##' @title Use `sda` to identify extreme locations
##' @details `sda` is a vectorized implementation of the Argos filter
##' presented in Freitas et al. (2008) Mar Mamm Sci 24:315-325. This function
##' checks for errors returned by `sda` and falls back to using the simpler
##' `speedfilter` if an error is returned. Both `sda` and `speedfilter` are native
##' implementations of those from the `trip` package
##' (MD Sumner: https://github.com/Trackage/trip).
##' @param x data from `pf_obs_type()`
##' @param spdf turn speed filter on/off (logical; default is TRUE)
##' @param vmax max travel rate (m/s)
##' @param ang angles of outlier location "spikes" (default is `c(15,25)` deg);
##' `ang = NA` turns off `sda` filter in favour of
##' `speedfilter`
##' @param distlim lengths of outlier location "spikes" in km (default is
##' `c(2.5, 5)` m); `distlim = NA` turns off `sda` filter
##' in favour of `speedfilter`. Either `ang = NA` or
##' `distlim = NA` are sufficient.
##' @importFrom sf st_coordinates st_is_longlat st_crs st_transform
##' @importFrom trip trip sda speedfilter
##' @keywords internal
##' @md
pf_sda_filter <- function(x, spdf, vmax, ang, distlim) {
## Use internal version of trip::sda to identify outlier locations
if (spdf) {
if(inherits(x, "sf") && st_is_longlat(x)) {
xy <- as.data.frame(st_coordinates(x))
names(xy) <- c("lon","lat")
x <- cbind(x, xy)
} else if(inherits(x, "sf") && !st_is_longlat(x)) {
xy <- st_transform(x, crs = st_crs("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"))
xy <- as.data.frame(st_coordinates(xy))
names(xy) <- c("lon","lat")
x <- cbind(x, xy)
## was req'd when using trip::sda - keep in case we want to revert now that
## {trip} has been updated and 'un-archived'
# x.tr <- subset(x, keep)[, c("lon","lat","date","id","lc","smaj","smin",
# "eor","lonerr","laterr","keep","obs.type")]
# names(x.tr)[1:2] <- c("x","y")
# x.tr <- suppressWarnings(trip(as.data.frame(x.tr), TORnames = c("date", "id"),
# correct_all = FALSE))
x.tr <- subset(x, keep)
p.GL <- sum(x$obs.type == "GL") / nrow(x)
if(p.GL > 0.75) {
filt <- "spd"
} else {
filt <- "sda"
if(any(is.na(ang))) ang <- c(0,0)
if(any(is.na(distlim))) distlim <- c(0,0)
trip.dat <- suppressWarnings(with(x.tr, trip(data.frame(lon, lat, tms = date, id),
correct_all = FALSE)))
if (filt == "sda") {
tmp <-
smax = vmax * 3.6,
# convert m/s to km/h
ang = ang,
distlim = distlim / 1000), # convert m to km
silent = TRUE))
## screen potential sdafilter errors
if (inherits(tmp, "try-error")) {
"\ntrip::sda produced an error on id",
"using trip::speedfilter instead"
immediate. = TRUE
tmp <-
max.speed = vmax * 3.6), # convert m/s to km/h
silent = TRUE))
if (inherits(tmp, "try-error")) {
"\ntrip::speedfilter also produced an error on id",
"can not apply speed filter prior to SSM filtering"
immediate. = TRUE
} else if (filt == "spd") {
tmp <-
suppressWarnings(try(speedfilter(x.tr, max.speed = vmax * 3.6),
silent = TRUE))
if (inherits(tmp, "try-error")) {
"\ntrip::speedfilter also produced an error on id",
"can not apply speed filter prior to SSM filtering"
immediate. = TRUE
x[x$keep, "keep"] <- tmp
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