# Transforms gpr rules vector in sum(min(...)) form
# examples gpr_expression_tmp(gpr(iMM904)[[3]])
gpr_expression_tmp <- function(gpr) {
gpr <- gsub("[()]", "", gpr)
gpr <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", gpr)
complex <- lapply(gpr, function(gpr) {
unlist(strsplit(gpr, "or"))
genes <- lapply(complex, function(complex) {
strsplit(complex, "and")
genes[lengths(genes) == 0] <- ""
min_complex <- lapply(genes, function(gene) {
sub = paste(sort(unlist(lapply(gene, function(g){
if(length(g) > 1)
paste0("min(",paste(sort(g), collapse=","),")")
else if(length(g) == 1)
paste(sort(g), collapse=",")
}))), collapse=",")
if(length(gene) > 1)
paste0("sum(", sort(sub),")")
else if(length(gene) == 1)
#2 possible input shapes:
## - aggregator(sub1, sub2, sub3) each subs being a possible input for parseSubs
## - litteral without aggregation nor ","
# @example parseSubs("sum(YDR261C,YLR300W,YOR190W)")
parseSubs <- function(str){
if(!grepl(",", str)) NULL
chars = unlist(strsplit(str, ""))
acc = ""
level = 0
blocks = list()
for(i in seq_along(chars)){
acc = paste0(acc, chars[i])
if(chars[i] == ")"){
level = level - 1
}else if(chars[i] == "("){
if(level == 0)
acc = ""
level = level + 1
}else if(chars[i] == "," && level == 1){
blocks[[length(blocks) + 1]] = gsub(",$", "", acc)
acc = ""
if(acc != "") blocks[[length(blocks) + 1]] = gsub("\\)?$", "", acc)
blockSubs = lapply(blocks, parseSubs)
#print(data.frame(from = str, to = unlist(blocks), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
rbind(do.call("rbind", blockSubs), data.frame(from = str,
to = unlist(blocks),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
fluxBoundsToGPR <- function(fluxBounds, softplusParam){
toGPR <- function(vals){
exps = exp(sapply(seq_along(vals), function(i){vals[i]}) - 1)
exps = sapply(exps, function(x){if(is.infinite(x)) .Machine$integer.max
else x})
gprs = log(exps) - softplusParam
sapply(gprs, function(g){if(is.infinite(g) || is.na(g)) 0.001
else max(g, 0.001)})
fluxBounds$absubound = abs(fluxBounds$ubound)
fluxBounds$abslbound = abs(fluxBounds$lbound)
fluxBounds$minbound = sapply(seq_along(fluxBounds$abslbound), function(i){
#If bounds of different sign, then min is 0, since interval is bigger than
# just abs value of max
if(fluxBounds$ubound[i] != 0 &&
(fluxBounds$lbound[i] / fluxBounds$ubound[i]) < 0) 0
else min(fluxBounds$abslbound[i], fluxBounds$absubound[i])
fluxBounds$maxbound = sapply(seq_along(fluxBounds$abslbound), function(i){
max(fluxBounds$abslbound[i], fluxBounds$absubound[i])
data.frame(name = fluxBounds$name, lbound = toGPR(fluxBounds$minbound),
ubound = toGPR(fluxBounds$maxbound),
pointEstimate = toGPR(abs(fluxBounds$pointEstimate)))
fluxCurvesToGPRCurves <- function(fluxCurves, softplusParam){
times = sort(unique(fluxCurves$time))
do.call("rbind", lapply(seq_along(times), function(t){
timeFluxes = fluxCurves[which(fluxCurves$time == times[t]),]
key = list(softplus = softplusParam,
fluxes = digest::digest(timeFluxes))),
"time" = times[t])
rulesToGraph <- function(minMaxRules){
completeEdgelist = as.matrix(do.call("rbind", lapply(minMaxRules, parseSubs)))
res = igraph::graph_from_edgelist(completeEdgelist, directed = TRUE)
#Check whether singletons from gpr expressions are missing in the built edgelist
remainingSingletons = unique(minMaxRules[-which(minMaxRules %in%
igraph::V(res)$name |
minMaxRules == "")])
#Add these missing singletons as new nodes without edges
res = res + igraph::vertices(remainingSingletons)
setInitialBounds <- function(G, exprs, gprs){
igraph::V(G)$lbound = sapply(igraph::V(G)$name, function(n){
i = which(exprs == n)
if(length(i) == 0) 0
else min(gprs$lbound[i])
igraph::V(G)$ubound = sapply(igraph::V(G)$name, function(n){
i = which(exprs == n)
if(length(i) == 0) 1000
else max(gprs$ubound[i])
igraph::V(G)$label = paste(paste("[", paste(paste(igraph::V(G)$lbound, ";"),
igraph::V(G)$ubound)), "]")
propagateBoundsDown <- function(G){
#Propagate max / min equality as children constraints
for(i in seq_along(igraph::V(G)$name)){
if(grepl("^sum\\(", igraph::V(G)$name[i])){
children = igraph::neighbors(G, igraph::V(G)[i], mode = "out")
igraph::V(G)$ubound[children] = apply(cbind(igraph::V(G)$ubound[children],
igraph::V(G)$ubound[i]), 1, min)
}else if(grepl("^min\\(", igraph::V(G)$name[i])){
children = igraph::neighbors(G, igraph::V(G)[i], mode = "out")
igraph::V(G)$lbound[children] = apply(cbind(igraph::V(G)$lbound[children],
igraph::V(G)$lbound[i]), 1, max)
igraph::V(G)$label = paste(sapply(igraph::V(G)$name, function(n){
if(grepl("^min", n)) "m" else if(grepl("^sum", n)) "M" else ""
}), paste(paste("[", paste(paste(igraph::V(G)$lbound, ";"),
igraph::V(G)$ubound)), "]"))
propagateBoundsUp <- function(G){
intervals = igraph::V(G)$ubound - igraph::V(G)$lbound
#Propagate certain values to parents with following rules :
## If parent is min(...) = alpha and node has certain value or interval values
# > alpha, then remove node from parent min
## If parent is sum(...) = alpha and node has certain value or interval values
# < alpha, then remove node from parent max
for(i in seq_along(igraph::V(G)$name)){
interval = intervals[i]
parents = igraph::neighbors(G, igraph::V(G)[i], mode = "in")
ub = igraph::V(G)[i]$ubound
lb = igraph::V(G)[i]$lbound
for(p in parents){
pub = igraph::V(G)[p]$ubound
plb = igraph::V(G)[p]$lbound
pint = pub - plb
if(!is.infinite(pint) && !is.na(pint) && pint < 0.05){
if(grepl("^sum", igraph::V(G)[p]$name) && ub < plb){
igraph::delete.edges(G, paste0(igraph::V(G)[p]$name,"|",
}else if(grepl("^min", igraph::V(G)[p]$name) && lb > pub){
igraph::delete.edges(G, paste0(igraph::V(G)[p]$name,"|",
igraph::V(G)$label = paste(sapply(igraph::V(G)$name, function(n){
if(grepl("^min", n)) "m" else if(grepl("^sum", n)) "M" else ""
}), paste(paste("[", paste(paste(igraph::V(G)$lbound, ";"),
igraph::V(G)$ubound)), "]"))
#' ODToFluxBounds
#' @param model An object of class modelOrg, the metabolic model.
#' @param odRate The values of OD measured over time
#' @param metabolites_rates A data.frame containing the extraneous metabolites,
#' their initial concentrations and their uptake rates. Columns must be named
#' "names","concentrations" and "rates".
#' @param biomass_flux_index Optional. index of the flux corresponding to the
#' biomass reaction.
#' @return Flux bounds from OD
ODToFluxBounds <- function(odRate, model, metabolites_rates = NULL,
biomass_flux_index = get_biomass_flux_position(model)){
fluxPoints = if(is.null(metabolites_rates)){
get_fba_fluxes_from_observations(model,observed_growth_rate = odRate,
biomass_flux_index= biomass_flux_index)
}else {
metabolites_rates = metabolites_rates,
biomass_flux_index= biomass_flux_index)}
M = get_fva_intervals_from_observations(
model = model,
metabolites_rates = metabolites_rates,
observed_growth_rate = odRate,
biomass_flux_index= biomass_flux_index
fluxBounds = data.frame(lbound = M[, "min"], ubound = M[, "max"],
pointEstimate = fluxPoints, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
cbind("name" = rownames(fluxBounds), fluxBounds, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' ODCurveToFluxCurves
#'This function takes measured ODs and turn them into a FluxCurves object to be
#'visualize using \code{visFluxCurves()}. It relies on flux variability analysis
#' to highlight the flux value interval required to meet the specified OD.
#' @param model An object of class modelOrg, the metabolic model.
#' @param ODs A vector of measured ODs
#' @param times A vector of timepoints at which the flux balance analysis
#' solution will be evaluated.
#' @param metabolites_rates A data.frame containing the extraneous metabolites,
#' their initial concentrations and their uptake rates. Columns must be named
#' "names","concentrations" and "rates".
#' @param biomass_flux_index Optional. index of the flux corresponding to the
#' biomass reaction.
#' @examples
#' data(iMM904)
#' ODs<-seq.int(0.099,1.8,length.out = 5)
#' times = seq(0.5,2,by=0.5)
#' metabolites_rates <- data.frame("name"=c("D-Glucose"),
#' "concentrations"=c(16.6),"rates"=c(-2.81))
#' ODtoflux<-ODCurveToFluxCurves(model = iMM904,
#' ODs = ODs,times = times, metabolites_rates = metabolites_rates)
#' visFluxCurves(ODtoflux)
#' @seealso visFluxCurves, ODCurveToMetabolicGeneCurves,
#' visMetabolicGeneCurves
#' @export
#' @return An object FluxCurves to visualize using the function
#' \code{visFluxCurves}
ODCurveToFluxCurves <- function(model, ODs,times, metabolites_rates = NULL,
biomass_flux_index = get_biomass_flux_position(model)){
lRates <- logRates(times, ODs)
positiveDeltaIds <- which(lRates > 0)
positiveDeltaTimes <- times[positiveDeltaIds]
positiveDeltaCurvePoints <- ODs[positiveDeltaIds]
odRates <- lRates[positiveDeltaIds]
do.call("rbind", lapply(seq_along(odRates), function(i){
metab = if(is.null(metabolites_rates)) NULL
else {
#metabIds = (max(i - 2, 1)) * 2 + 1
#metabIds = c(metabIds, metabIds + 1)
cbind(R.cache::evalWithMemoization(ODToFluxBounds(odRates[i], model, metab,
biomass_flux_index = biomass_flux_index),
key = list(model = digest::digest(model),
od = odRates[i],
metabolites_rates =
"time" = i)
ODToMetabolicGenes <- function(model, odRate, gprsGraph, exprs,
metabolites_rates, softplusParam,
singlePointFluxEstimate = FALSE,
biomass_flux_index = get_biomass_flux_position(model),
cat("odRate: ", odRate,", ", file = stderr())
#OD rate -> flux bounds
fluxBounds = ODToFluxBounds(odRate = odRate, model = model,
metabolites_rates = metabolites_rates,
biomass_flux_index = biomass_flux_index)
#flux bounds -> single point estimate (mean) -> GPR_i values
fluxBounds$lbound = fluxBounds$pointEstimate
fluxBounds$ubound = fluxBounds$pointEstimate
gprs = fluxBoundsToGPR(fluxBounds, softplusParam)
G = setInitialBounds(gprsGraph, exprs, gprs)
G = propagateBoundsDown(G)
#G = propagateBoundsUp(G)
res = data.frame(
name = igraph::V(G)$name,
lbound = round(igraph::V(G)$lbound, 2),
ubound = round(igraph::V(G)$ubound, 2),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
res = data.frame(
name = igraph::V(G)$name,
commonName = sapply(igraph::V(G)$name, function(n){
a = which(aliases$geneName_model == n)[1]
aliases[a, "geneName_GRN"]
lbound = round(igraph::V(G)$lbound, 2),
ubound = round(igraph::V(G)$ubound, 2),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
res[which(!grepl(",", res$name)),]
relativeCurve <- function(xs, ys){
sapply(seq_along(xs), function(i){
max(1, ys[i]/ys[1])
logRates <- function(xs, ys){
logCurve = log(relativeCurve(xs, ys))
#sapply(seq_along(xs), function(i){
# log(max(1, ys[i]/ys[1]))
sapply(seq_along(logCurve), function(i){
if(i == 1) logCurve[1]
else (logCurve[i] - logCurve[i - 1]) / (xs[i] - xs[i - 1])
#' ODCurveToMetabolicGeneCurves
#'This function takes measured ODs and turn them into a ODcurveToMetCurve object
#'to be visualize using \code{visMetabolicGeneCurves()}. It relies on flux
#'variability analysis to highlight the flux value interval required to meet the
#' specified OD and to map it on the metabolic genes.
#' @param times A vector of timepoints at which the flux balance analysis
#' solution will be evaluated.
#' @param ODs vector of measured ODs.
#' @param metabolites_rates A data.frame containing the extraneous metabolites,
#' their initial concentrations and their uptake rates. Columns must be named
#' "names","concentrations" and "rates".
#' @param model An object of class modelOrg, the metabolic model.
#' @param softplusParam Softplus parameter identify through calibration.
#' @param singlePointFluxEstimate Optional, logical.
#' @param biomass_flux_index index of the flux corresponding to the biomass
#' reaction.
#' @param aliases Optional. A data.frame containing the gene names used in the
#' metabolic model and the aliases to use to match the regulatory network.
#' @examples ODs<-c(0.4500000,0.5322392,0.6295079,0.7445529)
#' data("aliases_SC","iMM904")
#' ODcurveToMetCurve<-ODCurveToMetabolicGeneCurves(times = seq(0.5,2,by=0.5),
#' ODs = ODs,model = iMM904,aliases = aliases_SC)
#' visMetabolicGeneCurves(ODcurveToMetCurve,genes="YJR077C")
#' @export
#' @return Metabolic genes curves to visualize using the function
#' \code{visMetabolicGeneCurves}
ODCurveToMetabolicGeneCurves <- function(times,
metabolites_rates = NULL,
softplusParam = 0,
singlePointFluxEstimate = FALSE,
biomass_flux_index = get_biomass_flux_position(model),
aliases = NULL){
lRates <- logRates(times, ODs)
exprs <- gpr_expression_tmp(gpr(model))
gprsGraph <- rulesToGraph(exprs)
positiveDeltaIds <- which(lRates > 0)
positiveDeltaTimes <- times[positiveDeltaIds]
positiveDeltaCurvePoints <- ODs[positiveDeltaIds]
lrates <- lRates[positiveDeltaIds]
L <- lapply(seq_along(lrates), function(i){
od <- lrates[i]
metab <- if(is.null(metabolites_rates)) NULL
else {metab <- metabolites_rates}
softplusParam = softplusParam,
key <- list("od" = round(od, 3), "model" = digest::digest(model),
"metab" = digest::digest(metab), "softplus" = softplusParam,
"pointEstimate" = singlePointFluxEstimate)#,
#force <- FALSE
L <- lapply(seq_along(L), function(i){
L[[i]]$time <- positiveDeltaTimes[i]; L[[i]]
cat(class(L), file = stderr())
resL <- do.call("rbind", L)
resL$pointEstimate <- (resL$ubound + resL$lbound) / 2
GPRToMetabolicGene <- function(gprs,
singlePointEstimate = FALSE,
aliases = NULL){
cat("GPRToMetabolicGene\n", file=stderr())
# fluxBounds$lbound = fluxBounds$pointEstimate
# fluxBounds$ubound = fluxBounds$pointEstimate
#gprs = fluxBoundsToGPR(fluxBounds, softplusParam)
gprs$lbound = gprs$pointEstimate
gprs$ubound = gprs$pointEstimate
G = setInitialBounds(gprsGraph, exprs, gprs)
G = propagateBoundsDown(G)
res = data.frame(
name = igraph::V(G)$name,
lbound = round(igraph::V(G)$lbound, 2),
ubound = round(igraph::V(G)$ubound, 2),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
res = data.frame(
name = igraph::V(G)$name,
commonName = sapply(igraph::V(G)$name, function(n){
a = which(aliases$geneName_model == n)[1]
aliases[a, "geneName_GRN"]
lbound = round(igraph::V(G)$lbound, 2),
ubound = round(igraph::V(G)$ubound, 2),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
res[which(!grepl(",", res$name)),]
GPRCurvesToMetabolicGeneCurves <- function(model,
singlePointEstimate = FALSE){
exprs = gpr_expression_tmp(gpr(model))
gprsGraph = rulesToGraph(exprs)
times = sort(unique(gprs$time))
resL = do.call("rbind", lapply(seq_along(times), function(t){
timeGPRS = gprs[which(gprs$time == times[t]),]
cbind(R.cache::evalWithMemoization(GPRToMetabolicGene(timeGPRS, gprsGraph,
key = list(gprsGraph = digest::digest(gprsGraph),
exprs = digest::digest(exprs),
gprs = digest::digest(timeGPRS),
singlePointEstimate = singlePointEstimate)),
"time" = times[t])
resL$pointEstimate = (resL$ubound + resL$lbound) / 2
#' Visualize Metabolic Gene Curves
#' @param metabCurves result table from ODCurveToMetabolicGeneCurves
#' @param genes a vector containing the names of the metabolic genes to plot.
#' Default select the first 50 genes
#' @param ... Optional, others curves
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("ODcurveToMetCurve")
#' visMetabolicGeneCurves(ODcurveToMetCurve,genes="YJR077C")
#' @seealso ODCurveToMetabolicGeneCurves,ODCurveToFluxCurves, visFluxCurves
#' @return a plot of the curves of the chosen metabolic genes
visMetabolicGeneCurves <- function(metabCurves,
genes = unique(metabCurves$name)[seq_len(50)],...){
otherCurves = list(...)
allCurves = cbind(metabCurves, "context" = 1)
if(length(otherCurves) > 0){
allCurves = rbind(allCurves, do.call("rbind", lapply(seq_along(otherCurves),
cbind(otherCurves[[id]], "context" = id + 1)
allCurves$context = as.factor(allCurves$context)
allCurves$lbound = round(allCurves$lbound, 3)
allCurves$ubound = round(allCurves$ubound, 3)
allCurves$pointEstimate = round(allCurves$pointEstimate, 3)
allCurves <- allCurves[which(allCurves$name %in% genes),]
ggplot2::aes(x = allCurves$time,fill = allCurves$context)) +
ggplot2:: geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes(ymin = allCurves$lbound,
ymax = allCurves$ubound),
alpha = 0.4) +
ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(y = allCurves$pointEstimate,
color = allCurves$context),
alpha = 0.8, size = 1.5) +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ name, ncol = 8, scales = "free_y") +
ggplot2::xlab("Time") + ggplot2::ylab("Bounds") +
color = ggplot2::guide_legend(title="context"))
#' Visualize Fluxes Curves
#' @param fluxCurves result table from ODCurveToFluxCurves
#' @param genes a vector containing the names of the metabolic genes to plot.
#' Default select the first 50 genes
#' @param ... Optional others curves
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("ODtoflux")
#' visFluxCurves(ODtoflux,genes ="ADK3")
#' @seealso ODCurveToFluxCurves, ODCurveToMetabolicGeneCurves,
#' visMetabolicGeneCurves
#' @return a plot of the curves of the chosen fluxes
visFluxCurves <- function(fluxCurves,
genes = unique(fluxCurves$name)[seq_len(50)],...){
otherCurves = list(...)
allCurves = cbind(fluxCurves, "context" = 1)
if(length(otherCurves) > 0){
allCurves = rbind(allCurves,
do.call("rbind", lapply(seq_along(otherCurves),
cbind(otherCurves[[id]], "context" = id + 1)})))
allCurves$context = as.factor(allCurves$context)
allCurves$lbound = round(allCurves$lbound, 3)
allCurves$ubound = round(allCurves$ubound, 3)
allCurves$pointEstimate = round(allCurves$pointEstimate, 3)
allCurves <- allCurves[which(allCurves$name %in% genes),]
ggplot2::aes(x = allCurves$time,fill = allCurves$context)) +
ggplot2::geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes(ymin = allCurves$lbound,
ymax = allCurves$ubound),
alpha = 0.4) +
ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(y = allCurves$pointEstimate,
color = allCurves$context),
alpha = 0.8, size = 1.5)+
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ name, ncol = 8, scales = "free_y") +
ggplot2::xlab("Time") + ggplot2::ylab("Bounds") +
color = ggplot2::guide_legend(title="context"))
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