# Internal functions -----------------------------------------------------------
# TODO: Test against some of Bismark's other output files. May need a stricter
# and more accurate heuristic to avoid 'passing' bad files.
# TODO: Test for 'bismark_methylation_extractor' and 'bedGraph' formats
# (https://github.com/FelixKrueger/Bismark/tree/master/Docs#output-1)
# and error out (they're not supported by .readBismaskAsDT()).
.guessBismarkFileType <- function(files, n_max = 10L) {
vapply(files, function(file) {
x <- read.delim(
file = file,
header = FALSE,
nrows = n_max,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
n_fields <- ncol(x)
if (isTRUE(all(n_fields == 6L))) {
if (isTRUE(all(n_fields == 7L))) {
# Couldn't guess the file type.
}, character(1L))
# NOTE: In brief benchmarking, readr::read_csv() is ~1.3-1.6x faster than
# utils::read.delim() when reading a gzipped file, albeit it with ~1.6-2x
# more total memory allocated. Therefore, there may be times users prefer
# to trade off faster speed for lower memory usage.
# TODO: (long term) Formalise benchmarks of utils::read.table(),
# data.table::fread(), and readr::read_tsv() as a document in the bsseq
# package so that we can readily re-visit these as needed.
.readBismarkAsDT <- function(file,
col_spec = c("all", "BSseq", "GRanges"),
check = FALSE,
showProgress = FALSE,
nThread = 1L,
verbose = FALSE) {
# Argument checks ----------------------------------------------------------
file <- file_path_as_absolute(file)
file_type <- .guessBismarkFileType(file)
col_spec <- match.arg(col_spec)
# NOTE: 'verbose' controls the verbosity of .readBismarkAsDT() and
# 'fread_verbose' is derived from that to control the verbosity of
# data.table::fread().
fread_verbose <- as.logical(max(verbose - 1L, 0L))
# Construct the column spec ------------------------------------------------
if (file_type == "cov") {
header <- FALSE
if (col_spec == "BSseq") {
colClasses <- c("factor", "integer", "NULL", "NULL", "integer",
drop <- c(3L, 4L)
col.names <- c("seqnames", "start", "M", "U")
} else if (col_spec == "GRanges") {
colClasses <- c("factor", "integer", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL")
drop <- c(3L, 4L, 5L, 6L)
col.names <- c("seqnames", "start")
} else if (col_spec == "all") {
colClasses <- c("factor", "integer", "integer", "numeric",
"integer", "integer")
drop <- integer(0L)
col.names <- c("seqnames", "start", "end", "beta", "M", "U")
} else if (file_type == "cytosineReport") {
header <- FALSE
if (col_spec == "BSseq") {
colClasses <- c("factor", "integer", "factor", "integer",
"integer", "NULL", "NULL")
drop <- c(6L, 7L)
col.names <- c("seqnames", "start", "strand", "M", "U")
} else if (col_spec == "GRanges") {
colClasses <- c("factor", "integer", "factor", "NULL", "NULL",
drop <- c(4L, 5L, 6L, 7L)
col.names <- c("seqnames", "start", "strand")
} else if (col_spec == "all") {
colClasses <- c("factor", "integer", "factor", "integer",
"integer", "factor", "factor")
drop <- integer(0L)
col.names <- c("seqnames", "start", "strand", "M", "U",
"dinucleotide_context", "trinucleotide_context")
# Read the file ------------------------------------------------------------
if (verbose) {
message("[.readBismarkAsDT] Parsing '", file, "'")
ptime1 <- proc.time()
if (verbose) {
message("[.readBismarkAsDT] Reading file ...")
x <- fread(
# TODO: This should be file = file, but need to wait for data.table
# v.1.11.9 for fix.
input = file,
sep = "\t",
header = header,
verbose = fread_verbose,
drop = drop,
colClasses = colClasses,
col.names = col.names,
quote = "",
showProgress = showProgress,
nThread = nThread)
# Construct the result -----------------------------------------------------
if (!is.null(x[["strand"]])) {
x[, strand := strand(strand)]
# NOTE: Quieten R CMD check about 'no visible binding for global variable'.
M <- U <- NULL
if (check && all(c("M", "U") %in% colnames(x))) {
if (verbose) {
message("[.readBismarkAsDT] Checking validity of counts in file.")
valid <- x[, isTRUE(all(M >= 0L & U >= 0L))]
if (!valid) {
stop("[.readBismarkAsDT] Invalid counts detected.\n",
"'M' and 'U' columns should be non-negative integers.")
} else {
if (verbose) {
message("[.readBismarkAsDT] All counts in file are valid.")
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if (verbose) {
message("Done in ", round(stime, 1), " secs")
.constructCountsFromSingleFile <- function(b, files, loci, strandCollapse,
grid, M_sink, Cov_sink, sink_lock,
nThread, verbose) {
# Argument checks ----------------------------------------------------------
subverbose <- max(as.integer(verbose) - 1L, 0L)
# NOTE: Quieten R CMD check about 'no visible binding for global variable'.
M <- U <- NULL
# Read b-th file to construct data.table of valid loci and their counts ----
file <- files[b]
if (verbose) {
message("[.constructCountsFromBismarkFileAndFWGRanges] Extracting ",
"counts from ", "'", file, "'")
dt <- .readBismarkAsDT(
file = file,
col_spec = "BSseq",
check = TRUE,
nThread = nThread,
verbose = subverbose)
# NOTE: Can only collapse by strand if the data are stranded!
if (strandCollapse && !is.null(dt[["strand"]])) {
# Shift loci on negative strand by 1 to the left and then remove
# strand since no longer valid.
dt[strand == "-", start := start - 1L][, strand := NULL]
# Aggregate counts at loci with the same 'seqnames' and 'start'.
dt <- dt[, list(M = sum(M), U = sum(U)), by = c("seqnames", "start")]
# Construct FWGRanges ------------------------------------------------------
seqnames <- Rle(dt[["seqnames"]])
dt[, seqnames := NULL]
seqinfo <- Seqinfo(seqnames = levels(seqnames))
ranges <- .FWIRanges(start = dt[["start"]], width = 1L)
dt[, start := NULL]
mcols <- make_zero_col_DFrame(length(ranges))
if (is.null(dt[["strand"]])) {
strand <- strand(Rle("*", length(seqnames)))
} else {
strand <- Rle(dt[["strand"]])
dt[, strand := NULL]
loci_from_this_sample <- .FWGRanges(
seqnames = seqnames,
ranges = ranges,
strand = strand,
seqinfo = seqinfo,
elementMetadata = mcols)
# Construct 'M' and 'Cov' matrices -----------------------------------------
ol <- findOverlaps(loci_from_this_sample, loci, type = "equal")
M <- matrix(rep(0L, length(loci)), ncol = 1)
Cov <- matrix(rep(0L, length(loci)), ncol = 1)
M[subjectHits(ol)] <- dt[queryHits(ol), ][["M"]]
Cov[subjectHits(ol)] <- dt[queryHits(ol), list(Cov = (M + U))][["Cov"]]
# Return 'M' and 'Cov' or write them to the RealizationSink objects --------
if (is.null(M_sink)) {
return(list(M = M, Cov = Cov))
# Write to M_sink and Cov_sink while respecting the IPC lock.
viewport <- grid[[b]]
write_block(M_sink, viewport = viewport, block = M)
write_block(Cov_sink, viewport = viewport, block = Cov)
.constructCounts <- function(files, loci, strandCollapse, BPPARAM,
BACKEND, dir, chunkdim, level, nThread,
verbose = FALSE) {
# Argument checks ----------------------------------------------------------
subverbose <- max(as.integer(verbose) - 1L, 0L)
# Construct ArrayGrid ------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: Each block contains data for a single sample.
ans_nrow <- length(loci)
ans_ncol <- length(files)
ans_dim <- c(ans_nrow, ans_ncol)
grid <- RegularArrayGrid(
refdim = ans_dim,
spacings = c(ans_nrow, 1L))
# Construct RealizationSink objects ----------------------------------------
if (is.null(BACKEND)) {
M_sink <- NULL
Cov_sink <- NULL
sink_lock <- NULL
} else if (BACKEND == "HDF5Array") {
h5_path <- file.path(dir, "assays.h5")
M_sink <- HDF5RealizationSink(
dim = ans_dim,
dimnames = NULL,
type = "integer",
filepath = h5_path,
name = "M",
chunkdim = chunkdim,
level = level)
on.exit(close(M_sink), add = TRUE)
Cov_sink <- HDF5RealizationSink(
dim = ans_dim,
dimnames = NULL,
type = "integer",
filepath = h5_path,
name = "Cov",
chunkdim = chunkdim,
level = level)
on.exit(close(Cov_sink), add = TRUE)
sink_lock <- ipcid()
on.exit(ipcremove(sink_lock), add = TRUE)
} else {
# TODO: This branch should probably never be entered because we
# (implicitly) only support in-memory or HDF5Array backends.
# However, we retain it for now (e.g., fstArray backend would use
# this until a dedicated branch was implemented).
M_sink <- DelayedArray::AutoRealizationSink(
dim = ans_dim,
type = "integer")
on.exit(close(M_sink), add = TRUE)
Cov_sink <- DelayedArray::AutoRealizationSink(
dim = ans_dim,
type = "integer")
on.exit(close(Cov_sink), add = TRUE)
sink_lock <- ipcid()
on.exit(ipcremove(sink_lock), add = TRUE)
# Apply .constructCountsFromSingleFile() to each file ----------------------
# Set number of tasks to ensure the progress bar gives frequent updates.
# NOTE: The progress bar increments once per task
# (https://github.com/Bioconductor/BiocParallel/issues/54).
# Although it is somewhat of a bad idea to overrides a user-specified
# bptasks(BPPARAM), the value of bptasks(BPPARAM) doesn't affect
# performance in this instance, and so we opt for a useful progress
# bar. Only SnowParam (and MulticoreParam by inheritance) have a
# bptasks<-() method.
if (is(BPPARAM, "SnowParam") && bpprogressbar(BPPARAM)) {
bptasks(BPPARAM) <- length(grid)
counts <- bptry(bplapply(
X = seq_along(grid),
FUN = .constructCountsFromSingleFile,
files = files,
loci = loci,
strandCollapse = strandCollapse,
grid = grid,
M_sink = M_sink,
Cov_sink = Cov_sink,
sink_lock = sink_lock,
verbose = subverbose,
nThread = nThread,
if (!all(bpok(counts))) {
stop(".constructCounts() encountered errors for these files:\n ",
paste(files[!bpok], collapse = "\n "))
# Construct 'M' and 'Cov' --------------------------------------------------
if (is.null(BACKEND)) {
# Returning matrix objects.
M <- do.call(c, lapply(counts, "[[", "M"))
attr(M, "dim") <- ans_dim
Cov <- do.call(c, lapply(counts, "[[", "Cov"))
attr(Cov, "dim") <- ans_dim
} else {
# Returning DelayedMatrix objects.
M <- as(M_sink, "DelayedArray")
Cov <- as(Cov_sink, "DelayedArray")
return(list(M = M, Cov = Cov))
# Exported functions -----------------------------------------------------------
# TODO: If you have N cores available, are you better off using
# bpworkers() = N in the BPPARAM or nThread = N and use
# data.table::fread()? Or something in between?
# TODO: Allow user to determine `nThread`?
# TODO: Document that you can't use strandCollapse with files that lack strand
# (e.g., .cov files).
# TODO: (long term) Report a run-time warning/message if strandCollapse = TRUE
# is used in conjunction with files without strand information.
# TODO: Try a bpiterate()-based approach to getting the set of loci from files.
read.bismark <- function(files,
loci = NULL,
colData = NULL,
rmZeroCov = FALSE,
strandCollapse = TRUE,
BPPARAM = bpparam(),
dir = tempfile("BSseq"),
replace = FALSE,
chunkdim = NULL,
level = NULL,
nThread = 1L,
verbose = getOption("verbose")) {
# Argument checks ----------------------------------------------------------
# Check 'files' is valid.
if (anyDuplicated(files)) {
stop("'files' cannot have duplicate entries.")
file_exists <- file.exists(files)
if (!isTRUE(all(file_exists))) {
stop("These files cannot be found:\n ",
paste(files[!file_exists], collapse = "\n "))
guessed_file_types <- .guessBismarkFileType(files)
if (anyNA(guessed_file_types)) {
stop("Could not guess Bismark file type for these files:\n ",
" ", paste(files[!is.na(guessed_file_types)], collapse = "\n "))
# Check 'loci' is valid.
if (!is.null(loci)) {
if (!is(loci, "GenomicRanges")) {
stop("'loci' must be a GenomicRanges instance if not NULL.")
if (any(width(loci) != 1L)) {
stop("All elements of 'loci' must have width equal to 1.")
# Check 'colData' is valid.
if (is.null(colData)) {
colData <- DataFrame(row.names = files)
if (nrow(colData) != length(files)) {
stop("Supplied 'colData' must have nrow(colData) == length(files).")
# Check 'rmZeroCov' and 'strandCollapse' are valid.
# Register 'BACKEND' and return to current value on exit.
# TODO: Is this strictly necessary?
current_BACKEND <- getAutoRealizationBackend()
on.exit(setAutoRealizationBackend(current_BACKEND), add = TRUE)
# Check compatability of 'BPPARAM' with 'BACKEND'.
if (!.areBackendsInMemory(BACKEND)) {
if (!.isSingleMachineBackend(BPPARAM)) {
stop("The parallelisation strategy must use a single machine ",
"when using an on-disk realization backend.\n",
"See help(\"read.bismark\") for details.",
call. = FALSE)
} else {
if (!is.null(BACKEND)) {
# NOTE: Currently do not support any in-memory realization
# backends. If the realization backend is NULL then an
# ordinary matrix is returned rather than a matrix-backed
# DelayedMatrix.
stop("The '", BACKEND, "' realization backend is not supported.",
"\n See help(\"read.bismark\") for details.",
call. = FALSE)
# If using HDF5Array as BACKEND, check remaining options are sensible.
if (identical(BACKEND, "HDF5Array")) {
# NOTE: Most of this copied from
# HDF5Array::saveHDF5SummarizedExperiment().
if (!isSingleString(dir)) {
stop(wmsg("'dir' must be a single string specifying the path to ",
"the directory where to save the BSseq object (the ",
"directory will be created)."))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(replace)) {
stop("'replace' must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (!dir.exists(dir)) {
} else {
HDF5Array::replace_dir(dir, replace)
# Set verbosity used by internal functions.
subverbose <- as.logical(max(verbose - 1L, 0L))
# Construct FWGRanges with all valid loci ----------------------------------
# NOTE: "Valid" loci are those that remain after collapsing by strand (if
# strandCollapse == TRUE) and then removing loci with zero coverage
# in all samples (if rmZeroCov == TRUE).
if (is.null(loci)) {
ptime1 <- proc.time()
if (verbose) {
"[read.bismark] Parsing files and constructing valid loci ...")
loci <- .contructFWGRangesFromBismarkFiles(
files = files,
rmZeroCov = rmZeroCov,
strandCollapse = strandCollapse,
verbose = subverbose,
nThread = nThread,
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if (verbose) {
message("Done in ", round(stime, 1), " secs")
} else {
if (verbose) {
message("[read.bismark] Using 'loci' as candidate loci.")
if (strandCollapse) {
if (verbose) {
message("[read.bismark] Collapsing strand of 'loci' ...")
ptime1 <- proc.time()
loci <- .strandCollapse(loci)
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if (verbose) {
message("Done in ", round(stime, 1), " secs")
if (rmZeroCov) {
if (verbose) {
message("[read.bismark] Parsing files to identify elements of ",
"'loci' with non-zero coverage ...")
ptime1 <- proc.time()
# Construct loci with non-zero coverage in files.
loci_from_files <- .contructFWGRangesFromBismarkFiles(
files = files,
rmZeroCov = rmZeroCov,
strandCollapse = strandCollapse,
verbose = subverbose,
nThread = nThread,
# Retain those elements of 'loci' with non-zero coverage.
loci <- subsetByOverlaps(loci, loci_from_files, type = "equal")
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if (verbose) {
message("Done in ", round(stime, 1), " secs")
# Construct 'M' and 'Cov' matrices -----------------------------------------
ptime1 <- proc.time()
if (verbose) {
message("[read.bismark] Parsing files and constructing 'M' and 'Cov' ",
"matrices ...")
counts <- .constructCounts(
files = files,
loci = loci,
strandCollapse = strandCollapse,
dir = dir,
chunkdim = chunkdim,
level = level,
nThread = nThread,
verbose = subverbose)
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if (verbose) {
message("Done in ", round(stime, 1), " secs")
# Construct BSseq object, saving it if it is HDF5-backed -------------------
if (verbose) {
message("[read.bismark] Constructing BSseq object ... ")
se <- SummarizedExperiment(
assays = counts,
# NOTE: For now, have to use GRanges instance as rowRanges but
# ultimately would like to use a FWGRanges instance.
rowRanges = as(loci, "GRanges"),
colData = colData)
# TODO: Is there a way to use the internal constructor with `check = FALSE`?
# Don't need to check M and Cov because this has already happened
# when files were parsed.
# .BSseq(se, trans = function(x) NULL, parameters = list())
bsseq <- new2("BSseq", se, check = FALSE)
if (!is.null(BACKEND) && BACKEND == "HDF5Array") {
# NOTE: Save BSseq object; mimicing
# HDF5Array::saveHDF5SummarizedExperiment().
x <- bsseq
x@assays <- HDF5Array::shorten_assay2h5_links(x@assays)
base::saveRDS(x, file = file.path(dir, "se.rds"))
# TODOs ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TODO: Document internal functions for my own sanity. Also, some may be useful
# to users of bsseq (although I still won't export these for the time
# being).
# TODO: (long term) Current implementation requires that user can load at least
# one sample's worth of data into memory per worker. Could instead read
# chunks of data, write to sink, load next chunk, etc.
# TODO: Document that if 'loci' is NULL and any 'files' (especially the first
# file) are .cov files, then any loci present in the .cov files will have
# their strand set to *. If you are mixing and matching .cov and
# .cytosineReport files and don't want this behaviour (i.e. you want to
# retain strand) then you'll need to construct your own 'gr' and pass
# this to the function. Add unit tests for this behaviour.
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