# Computes Jensen-Shannon divergence
# of 2 CONTINUOUS distributions at a given point
eval_desponds <- function(t, Cminp, Cminq, alphap, alphaq){
M <- 0.5*(VGAM::dpareto(t, scale=Cminp, shape=alphap) +
VGAM::dpareto(t, scale=Cminq, shape=alphaq))
one <- VGAM::dpareto(t, scale=Cminp, shape=alphap)
two <- VGAM::dpareto(t, scale=Cminq, shape=alphaq)
if(one == 0 & two == 0){
out <- 0
} else if(one == 0 & two != 0){
out <- VGAM::dpareto(t, scale=Cminq, shape=alphaq) *
(log(VGAM::dpareto(t, scale=Cminq, shape=alphaq))-log(M))
} else if(one != 0 & two == 0){
out <- VGAM::dpareto(t, scale=Cminp, shape=alphap) *
(log(VGAM::dpareto(t, scale=Cminp, shape=alphap))-log(M))
} else{
out <- VGAM::dpareto(t, scale=Cminp, shape=alphap) *
(log(VGAM::dpareto(t, scale=Cminp, shape=alphap))-log(M)) +
VGAM::dpareto(t, scale=Cminq, shape=alphaq) *
(log(VGAM::dpareto(t, scale=Cminq, shape=alphaq))-log(M))
JS_desponds <- function(grid, Cminp, Cminq, alphap, alphaq){
if(!is(grid, "numeric")){
stop("grid must be numeric.")
if(any(grid != round(grid))){
stop("all elements in grid must be integers.")
if(any(!is(c(Cminp, Cminq, alphap, alphaq), "numeric"))){
stop("Cminp, Cminq, alphap, and alphaq must be numeric.")
if(Cminp != round(Cminp) | Cminq != round(Cminq)){
stop("Cminp and Cminq must be integers.")
if(alphap <= 0 | alphaq <= 0){
stop("alphap and alphaq must be greater than 0.")
lower = min(grid)
upper = max(grid)
out <- adaptIntegrate(eval_desponds,
lowerLimit = lower, upperLimit = upper,
Cminp = Cminp, Cminq = Cminq,
alphap = alphap, alphaq = alphaq)$integral %>% sqrt
# Computes Jensen-Shannon divergence of 2 distributions
JS_spliced <- function(grid, shiftp, shiftq, phip, phiq, shapep, shapeq, ratep,
rateq, threshp, threshq, sigmap, sigmaq, xip, xiq){
if(!is(grid, "numeric")){
stop("grid must be numeric.")
if(any(grid != round(grid))){
stop("all elements in grid must be integers.")
if(any(!is(c(shiftp, shiftq, phip, phiq, shapep, shapeq,
ratep, rateq, threshp, threshq,
sigmap, sigmaq, xip, xiq), "numeric"))){
stop("shiftp, shiftq, phip, phiq, shapep, shapeq, ratep, rateq,
threshp, threshq, sigmap, sigmaq, xip, and xiq must be numeric.")
if(shiftp != round(shiftp) | shiftq != round(shiftq)){
stop("shiftp and shiftq must be integers.")
if(any(c(shapep, shapeq, ratep, rateq, sigmap, sigmaq) <= 0)){
stop("shapep, shapeq, ratep, rateq, sigmap, and sigmaq must be
greater than 0.")
if(any(c(phip, phiq) > 1) | any(c(phip, phiq) < 0)){
stop("phip and phiq must be in [0,1].")
if(ratep <= 0 | rateq <= 0){
stop("ratep and rateq must be greater than 0.")
if(shapep <= 0 | shapeq <= 0){
stop("shapep and shapeq must be greater than 0.")
if(threshp != round(threshp) | threshq != round(threshq)){
stop("threshp and threshq must be integers.")
K <- max(grid)
P <- ddiscgammagpd(min(grid):K, shape = shapep, rate = ratep,
u=threshp, sigma = sigmap,
xi = xip, phiu = phip, shift=shiftp,
log = FALSE)
adjp <- which(P == 0)
if(length(adjp) != 0){
P[adjp] <- evmix::dgpd(adjp+0.5, u=threshp,
sigmau = sigmap, xi = xip, phiu = phip)
Q <- ddiscgammagpd(min(grid):K, shape = shapeq, rate = rateq,
u=threshq, sigma = sigmaq,
xi = xiq, phiu = phiq, shift=shiftq,
log = FALSE)
adjq <- which(Q == 0)
if(length(adjq) != 0){
Q[adjq] <- evmix::dgpd(adjq+0.5, u=threshq,
sigmau = sigmaq, xi = xiq, phiu = phiq)
M <- 0.5*(P+Q)
pzero <- which(P == 0)
qzero <- which(Q == 0)
sum1 <- sum2 <- rep(NA, length(grid))
sum1 <- P*(log(P) - log(M))
sum2 <- Q*(log(Q) - log(M))
if(length(intersect(pzero, qzero)) != 0){
sum1[intersect(pzero, qzero)] <- 0
sum2[intersect(pzero, qzero)] <- 0
if(length(setdiff(pzero, qzero)) != 0){
sum1[setdiff(pzero, qzero)] <- 0
if(length(setdiff(qzero, pzero)) != 0){
sum2[setdiff(qzero, pzero)] <- 0
out <- sqrt(0.5*(sum(sum1) + sum(sum2)))
clusterPlot <- function(distances, method = c("complete", "ward.D", "ward.D2",
"single", "average", "mcquitty",
"median", "centroid")){
if(!(is(distances, "matrix"))){
stop("distances must be a matrix.")
if(length(method) > 1){
warning("More than one clustering method given. Only the first listed
will be executed.")
method <- method[1]
plot(hclust(as.dist(distances), method = method), sub = "", xlab = "")
JS_dist <- function(fit1, fit2, grid, modelType = "Spliced"){
if(!(modelType %in% c("Spliced", "Desponds"))){
stop("modelType must be either \"Spliced\" or \"Desponds\".")
if(modelType == "Spliced"){
if(!all(c("x", "init", "useq", "nllhuseq", "nllh",
"optim", "mle") %in% names(fit1))){
stop("\"fit1\" is not of the correct structure. It must be a model
fit from fdiscgammagpd.")
if(!all(c("x", "init", "useq", "nllhuseq", "nllh",
"optim", "mle") %in% names(fit2))){
stop("\"fit2\" is not of the correct structure. It must be a model
fit from fdiscgammagpd.")
shiftp <- fit1$shift
shiftq <- fit2$shift
phip <- fit1$mle['phi']
phiq <- fit2$mle['phi']
shapep <- fit1$mle['shape']
shapeq <- fit2$mle['shape']
ratep <- fit1$mle['rate']
rateq <- fit2$mle['rate']
threshp <- fit1$mle['thresh']
threshq <- fit2$mle['thresh']
sigmap <- fit1$mle['sigma']
sigmaq <- fit2$mle['sigma']
xip <- fit1$mle['xi']
xiq <- fit2$mle['xi']
out <- JS_spliced(grid, shiftp, shiftq, phip, phiq, shapep, shapeq,
ratep, rateq, threshp, threshq, sigmap, sigmaq,
xip, xiq)
} else if(modelType == "Desponds"){
if(!all(c("min.KS", "Cmin", "powerlaw.exponent",
"pareto.alpha") == names(fit1))){
stop("\"fit1\" is not of the correct structure. It must be a model
fit from fdesponds.")
if(!all(c("min.KS", "Cmin", "powerlaw.exponent",
"pareto.alpha") == names(fit2))){
stop("\"fit2\" is not of the correct structure. It must be a model
fit from fdesponds.")
Cminp <- fit1['Cmin']
Cminq <- fit2['Cmin']
alphap <- fit1['pareto.alpha']
alphaq <- fit2['pareto.alpha']
out <- JS_desponds(grid, Cminp, Cminq, alphap, alphaq)
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