#' @title extract annotation database by using AnnotationHub
#' @importFrom AnnotationHub AnnotationHub
#' @importFrom AnnotationHub query
#' @importFrom AnnotationDbi select
#' @importFrom AnnotationDbi keys
#' @importFrom AnnotationDbi columns
#' @importFrom AnnotationForge makeOrgPackage
#' @importFrom RSQLite dbGetQuery
#' @importFrom utils remove.packages
#' @importFrom utils install.packages
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @param species species name(common name,kegg.species.code or scientifc name)
#' @param author author for the annotation package
#' @param maintainer maintainer for the annotation package
#' @param tax_id taxonomy id for the species
#' @param genus genus for the species
#' @param version version for the annotation package
#' @param install install the package or not
#' @param pkgname package name you want to choose
#' @param outputDir temporary file path
#' @param rebuild rebuild the package or not(default: FALSE)
#' @examples
#' ## build annoataion package for c elegans
#' fromAnnHub(species = "celegans", install = FALSE)
#' @author Kai Guo
#' @return annotation package
#' @export
fromAnnHub<-function(species, author = NULL,
maintainer = NULL, tax_id = NULL, genus = NULL,
version = NULL,install = TRUE, pkgname=NULL, outputDir = NULL,
rebuild = FALSE){
dbi <- .getdbname(species)
dbi <- tryCatch({
.get.species.info(species = species);
dbi <- dbi["scientific.name"];
dbi <- paste0(unlist(strsplit(dbi, ' '))[c(1,2)], collapse = " ")},
error = function(e){
species <- gsub(' .*', '', species)
dbname <- paste0('org.', pkgname, '.eg.db')
dbname <- paste0('org.', species, '.eg.db')
suppressMessages(requireNamespace(dbname, quietly = TRUE))
cat("You alreay had the annotation package: ", dbname, " \n")
# create the temp cache for AnnotationHub
ah <- AnnotationHub(cache = paste0(tempdir(),"/AnnotationHub/"), ask = FALSE)
ah <- query(ah, dbi)
ahdb <- ah$title
names(ahdb) <- ah$ah_id
### only need ors.xxx.eg.xxx or org.xxx.db.sqlite
idx<-grep('^org', grep('\\.[eg|db]', ahdb, value = TRUE), value = TRUE)
#idx <- grep(sub(' .*','',sub(' ','_',dbi)),ahdb,value=T)
if(length(idx) > 1){
cat("Please select which database you want to use (1,2,3,...): \n")
for(i in seq_len(length(idx))){
cat(i, ":", idx[i], "\n")
idd <- readidx()
idx <- idx[idd]
idn <- names(idx)
res <- ah[[idn]]
packinfo <- dbGetQuery(res$conn, "select * from metadata;")
geneinfo <- select(res,keys = keys(res), columns = c("GENENAME"))
geneinfo <- na.omit(geneinfo)
colnames(geneinfo)[1] <- "GID"
gene2entrezid <- data.frame("GID"=geneinfo$GID,"ENTREZID"= geneinfo$GID)
gene2refseq <- select(res, keys = keys(res), columns = c("REFSEQ"))
gene2refseq <- na.omit(gene2refseq)
colnames(gene2refseq)[1] <- "GID"
gene2symbol <- select(res, keys = keys(res), columns = c("SYMBOL"))
gene2symbol <- na.omit(gene2symbol)
colnames(gene2symbol)[1] <- "GID"
gene2go <- select(res, keys = keys(res), columns = c("GOALL", "EVIDENCEALL"))
gene2go <- gene2go[, c(1, 2, 3)]
gene2go <- gene2go[!duplicated(gene2go), ]
gene2go <- na.omit(gene2go)
colnames(gene2go) <- c("GID", "GO", "EVIDENCE")
pathway = FALSE
if("PATH" %in% columns(res)){
gene2path <- select(res, keys = keys(res), columns = c("PATH"))
colnames(gene2path) <- c("GID", "PATH")
gene2path <- gene2path[!duplicated(gene2path), ]
gene2path <- na.omit(gene2path)
pathway <- TRUE
gene2ensembl <- data.frame("GID"=keys(res)[1],"ENSEMBL"="")
if("ENSEMBL" %in% columns(res)){
gene2ensembl <- select(res, keys = keys(res), columns = c("ENSEMBL"))
colnames(gene2ensembl) <- c("GID", "ENSEMBL")
gene2ensembl <- gene2ensembl[!duplicated(gene2ensembl), ]
gene2ensembl <- na.omit(gene2ensembl)
version <- "0.0.1"
tax_id <- packinfo[6,2]
author <- "myself"
maintainer <- "myself<myself@email.com>"
genus <- ""
species <- species
species <- pkgname
outputDir <- tempdir()
package <- suppressWarnings(makeOrgPackage(
gene_info = geneinfo,
entrezid = gene2entrezid,
refseq = gene2refseq,
symbol = gene2symbol,
ensembl = gene2ensembl,
go = gene2go,
path = gene2path,
maintainer = maintainer,
author = author,
outputDir = outputDir,
tax_id = "tax_id",
genus = "",
species = species,
version = version,
verbose = FALSE,
goTable = "go"))
package <- suppressWarnings(makeOrgPackage(
gene_info = geneinfo,
refseq = gene2refseq,
symbol = gene2symbol,
ensembl = gene2ensembl,
entrezid = gene2entrezid,
go = gene2go,
maintainer = maintainer,
author = author,
outputDir = outputDir,
tax_id = "tax_id",
genus = "",
species = species,
version = version,
verbose = FALSE,
goTable = "go"))
install.packages(package, repos = NULL, type = "source")
unlink(package, recursive = TRUE)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.