#' @include pca.R
#' @include HermesData-methods.R
#' Calculation of R2 between Sample Variable and Principal Components
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This helper function calculates R2 values between one sample variable from [`AnyHermesData`]
#' and all Principal Components (PCs) separately (one linear model is fit for each PC).
#' @details Note that in case there are estimation problems for any of the PCs, then `NA` will
#' be returned for those.
#' @param pca (`matrix`)\cr principal components matrix generated by [calc_pca()].
#' @param x (`vector`)\cr values of one sample variable from a [`AnyHermesData`] object.
#' @return A vector with R2 values for each principal component.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' object <- hermes_data %>%
#' add_quality_flags() %>%
#' filter() %>%
#' normalize()
#' # Obtain the principal components.
#' pca <- calc_pca(object)$x
#' # Obtain the sample variable.
#' x <- colData(object)$AGE18
#' # Correlate them.
#' r2 <- h_pca_var_rsquared(pca, x)
h_pca_var_rsquared <- function(pca, x) {
is.numeric(x) || is.factor(x) || is.character(x) || is.logical(x),
identical(length(x), nrow(pca)),
all(abs(colMeans(pca)) < 1e-10)
use_sample <- !is.na(x)
x <- x[use_sample]
if (is_constant(x)) {
warning("sample variable is constant and R2 values cannot be calculated")
pca <- pca[use_sample, ]
design <- stats::model.matrix(~x)
# Transpose such that PCs are in rows, and samples in columns.
y0 <- t(pca)
utils::capture.output(fit <- limma::lmFit(y0, design = design))
had_problems <- apply(fit$coefficients, 1L, function(row) any(is.na(row)))
sst <- rowSums(y0^2)
ssr <- sst - fit$df.residual * fit$sigma^2
result <- ssr / sst
result[had_problems] <- NA
#' Calculation of R2 Matrix between Sample Variables and Principal Components
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This function processes sample variables from [`AnyHermesData`] and the
#' corresponding principal components matrix, and then generates the matrix of R2 values.
#' @details
#' - Note that only the `df` columns which are `numeric`, `character`, `factor` or
#' `logical` are included in the resulting matrix, because other variable types are not
#' supported.
#' - In addition, `df` columns which are constant, all `NA`, or `character` or `factor`
#' columns with too many levels are also dropped before the analysis.
#' @param pca (`matrix`)\cr comprises principal components generated by [calc_pca()].
#' @param df (`data.frame`)\cr from the [SummarizedExperiment::colData()] of a
#' [`AnyHermesData`] object.
#' @return A matrix with R2 values for all combinations of sample variables and principal
#' components.
#' @seealso [h_pca_var_rsquared()] which is used internally to calculate the R2 for one
#' sample variable.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' object <- hermes_data %>%
#' add_quality_flags() %>%
#' filter() %>%
#' normalize()
#' # Obtain the principal components.
#' pca <- calc_pca(object)$x
#' # Obtain the `colData` as a `data.frame`.
#' df <- as.data.frame(colData(object))
#' # Correlate them.
#' r2_all <- h_pca_df_r2_matrix(pca, df)
#' str(r2_all)
#' # We can see that only about half of the columns from `df` were
#' # used for the correlations.
#' ncol(r2_all)
#' ncol(df)
h_pca_df_r2_matrix <- function(pca, df) {
identical(nrow(pca), nrow(df))
# Sequentially filter down the columns in `df`.
# Sample variable must be numeric, character, factor or logical.
is_accepted_type <- vapply(df, function(x) {
is.numeric(x) || is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)
}, TRUE)
df <- df[, is_accepted_type]
# Sample variable cannot be completely `NA`.
is_all_na <- vapply(df, all_na, TRUE)
df <- df[, !is_all_na]
# Sample variable cannot have a constant value.
is_all_constant <- vapply(df, is_constant, TRUE)
df <- df[, !is_all_constant]
# Filter character or factor sample variable that has too many (more than half the
# number of samples) unique values.
too_many_levels <- vapply(df, function(x) {
(is.character(x) || is.factor(x)) && (length(unique(x)) > nrow(df) / 2)
}, TRUE)
df <- df[, !too_many_levels]
# On all remaining columns, run R2 analysis vs. all principal components.
X = df,
FUN = h_pca_var_rsquared,
pca = pca,
FUN.VALUE = rep(0.5, ncol(pca))
# correlate-HermesDataPca ----
#' Correlation of Principal Components with Sample Variables
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This `correlate()` method analyses the correlations (in R2 values) between all sample variables
#' in a [`AnyHermesData`] object and the principal components of the samples.
#' A corresponding `autoplot()` method then can visualize the results in a heatmap.
#' @rdname pca_cor_samplevar
#' @aliases pca_cor_samplevar
#' @param object (`HermesDataPca`)\cr input. It can be generated using [calc_pca()] function
#' on [`AnyHermesData`].
#' @param data (`AnyHermesData`)\cr input that was used originally for the PCA.
#' @return A [`HermesDataPcaCor`] object with R2 values for all sample variables.
#' @seealso [h_pca_df_r2_matrix()] which is used internally for the details.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' object <- hermes_data %>%
#' add_quality_flags() %>%
#' filter() %>%
#' normalize()
#' # Perform PCA and then correlate the prinicipal components with the sample variables.
#' object_pca <- calc_pca(object)
#' result <- correlate(object_pca, object)
f = "correlate",
signature = c(object = "HermesDataPca"),
definition = function(object, data) {
pca <- object$x
is(object, "HermesDataPca"),
identical(rownames(pca), colnames(data))
df <- as.data.frame(colData(data))
r2_matrix <- h_pca_df_r2_matrix(pca, df)
# HermesDataPcaCor ----
#' @rdname pca_cor_samplevar
#' @aliases HermesDataPcaCor
#' @exportClass HermesDataPcaCor
.HermesDataPcaCor <- setClass( # nolint
Class = "HermesDataPcaCor",
contains = "matrix"
# autoplot-HermesDataPcaCor ----
#' @describeIn pca_cor_samplevar This plot method uses the [ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap()] function
#' to visualize a [`HermesDataPcaCor`] object.
#' @param cor_colors (`function`)\cr color scale function for the correlation values in the heatmap,
#' produced by [circlize::colorRamp2()].
#' @param ... other arguments to be passed to [ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap()].
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Visualize the correlations in a heatmap.
#' autoplot(result)
#' # We can also choose to not reorder the columns.
#' autoplot(result, cluster_columns = FALSE)
#' # We can also choose break-points for color customization.
#' autoplot(
#' result,
#' cor_colors = circlize::colorRamp2(
#' c(-0.5, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1),
#' c("blue", "green", "purple", "yellow", "orange", "red", "brown")
#' )
#' )
f = "autoplot",
signature = c(object = "HermesDataPcaCor"),
definition = function(object,
cor_colors = circlize::colorRamp2(
c(-1, 0, 1),
c("blue", "white", "red")
...) {
mat <- as(object, "matrix")
matrix = t(mat),
col = cor_colors,
name = "R2",
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