pipeline.createMetacells <- function(env)
util.info("Creating meta cell")
patient.cluster <- table( env$seuratObject$seurat_clusters, env$seuratObject$orig.ident)
patient.cluster <- patient.cluster / rowSums(patient.cluster)
labels <- paste0( "c", env$seuratObject$seurat_clusters, " ", env$seuratObject$orig.ident )
names(labels) <- colnames(env$seuratObject)
# remove cluster where >80% of cells come from one or two samples/patient
# drop.cluster <- names( which( apply( patient.cluster, 1, function(x) sum( sort(x,decreasing=T)[1:2] ) ) > .8 ) )
# labels <- labels[ which(!env$seuratObject$seurat_clusters%in%drop.cluster) ]
# remove meta-cells with less than 10 cells
if( any(table(labels)>=10) )
labels <- labels[ which( labels %in% names( which( table(labels)>=10 ) ) ) ]
if( length(unique(labels))==1 )
util.warn("Meta-cell computation would lead to only one meta-cell. Skipped.")
labels.clusterNo <- ceiling( sort( table(labels) ) / 100 )
o <- order( sapply( strsplit(names(labels.clusterNo), " " ), function(x) x[2] ) )
labels.clusterNo <- labels.clusterNo[o]
o <- order( sapply( strsplit(names(labels.clusterNo), " " ), function(x) as.numeric(substr(x[1],2,nchar(x[1]))) ) )
labels.clusterNo <- labels.clusterNo[o]
metacell.labels.lvl1 <- rep(NA,ncol(env$seuratObject))
names(metacell.labels.lvl1) <- colnames(env$seuratObject)
metacell.labels.lvl1[names(labels)] <- labels
env$seuratObject[["metacell.labels"]] <- metacell.labels.lvl1
env$seuratObject[["cellInMetacell"]] <- !is.na(metacell.labels.lvl1)
metacell.data <- matrix(NA,nrow(env$seuratObject),0,dimnames=list(rownames(env$seuratObject),c()))
pb <-txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(labels.clusterNo),style=3)
# create metacell.data, that is the center of kmeans cluster
for( x in names(labels.clusterNo) )
mc.cells <- names(which(metacell.labels.lvl1==x))
expr <- data.matrix( GetAssayData( env$seuratObject[ , mc.cells ], slot = "data") )
km <- kmeans(t(expr),centers=labels.clusterNo[x])
expr <- t(km$centers)
colnames(expr) <- paste0( x, " x", seq(max(km$cluster)) )
metacell.data <- cbind(metacell.data, expr)
env$seuratObject$metacell.labels[mc.cells] <- paste0( metacell.labels.lvl1[mc.cells], " p", km$cluster )
setTxtProgressBar( pb, pb$getVal()+1 )
env$metacell.data <- metacell.data
env$group.labels <- rep("auto",ncol(env$metacell.data))
names(env$group.labels) <- colnames(env$metacell.data)
env$group.colors <- rep("#000000", ncol(env$metacell.data))
names(env$group.colors) <- colnames(env$metacell.data)
util.info(paste(ncol(env$metacell.data),"meta-cells were computed."))
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