#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @importFrom tidyr unite
#' @importFrom tidyr separate
#' @importFrom BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38 Hsapiens
#' @importFrom Biostrings reverseComplement
#' @importFrom purrr pmap
#' @importFrom stats runif
cor_tdga <- function(chrom, start, end, strand) {
a <- Hsapiens[[chrom]]
if (strand == "+") {
a[start:end] %>%
} else {
a[start:end] %>%
reverseComplement() %>%
require_fa <- function(mir_name, chrom, stem_loop_p1, stem_loop_p2,
strand, peak_p1, peak_p2, histone_p1_flank,
histone_p2_flank) {
mir_flank <- tibble::tibble(mir_name = mir_name, chrom = chrom,
stem_loop_p1 = stem_loop_p1,
stem_loop_p2 = stem_loop_p2, strand = strand,
peak_p1 = peak_p1, peak_p2 = peak_p2,
histone_p1_flank = histone_p1_flank,
histone_p2_flank = histone_p2_flank)
tcga <- mir_flank %>%
dplyr::select(chrom, start = histone_p1_flank,
end = histone_p2_flank, strand) %>%
purrr::pmap(cor_tdga) %>%
line1 <- mir_flank %>%
mutate(arrow = ">") %>%
mir_name, chrom, stem_loop_p1, stem_loop_p2, strand,
peak_p1, peak_p2,
histone_p1_flank, histone_p2_flank, sep = "_") %>%
unite(line1, arrow, line1, sep = "")
paste(line1$line1, tcga, sep = "\n")
eponine_score <- function(mir_name, chrom, stem_loop_p1, stem_loop_p2,
strand, peak_p1, peak_p2, flanking_num = 1000,
threshold = 0.7) {
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
mir_peaks <- tibble::tibble(mir_name = mir_name, chrom = chrom,
stem_loop_p1 = stem_loop_p1,
stem_loop_p2 = stem_loop_p2, strand = strand,
peak_p1 = peak_p1, peak_p2 = peak_p2)
mir_flank <- mir_peaks %>%
histone_p1_flank = peak_p1 - flanking_num,
histone_p2_flank = peak_p2 + flanking_num
a <- require_fa(mir_flank$mir_name, mir_flank$chrom,
mir_flank$stem_loop_p1, mir_flank$stem_loop_p2,
mir_flank$strand, mir_flank$peak_p1, mir_flank$peak_p2,
mir_flank$histone_p1_flank, mir_flank$histone_p2_flank)
tmp_path <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0(runif(1, 0, 100), ".fa"))
writeLines(a, tmp_path)
java_path <- system.file("extdata", "eponine-scan.jar", package = "primirTSS")
cmd <- sprintf("java -jar %s -seq %s -threshold %s",
java_path, tmp_path, threshold)
aa <- system(cmd, intern = TRUE)
a_tmp <- aa[-seq_len(3)] %>%
str_split("\t", simplify = TRUE)
result <- tibble::tibble(previous = a_tmp[, 1],
tss_p1 = a_tmp[, 4],
tss_p2 = a_tmp[, 5],
eponine_score = a_tmp[, 6]) %>%
into = c("mir_name", "chrom", "stem_loop_p1", "stem_loop_p2",
"peak_p1", "peak_p2",
"histone_p1_flank", "histone_p2_flank"),
sep = "_") %>%
mutate(stem_loop_p1 = as.double(stem_loop_p1),
stem_loop_p2 = as.double(stem_loop_p2),
peak_p1 = as.double(peak_p1),
peak_p2 = as.double(peak_p2),
histone_p1_flank = as.double(histone_p1_flank),
histone_p2_flank = as.double(histone_p2_flank),
tss_p1 = as.double(tss_p1),
tss_p2 = as.double(tss_p2),
eponine_score = as.double(eponine_score)) %>%
mutate(tss_p1 = histone_p1_flank + tss_p1 - 1,
tss_p2 = histone_p1_flank + tss_p2 - 1) %>%
filter(tss_p1 >= peak_p1 & tss_p2 <= peak_p2) %>%
fail_mir <- setdiff(unique(mir_peaks$mir_name), unique(result$mir_name))
if (length(fail_mir) == 0) {
fail <- "All miRNAs have eponine socres"
} else {
fail <- fail_mir
list(success = result, fail_eponine = fail)
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