MirSEA <- function(
reshuffling.type = "miR.labels",
nperm = 1000,
weighted.score.type = 1,
ms.size.threshold.min = 10,
ms.size.threshold.max = 500) {
# Read input data matrix
content <- input.ds
content <- content[-(1:2)]
col.names <- noquote(unlist(strsplit(content[1], "\t")))
col.names <- col.names[c(-1, -2)]
num.cols <- length(col.names)
content <- content[-1]
num.lines <- length(content)
row.nam <- vector(length=num.lines, mode="character")
row.des <- vector(length=num.lines, mode="character")
m <- matrix(0, nrow=num.lines, ncol=num.cols)
for (i in 1:num.lines) {
line.list <- noquote(unlist(strsplit(content[i], "\t")))
row.nam[i] <- noquote(line.list[1])
row.des[i] <- noquote(line.list[2])
line.list <- line.list[c(-1, -2)]
for (j in 1:length(line.list)) {
m[i, j] <- as.numeric(line.list[j])
dataset <- data.frame(m)
names(dataset) <- col.names
row.names(dataset) <- row.nam
miR.labels <- row.names(dataset)
sample.names <- names(dataset)
A <- data.matrix(dataset)
cols <- length(A[1,])
rows <- length(A[,1])
# Read input class.labels
cls.cont <- input.cls
num.lines <- length(cls.cont)
class.list <- unlist(strsplit(cls.cont[[3]], " "))
s <- length(class.list)
t <- table(class.list)
l <- length(t)
class.phen <- vector(length=l, mode="character")
phen.label <- vector(length=l, mode="numeric")
class.labels <- vector(length=s, mode="numeric")
for (i in 1:l) {
class.phen[i] <- noquote(names(t)[i])
phen.label[i] <- i - 1
for (i in 1:s) {
for (j in 1:l) {
if (class.list[i] == class.phen[j]) {
class.labels[i] <- phen.label[j]
col.index <- order(class.labels, decreasing=FALSE)
class.labels <- class.labels[col.index]
sample.names <- sample.names[col.index]
for (j in 1:rows) {
A[j, ] <- A[j, col.index]
names(A) <- sample.names
#creat p_value weighting matrix and p2miR profile
miR.names <- colnames(p_value)
pathwaynames <- rownames(p_value)
temp <- p2miR
max.Nm <-nrow(temp)
temp.size.M <- vector(length = max.Nm, mode = "numeric")
for (i in 1:max.Nm) {
temp.size.M[i] <- length(temp[i,which(temp[i,]!="")]) - 2
max.size.M <- max(temp.size.M)
ms <- matrix(rep("null", max.Nm*max.size.M), nrow=max.Nm, ncol= max.size.M)
temp.names <- vector(length = max.Nm, mode = "character")
temp.desc <- vector(length = max.Nm, mode = "character")
ms.count <- 1
for (i in 1:max.Nm) {
miR.set.size <- temp.size.M[i]
ms.line <- temp[i,which(temp[i,]!="")]
miR.set.name <- ms.line[1]
miR.set.desc <- ms.line[2]
miR.set.tags <- ms.line[-(1:2)]
existing.set <- is.element(miR.set.tags, miR.labels)
set.size <- length(existing.set[existing.set == TRUE])
if ((set.size < ms.size.threshold.min) || (set.size > ms.size.threshold.max)) next
temp.size.M[ms.count] <- set.size
ms[ms.count,] <- c(miR.set.tags[existing.set], rep("null", max.size.M - temp.size.M[ms.count]))
temp.names[ms.count] <- miR.set.name
temp.desc[ms.count] <- miR.set.desc
ms.count <- ms.count + 1
Nm <- ms.count - 1
ms.names <- vector(length = Nm, mode = "character")
ms.desc <- vector(length = Nm, mode = "character")
size.M <- vector(length = Nm, mode = "numeric")
ms.names <- temp.names[1:Nm]
ms.desc <- temp.desc[1:Nm]
size.M <- temp.size.M[1:Nm]
N <- length(A[,1])
all.ms.descs <- vector(length = Nm, mode ="character")
for (i in 1:Nm) {
all.ms.descs[i] <- ms.desc[i]
Obs.indicator <- matrix(nrow= Nm, ncol=N)
Obs.ES <- vector(length = Nm, mode = "numeric")
Obs.arg.ES <- vector(length = Nm, mode = "numeric")
Obs.ES.norm <- vector(length = Nm, mode = "numeric")
obs.s2n <- vector(length=N, mode="numeric")
correl.s2n <- vector(length=N, mode="numeric")
obs.correl.s2n <- vector(length=N, mode="numeric")
obs.s2n.matr <- matrix(nrow = Nm, ncol = N)
signal.strength <- vector(length=Nm, mode="numeric")
tag.frac <- vector(length=Nm, mode="numeric")
miR.frac <- vector(length=Nm, mode="numeric")
correl.matrix <- matrix(nrow = N, ncol = nperm)
obs.correl.matrix <- matrix(nrow = N, ncol = nperm)
nperm.per.call <- 100
n.groups <- nperm %/% nperm.per.call
n.rem <- nperm %% nperm.per.call
n.perms <- c(rep(nperm.per.call, n.groups), n.rem)
n.ends <- cumsum(n.perms)
n.starts <- n.ends - n.perms + 1
if (n.rem == 0) {
n.tot <- n.groups
} else {
n.tot <- n.groups + 1
for (nk in 1:n.tot) {
call.nperm <- n.perms[nk]
O <- S2N(A, class.labels, miR.labels, call.nperm)
correl.matrix[,n.starts[nk]:n.ends[nk]] <- O$s2n.matrix
obs.correl.matrix[,n.starts[nk]:n.ends[nk]] <- O$obs.s2n.matrix
for (i in 1:Nm) {
obs.s2n <- apply(obs.correl.matrix, 1, median) # using median to assign enrichment scores
miR.set <- ms[i,ms[i,] != "null"]
miR.set2 <- vector(length=length(miR.set), mode = "numeric")
miR.set2 <- match(miR.set, miR.labels)
msnam <- match(ms.names[i],pathwaynames)
for(s in 1:length(miR.set)){
obs.index <- order(obs.s2n, decreasing=TRUE)
miR.list2 <- obs.index
obs.s2n <- sort(obs.s2n, decreasing=TRUE)
MirSEA.results <- EnrichmentScore(miR.list=miR.list2, miR.set=miR.set2, weighted.score.type=weighted.score.type, correl.vector = obs.s2n.matr[i,])
Obs.ES[i] <- MirSEA.results$ES
Obs.arg.ES[i] <- MirSEA.results$arg.ES
Obs.indicator[i,] <- MirSEA.results$indicator
if (Obs.ES[i] >= 0) { # compute signal strength
tag.frac[i] <- sum(Obs.indicator[i,1:Obs.arg.ES[i]])/size.M[i]
miR.frac[i] <- Obs.arg.ES[i]/N
} else {
tag.frac[i] <- sum(Obs.indicator[i, Obs.arg.ES[i]:N])/size.M[i]
miR.frac[i] <- (N - Obs.arg.ES[i] + 1)/N
signal.strength[i] <- tag.frac[i] * (1 - miR.frac[i]) * (N / (N - size.M[i]))
phi <- matrix(nrow = Nm, ncol = nperm)
phi.norm <- matrix(nrow = Nm, ncol = nperm)
if (reshuffling.type == "sample.labels") {
for (i in 1:Nm) {
miR.set <- ms[i,ms[i,] != "null"]
miR.set2 <- vector(length=length(miR.set), mode = "numeric")
miR.set2 <- match(miR.set, miR.labels)
msnam <- match(ms.names[i],pathwaynames)
for (r in 1:nperm) {
correl.s2n <- correl.matrix[,r]
for(s in 1:length(miR.set)){
miR.list2 <- order(correl.s2n,decreasing=TRUE)
MirSEA.results <- EnrichmentScore2(miR.list=miR.list2, miR.set=miR.set2, weighted.score.type=weighted.score.type, correl.vector=correl.s2n)
phi[i, r] <- MirSEA.results$ES
}else if (reshuffling.type == "miR.labels") {
for (i in 1:Nm) {
miR.set <- ms[i,ms[i,] != "null"]
miR.set2 <- vector(length=length(miR.set), mode = "numeric")
miR.set2 <- match(miR.set, miR.labels)
msnam <- match(ms.names[i],pathwaynames)
for (r in 1:nperm) {
obs.s2n <- obs.correl.matrix[,1]
reshuffled.miR.labels <- sample(1:rows)
for(s in 1:length(miR.set)){
MirSEA.results <- EnrichmentScore2(miR.list=reshuffled.miR.labels, miR.set=miR.set2, weighted.score.type=weighted.score.type, correl.vector=obs.s2n)
phi[i, r] <- MirSEA.results$ES
p.vals <- matrix(0, nrow = Nm, ncol = 2)
for (i in 1:Nm) {
if (Obs.ES[i] >= 0) {
p.vals[i, 1] <- sum(phi[i,] >= Obs.ES[i])/length(phi[i,])
p.vals[i, 1] <- signif(p.vals[i, 1], digits=5)
} else {
p.vals[i, 1] <- sum(phi[i,] <= Obs.ES[i])/length(phi[i,])
p.vals[i, 1] <- signif(p.vals[i, 1], digits=5)
for (i in 1:Nm) {
pos.phi <- NULL
neg.phi <- NULL
for (j in 1:nperm) {
if (phi[i, j] >= 0) {
pos.phi <- c(pos.phi, phi[i, j])
} else {
neg.phi <- c(neg.phi, phi[i, j])
pos.m <- mean(pos.phi)
neg.m <- mean(abs(neg.phi))
pos.phi <- pos.phi/pos.m
neg.phi <- neg.phi/neg.m
for (j in 1:nperm) {
if (phi[i, j] >= 0) {
phi.norm[i, j] <- phi[i, j]/pos.m
} else {
phi.norm[i, j] <- phi[i, j]/neg.m
if (Obs.ES[i] >= 0) {
Obs.ES.norm[i] <- Obs.ES[i]/pos.m
} else {
Obs.ES.norm[i] <- Obs.ES[i]/neg.m
# Produce results report
Obs.ES <- signif(Obs.ES, digits=5)
Obs.ES.norm <- signif(Obs.ES.norm, digits=5)
p.vals <- signif(p.vals, digits=4)
signal.strength <- signif(signal.strength, digits=3)
tag.frac <- signif(tag.frac, digits=3)
miR.frac <- signif(miR.frac, digits=3)
report <- data.frame(cbind(ms.names, size.M, all.ms.descs, Obs.ES, Obs.ES.norm, p.vals[,1], p.vals[,2], tag.frac, miR.frac, signal.strength))
names(report) <- c("Pathway", "SIZE", "SOURCE", "ES", "NES", "NOM p-val", "FDR q-val", "Tag \\%", "Mir \\%", "Signal")
report2 <- report
report.index2 <- order(Obs.ES.norm, decreasing=TRUE)
for (i in 1:Nm) {
report2[i,] <- report[report.index2[i],]
report3 <- report
report.index3 <- order(Obs.ES.norm, decreasing=FALSE)
for (i in 1:Nm) {
report3[i,] <- report[report.index3[i],]
phen1.rows <- length(Obs.ES.norm[Obs.ES.norm >= 0])
phen2.rows <- length(Obs.ES.norm[Obs.ES.norm < 0])
report.phen1 <- report2[1:phen1.rows,]
report.phen2 <- report3[1:phen2.rows,]
result<-list(report.phen1 = report.phen1,report.phen2 = report.phen2)
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