##' uppercase the first letter
##' @param x string
##' @return character with first letter uppercase
##' @author Kai Guo
simpleCap <- function(x) {
s <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
paste(toupper(substring(s, 1, 1)), substring(s, 2), sep = "",
collapse = " ")
#' extract GO information from NCBI and filter by taxid
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom R.utils gunzip
#' @importFrom utils download.file
#' @importFrom data.table ":="
#' @param taxid taxonomy id for the species
#' @param species species name(common name,kegg.species.code or scientifc name)
#' @return dataframe with gene2go information
#' @author Kai Guo
.extratGO <- function(taxid = NULL, species = NULL){
# temp file
taxid <- .get.species.info(species)['tax.id']
tmp <- paste(tempfile(), "gz", sep = ".")
# import Gene to Gene Ontology from NCBI Gene database
quiet = TRUE,destfile = tmp)
# uncompress
# read the file (linux and windows)
gene2go <- fread(sub("\\.gz", "", tmp), verbose = FALSE,
showProgress = FALSE)
# select columns and rename
gene2go <- unique(gene2go[, c(seq_len(4)), with = FALSE])
colnames(gene2go) <- c("taxid", "GID", "GO", "EVIDENCE")
# convert columns in character
gene2go[, `:=`(taxid = as.character(gene2go$taxid),
GID = as.character(gene2go$GID))]
# filter with taxid
gene2go <- as.data.frame(gene2go)
gene2go <- gene2go[gene2go$taxid == taxid,2:4]
#' extract gene information from NCBI
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom R.utils gunzip
#' @importFrom utils download.file
#' @importFrom data.table ":="
#' @param taxid taxonomy id for the species
#' @param species species name(common name,kegg.species.code or scientifc name)
#' @author Kai Guo
.extratGene <- function(taxid = NULL, species = NULL){
taxid <- .get.species.info(species)['tax.id']
# temp file
tmp <- paste(tempfile(), "gz", sep = ".")
# import Gene to Gene Ontology from NCBI Gene database
quiet = TRUE, destfile = tmp)
# uncompress
# read the file (linux and windows)
gene2info <- fread(sub("\\.gz", "", tmp), verbose=FALSE,
showProgress = FALSE)
# select columns and rename
gene2info <- unique(gene2info[, c(seq_len(3), 9), with = FALSE])
colnames(gene2info) <- c("taxid", "GID", "SYMBOL", "GENENAME")
# convert columns in character
gene2info[, `:=`(taxid = as.character(gene2go$taxid),
GID = as.character(gene2go$GID))]
# filter with taxid
gene2go <- gene2go[taxid == taxid, 2:4]
#' modified from pathview kegg.species.code
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @param species species name(common name,kegg.species.code or scientifc name)
#' @param na.rm TRUE/FALSE
#' @return character with species name
#' @author Kai Guo
.get.species.info <- function (species = "hsa", na.rm = FALSE){
nspec <- length(species)
if(!exists("korg")) data(korg)
ridx <- match(species, korg[, seq_len(5)]) %% nrow(korg)
nai <- is.na(ridx)
if (sum(nai) > 0) {
na.msg <- sprintf("Unknown species '%s'! in KEGG database, try others...", paste(species[nai],
sep = "", collapse = "', '"))
message("Note: ", na.msg)
if (sum(nai) == nspec) {
stop.msg <- "All species are invalid!"
if (any(ridx[!nai] == 0)) ridx[!nai & ridx == 0] <- nrow(korg)
if (isTRUE(na.rm)) ridx = ridx[!nai]
species.info <- korg[ridx, ]
##' @title get species information in Ensembl
##' @importFrom dplyr select_
##' @importFrom dplyr collect
##' @importFrom dplyr pull
##' @importFrom magrittr %>%
##' @importFrom biomaRt listDatasets
##' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON toJSON
##' @importFrom httr content GET
##' @param species species
##' @param mart biomaRt mart
##' @return list with species information
##' @author Kai Guo
.getmartdb <- function(species, mart){
lhs <- listDatasets(mart)
spe <- simpleCap(species);
spe <- gsub(' ', '\\\\s', spe)
spe <- paste0(spe,'\\s','genes')
sel <- grepl(spe, lhs$description, ignore.case = FALSE)
tmp <- lhs[sel, ]
dataset <- tmp%>%select_(~dataset)%>%collect%>%pull(1)
if((length(dataset) == 0) | (length(dataset) > 1)){
stop("Maybe you need first check the avaliable database by
using listSpecies()\n")
chr <- tmp%>%select_(~dataset)%>%collect%>%pull(1)
organism <- gsub(' ', '_', sub('(_gene|_eg).*', '', chr))
if(organism == "Oryza_sativa_Japonica"){
organism = "Oryza_sativa"
if(mart@biomart =="plants_mart"){
pre_site <- "http://rest.ensembl.org/info/assembly/"
pre_site <- "http://rest.ensembl.org/info/assembly/"
chr_d <- fromJSON(toJSON(content(GET(paste0(pre_site, organism,"?"),
content_type("application/json")))))}, error = function(e)
"The API 'http://rest.ensembl.org' does not seem to work properly.
Are you connected to the internet? Is the homepage
'http://rest.ensembl.org' currently available?", call. = FALSE))
chr_info <- chr_d$top_level_region
chr_version <- chr_d$assembly_name
chr_assembly_date <- chr_d$assembly_date
rhs <- list(dbname = dataset, chr_info = chr_info,
chr_version = chr_version, chr_assembly_date = chr_assembly_date)
#'@title get database name by using species name
#'@param species species name
#'@return character with database name
#'@author Kai Guo
.getdbname <- function(species = species){
species = tryCatch(match.arg(species,c("anopheles",
"arabidopsis", "bovine", "celegans", "canine", "fly", "zebrafish",
"ecoli", "ecsakai", "chicken", "human", "mouse", "rhesus", "malaria",
"chipm", "rat",
"toxoplasma", "streptomyces", "pig", "yeast", "xenopus", "warm")),
if (species == "anopheles") {
dbname <- "org.Ag.eg.db.sqlite"
} else if (species == "bovine") {
dbname <- "org.Bt.eg.db.sqlite"
} else if (species == "canine") {
dbname <- "org.Cf.eg.db.sqlite"
} else if (species == "worm" || species == "celegans") {
dbname <- "org.Ce.eg.db.sqlite"
} else if (species == "chicken") {
dbname <- "org.Gg.eg.db.sqlite"
} else if (species == "ecolik12") {
dbname <- "org.EcK12.eg.db.sqlite"
} else if (species == "ecsakai") {
dbname <- "org.EcSakai.eg.db.sqlite"
} else if (species == "fly") {
dbname <- "org.Dm.eg.db.sqlite"
} else if (species == "human") {
dbname <- "org.Hs.eg.db.sqlite"
} else if (species == "chipm") {
dbname <- "org.Pt.eg.db.sqlite"
}else if (species == "mouse") {
dbname <- "org.Mm.eg.db.sqlite"
} else if (species == "pig") {
dbname <- "org.Ss.eg.db.sqlite"
} else if (species == "rat") {
dbname <- "org.Rn.eg.db.sqlite"
} else if (species == "rhesus") {
dbname <- "org.Mmu.eg.db.sqlite"
} else if (species == "xenopus") {
dbname <- "org.Xl.eg.db.sqlite"
} else if (species == "zebrafish") {
dbname <- "org.Dr.eg.db.sqlite"
} else {
dbname <- NULL
##' @author Kai Guo
readidx <- function()
n <- readline(prompt = "Enter an index: ")
##' @title check package installed or not
##' @param pkg package name
##' @return TRUE/FALSE
##' @author Kai Guo
is_installed <- function(pkg) {
nzchar(system.file(package = pkg))
##' @title show the package path
##' @param package the full path of the package
##' @return whole path for the package
##' @author Kai Guo
.show.path <- function(package){
cat("Please find your annotation package in ...\n")
cat(package, "\n")
cat("You can install it by using\n")
cat(paste0("install.packages(\"", package,'\"',",repos = NULL,type='source')"), "\n")
##' @title show the package content
##' @importFrom RSQLite dbConnect
##' @importFrom RSQLite SQLite
##' @importFrom RSQLite dbListTables
##' @importFrom RSQLite dbReadTable
##' @importFrom RSQLite dbDisconnect
##' @param package the full path of the package
##' @return vector
##' @author Kai Guo
.show.tables <- function(package){
pkg <- basename(package)
path <- paste0(package, "/inst/extdata/", sub('.db', '.sqlite', pkg))
con <- dbConnect(SQLite(),path)
cat("Here are the tables in the package", pkg, "...\n")
dblist <- dbListTables(con)
cat(dblist, "\n")
##' @title get annotataion table from temporary package
##' @importFrom RSQLite dbConnect
##' @importFrom RSQLite SQLite
##' @importFrom RSQLite dbReadTable
##' @importFrom RSQLite dbDisconnect
##' @importFrom dplyr left_join
##' @param path full path for the temporary package
##' @param table a character indicate the table you want extract
##' @examples
##' data(ath)
##' pack <- fromOwn(geneinfo = ath, install = FALSE, species ="test")
##' # head(getTable(path = pack, table = "gene_info"))
##' @export
##' @return data.frame
##' @author Kai Guo
getTable <- function(path, table = "go_all"){
pkg <- basename(path = path)
path <- paste0(path, "/inst/extdata/", sub('.db', '.sqlite', pkg))
con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), path)
gene_info <- dbReadTable(con, "gene_info")
anno <- dbReadTable(con, table)
res <- left_join(gene_info, anno, by = c("X_id" = "X_id"))
colnames(res)[1] <- "ID"
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