#' A GEO Data Sourcing Function
#' This function allows you to source a GEO Object
#' from GEO when you know the specific Geo Accession
#' code and platform
#' @param geoAccessionCode A character string representing
#' a GEO object for download and parsing
#' @param platform The study's platform
#' @keywords GEO
#' @importFrom GEOquery getGEO
#' @examples extractGeoData("GSE18380", "GPL4694")
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
extractGeoData <- function(geoAccessionCode, platform) {
gset <- getGEO(geoAccessionCode, GSEMatrix = TRUE,
if (length(gset) > 1)
idx <- grep(platform, attr(gset, "names"))
idx <- 1
gset <- gset[[idx]]
#' A GEO Data Sourcing Function
#' This function allows you to source a GEO Object
#' from GEO when you only know the Geo Accession code
#' @param geoAccessionCode A character string representing a
#' GEO object for download and parsing
#' @param GSEMatrix A boolean telling GEOquery whether or not
#' to use GSE Series Matrix files from GEO. The parsing of
#' these files can be many orders-of-magnitude faster than
#' parsing the GSE SOFT format files. Defaults to TRUE,
#' meaning that the SOFT format parsing will not occur;
#' set to FALSE if you for some reason need other columns from
#' the GSE records.
#' @param getGPL A boolean defaulting to TRUE as to whether
#' or not to download and include GPL information when
#' getting a GSEMatrix file. You may want to set this to
#' FALSE if you know that you are going to annotate your
#' featureData using Bioconductor tools rather than relying
#' on information provided through NCBI GEO. Download times
#' can also be greatly reduced by specifying FALSE.
#' @param platformAnnotation A string defaulting to
#' "NCBI generated" meaning true as to whether or not to
#' use the Annotation GPL information. These files are nice
#' to use because they contain up-to-date information remapped
#' from Entrez Gene on a regular basis. However, they do not
#' exist for all GPLs; in general, they are only available for
#' GPLs referenced by a GDS. Input "Submitter supplied" for
#' @keywords GEO
#' @importFrom GEOquery getGEO
#' @examples
#' # Get the GEO data for all platforms
#' geoAccessionCode <- "GSE18388"
#' allGset <- getGeoObject(geoAccessionCode)
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
getGeoObject <-
GSEMatrix = TRUE,
getGPL = TRUE,
platformAnnotation = "NCBI generated") {
if (platformAnnotation == "Submitter supplied") {
platformAnnotation <- FALSE
} else if (platformAnnotation == "NCBI generated") {
platformAnnotation <- TRUE
} else {
platformAnnotation <- TRUE
# Remove white space from geoAccessionCode
gset <- tryCatch({
GSEMatrix = GSEMatrix,
AnnotGPL = platformAnnotation)
}, error = function(x) {
backupGset <-
GSEMatrix = GSEMatrix,
#' A GEO Function to Obtain the Available Platforms of a
#' GEO Object
#' This function allows you to extract the platforms codes
#' from a GEO object
#' @param gset The GEO object which can be obtained from
#' the getGeoObject() function
#' @keywords GEO
#' @examples
#' # Get the GEO data for all platforms
#' geoAccessionCode <- "GSE18388"
#' allGset <- getGeoObject(geoAccessionCode)
#' # Extract platforms
#' platforms <- extractPlatforms(allGset)
#' platform <- platforms[1]
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
#' @seealso [getGeoObject()] for GEO object
extractPlatforms <- function(gset) {
platforms <- c()
i <- 1
for (dataset in gset) {
platforms[i] <- annotation(dataset)
i <- i + 1
#' A GEO Function to Obtain the GEO Object for a specific
#' platform
#' This function allows you to extract a platform's GEO
#' object from a GEO object
#' @param gset The GEO object which can be obtained from
#' the getGeoObject() function
#' @param platform The platform code
#' @keywords GEO
#' @examples
#' # Get the GEO data for all platforms
#' geoAccessionCode <- "GSE18388"
#' allGset <- getGeoObject(geoAccessionCode)
#' # Extract platforms
#' platforms <- extractPlatforms(allGset)
#' platform <- platforms[1]
#' # Extract the GEO2R data from the specified platform
#' gsetData <- extractPlatformGset(allGset, platform)
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
#' @seealso [getGeoObject()] for GEO object
extractPlatformGset <- function(gset, platform) {
if (length(gset) > 1)
idx <- grep(platform[1], attr(gset, "names"))
idx <- 1
gset <- gset[[idx]]
#' A GEO Function to Obtain the Experiment Information from
#' a GEO Object
#' This function allows you to extract experiment information
#' from a GEO object
#' @param gset The GEO object which can be obtained from the
#' extractPlatformGset() function
#' @keywords GEO
#' @examples
#' # Get the GEO data for all platforms
#' geoAccessionCode <- "GSE18388"
#' allGset <- getGeoObject(geoAccessionCode)
#' # Extract platforms
#' platforms <- extractPlatforms(allGset)
#' platform <- platforms[1]
#' # Extract the GEO2R data from the specified platform
#' gsetData <- extractPlatformGset(allGset, platform)
#' # Extract the experiment information
#' experimentInformation <- extractExperimentInformation(gsetData)
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
#' @seealso [extractPlatformGset()] for GEO object
extractExperimentInformation <- function(gset) {
experimentalData <- experimentData(gset)
#' A GEO Function to Convert the Experiment Information
#' Object into HTML
#' This function allows you to convert experiment information
#' into HTML
#' @param experimentData The experiment object obtained from
#' the extractExperimentInformation() function
#' @keywords GEO
#' @importFrom htmltools HTML
#' @examples
#' # Get the GEO data for all platforms
#' geoAccessionCode <- "GSE18388"
#' allGset <- getGeoObject(geoAccessionCode)
#' # Extract platforms
#' platforms <- extractPlatforms(allGset)
#' platform <- platforms[1]
#' # Extract the GEO2R data from the specified platform
#' gsetData <- extractPlatformGset(allGset, platform)
#' # Extract the experiment information
#' experimentInformation <- extractExperimentInformation(gsetData)
#' # Extract Experiment Information
#' extractedExperimentInformation <- convertExperimentInformation(
#' experimentInformation)
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
#' @seealso [extractExperimentInformation()] for GEO object
convertExperimentInformation <- function(experimentData) {
name <-
"Author's Name:",
lab <-
contact <-
"Contact Information:",
title <-
"Paper Title:",
abstract <-
url <-
paste("<b>", "Paper URL:", "</b>", "<p>",
experimentData@url, "</p>")
pubMedIds <-
"PubMed ID:",
html <-
HTML(paste(title, name, lab, contact, url,
pubMedIds, abstract, sep = ""))
#' A GEO Function to Extract Information on the Samples
#' from a GEO object
#' This function allows you to extract the studies sample
#' information from a GEO object
#' @param gset The GEO object which can be obtained from the
#' extractPlatformGset() function
#' @keywords GEO
#' @examples
#' # Get the GEO data for all platforms
#' geoAccessionCode <- "GSE18388"
#' allGset <- getGeoObject(geoAccessionCode)
#' # Extract platforms
#' platforms <- extractPlatforms(allGset)
#' platform <- platforms[1]
#' # Extract the GEO2R data from the specified platform
#' gsetData <- extractPlatformGset(allGset, platform)
#' # Get column Details
#' columnInfo <- extractSampleDetails(gsetData)
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
#' @seealso [extractPlatformGset()] for GEO object
extractSampleDetails <- function(gset) {
# Extract the experimental conditions
phenoDataset <- phenoData(gset)
phenoData <- phenoDataset@data
# Define the desired column names and variable
columnNames <-
finalColumnNames <- c()
rejectedColumnNames <- c()
i <- 1
# Identify the columns that are available and not available
for (name in columnNames) {
if (name %in% colnames(phenoData)) {
finalColumnNames <- c(finalColumnNames, name)
} else {
rejectedColumnNames <- c(rejectedColumnNames, name)
# Create the dataframe with the available columns
df <- data.frame(column = row.names(phenoData))
for (name in finalColumnNames) {
df <- data.frame(df, phenoData[name])
# Create the dataframe with the non-available columns
if (!is.null(rejectedColumnNames)) {
rejectedDf <- data.frame(column = row.names(phenoData))
row.names(rejectedDf) <- row.names(phenoData)
x <- 2
for (name in rejectedColumnNames) {
rejectedDf[x] <- NA
x <- x +1
# Remove the column column
rejectedDf <- subset(rejectedDf, select = -column)
# Update the column names
colnames(rejectedDf) <- rejectedColumnNames
# Bind the two dataframes
df <- cbind(df, rejectedDf)
#' A GEO Function to Extract Expression Data from a GEO object
#' This function allows you to extract the studies expression
#' object from a GEO object
#' @param gset The GEO object which can be obtained from the
#' extractPlatformGset() function
#' @keywords GEO
#' @examples
#' # Get the GEO data for all platforms
#' geoAccessionCode <- "GSE18388"
#' allGset <- getGeoObject(geoAccessionCode)
#' # Extract platforms
#' platforms <- extractPlatforms(allGset)
#' platform <- platforms[1]
#' # Extract the GEO2R data from the specified platform
#' gsetData <- extractPlatformGset(allGset, platform)
#' # Extract expression data
#' expressionData <- extractExpressionData(gsetData)
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
#' @seealso [extractPlatformGset()] for GEO object
extractExpressionData <- function(gset) {
ex <- exprs(gset)
# Delete columns that are all na unless there is only one column
if (ncol(ex) > 1) {
# Deletes columns for which all values are na
try(ex <- ex[, colSums(is.na(ex)) < nrow(ex)])
# Deletes rows for which all values are na
try(ex <- ex[rowSums(is.na(ex)) < nrow(ex), ])
# Ensure the expression data contains numerical data
if (typeof(ex) != "double") {
try(ex2 <- apply(ex, 2, as.double))
try(row.names(ex2) <- row.names(ex))
try(ex <- ex2)
#' A GEO Function to Extract Information on the Samples from
#' a GEO object
#' This function allows you to extract the studies sample
#' information from a GEO object
#' @param gset The GEO object which can be obtained from the
#' extractPlatformGset() function
#' @keywords GEO
#' @examples
#' # Get the GEO data for all platforms
#' geoAccessionCode <- "GSE18388"
#' allGset <- getGeoObject(geoAccessionCode)
#' # Extract platforms
#' platforms <- extractPlatforms(allGset)
#' platform <- platforms[1]
#' # Extract the GEO2R data from the specified platform
#' gsetData <- extractPlatformGset(allGset, platform)
#' #' # Extract Sample Information
#' sampleInfo <- extractSampleInformation(gsetData)
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
#' @seealso [extractPlatformGset()] for GEO object
extractSampleInformation <- function(gset) {
sampleInfo <- pData(gset)
#' A Function to Log Transform an Expression Object
#' This function allows you to log transform expression objects
#' @param ex The GEO expression object which can be obtained
#' from the extractExpressionData() function
#' @param logTransformation Whether to auto-detect if log
#' transformation is appropriate or to apply log transformation. Values can be
#' "Auto-Detect" for auto detect, "Yes" to apply log transformation and "No" to
#' not perform log transformation.
#' @keywords GEO
#' @examples
#' # Get the GEO data for all platforms
#' geoAccessionCode <- "GSE18388"
#' allGset <- getGeoObject(geoAccessionCode)
#' # Extract platforms
#' platforms <- extractPlatforms(allGset)
#' platform <- platforms[1]
#' # Extract the GEO2R data from the specified platform
#' gsetData <- extractPlatformGset(allGset, platform)
#' # Extract expression data
#' expressionData <- extractExpressionData(gsetData)
#' # Apply log transformation to expression data if necessary
#' logTransformation <- "Auto-Detect"
#' dataInput <- calculateLogTransformation(expressionData,
#' logTransformation)
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
#' @seealso [extractExpressionData()] for expression object
calculateLogTransformation <-
function(ex, logTransformation = "Auto-Detect") {
# If log transformation is set to auto-detect
if (logTransformation == "Auto-Detect") {
# log2 transform
qx <- as.numeric(# Define the quantile values
quantile(ex, c(0., 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.99, 1.0),
na.rm = TRUE))
LogC <- (qx[5] > 100) ||
(qx[6] - qx[1] > 50 && qx[2] > 0)
if (LogC) {
ex[which(ex <= 0)] <- NaN
ex <- log2(ex)
# If log transformation is set to yes
else if (logTransformation == "Yes") {
#ex <- ex[which(ex <= 0)] <- NaN
ex <- log2(ex)
# If log transformation is set to no
else if (logTransformation == "No") {
#' A Function to Determine if Log Transformation should
#' Automatically be Applied
#' This function allows you to determine if log transformation
#' should be performed on an expression objects
#' @param ex The GEO expression object which can be obtained
#' from the extractExpressionData() function
#' @keywords GEO
#' @examples
#' # Get the GEO data for all platforms
#' geoAccessionCode <- "GSE18388"
#' allGset <- getGeoObject(geoAccessionCode)
#' # Extract platforms
#' platforms <- extractPlatforms(allGset)
#' platform <- platforms[1]
#' # Extract the GEO2R data from the specified platform
#' gsetData <- extractPlatformGset(allGset, platform)
#' # Extract expression data
#' expressionData <- extractExpressionData(gsetData)
#' # Is log transformation auto applied
#' autoLogInformation <- calculateAutoLogTransformApplication(
#' expressionData
#' )
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
#' @seealso [extractExpressionData()] for expression object
calculateAutoLogTransformApplication <- function(ex) {
# If log transformation is set to auto-detect
qx <- as.numeric(# Define the quantile values
quantile(ex, c(0., 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.99, 1.0), na.rm = TRUE))
LogC <- (qx[5] > 100) ||
(qx[6] - qx[1] > 50 && qx[2] > 0)
if (LogC) {
result <- "The auto-detect option applied log transformation."
} else {
result <- "The auto-detect option did not apply log transformation."
#' A Function to Perform KNN Impute on an Expression Object
#' A function to impute missing expression data, using
#' nearest neighbor averaging.
#' @param ex The GEO expression object which can be obtained
#' from the extractExpressionData() function
#' @param knnTransformation Whether to apply KNN impute.
#' This can be "Yes" or "No"
#' @keywords GEO
#' @import impute
#' @examples
#' # Get the GEO data for all platforms
#' geoAccessionCode <- "GSE18388"
#' allGset <- getGeoObject(geoAccessionCode)
#' # Extract platforms
#' platforms <- extractPlatforms(allGset)
#' platform <- platforms[1]
#' # Extract the GEO2R data from the specified platform
#' gsetData <- extractPlatformGset(allGset, platform)
#' # Extract expression data
#' expressionData <- extractExpressionData(gsetData)
#' # Apply log transformation to expression data if necessary
#' logTransformation <- "Auto-Detect"
#' dataInput <- calculateLogTransformation(expressionData,
#' logTransformation)
#' # Perform KNN transformation on log expression data if
#' # necessary
#' knnDataInput <- calculateKnnImpute(dataInput, "Yes")
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
#' @seealso [extractExpressionData()] for expression object
calculateKnnImpute <- function(ex, knnTransformation) {
if (knnTransformation == "Yes") {
# Check if there are less than 3 samples
if (ncol(ex) > 3) {
# If there are less than three samples remove rows with
# blank values
try(ex <- ex[rowSums(is.na(ex)) != ncol(ex),])
# Replace missing value with calculated KNN value
imputation <- impute.knn(ex)
# Extract data from imputation object
ex <- imputation$data
} else {
stop("At least 3 columns are required for KNN imputation")
#' A Function to Perform Principle Component Analysis on an
#' Expression Object
#' A function to perform prcomp principle component analysis
#' on an expression object.
#' @param ex The GEO expression object which can be obtained
#' from the extractExpressionData() function
#' @keywords GEO
#' @examples
#' # Get the GEO data for all platforms
#' geoAccessionCode <- "GSE18388"
#' allGset <- getGeoObject(geoAccessionCode)
#' # Extract platforms
#' platforms <- extractPlatforms(allGset)
#' platform <- platforms[1]
#' # Extract the GEO2R data from the specified platform
#' gsetData <- extractPlatformGset(allGset, platform)
#' # Extract expression data
#' expressionData <- extractExpressionData(gsetData)
#' # Apply log transformation to expression data if necessary
#' logTransformation <- "Auto-Detect"
#' dataInput <- calculateLogTransformation(expressionData,
#' logTransformation)
#' # Perform KNN transformation on log expression data if
#' # necessary
#' knnDataInput <- calculateKnnImpute(dataInput, "Yes")
#' # Remove all incomplete rows
#' naOmitInput <- calculateNaOmit(knnDataInput)
#' # Perform Prcomp PCA analysis on KNN transformation
#' # expression data
#' pcaPrcompDataInput <- calculatePrcompPca(naOmitInput)
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
#' @seealso [extractExpressionData()] for expression object
calculatePrcompPca <- function(ex) {
pca <- prcomp(ex, scale = TRUE)
#' A Function to Perform Principle Component Analysis on an
#' Expression Object
#' A function to perform Princomp principle component analysis
#' on an expression object.
#' @param ex The GEO expression object which can be obtained
#' from the extractExpressionData() function
#' @keywords GEO
#' @examples
#' # Get the GEO data for all platforms
#' geoAccessionCode <- "GSE18388"
#' allGset <- getGeoObject(geoAccessionCode)
#' # Extract platforms
#' platforms <- extractPlatforms(allGset)
#' platform <- platforms[1]
#' # Extract the GEO2R data from the specified platform
#' gsetData <- extractPlatformGset(allGset, platform)
#' # Extract expression data
#' expressionData <- extractExpressionData(gsetData)
#' # Apply log transformation to expression data if necessary
#' logTransformation <- "Auto-Detect"
#' dataInput <- calculateLogTransformation(expressionData,
#' logTransformation)
#' # Perform KNN transformation on log expression data if
#' # necessary
#' knnDataInput <- calculateKnnImpute(dataInput, "Yes")
#' # Remove all incomplete rows
#' naOmitInput <- calculateNaOmit(knnDataInput)
#' # Perform Princomp PCA analysis on KNN transformation
#' # expression data
#' pcaPrincompDataInput <- calculatePrincompPca(naOmitInput)
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
#' @seealso [extractExpressionData()] for expression object
calculatePrincompPca <- function(ex) {
pca <- princomp(ex, cor = TRUE)
#' A Function to Removes Rows in an Expression Object that
#' Contain Null Values
#' A function to perform remove rows that contain a null
#' value from an expression object.
#' @param ex The GEO expression object which can be obtained
#' from the extractExpressionData() function
#' @keywords GEO
#' @examples
#' # Get the GEO data for all platforms
#' geoAccessionCode <- "GSE18388"
#' allGset <- getGeoObject(geoAccessionCode)
#' # Extract platforms
#' platforms <- extractPlatforms(allGset)
#' platform <- platforms[1]
#' # Extract the GEO2R data from the specified platform
#' gsetData <- extractPlatformGset(allGset, platform)
#' # Extract expression data
#' expressionData <- extractExpressionData(gsetData)
#' # Apply log transformation to expression data if necessary
#' logTransformation <- "Auto-Detect"
#' dataInput <- calculateLogTransformation(expressionData,
#' logTransformation)
#' # Perform KNN transformation on log expression data if
#' # necessary
#' knnDataInput <- calculateKnnImpute(dataInput, "Yes")
#' # Remove all incomplete rows
#' naOmitInput <- calculateNaOmit(knnDataInput)
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
#' @seealso [extractExpressionData()] for expression object
calculateNaOmit <- function(ex) {
ex <- na.omit(ex)
#' A function to read the input CSVs
#' This function allows you to read the input CSVs
#' @param file A object CSV object
#' @keywords csv
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @examples # Extract CSV
#' rnaExpressionData <- readCsvFile("17cbedyM0aXEJD47wKoL6HhMhsg0w2Vop")
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
readCsvFileFromGoogleDocs <- function(id) {
# read the file
dF <- read.csv(sprintf("https://docs.google.com/uc?id=%s&export=download",
#' A function to read the input CSVs
#' This function allows you to read the input CSVs
#' @param file A object CSV object
#' @keywords csv
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @examples # Extract CSV
#' rnaExpressionData <- readCsvFile("C:/Users/guypw/OneDrive/Documents/
#' GEOexplorer/R/testScripts/exampleGeneExpressionCsv.csv")
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
readCsvFile <- function(file) {
# read the file
dF <- read.csv(file = file, check.names = FALSE)
#' A function to preprocess user uploaded gene expression data
#' This function allows you to preprocess user uploaded gene expression data
#' @param file A object CSV object
#' @keywords csv
#' @import Biobase
#' @examples # Extract CSV
#' rnaExpressionData <- readCsvFile("C:/Users/guypw/OneDrive/Documents/
#' GEOexplorer/R/testScripts/exampleGeneExpressionCsv.csv")
#' # Get a list of all the columns
#' columns <- extractSampleNames(rnaExpressionData)
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove_all
#' @noRd
preProcessGeneExpressionData <- function(expressionData) {
# Remove quote marks from column names
colnames(expressionData) <- str_remove_all(str_remove_all(
colnames(expressionData), "'"), '"')
# Replace row names with gene names
row.names(expressionData) <- str_remove_all(str_remove_all(
expressionData[,1], "'"), '"')
# Delete gene column
expressionData <- expressionData[ , seq(2,ncol(expressionData),1)]
# Replace NULL values with NA
expressionData[expressionData == "NULL"] <- NA
#' A function to preprocess user uploaded gene expression data
#' This function allows you to convert expression data to counts per million
#' @param expressionData A object containing the gene expression data
#' @keywords rnaSeq
#' @importFrom edgeR cpm
#' @examples # Define Variables
#' geoAccessionCode <- "GSE63310"
#' # Source and extract expression data
#' rnaExpressionData <- extractGeoSupFiles(geoAccessionCode)
#' # Update Sample Names
#' columns <- calculateSampleNames(rnaExpressionData)
#' # Raw counts are converted to counts-per-million (CPM)
#' cpm <- cpm(rnaExpressionData, "Yes")
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
calculateCountsPerMillion <- function(rnaExpressionData, applyCpm) {
if (applyCpm == "Yes"){
# Raw counts are converted to counts-per-million (CPM)
cpm <- cpm(rnaExpressionData)} else {
cpm <- rnaExpressionData
#' A function to apply batch correction
#' This function allows you to apply batch correction
#' @keywords geneExpression
#' @import limma
#' @importFrom sva ComBat ComBat_seq
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
calculateBatchCorrection <- function(expressionData, expressionData2,
combinedExpressionData, batchCorrection, typeOfData) {
if (batchCorrection != "None"){
# Define the batches
batchOne <- replicate(ncol(expressionData), "Batch1")
batchTwo <- replicate(ncol(expressionData2), "Batch2")
finalBatch <- c(batchOne, batchTwo)
if (batchCorrection == "Empirical Bayes") {
# Remove null values
combinedExpressionData <- na.omit(combinedExpressionData)
combinedExpressionData <- as.matrix(combinedExpressionData)
# Remove batch effect
if (typeOfData == "RNA Sequencing") {
combinedExpressionDataBatchRemoved <- ComBat_seq(combinedExpressionData,
batch = finalBatch,
} else {
combinedExpressionDataBatchRemoved <- ComBat(combinedExpressionData,
batch = finalBatch)
combinedExpressionDataBatchRemoved <- as.data.frame(combinedExpressionDataBatchRemoved)
} else if (batchCorrection == "Linear Model") {
# Remove batch effect using Limma
# (should not be done prior to fitting a linear mode)
combinedExpressionDataBatchRemoved <- removeBatchEffect(
batch = finalBatch)
} else {
combinedExpressionDataBatchRemoved <- combinedExpressionData
#' A GEO Function to Convert Two Experiment Information
#' Object into HTML
#' This function allows you to convert two experiment information
#' into HTML
#' @importFrom htmltools HTML
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
#' @seealso [extractExperimentInformation()] for GEO object
convertTwoExperimentInformation <- function(experimentData, experimentData2) {
experimentHtml <- HTML(
"<b>First Experiment</b> <br>",
" <br><b>Second Experiment</b><br>",
#' A Function to Convert the Column Names to Experimental Information Table
#' This function allows you to Columns to an Experimental Information Table
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
convertExpressionDataToExperimentInformation <- function(expressionData) {
# Convert expression data columns to data frame
column <- colnames(expressionData)
# Define other columns
title <-
source_name_ch1 <-
characteristics_ch1 <-
characteristics_ch1.1 <- NA
# Create dataframe
columnInfo <-
data.frame(column, title, source_name_ch1, characteristics_ch1,
# Update rownames
rownames(columnInfo) <- columnInfo[, 1]
# Update colnames
colnames(columnInfo, do.NULL = FALSE)
colnames(columnInfo) <- c("column", "title", "source_name_ch1",
#' A Function to Convert user uploaded experimental conditions to the correct
#' format
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
convertUserUploadedoExperimentInformationToExperimentInformation <-
function(filePath, expressionData) {
# Convert expression data columns to data frame
experimentalConditions <- read.csv(filePath)
if(all(sort(experimentalConditions[,1])==sort(colnames(expressionData)))) {
# Define other columns
column <- title <- source_name_ch1 <- characteristics_ch1 <-
characteristics_ch1.1 <- rep(c(NA),each=nrow(experimentalConditions))
# Create dataframe
columnInfo <-
data.frame(column, title, source_name_ch1, characteristics_ch1,
for (number in seq_len(min(ncol(columnInfo),ncol(experimentalConditions)))) {
try(columnInfo[,number] <- experimentalConditions[,number])
# Update rownames
rownames(columnInfo) <- columnInfo[, 1]
# Update colnames
colnames(columnInfo) <- c("column", "title", "source_name_ch1",
} else {
stop("The experimental conditions don't match up to the expression data
column names.")
#' A Function to combine expression datasets
#' This function allows you to combine expression datasets
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
combineExpressionData <- function(expressionData1, expressionData2) {
# Convert everything to a dataframe
expressionData1 <- as.data.frame(expressionData1)
expressionData2 <- as.data.frame(expressionData2)
# Identify the rows in expressionData1 that are not in expressionData2
expressionData2RowNamesToAdd <- expressionData1[
!(rownames(expressionData1) %in% rownames(expressionData2)),]
# Identify the rows in expressionData1 that are not in expressionData2
expressionDataRowNamesToAdd <-
!(rownames(expressionData2) %in% rownames(expressionData1)),]
if (nrow(expressionData2RowNamesToAdd) > 0) {
# Extract the rownames
expressionData2RowNamesToAdd <- rownames(expressionData2RowNamesToAdd)
# Convert to a dataframe
expressionData2RowNamesToAdd <- as.data.frame(expressionData2RowNamesToAdd)
# Update the rownames
rownames(expressionData2RowNamesToAdd) <- expressionData2RowNamesToAdd[,1]
# Update the colnames
colnames(expressionData2RowNamesToAdd) <- c("rowname")
# Add the new columns with NA data
expressionData2RowNamesToAdd[colnames(expressionData2)] <- NA
#x <- data.frame(NA, row.names = row.names(expressionData2RowNamesToAdd))
# Remove the rownames column
expressionData2RowNamesToAdd <- subset(expressionData2RowNamesToAdd,
select = -rowname)
# Add the new rows to expressionData2
expressionData2 <- rbind(expressionData2, expressionData2RowNamesToAdd)
if (nrow(expressionDataRowNamesToAdd) > 0) {
# Extract the rownames
expressionDataRowNamesToAdd <- rownames(expressionDataRowNamesToAdd)
# Convert to a dataframe
expressionDataRowNamesToAdd <- as.data.frame(expressionDataRowNamesToAdd)
# Update the rownames
rownames(expressionDataRowNamesToAdd) <- expressionDataRowNamesToAdd[,1]
# Update the colnames
colnames(expressionDataRowNamesToAdd) <- c("rowname")
# Add the new columns with NA data
expressionDataRowNamesToAdd[,colnames(expressionData1)] <- NA
# Remove the rownames column
expressionDataRowNamesToAdd <- subset(expressionDataRowNamesToAdd,
select = -rowname)
# Add the new rows to expressionData1
expressionData1 <- rbind(expressionData1, expressionDataRowNamesToAdd)
mergedExpressionData <- cbind(expressionData1, expressionData2)
#' A Function to reset all errorChecks
#' This function allows you to reset all errorChecks
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
resetErrorChecks <- function(errorChecks) {
errorChecks$continueWorkflow <- TRUE
errorChecks$geoAccessionCode <- TRUE
errorChecks$geoMicroarrayAccessionCode <- TRUE
errorChecks$geoPlatform <- TRUE
errorChecks$expressionData <- TRUE
errorChecks$dataInput <- TRUE
errorChecks$knnDataInput <- TRUE
errorChecks$pcaPrcompDataInput <- TRUE
errorChecks$expressionDataOverTwoColumns <- TRUE
errorChecks$expressionDataOverOneColumns <- TRUE
errorChecks$differentialGeneExpression <- TRUE
errorChecks$differentialGeneExpressionGroup <- TRUE
errorChecks$uploadFile <- TRUE
errorChecks$uploadFileExtension <- TRUE
errorChecks$uploadLogData <- TRUE
errorChecks$continueWorkflow2 <- TRUE
errorChecks$geoAccessionCode2 <- TRUE
errorChecks$geoMicroarrayAccessionCode2 <- TRUE
errorChecks$geoPlatform2 <- TRUE
errorChecks$expressionData2 <- TRUE
errorChecks$dataInput2 <- TRUE
errorChecks$knnDataInput2 <- TRUE
errorChecks$pcaPrcompDataInput2 <- TRUE
errorChecks$expressionDataOverTwoColumns2 <- TRUE
errorChecks$expressionDataOverOneColumns2 <- TRUE
errorChecks$differentialGeneExpression2 <- TRUE
errorChecks$differentialGeneExpressionGroup2 <- TRUE
errorChecks$uploadFile2 <- TRUE
errorChecks$uploadFileExtension2 <- TRUE
errorChecks$uploadLogData2 <- TRUE
#' A Function to Enable users to download dataframes as CSVs
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
#' @import shiny
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
dowloadFile <- function(fileName, dataFrame) {
filename = function() {
content = function(file) {
write.csv(dataFrame, file,
row.names = FALSE)
#' A Function to remove the lowly expressed genes
#' @importFrom edgeR filterByExpr
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
removeLowlyExpressedGenes <- function(ex) {
keep.exprs <- filterByExpr(rnaExpressionData, group=group)
ex <- ex[keep.exprs,, keep.lib.sizes=FALSE]
#' A function to download the GEO supplementary files
#' @keywords GEO rnaSeq
#' @importFrom GEOquery getGEOSuppFiles
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
downloadGeoSupFiles <- function(geoAccessionCode, directoryPath) {
geoAccessionCode <-
geoTarFile <- getGEOSuppFiles(geoAccessionCode, baseDir = directoryPath)
#' A function to extract the GEO supplementary files and extract the expression data
#' @keywords GEO rnaSeq
#' @importFrom utils untar
#' @importFrom R.utils gunzip
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
extractGeoSupFiles <- function(geoAccessionCode, filePath, directoryPath) {
tarFileName <- paste0(geoAccessionCode, "_RAW.tar")
# Untar the file
untar(filePath, exdir = ".")
# Obtain list of file names in the directory
listOfFileInDir <- list.files(path = directoryPath)
# Remove tar file name from list
listOfFileInDir <- listOfFileInDir[listOfFileInDir != tarFileName]
# For each file save as a gz file
for(i in listOfFileInDir){
try(gunzip(i, overwrite=TRUE))
#' A function to extract the expression data from raw files
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @importFrom edgeR readDGE
#' @noRd
extractExpressionDataFromGeoSupRawFiles <- function(directoryPath, tarFileName,
geneNamesCol, countsCol) {
# Define file names
files <- list.files(".")
files <- files[files != tarFileName]
# Combine the text files into a matrix of counts using edgeR
expressionData <- tryCatch({
readDGE(files, columns=c(geneNamesCol,countsCol))},
error = function(e) {
# return a safeError if a parsing error occurs
# Set Working directory
#' A function to update the expression data sample names
#' This function allows you to update the expression data sample names
#' @param rnaExpressionData A object containing the RNA seq expression data
#' @keywords rnaSeq
#' @importFrom stringr str_locate
#' @examples # Define Variables
#' geoAccessionCode <- "GSE63310"
#' # Update Sample Names
#' rnaExpressionData <- calculateSampleNames(rnaExpressionData)
#' # Update Sample Names
#' rnaExpressionData <- calculateSampleNames(rnaExpressionData)
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
calculateSampleNames <- function(rnaExpressionData) {
# Extract the sample information
samplenames <- substring(colnames(rnaExpressionData), 0,
rnaExpressionData), "_")-1)[,1])
# Update the colnames with the sample names
colnames(rnaExpressionData) <- samplenames
#' Create a directory for GEO supplementary files
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
createGeoSupplementaryFilesDirectory <- function() {
directoryPath <- file.path(getwd(),"geoSupFiles")
try(dir.create(directoryPath, showWarnings = FALSE))
try(Sys.chmod(directoryPath, "777"))
#' Delete directory for GEO supplementary files
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
deleteGeoSupplementaryFilesDirectory <- function(directoryPath) {
unlink(directoryPath, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
#' Delete directory for GEO supplementary files
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
calculateGeoAccessionDirectory <- function(directoryPath, geoAccessionCode) {
directoryPath <- file.path(directoryPath,geoAccessionCode)
#' Extract file extensions
#' @importFrom xfun file_ext
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
extractFileExtensions <- function(geoTarFile) {
fileExtensions <- c()
for (file in row.names(geoTarFile)) {
fileExtensions <-append(fileExtensions, file_ext(file))
#' Extract expression data from excel
#' @importFrom readxl read_excel
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
extractExpressionExcel <- function(filePath) {
expressionData <- read_excel(filePath)
expressionData <- as.matrix(expressionData)
#' Extract expression data from csv
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
extractExpressionCsv <- function(filePath) {
expressionData <- read.csv(filePath)
expressionData <- as.matrix(expressionData)
#' Deduplicated expression data
#' @importFrom readxl read_excel
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
deduplicatedExpressiondata <- function(expressionData) {
expressionData <- expressionData[!duplicated(expressionData[,1]),]
#' Remove non numeric columns from expression data
#' @importFrom readxl read_excel
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
removeNonNumericColumnsFromExpressiondata <- function(expressionData) {
for (column in seq_len(ncol(expressionData))) {
try({expressionData[,column] <- as.numeric(expressionData[,column])})
expressionData <- expressionData[,colSums(is.na(expressionData))<
#' Remove White Space from expression data
#' @importFrom stringr str_trim
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
removeWhiteSpace <- function(stringText) {
stringText <- str_trim(stringText, side = "both")
#' Converts NAs to 0s in expression data
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
convertNaToZero <- function(expressionData) {
expressionData[is.na(expressionData)] <- 0
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