV12_NAME',
feat_col= 'Regulatory_Feature_Group', relat_col = 'Relation_to_Island',
# biomart parameters
build = "37", omim = TRUE)
# get illumina data base
message('Loading DB')
anno <- minfi::getAnnotation(db)
epids_list <- data[[epi_col]]
epids_list <- strsplit(x = epids_list, split = split)
# Basic annotation
annotated_genes <- lapply(epids_list, function(x) {
x_in_anno <- which(x %in% rownames(anno))
x <- x[x_in_anno]
not_empty <- which(anno[x, ][[gene_col]] != "")
x <- x[not_empty]
if (length(x) != 0) {
paste0(anno[x, ][[gene_col]], collapse = ' /// ')
annotated_regions <- lapply(epids_list, function(x) {
paste(anno[x, ][[feat_col]], collapse = '///')
annotated_relation <- lapply(epids_list, function(x) {
paste(anno[x, ][[relat_col]], collapse = '///')
data[[gene_col]] <- annotated_genes
data[[feat_col]] <- remove_slash(annotated_regions)
data[[relat_col]] <- remove_slash(annotated_relation)
data <- data[-which(vapply(data[[gene_col]], is.null, logical(1))), ]
# OMIM annotation
if (omim == TRUE) {
# Using biomart to extract OMIMs
message('- Extracting and annotating OMIMs')
gene_mart <- biomaRt::useEnsembl( biomart = "ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL",
GRCh = build,
host = "https://www.ensembl.org",
#..# host = "www.ensembl.org",
dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl" )
annotated_omim <- lapply(data[[gene_col]], function(gene_list) {
gene_list <- unlist(strsplit(x = gene_list, split = '///'))
gene_list <- unlist(strsplit(x = gene_list, split = ';'))
# extract OMIM info from db
omims <- biomaRt::getBM( mart = gene_mart,
attributes = c(
filters = "hgnc_symbol",
values = gene_list )
# get accession per gene
accesions <- lapply(gene_list, function(gene) {
acc <- omims[omims$hgnc_symbol == gene, ]$mim_morbid_accession
acc[is.na(acc)] <- ''
paste(acc, collapse = '/')
# get description per gene
descriptions <- lapply(gene_list, function(gene) {
descr <- omims[omims$hgnc_symbol==gene, ]$mim_morbid_description
descr[is.na(descr)] <- ''
paste(descr, collapse = '/')
# per gene set
omims_acc <- paste(accesions, collapse = '///')
omims_acc <- remove_slash(omims_acc)
omims_desc <- paste(descriptions, collapse = '///')
omims_desc <- remove_slash(omims_desc)
return(list('OMIM_ACC' = omims_acc, 'OMIM_DESC' = omims_desc))
# Appending OMIM data
annotated_omim <- do.call('rbind', annotated_omim)
data <- cbind(data, annotated_omim)
remove_slash <- function( sequence )
sequence <- gsub('(/)\\1+', '\\1', sequence)
sequence <- gsub('(/$)', '', sequence)
sequence <- gsub('(^/)', '', sequence)
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