pipeline.patAssignment <- function(env)
find.next.merge.pat <- function( pat.labels, skip.pats, spot.counts )
tab <- table(pat.labels[which(!pat.labels%in%skip.pats)])
candidates <- names( which( tab == min(tab) ) )
candidates <- candidates[ which( nchar(candidates) == max(nchar(candidates)) ) ]
candidates.counts <- sapply( candidates, function(x) sum( spot.counts[ strsplit(x," ")[[1]] ] ) )
return( names(which.min(candidates.counts)) )
spot.list <- env[[paste("spot.list.", env$preferences$standard.spot.modules,sep="")]]
thresh.global <- sd(as.vector(spot.list$spotdata))
env$pat.labels <- apply( spot.list$spotdata > thresh.global, 2, function(x)
paste( names(x)[which(x)], collapse=" " )
} )
# join small pats into their precursors
spot.counts <- rowSums( spot.list$spotdata > thresh.global )
skip.pats <- ""
while( sort(table(env$pat.labels[which(!env$pat.labels%in%skip.pats)]))[1] < length(env$pat.labels)*0.01 )
pat.to.merge <- find.next.merge.pat( env$pat.labels, skip.pats, spot.counts )
# if( length(strsplit(pat.to.merge," ")[[1]] ) > 1 )
# {
least.freq.spot <- names(sort(spot.counts[ strsplit(pat.to.merge," ")[[1]] ])[1])
pat.after.merge <- sub(least.freq.spot,"",pat.to.merge)
pat.after.merge <- sub(" "," ",pat.after.merge)
pat.after.merge <- sub("^ | $","",pat.after.merge)
env$pat.labels[which(env$pat.labels==pat.to.merge)] <- pat.after.merge
# } else
# {
# skip.pats <- c(skip.pats,pat.to.merge)
# }
env$pat.labels[which(env$pat.labels=="")] <- "none"
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