#' Generate Newick format tree string from tree list object
#' @param tree Tree list object from \code{\link{build_tree}}
#' @param parent Parent ID
#' @param string Newick string of parent tree
#' @return String of newick tree
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' x <- simulate_whx(nrow=50,ncol=100,rank=5)
#' s <- scNMFSet(x$x)
#' s <- vb_factorize(s,ranks=seq(2,8),nrun=5)
#' tree <- build_tree(s,rmax=5)
#' nw <- newick(tree=tree)
#' nw
#' @export
newick <- function(tree, parent='1.1',string=''){
if(string=='') root=TRUE
else root=FALSE
string <- paste0(string,'(')
for(i in seq_len(length(tree))){
bl <- as.numeric(strsplit(tree[[i]],split='[.]')[[1]][1]) -
string <- paste0(string,tree[[i]],':',toString(bl))
sub <- newick(tree[[i]], parent=names(tree)[i], string)
bl <- as.numeric(strsplit(names(tree)[i],split='[.]')[[1]][1]) -
string <- paste0(sub, names(tree)[i],':',toString(bl))
if(i < length(tree)) string <- paste0(string,',')
else string <-paste0(string,')')
if(root) string <- paste0(string,';')
# Recursive function for branching a tree
branch.tree <- function(tree, parent.id, progenies){
for(i in seq_len(length(tree))){
if(tree[[i]] == parent.id){
tree[[i]] <- progenies
names(tree)[i] <- parent.id
} else{
tree[[i]] <- branch.tree(tree[[i]], parent.id, progenies)
update.tree <- function(tree, parent.id, progenies){
for(i in seq_len(length(tree))){
if(tree[[i]] %in% parent.id)
tree[[i]] <- progenies[tree[[i]]==parent.id]
} else
tree[[i]] <- update.tree(tree[[i]], parent.id, progenies)
#' Build tree connecting clusters at different ranks
#' @param object Object of class \code{scNMFSet}
#' @param rmax Maximum rank at which tree branching stops
#' @return List containing the tree structure
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' x <- simulate_whx(nrow=50,ncol=100,rank=5)
#' s <- scNMFSet(x$x)
#' s <- vb_factorize(s,ranks=seq(2,8),nrun=5)
#' tree <- build_tree(s,rmax=5)
#' tree
#' @export
build_tree <- function(object, rmax){
r0 <- 3
if(missing(rmax)) rmax <- ranks(object)[length(ranks(object))]
id <- seq(which(ranks(object) == r0-1),
which(ranks(object) == rmax))
cluster <- NULL
for(i in id){
h <- coeff(object)[[i]]
cid <- apply(h,2,which.max)
cluster <- cbind(cluster,cid)
colnames(cluster)[ncol(cluster)] <- paste0('r', ranks(object)[i])
rse <- seq(r0,rmax,1)
y <- vector('list',length(rse))
tree <- list('2.1','2.2') # initial split for rank 2
names(y) <- rse
for(n in rse){
rank0 <- paste0('r',toString(n-1))
rank1 <- paste0('r',toString(n))
x0 <- cluster[, rank0]
x1 <- cluster[, rank1]
# x <- table(x0,x1)
x <- table(factor(x0, levels=seq_len(n-1)),
factor(x1, levels=seq_len(n)))
z <- apply(x, 2, which.max)
z <- vapply(z, function(x){if(length(x)>1) x[1] else x}, integer(1))
# break ties
names(z) <- seq_len(n)
y[[toString(n)]] <- z
w <- names(table(z))[table(z) > 1] # parent id that splitted
p <- mapply(function(x){names(z)[z==x]},w, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
for(i in seq_len(length(w))){
np <- paste(n,p[[i]],sep='.')
split <- as.list(np)
tree <- branch.tree(tree, paste(n-1,w[i],sep='.'), split)
w0 <- names(table(z))[table(z)==1]
p0 <- names(z)[match(w0,z)]
rename <- paste(n,p0,sep='.')
tree <- update.tree(tree, paste(n-1,w0,sep='.'), rename)
#' Rename tips of trees with cell types
#' @param tree List containing tree
#' @param tip.labels Vector of new names for tips
#' @param rank Rank value of which tip names are to be replaced
#' @return List containing tree with updated tip labels
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' x <- simulate_whx(nrow=50,ncol=100,rank=5)
#' s <- scNMFSet(x$x)
#' s <- vb_factorize(s,ranks=seq(2,8),nrun=5)
#' tree <- build_tree(s,rmax=5)
#' tree <- rename_tips(tree,rank=5,tip.labels=letters[seq_len(5)])
#' tree
#' @export
rename_tips <- function(tree, rank, tip.labels){
for(i in seq_len(length(tree))){
if(length(tree[[i]])==1){ # a tip
x <- strsplit(tree[[i]], split='[.]')[[1]]
cid <- as.numeric(x[2])
tree[[i]] <- paste(toString(rank),tip.labels[cid],sep='.')
}else tree[[i]] <- rename_tips(tree[[i]], rank, tip.labels)
#' Plot cluster tree
#' Visualize the output of \code{\link{build_tree}} as a dendrogram.
#' Uses \code{\link[ape]{plot.phylo}} to visualize cluster tree.
#' @param tree List containing tree structure. Output from
#' \code{\link{build_tree}}
#' @param direction \code{c('rightwards','downwards')};
#' the direction of dendrogram
#' @param cex Font size of edge/tip labels
#' @param ... Other parameters to \code{\link{plot.phylo}}
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' x <- simulate_whx(nrow=50,ncol=100,rank=5)
#' s <- scNMFSet(x$x)
#' s <- vb_factorize(s,ranks=seq(2,8),nrun=5)
#' tree <- build_tree(s,rmax=5)
#' plot_tree(tree)
#' @export
plot_tree <- function(tree, direction='rightwards', cex = 0.7, ...){
nwk <- newick(tree)
phylo <- ape::read.tree(text=nwk)
plot(x=phylo, direction=direction, cex=cex, ...)
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