#' Function to convert an object between graph classes
#' \code{xConverter} is supposed to convert an object between classes "igraph", "dgCMatrix", "dtree", "lol", and "json".
#' @param obj an object of class "igraph", "dgCMatrix", "dtree", "lol", and "json"
#' @param from a character specifying the class converted from. It can be one of "igraph", "dgCMatrix", "dtree", "lol", "json"
#' @param to a character specifying the class converted to. It can be one of "igraph", "dgCMatrix", "dtree", "lol", "json" and "igraph_tree"
#' @param verbose logical to indicate whether the messages will be displayed in the screen. By default, it sets to true for display
#' @return an object of class "igraph", "dgCMatrix", "dtree", "lol", or "json".
#' @note Conversion is supported directly: 1) from 'igraph' to "dgCMatrix","dtree","lol","json","igraph_tree"; 2) from 'dgCMatrix' to "igraph"; 3) from 'dtree' to "igraph","lol","json"; 4) from 'lol' to "dtree","json"; 5) from 'json' to "lol","dtree". In summary: "dgCMatrix" -- "igraph" (hub) -- "dtree" (hub) -- "lol" -- "json". Note: 1) igraph --as.igraph-- phylo --as.hclust/as.phylo-- hclust --as.dendrogram/as.hclust-- dendro; 2) igraph --ggraph::den_to_igraph-- dendro
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{xRDataLoader}}
#' @include xConverter.r
#' @examples
#' # generate a ring graph
#' g <- make_ring(10, directed=TRUE)
#' # convert the object from 'igraph' to 'dgCMatrix' class
#' xConverter(g, from='igraph', to='dgCMatrix')
#' \dontrun{
#' # Conversion between 'dgCMatrix' and 'igraph'
#' # ig.EF (an object of class "igraph" storing as a directed graph)
#' g <- xRDataLoader('ig.EF')
#' g
#' # convert the object from 'igraph' to 'dgCMatrix' class
#' s <- xConverter(g, from='igraph', to='dgCMatrix')
#' s[1:10,1:10]
#' # convert the object from 'dgCMatrix' to 'igraph' class
#' ig <- xConverter(s, from="dgCMatrix", to="igraph")
#' ig
#' ##############
#' g <- make_graph("Zachary")
#' # from 'igraph' to "dtree","lol","json"
#' dtree <- xConverter(g, from='igraph', to='dtree')
#' lol <- xConverter(g, from='igraph', to='lol')
#' json <- xConverter(g, from='igraph', to='json')
#' # from "lol","json" to 'dtree'
#' dtree <- xConverter(lol, from='lol', to='dtree')
#' dtree <- xConverter(json, from='json', to='dtree')
#' # from 'dtree' to "igraph"
#' g <- xConverter(dtree, from='dtree', to='igraph')
#' # force 'igraph' to a tree
#' gtree <- xConverter(g, from='igraph', to='igraph_tree')
#' }
xConverter <- function(obj, from=c("igraph","dgCMatrix","dtree","lol","json"), to=c("dgCMatrix","igraph","dtree","lol","json","igraph_tree"), verbose=TRUE)
from <- match.arg(from)
to <- match.arg(to)
#if (!is(obj,from)){
#stop(sprintf("The class of your input object '%s' is '%s', mismatched as you intended (from='%s').\n", deparse(substitute(obj)), class(obj), from))
if(from!="igraph" & to!="igraph"){
#stop(sprintf("Conversion between '%s' and '%s' is not supported.\n", from, to))
warnings(sprintf("Since the class '%s' converted from is the same as the class '%s' converted to, it will return exactly what you input.\n", from, to))
## get adjacency matrix
if ("weight" %in% list.edge.attributes(obj)){
E(obj)$weight <- as.numeric(E(obj)$weight)
objConverted <- igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(obj, type="both", attr="weight", edges=F, names=T, sparse=getIgraphOpt("sparsematrices"))
objConverted <- igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(obj, type="both", attr=NULL, edges=F, names=T, sparse=getIgraphOpt("sparsematrices"))
}else if(to %in% c("dtree","lol","json","igraph_tree")){
## get edges data frame
df_edges <- igraph::get.data.frame(obj, what="edges")
## append 'ROOT' if not a tree
df <- df_edges
root <- setdiff(df[,1], df[,2])
df_root <- data.frame('ROOT', unique(root), stringsAsFactors=F)
for(i in 3:ncol(df_edges)){
df_root[,i] <- NA
colnames(df_root) <- colnames(df_edges)
df <- rbind(df_root, df)
## igraph but a tree
objConverted <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(d=df, directed=T)
## df -> dtree ('data.tree' object)
dtree <- data.tree::FromDataFrameNetwork(df)
if(to %in% c("lol","json")){
## dtree -> lol (a hierarchical list object with a root node and children)
lol <- data.tree::ToListExplicit(dtree, unname=TRUE)
# function: traverse next layer and then recurve
# return: a hierarchical list object with a root node and children
func.igraph2list <- function(g, thisNode) {
nm <- igraph::vertex_attr(g, "name", thisNode)
childNodes <- V(g)[which(igraph::shortest.paths(g, thisNode, mode="out")==1)]
list(name=nm, children=unname(lapply(childNodes, func.igraph2list, g=g)))
ig <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(d=df, directed=T)
root <- setdiff(df[,1], df[,2])
lol <- func.igraph2list(ig, V(ig)[root])
## lol -> json
json <- jsonlite::toJSON(lol)
objConverted <- json
objConverted <- lol
objConverted <- dtree
}else if(from=="dgCMatrix"){
## node info
nodes <- data.frame(name=rownames(obj))
nodenames <- rownames(obj)
## adjacency matrix
adjM <- obj
tmp <- which(as.matrix(adjM!=0), arr.ind=T)
## un-direct graph
ind <- which(tmp[,1]<tmp[,2])
ttmp <- matrix(0, nrow=length(ind), ncol=2)
ttmp[1:length(ind),] <- tmp[ind,]
tmp <- ttmp
## weighted or not
weight_flag <- T
weight_flag <- F
relations <- data.frame(from=nodenames[tmp[,1]], to=nodenames[tmp[,2]], weight=adjM[tmp])
relations <- data.frame(from=nodenames[tmp[,1]], to=nodenames[tmp[,2]])
## convert to "igraph"
objConverted <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(d=relations, directed=F, vertices=nodes)
warnings(sprintf("Conversion between '%s' and '%s' is not supported; instead converted to the 'igraph' object first.\n", from, to))
}else if(from=="dtree"){
if(to %in% c("lol","json")){
## dtree -> lol
lol <- data.tree::ToListExplicit(obj, unname=TRUE)
## lol -> json
json <- jsonlite::toJSON(lol)
objConverted <- json
objConverted <- lol
}else if(to=="igraph"){
df_edges <- data.tree::ToDataFrameNetwork(obj)[,c(1,2)]
df_edges[,1] <- gsub('.*/','',df_edges[,1])
df_edges[,2] <- gsub('.*/','',df_edges[,2])
ig <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(d=df_edges, directed=T)
objConverted <- ig
warnings(sprintf("Conversion between '%s' and '%s' is not supported; instead converted to the 'igraph' object first.\n", from, to))
}else if(from=="lol"){
## lol-> json
json <- jsonlite::toJSON(obj)
objConverted <- json
}else if(to=="dtree"){
## lol-> dtree
dtree <- data.tree::FromListExplicit(obj)
objConverted <- dtree
warnings(sprintf("Conversion between '%s' and '%s' is not supported; instead converted to the 'data.tree' object first.\n", from, to))
}else if(from=="json"){
if(to %in% c("lol","dtree")){
## lol-> json
lol <- jsonlite::fromJSON(obj, simplifyDataFrame=F)
## lol-> dtree
dtree <- data.tree::FromListExplicit(lol)
objConverted <- dtree
objConverted <- lol
warnings(sprintf("Conversion between '%s' and '%s' is not supported; instead converted to the 'data.tree' object first.\n", from, to))
message(sprintf("Your input object of class '%s' has been converted into an object of class '%s'.", from, to), appendLF=T)
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