#' cytofkit: an integrated mass cytometry data analysis pipeline
#' This package is designed to facilitate the analysis workflow of mass cytometry data with
#' automatic subset identification and mapping of cellular progression. Both command line and
#' a GUI client are provided for executing the workflow easily.
#' This package integrates merging methods of multiple FCS files, dimension reduction methods (PCA, t-SNE and ISOMAP)
#' and clustering methods (DensVM, ClusterX, and Rphenograph) for rapid subset detection. Analysis reuslts can be visualized
#' and explored interactively using a specially designed shiny web APP, see \code{\link{cytofkitShinyAPP}}. Moreover, the method isomap is provided to map the cellular progression.
#' This workflow can be easily executed with the main function \code{\link{cytofkit}} or through the GUI client \code{\link{cytofkit_GUI}}.
#' Pre-processing
#' Using function \code{\link{cytof_exprsMerge}}, one or multiple FCS files will be loaded via the *read.FCS*
#' function in the *flowCore* package. Then transformation was applied to the expression value
#' of selected markers of each FCS file. Transformation methods include \code{autoLgcl}, \code{cytofAsinh},
#' \code{logicle} and \code{arcsinh}, where \code{cytofAsinh} is the default.Then mutilple FCS files are
#' merged using one of the merging methods \code{all}, \code{min}, \code{fixed} or \code{ceil}.
#' Dimensionality reduction
#' Using function \code{\link{cytof_dimReduction}}, t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (\code{tsne})
#' is suggested for dimensionality reduction although we also provide methods like \code{isomap} and \code{pca}.
#' Cluster
#' Using function \code{\link{cytof_cluster}}, three cluster method are provided, \code{DensVM}, \code{ClusterX}
#' \code{Rphenograph} and \code{FlowSOM}. \code{DensVM}, \code{densityClustX} are performend on the dimension reduced data, while \code{Rphenograph}
#' works directed on the high dimensional expression data. Method \code{FlowSOM} is integrated from FlowSOM package
#' (https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/FlowSOM.html).
#' Post-processing
#' - Using function \code{\link{cytof_clusterPlot}} to visualize the cluster results in a catter plot, in which dots represent cells, colours
#' indicate their assigned clusters and point shapes represent their belonging samples.
#' - Using function \code{\link{cytof_heatmap}} to generate heat map to visualize the mean expression of every marker in every cluster.
#' This heat maps is useful to interrogate marker expression to identify each cluster's defining markers.
#' - Using function \code{\link{cytof_progressionPlot}} to visualize the expression patter of selected markers against the estimated
#' cellular progression order.
#' - Using function \code{\link{cytof_addToFCS}} to add any dimension reduced data, cluster results, progression data into the original FCS files,
#' new FCS files will be saved for easy checking with other softwares like FlowJo.
#' All the above post processing can be automatically implemented and saved using one function \code{\link{cytof_writeResults}}.
#' @author Hao Chen, Jinmiao Chen
#' @examples
#' ## Run on GUI
#' #cytofkit_GUI() # remove the hash symbol to launch the GUI
#' ## Run on command
#' dir <- system.file('extdata',package='cytofkit')
#' file <- list.files(dir, pattern='.fcs$', full=TRUE)
#' parameters <- list.files(dir, pattern='.txt$', full=TRUE)
#' ## remove the hash symbol to run the following command
#' #cytofkit(fcsFile = file, markers = parameters)
#' ## Checking the vignettes for more details
#' if(interactive()) browseVignettes(package = 'cytofkit')
#' @seealso \code{\link{cytofkit}}, \code{\link{cytofkit_GUI}}
#' @references \url{http://signbioinfo.github.io/cytofkit/}
#' @docType package
#' @name cytofkit-package
#' cytofkit: an integrated mass cytometry data analysis pipeline
#' The main function to drive the cytofkit workflow.
#' \code{cytofkit} works as the main funciton to perform the analysis of one or multiple FCS files.
#' The workflow contains data merging from multiple FCS file, expression data transformation,
#' dimensionality reduction with \code{PCA}, \code{isomap} or \code{tsne} (default), clustering
#' analysis with methods includes \code{DensVM}, \code{ClusterX}, \code{Rphenograph)} and \code{FlowSOM} for
#' subpopulation detection, and estimation of cellular progression using \code{isomap}. The analysis
#' results can be visualized using scatter plot, heatmap plot or progression plot. Dimension reduced
#' data and cluster labels will be saved back to new copies of FCS files. By default the analysis
#' results will be automatically saved under \code{resultDir} for further annotation. Moreover An
#' interactive web application is provided for interactive exploration of the analysis results,
#' see \code{cytofkitShinyAPP}.
#' @param fcsFiles It can be either the path where stores your FCS files or a vector of FCS file names.
#' @param markers It can be either a text file where contains the makers to be used for analysis or a vector of the marker names.
#' @param projectName A prefix that will be added to the names of all result files.
#' @param ifCompensation Either boolean value tells if do compensation (compensation matrix contained in FCS), or a compensation matrix to be applied.
#' @param transformMethod Data Transformation method, including \code{autoLgcl}, \code{cytofAsinh}, \code{logicle} and \code{arcsinh}, or \code{none} to avoid transformation.
#' @param mergeMethod When multiple fcs files are selected, cells can be combined using
#' one of the four different methods including \code{ceil}, \code{all}, \code{min}, \code{fixed}.
#' The default option is \code{ceil}, up to a fixed number (specified by \code{fixedNum}) of cells are sampled
#' without replacement from each fcs file and combined for analysis.
#' \code{all}: all cells from each fcs file are combined for analysis.
#' \code{min}: The minimum number of cells among all the selected fcs files are sampled from each fcs file and combined for analysis.
#' \code{fixed}: a fixed num (specified by fixedNum) of cells are sampled (with replacement when the total number of cell is less than
#' fixedNum) from each fcs file and combined for analysis.
#' @param fixedNum The fixed number of cells to be extracted from each FCS file.
#' @param dimReductionMethod The method used for dimensionality reduction, including \code{tsne}, \code{pca} and \code{isomap}.
#' @param clusterMethods The clustering method(s) used for subpopulation detection, including \code{DensVM}, \code{ClusterX}, \code{Rphenograph} and \code{FlowSOM}. Multiple selection are accepted.
#' @param visualizationMethods The method(s) used for visualize the cluster data, including \code{tsne}, \code{pca} and \code{isomap}. Multiple selection are accepted.
#' @param progressionMethod Use the first ordination score of \code{isomap} to estimated the preogression order of cells, choose \code{NULL} to ignore.
#' @param FlowSOM_k Number of clusters for meta clustering in FlowSOM.
#' @param clusterSampleSize The uniform size of each cluster.
#' @param resultDir The directory where result files will be generated.
#' @param saveResults If save the results, and the post-processing results including scatter plot, heatmap, and statistical results.
#' @param saveObject Save the resutls into RData objects for loading back to R for further analysis
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \code{cytof_exprsExtract}
#' @return a list containing \code{expressionData}, \code{dimReductionMethod}, \code{visualizationMethods}, \code{dimReducedRes}, \code{clusterRes}, \code{progressionRes}, \code{projectName}, \code{rawFCSdir} and \code{resultDir}. If choose 'saveResults = TRUE', results will be saved into files under \code{resultDir}.
#' @author Hao Chen, Jinmiao Chen
#' @references \url{http://signbioinfo.github.io/cytofkit/}
#' @seealso \code{\link{cytofkit}}, \code{\link{cytofkit_GUI}}, \code{\link{cytofkitShinyAPP}}
#' @useDynLib cytofkit
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir <- system.file('extdata',package='cytofkit')
#' file <- list.files(dir, pattern='.fcs$', full=TRUE)
#' parameters <- list.files(dir, pattern='.txt$', full=TRUE)
#' ## remove the hash symbol to run the following command
#' #cytofkit(fcsFile = file, markers = parameters)
cytofkit <- function(fcsFiles = getwd(),
markers = "parameter.txt",
projectName = "cytofkit",
ifCompensation = FALSE,
transformMethod = c("autoLgcl", "cytofAsinh", "logicle", "arcsinh", "none"),
mergeMethod = c("ceil", "all", "min", "fixed"),
fixedNum = 10000,
dimReductionMethod = c("tsne", "pca", "isomap"),
clusterMethods = c("Rphenograph", "ClusterX", "DensVM", "FlowSOM", "NULL"),
visualizationMethods = c("tsne", "pca", "isomap", "NULL"),
progressionMethod = c("NULL", "diffusionmap", "isomap"),
FlowSOM_k = 40,
clusterSampleSize = 500,
resultDir = getwd(),
saveResults = TRUE,
saveObject = TRUE, ...) {
## arguments checking
if (is.null(fcsFiles) || is.na(fcsFiles) || is.nan(fcsFiles)){
stop("Wrong input fcsFiles!")
}else if (length(fcsFiles) == 1 && file.info(fcsFiles)$isdir) {
fcsFiles <- list.files(path = fcsFiles, pattern = ".fcs$",
full.names = TRUE)
rawFCSdir <- fcsFiles
if(dirname(fcsFiles[1]) == "."){
rawFCSdir <- getwd()
rawFCSdir <- dirname(fcsFiles[1])
if(length(fcsFiles) < 1)
stop("No FCS file found, please select your fcsFiles!")
stop("Can not find file(s):", fcsFiles[which(!file.exists(fcsFiles))])
if (length(markers) == 1 && file.exists(markers)) {
markers <- as.character(read.table(markers, sep = "\t",
header = TRUE)[, 1])
if (is.null(markers) || length(markers) < 1)
stop("no marker selected!")
mergeMethod <- match.arg(mergeMethod)
if (!is.null(fixedNum) && !(is.numeric(fixedNum)))
stop("clusterSampleSize must be a numeric number!")
transformMethod <- match.arg(transformMethod)
dimReductionMethod <- match.arg(dimReductionMethod)
clusterMethods <- "Rphenograph"
clusterMethods <- match.arg(clusterMethods, several.ok = TRUE)
visualizationMethods <- "tsne"
visualizationMethods <- match.arg(visualizationMethods, several.ok = TRUE)
progressionMethod <- match.arg(progressionMethod)
if (!(is.numeric(clusterSampleSize)))
stop("clusterSampleSize must be a numeric number!")
## print arguments for user info
message("Input arguments:")
cat("* Project Name: ")
cat(projectName, "\n")
cat("* Input FCS files for analysis:\n ")
cat(paste0(" -", basename(fcsFiles), "\n"))
cat("* Makrers:\n ")
cat(paste0(" -", markers, "\n"))
cat("* Data merging method: ")
cat(mergeMethod, "\n")
cat("* Data transformation method: ")
cat(transformMethod, "\n")
cat("* Dimensionality reduction method: ")
cat(dimReductionMethod, "\n")
cat("* Data clustering method(s): ")
cat(clusterMethods, "\n")
cat("* Data visualization method(s): ")
cat(visualizationMethods, "\n")
cat("* Subset progression analysis method: ")
cat(progressionMethod, "\n\n")
## get marker-filtered, transformed, combined exprs data
message("Extract expression data...")
exprs_data <- cytof_exprsMerge(fcsFiles, comp = ifCompensation, verbose = FALSE,
markers = markers, transformMethod = transformMethod,
mergeMethod = mergeMethod, fixedNum = fixedNum, ...)
cat(" ", nrow(exprs_data), " x ", ncol(exprs_data), " data was extracted!\n")
## dimension reduced data, a list
message("Dimension reduction...")
alldimReductionMethods <- unique(c(visualizationMethods, dimReductionMethod))
allDimReducedList <- lapply(alldimReductionMethods,
cytof_dimReduction, data = exprs_data)
names(allDimReducedList) <- alldimReductionMethods
## cluster results, a list
message("Run clustering...")
cluster_res <- lapply(clusterMethods, cytof_cluster,
ydata = allDimReducedList[[dimReductionMethod]],
xdata = exprs_data,
FlowSOM_k = FlowSOM_k)
names(cluster_res) <- clusterMethods
## progression analysis results, a list
## NOTE, currently only the first cluster method resutls
## are used for preogression visualization(by default: cluster_res[[1]])
message("Progression analysis...")
progression_res <- cytof_progression(data = exprs_data,
cluster = cluster_res[[1]],
method = progressionMethod,
out_dim = 4,
clusterSampleSize = clusterSampleSize)
## wrap the results
analysis_results <- list(expressionData = exprs_data,
dimReductionMethod = dimReductionMethod,
visualizationMethods = alldimReductionMethods, #visualizationMethods,
dimReducedRes = allDimReducedList,
clusterRes = cluster_res,
progressionRes = progression_res,
projectName = projectName,
rawFCSdir = rawFCSdir,
resultDir = resultDir)
## save the results
message("Analysis DONE, saving the reuslts...")
cytof_writeResults(analysis_results = analysis_results,
saveToRData = saveObject,
saveToFCS = saveResults,
saveToFiles = saveResults)
#' A Shiny app to interactively visualize the analysis results
#' Load the RData object saved by cytofkit, explore the analysis results with interactive control
#' @import shiny
#' @author Hao Chen
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) cytofkit::cytofkitShinyAPP()
cytofkitShinyAPP = function() {
shiny::runApp(system.file('shiny', package = 'cytofkit'))
#' check the package update news
#' @export
cytofkitNews <- function()
newsfile <- file.path(system.file(package = "cytofkit"),
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