#' Create gene set commands
#' Create the commands required to populate \linkS4class{FeatureSetTable}s with commonly used gene sets.
#' @param collections Character vectors specifying the gene set collections of interest.
#' @param organism String containing the \pkg{org.*.eg.db} package to use to extract mappings of gene sets to gene IDs.
#' @param identifier String specifying the identifier to use to extract IDs for the organism package.
#' @return
#' A list of two character vectors describing how to create collections and retrieve gene sets.
#' This follows the expectations for \code{commands} in \code{\link{registerFeatureSetCommands}}.
#' @details
#' GO terms are extracted using the \code{"GOALL"} mode,
#' which extracts both direct and indirect children of each term.
#' A description for each GO term is extracted using the \pkg{GO.db} package.
#' Mappings of genes to KEGG pathway are extracted from the organism package using the \code{"PATH"} term.
#' Unfortunately, this is not up to date due to the licensing around KEGG terms.
#' Descriptions for each pathway are extracted from \url{http://rest.kegg.jp/list/pathway}.
#' The output of this function can be used as the \code{commands} argument of \code{\link{registerFeatureSetCommands}}.
#' It is also used by default in the \code{\link{FeatureSetTable}} constructor when no collections are registered.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @examples
#' out <- createGeneSetCommands()
#' cat(out$collections['GO'], "\n")
#' cat(out$sets['GO'], "\n")
#' @seealso
#' \linkS4class{FeatureSetTable}, where the commands are intended for use.
#' \code{\link{registerFeatureSetCommands}}, to use the commands globally.
#' @export
createGeneSetCommands <- function(collections=c("GO", "KEGG"), organism="org.Hs.eg.db", identifier="ENTREZID") {
init <- retrieve <- list()
retrieve.format <- paste(
sprintf(".genes_in_set <- tryCatch(AnnotationDbi::select(%s::%s, keys=.set_id, keytype='%%s',", organism, organism),
sprintf(" column=%s)[,%s], error=function(e) character(0));", deparse(identifier), deparse(identifier)),
"selected <- intersect(rownames(se), .genes_in_set)",
init.format <- sprintf(".all_terms <- AnnotationDbi::keys(%s::%s, keytype='%%s');", organism, organism)
if ("GO" %in% collections) {
init[["GO"]] <- paste(
sprintf(init.format, "GOALL"),
"tab <- AnnotationDbi::select(GO.db::GO.db, keys=.all_terms, columns='TERM');",
"rownames(tab) <- tab$GOID;",
"tab$GOID <- NULL;",
retrieve[["GO"]] <- sprintf(retrieve.format, "GOALL")
if ("KEGG" %in% collections) {
init[["KEGG"]] <- paste(
sprintf(init.format, "PATH"),
"tab <- KEGGREST::keggList('pathway');",
"tab <- data.frame(ID=names(tab), Description=tab);",
"rownames(tab) <- sub('map', '', tab$ID);",
"tab <- tab[intersect(rownames(tab), .all_terms),];",
retrieve[["KEGG"]] <- sprintf(retrieve.format, "PATH")
list(collections=unlist(init), sets=unlist(retrieve))
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