# single update step of ML-NMF
nmf_updateR <- function(x,w,h,n,m,r, prior=FALSE, gamma.a, gamma.b){
x <- as.matrix(x)
w <- as.matrix(w)
h <- as.matrix(h)
up <- h*(t(w) %*% (x/(w %*% h)))
down <- matrix(rep(colSums(w),m),nrow=r,ncol=m,byrow=FALSE)
up <- up + gamma.a-1
down <- down + gamma.a/gamma.b
h <- up/down
h[h < .Machine$double.eps] <- .Machine$double.eps
up <- w*((x/(w %*% h)) %*% t(h))
down <- matrix(rep(rowSums(h),n),nrow=n,ncol=r,byrow=TRUE)
up <- up + gamma.a-1
down <- down + gamma.a/gamma.b
w <- up/down
w[w < .Machine$double.eps] <- .Machine$double.eps
# initialize w and h
init <- function(nrow,ncol,mat,rank,max=1.0){
w <- matrix(stats::runif(n=nrow*rank),nrow=nrow,ncol=rank)
rownames(w) <- rownames(mat)
colnames(w) <- seq_len(rank)
h <- matrix(stats::runif(n=rank*ncol),nrow=rank,ncol=ncol)
rownames(h) <- seq_len(rank)
colnames(h) <- colnames(mat)
likelihood <- function(mat,w,h){
wh <- as.vector(w %*% h)
amat <- as.vector(mat)
x <- sum(amat*log(wh)-wh)
z <- amat[amat > 0]
x <- x + sum(-z*log(z)+z)
connectivity <- function(h){
ncol <- ncol(h)
cid <- c()
for(j in seq_len(ncol))
cid <- c(cid, which.max(h[,j])[1])
cnn <- outer(cid,cid,'==')
dispersion <- function(cnn,nc){
con <- sum((cnn-0.5)^2)
cophenet <- function(conav, nc, method='average'){
tmp <- matrix(0,nrow=nc,ncol=nc)
tmp[lower.tri(tmp)] <- 1-conav
d <- stats::as.dist(tmp)
h <- stats::hclust(d, method=method)
coph <- stats::cophenetic(h)
#' Maximum likelihood factorization
#' Performs single or multiple rank NMF factorization of count matrix using
#' maximum likelihood
#' The main input is the \code{scNMFSet} object with count matrix.
#' This function performs non-negative factorization and fills in the empty
#' slots \code{basis}, \code{coeff}, and \code{ranks}.
#' @param object \code{scNMFSet} object containing count matrix.
#' @param ranks Rank for factorization; can be a vector of multiple values.
#' @param nrun No. of runs with different initial guess.
#' @param randomize Boolean; if \code{TRUE}, input matrix is randomized.
#' @param nsmpl No. of randomized samples to average over.
#' @param verbose The verbosity level:
#' 3, each iteration output printed;
#' 2, each run output printed;
#' 1, each randomized sample output printed;
#' 0, silent.
#' @param progress.bar Display progress bar when \code{nrun > 1 } and
#' \code{verbose = 1}.
#' @param Itmax Maximum no. of iteration.
#' @param ncnn.step Minimum no. of steps with no change in connectivity matrix
#' to achieve convergence.
#' @param criterion If \code{'likelihood'}, iteration stops when fractional
#' changes in likelihood is below tolerance \code{Tol}. If
#' \code{criterion = 'connectivity'}, iteration stops when connectivity
#' matrix does not change for at least \code{ncnn.step} steps.
#' @param linkage Method to be sent to \code{hclust} in
#' calculating cophenetic correlation.
#' @param Tol Tolerance for checking convergence with
#' \code{criterion = 'likelihood'}.
#' @param store.connectivity Returns a list also containing connectivity data.
#' @return Object of class \code{scNMFSet} with factorization slots filled.
#' @details When run with multiple values of \code{ranks},
#' factorization is repeated for each rank and the slot \code{measure}
#' contains quality measures of the ranks. The quality measure
#' \code{likelihood} is negative the KL distance of the fit to the
#' target. With \code{nrun > 1}, the likelihood is the maximum
#' among all runs.
#' The quality measure \code{dispersion} is the scalar
#' measure of how far the connectivity matrix is from 0, 1. With
#' increasing \code{nrun}, \code{dispersion} decreases from 1.
#' \code{nrun} should be chosen such that \code{dispersion} does not
#' change appreciably.
#' With randomization, \code{count} matrix of \code{object}
#' is shuffled.
#' \code{nsmpl} can be used to average over multiple permutations. This
#' averaging applies to each quality measure under a given rank.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' x <- simulate_data(nfeatures=10,nsamples=c(20,20,60,40,30))
#' s <- scNMFSet(count=x)
#' s <- factorize(s,ranks=seq(2,8),nrun=5)
#' plot(s)
#' @export
factorize <- function(object, ranks=2, nrun=20, randomize=FALSE,
nsmpl=1, verbose=2, progress.bar=TRUE,
Itmax=10000, ncnn.step=40, criterion='likelihood',
linkage='average', Tol=1e-5,
mat <- counts(object)
nullr <- sum(Matrix::rowSums(mat)==0)
nullc <- sum(Matrix::colSums(mat)==0)
if(nullr>0) stop('Input matrix contains empty rows')
if(nullc>0) stop('Input matrix contains empty columns')
nrow <- dim(mat)[1]
ncol <- dim(mat)[2]
nrank <- length(ranks) # rank values requested
wdat <- vector('list',nrank)
hdat <- vector('list',nrank)
npair <- ncol*(ncol-1)/2
rdat <- ddat <- cdat <- vector('list',nrank)
rave <- dave <- coav <- rste <- cste <- dste <- rep(0,nrank)
if(randomize) mat0 <- mat
for(irank in seq_len(nrank)){
rank <- ranks[irank]
if(verbose > 0) cat('Rank ',rank,'\n',sep='')
for(ismpl in seq_len(nsmpl)){
conav <- rep(0,npair)
if(randomize) mat <- apply(mat0,2,
if(verbose == 1 & progress.bar)
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(style = 3)
rmax <- -Inf
for(irun in seq_len(nrun)){
if(verbose >=2 ){
cat('Rnd.sample #',ismpl,', run #',irun,':\n')
cat('Run #',irun,':\n')
}else if(verbose == 1 & progress.bar)
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, irun/nrun)
wh <- init(nrow,ncol,mat,rank)
zstep <- 0
lkold <- -Inf
for(it in seq_len(Itmax)){
wh <- nmf_updateR(mat,wh$ew,wh$eh,nrow,ncol,rank)
lk0 <- likelihood(mat,wh$ew,wh$eh)
cnn <- connectivity(wh$eh)
if(it == 1) nchange <- npair
else nchange <- sum(cnn!=cnn0)
if(verbose >= 3)
cat(it,': likelihood = ',lk0,', connectivity change = ',
if(nchange == 0) zstep <- zstep+1
else zstep <- 0
if(zstep == ncnn.step) break
cnn0 <- cnn
else if(criterion=='likelihood'){
if(abs(lkold-lk0)<Tol*abs(lkold)) break
if(verbose >=3) cat(it,': likelihood = ',lk0,'\n')
lkold <- lk0
else stop('Unknown stopping criterion.')
cnn <- connectivity(wh$eh)
conav <- conav + cnn
disp <- dispersion(conav/irun,ncol)
if(verbose >= 2) cat('Nsteps =',it,
', likelihood =',lk0,', dispersion =',disp,'\n\n')
if((irun == 1 | lk0 > rmax) & !is.na(lk0)){
rmax <- lk0
wmax <- wh$ew
hmax <- wh$eh
if(verbose == 1 & progress.bar) close(pb)
coph <- cophenet(conav/nrun,ncol, method=linkage)
if(verbose >= 1) cat('Sample#',ismpl,': Max(likelihood) =',rmax,
', dispersion =',disp,', cophenetic =',coph,'\n')
wdat[[irank]] <- wmax
hdat[[irank]] <- hmax
rdat[[irank]] <- rmax
ddat[[irank]] <- disp
cdat[[irank]] <- coph
} else{
wdat[[irank]] <- wdat[[irank]]+wmax
hdat[[irank]] <- hdat[[irank]]+hmax
rdat[[irank]] <- c(rdat[[irank]], rmax)
ddat[[irank]] <- c(ddat[[irank]], disp)
cdat[[irank]] <- c(cdat[[irank]], coph)
wdat[[irank]] <- wdat[[irank]]/nsmpl
hdat[[irank]] <- hdat[[irank]]/nsmpl
denom <- sqrt(nsmpl-1)
rste[irank] <- stats::sd(rdat[[irank]])/denom
dste[irank] <- stats::sd(ddat[[irank]])/denom
cste[irank] <- stats::sd(cdat[[irank]])/denom
rste[irank] <- dste[irank] <- cste[irank] <- NA
rave[irank] <- mean(rdat[[irank]])
dave[irank] <- mean(ddat[[irank]])
coav[irank] <- mean(cdat[[irank]])
if(verbose >= 1 & randomize) cat('Mean(likelihood) = ',rave[irank],
', Mean(dispersion) =',dave[irank],
', Mean(cophenetic) =',coav[irank],'\n\n')
object@ranks <- ranks
object@basis <- wdat
object@coeff <- hdat
meas <- data.frame(rank=ranks, likelihood=rave,
r_se=rste, dispersion=dave, d_se=dste, cophenetic=coav, c_se=cste)
meas <- data.frame(rank=ranks, likelihood=rave,
dispersion=dave, cophenetic=coav)
measure(object) <- meas
object@metadata <- list(nrun=nrun, connectivity=conav/nrun)
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