GCSscore: Main GCS-score Function

View source: R/GCSscore.R

GCSscoreR Documentation

Main GCS-score Function


The main function used to call and run the GCS-score algorithm.


GCSscore(celFile1 = NULL, celFile2 = NULL, celTable = NULL,celTab.names = FALSE,
typeFilter = 0, method = 1, rm.outmask = FALSE, SF1 = NULL, SF2 = NULL, fileout = FALSE, 
gzip = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)



If a one comparison run is desired, enter the filename and path to the 1st Affymetrix CEL file


If a one comparison run is desired, enter the filename and path to the 2nd Affymetrix CEL file


If a batch run is desired, enter the filename and path to the CSV file containing the batch information


If set to TRUE, then the GCS-score batch output is assigned the user-designated name (specified in the first column of the celTable CSV file (see examples))


If set to 0, all available probe types are included in the calculation and normalization of the GCS-score values. If set to 1, only probes well-annotated probe_ids (from BioConductor .db packages) are included in the calculation and normalization of the GCS-score output


This determines the method used to group and tally the probes_ids when calculating GCS-scores. For Whole Transcriptome arrays, for gene-level (transcript_cluster_id-based) analysis, set method = 1, and for exon-level (probeset_id-based) analysis, set method = 2. For the older generation arrays (3' IVT-style), if a PM-MM based background correction is desired, set method = 1 (PM-MM gives identical results to the original sscore package). If a GC-content based background correction is desired on the 3' IVT arrays, set method = 2


If set to TRUE, then probes that are flagged as MASKED or OUTLIER in either CEL file 1 or CEL file 2 will be removed from the analysis. If set to FALSE, these probes are not filtered out and will be used in the GCS-score calculation


Input a pre-determined Scaling Factor (SF) for the 1st CEL file


Input a pre-determined Scaling Factor (SF) for the 2nd CEL file


Determines if the resulting GCS-score output is written to disk in a CSV format following the completion of the function.


If set to TRUE, the GCSscore output that is written to disk is compressed. This could prove useful if a large number runs are input using the batch submission


If set to TRUE, more information will be printed to the console during while the algorithm is running


The input accepts individual CEL files or reads in a CSV file for batch runs. The user also inputs parameters to determine the method used by the GCS-score algorithm to group and tally the individual probes on a given array.


An ExpressionSet object with GCS-score values for the probe groupings (determined by the method argument) and the relevant annotation informtaion


if (length(list.files(path = ".", pattern = "*.CEL")) != 0){

######################## Single run example ###########################

# get the path to example CEL files provided with package:
celpath1 <- system.file("extdata/","MN_2_3.CEL", package = "GCSscore")
celpath2 <- system.file("extdata/","MN_4_1.CEL", package = "GCSscore")

# run GCSscore() function directly on the two .CEL files above:
GCSs.single <- GCSscore::GCSscore(celFile1 = celpath1, celFile2 = celpath2)

# convert GCSscore single-run from ExpressionSet to data.table:
GCSs.single.dt <- 

# show all column names included in the output:

# show simplified output of select columns and rows:

######################## batch run example ############################

# get the path to example batch (.csv) file provided with package:
celtab_path <- system.file("extdata",
                           package = "GCSscore")

# read in the .CSV file using fread():
celtab <- data.table::fread(celtab_path)

# view structure of 'celTable' input:

# add the path to the sample CEL files to the batch input:
#   NOTE: this step is not necessary if the .CEL files 
#         are in the working directory:

path <- system.file("extdata", package = "GCSscore")
celtab$CelFile1 <- celtab[,paste(path,CelFile1,sep="/")]
celtab$CelFile2 <- celtab[,paste(path,CelFile2,sep="/")]

# run GCSscore function on the batch input:
GCSs.batch <- GCSscore::GCSscore(celTable = celtab, celTab.names = TRUE)

# convert GCS-score output from 'ExpressionSet' to 'data.table':
GCSs.batch.dt <-
# show all columns included in the output:

# show simplified output of GCSscore batch example:

harrisgm/GCSscore documentation built on Jan. 1, 2023, 12:04 a.m.